Careerist in Qin Dynasty

Chapter 324 The Crisis in the Ink Core Secret Room

Chapter 324 The Crisis in the Ink Core Secret Room

Outside Mohe's secret room, the Qin army led by General Qin Bai guarded the entrance to the secret room: originally their mission was to break in, but now they have to prevent anyone from coming out.

Regarding Wei Zhuang's contrary orders, no one dared to complain due to the strict discipline of the Qin army present.

After all, the source of power of this quicksand master in attacking Guancheng is His Majesty the Emperor of Xianyang.

"Weizhuang left temporarily after hearing Bai Feng's order. Judging from his behavior, it doesn't look like he was trying to lure us out."

In the secret room, Master Ban gave up the observation port to Xiaoyaozi and frowned.

"We can't simply use guesswork to determine our actions." Fan Zeng shook his head. He was actually the one who should be anxious about what happened in the organ city outside the secret room: Shao Yu, the young master of the Xiang family, is still outside!

But on the other hand, as an old military strategist, he needs to provide everyone with more rational solutions at all times.

"Waiting for the giant to arrive is undoubtedly our safest plan, but what if Wei Zhuang just goes to ambush the giant..." Gao Jianli's original determination became uncertain.

The well-respected Xiaoyaozi said nothing at this time. He held the Taoist token Xue Ji behind his back, stroking his beard and closing his eyes as he waited for the passage of time:
Everyone is unsettled now, and this 'uncertainty' will become more and more serious as time goes by. You should not express your opinions easily. Only by expressing your opinions at the right time can the final word be final!
But the reality did not keep them waiting too long, because something strange happened outside the secret room first.

Hey, a man in black robe suddenly appeared, stabbing Qin Baijiang's chest from behind with a sharp sword in his hand. Qin Jun, who was paying most of his attention to the direction of the secret room, was shocked. However, after the beheading was completed, he immediately came from the direction of the organ city. Dozens of anti-Qin righteous men jumped out and rushed forward with swords drawn, launching a surprise attack on these Qin troops!

"It's a giant!"

Master Ban, who noticed the strange movement outside, came to the observation port again, looked at the man in black robes whose appearance could not be seen clearly in the crowd, and shouted in surprise:

"The giant is back and is fighting the Qin people. Open the door quickly and let's fight out too!"

Everyone in the secret room was shocked, and then filled with endless joy.

None of them seemed to have noticed that the sword in the hands of the giant who killed the Qin army outside the secret room was not Mo Mei.
"Tianming, Shaoyu!"

At the venue where Zongheng and Ji Yan were confronting each other, Tianming Shaoyu suddenly heard someone calling his name in the corner. When he looked closely, he saw that it was Gao Yue himself who had been kidnapped by the mysterious woman in front of the two of them.

Under the surveillance of the Qin army and the aiming of bows and crossbows, Gao Yue showed no fear on her face and trotted to join her companions.

Wei Zhuang did not give an order, and no Qin soldiers took the initiative.

In the current situation, Ji Yan, whose position is unclear, and Gai Nie, a wanted criminal whom His Majesty is concerned about, are obviously the ones worthy of attention. Three children plus one Ji Bu are no longer the main problem.

"Yue'er!" Tianming looked delighted and asked hurriedly: "You escaped? That weird woman didn't hurt you, right?"

"No, it was Sister Ji Yan who rescued me from Dong Jun of the Yin Yang family. At that time..." Gao Yue lowered her eyes and told the complete story in a low voice.

The exchanges between the three children were not worth paying attention to. Facing his senior brother's plain question, Wei Zhuang glanced at him and replied equally plainly: "But my plan has not gone astray from the beginning."

The two people stared at each other for ten breaths, and then suddenly pulled out Yuan Hong and Shark Tooth at the same time!
After Gai Nie Qinglong Chushui's straight thrust, Wei Zhuang jumped up to dodge and responded with a wild slash. The two men's sword energy broke through the corridor handrail, and while fighting, they gradually moved away from everyone present through the gap.

They used the terrain of the entire machine city as a platform to launch a fateful battle belonging to Ghost Valley!
After all, the two chose to continue fighting in Ji Yan's presence, and seemingly because they didn't want to be disturbed, they fought farther and farther away, intending to deal with each other alone.

"Lord Chi Lian, what should we do now?"

A Qin general was at a loss. There were other rebels and Ji Yan present, and Wei Zhuang was busy, so he had to ask Chi Lian for follow-up actions.

"This is Liusha's private matter now. You continue to go to the city to arrest those traitors from the Mohist family and the Six Nations whose poisonous atmosphere has not been resolved."

Chi Lian has a clear plan for Wei Zhuang and knows how to do it.

"But" General Qin obviously had other opinions. In response, Chi Lian snorted coldly: "Do you usually question your Majesty's orders?"

"The last general will do it!"

At the mention of Ying Zheng, the Qin general suddenly broke out in cold sweat on his forehead. He hurriedly responded and retreated, taking the other Qin troops present with him.

The two Zongheng stayed away not only because they did not want their battle to be disturbed by idlers, but also because they did not want their private conversations to be heard.

As far as the current government city is concerned, these two are probably more concerned about the latter.

Ji Yan naturally knew all about this, but she didn't care.Gai Nieweizhuang wanted to communicate privately and it was difficult for outsiders to influence her. The reason why she personally wanted to appear here was to strengthen her presence here, and her fundamental purpose was to use this place as the focus of attention.

That way, even if there are small changes happening elsewhere, it will be difficult for them to notice and even more difficult to react~
'It's time for the important people over at Mohe to gather together and rush over. '

Standing upright with his sword in hand, Ji Yan calmly counted the time.
"Who is that Ji Yan?"

The Qin army retreated, and everyone in Liusha and the big black swordsman were watching the vertical and horizontal competition with concentration from a distance. The three little ones squatted aside, and Tianming asked curiously.

Of course he cared about the uncle's fight, but in fact, from this distance and his personal martial arts vision, he could only see two 'small dots' entangled together, and the more specific movements were completely unclear.

Since he couldn't get close, he had to support his chin with both hands and stare at the two 'little dots'. At the same time, he asked about Ji Yan who saved Gao Yue.

Among Tianming's little knowledge, he could only know from the conversation just now between his uncle and the big bad Wei Zhuang that Ji Yan belonged to a peasant family and was the master of Siyue Hall.

Farmer's family, he heard the name of this family of scholars quite frequently, but Tianming still didn't understand what kind of family of scholars it was.

"The chivalrous girl Ji Yan is indeed a well-known name in the world." Shao Yu looked at the figure with clothes fluttering in the wind, and couldn't help but express some admiration in his tone: "Although the spread of the name is also It only started in the past few years, but the first thing she was known for was the title of 'the youngest hall leader in the thousand-year history of the farm family'."

"This record has actually been changing over the years: the last youngest peasant hall leader was the current peasant hero Lu Wei, but even Lu Wei did not become the hall master until he was 17 years old."

"And Ji Yan pushed this record forward by another three years."

"Three years?" Tianming blinked: "Then she became the hall leader at the age of 14!"

"Not bad." Shao Yu nodded happily, showing that he was satisfied with Tian Ming's calculation: "When she was 14 years old, this girl Ji Yan had already commanded nearly 2 people."

"At that time, there were rumors in the world that Ji Yan was just a concubine of the chivalrous leader Lu Wei, and she got the position of hall leader by pleasing Lu Wei. However, over the years, the chivalrous girl Ji Yan's heroic performance has undoubtedly completely shattered this rumor. "

"Look," Shao Yu said, pointing in the direction of Sheng Qi with his lips raised: "Black Swordsman Sheng Qi has always been a taboo existence in the world, but when faced with a few words from Miss Ji Yan, he still has to make concessions."

"It's amazing." Tianming followed Shao Yu's pointer and looked first at the tall Sheng Qi, then at the much smaller Ji Yan, and couldn't help but said: "I want to be like her in the future, no, like an uncle." A powerful knight!"

"Oh?" Shao Yu chuckled: "Then you have to work hard. Miss Ji Yan started to show her abilities in the world at the age of 15, and now she is just that. In fact, she is only a few years older than us."

"If you want to achieve the same status as her in the world, even Mr. Gai Nie is far behind her in the same age group~"

"With the guidance of my uncle, the successor of the Sword Saint will not be worse than anyone else." Tianming was full of confidence. Suddenly, he frowned again and poked his chin with his index finger: "The name Lu Wei and his title of "Peasant Hero" make me I’ve heard it many times, what kind of person is this Lu Wei?”

"This is nothing you can worry about~" Shao Yu waved his hand: "Looking too far away, I'm afraid you will be too hard hit."

"What!" Tianming was dissatisfied: "I am the successor of the Sword Saint."

Listening to the three little ones, it was actually only Tianming and Shaoyu who were chatting. Although Ji Bu knew more about the farmer, he just pretended not to hear.

The relationship and power of the peasant family are complicated and cannot be explained clearly in a few words. The young master is destined not to spend most of his time in the world, and the child named Tianming is not on the same level as Lu Wei and Ji Yan. He There is no use saying more.

Ji Yan was keenly aware of the two children not far away pointing at him, but Ji Yan had no intention of looking back.

Although one of these two children is the young master of the Xiang family and the other is the son of Jing Ke, these two people are not included in Brother Lu's plan at all, which means that they are destined not to stand on the big stage.

In this case, what is the real difference between their special status and ordinary people?

In contrast, it was the Mo Family and the Six Nations' martyrs who finally arrived from the Mohe secret room, which made Ji Yan's eyes flash with a glimmer of light:
The leading man in black robe pretending to be Yan Dan must be the Confucian Zhang Liang~
How does this Confucian little sage Zhuang San, who has been mentioned several times by Brother Lu, plan to deal with the relationship between Liusha and the remnants of the Six Kingdoms now that Yan Dan is dead!

You know, the fact that he pretended to be a giant of the Mohist family, even if it was for a reason, already made him untrustworthy.


The Mohist giant finally returned and took away most of the combat power in Mo He's secret room to clean up the Qin soldiers in the government city. Since some of the institutions in the government city had to be restarted, Master Ban also took some disciples of the government department to get busy.

For a time, most of the secret rooms in the Mo Nuclear Forces were composed of dignitaries from the six countries who had neither combat power nor skills.

This kind of ink core secret room is like a hedgehog that has lost its spikes. After being targeted by someone who is interested, there is only one ending~
(End of this chapter)

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