Careerist in Qin Dynasty

Chapter 325: Caught off guard

Chapter 325: Caught off guard

Arriving at Mo He's secret room, Lu Wei turned on the hidden in the city, leaned in the corner of the secret room that was not visible from the observation port, and waited quietly.

Looking around, Qin Jun's corpses filled the hall before they had time to clean them up.

After all, no matter in terms of time or demand, there is no need to spend extra effort to clean up here. Anyway, there is not much time left in the machine city.

After a while, another group of Qin troops magically walked in from the secret room: At this moment, the disciples of the Mohist family who had recovered were cleaning up the enemies in the agency city. Master Ban also restarted Xuanwu and opened some of the traps. The Mohist family had essentially A small part of the lost ground was recovered, at least around the Black Ink Core Chamber.

But this Qin army, which numbered only about twenty people, still returned here with a clear goal and headed straight for the door of the Mohe secret room.

Although the remaining Mohist disciples in the secret room were surprised, they were not worried: the secret room was impenetrable and no one could break in from the outside.

Even the heavy-duty machine made by the loser at the other end can't break open the door. Just relying on these Qin troops is really wishful thinking!
Lu Wei watched the movements of these Qin soldiers. When they walked into the passage leading to the secret room door, he smiled and held the Sea Swallowing Sword in one hand.

He did not pull it out, but held the scabbard and casually tapped the secret room observation port three times with the hilt of the sword.
The three metal knocking sounds were innocuous. Both the Mo family disciples in the secret room and the Qin soldiers who had no idea why and just followed the order heard it. However, just when they were surprised by the inexplicable sound, the door of Mo He's secret room opened. ,opened.
The Mo family disciples in Mohe turned around in surprise to see one of their companions smiling evilly as he completely pulled out the door-opening mechanism. At the same time, his figure blatantly changed into an ordinary Qin soldier.

No one noticed the black ripples in the eyes under that metal mask.
The leader of the Qin army who walked in also wore a standard mask. Under his mask, he also hid the "Ten Evils" engraved in seal script.

"Kill all the rebels here! Don't forget there is a second floor below!"

With a hoarse voice, he quickly drew his sword and stabbed to death the little leader of the Mo family who had reacted and was about to organize a resistance, and cruelly issued a massacre order!
Although the number of the Qin army in the Mohe secret room faced the Mohist disciples and the remaining forces of the six countries, they had no advantage at all.

But they wore armor and were led by two outstanding martial arts masters. In addition, after they killed a small number of targets who dared to organize resistance, many of the remaining remnants of the Six Nations who were frightened by the Qin army did not know how many came in. Named the Qin Army, they just wanted to escape, and the chaos they created was a huge help to the Qin Army!
The screams were so pitiful that the kind-hearted Lu Wei couldn't bear to hear them anymore and left the scene of the crime with compassion.

Now, when the severely damaged Mohist family and the remnants of the Six Kingdoms want to rebel against Qin again, they will have to rely on the strongest farmers~
Next, let's go to Ji Yan's place and have a look. If there are changes there, Xiao Yan'er still won't be able to deal with the Zongheng swords alone.

And he can understand that Zhang Liang would pretend to be Yan Dan to stabilize the situation, but now, Liusha, his former Korean companion, has almost lost the ability to threaten the Mohist family. How to let the Mohist family accept Liusha when they are in disaster~ This is a problem~
When the news of Ji Yan's appearance in the agency city first reached the ears of the Mo family and others, everyone was shocked. When they actually saw Ji Yan at the scene, Gao Jianli, Dao Zhi and others frowned: This time the agency organized by the Mo family Of course, the city party had tried to invite the farmer in advance, but the farmer immediately refused.

Now after refusing, he came uninvited. This makes people doubt whether it is possible to follow Qin's orders.

If this is the case, it is undoubtedly the worst news.

Even if not, the other party's intention is worth worrying about: the Mo family is now at its weakest after the demise of the Yan Kingdom.

It is embarrassing to say that in the past 20 years, the Mohist family has fallen into "the weakest" again and again, and each time the weakest point is lower than the previously thought low.
Even the base camp will be lost this time. No matter what the reason is, neutral forces in the future that have nothing to do with this matter will definitely think that the Mohist family has no strength anymore.

Since the Qin army had been dispersed by Chi Lian before, apart from the Liusha people, Ji Yan, Ji Bu and the three little ones, and Sheng Qi, only the two Zong Heng, whose swords were like rainbows, were still fighting.

Now that the Mo family arrived with Xiaoyaozi, Xiang Liang and others, the balance of strength changed instantly.

The timid Ji Bu and the three little ones quickly came to join the large army, but Liusha and Shengqi did not make any move.

As for Ji Yan, she was not worried about herself at all. After confirming that all the leading actors were present, she finally started to enjoy the aspect sword show with great interest.

Zongheng also paid attention to the actions here, but the confrontation between Yuanhong and Shark Tooth still did not stop:

"You and Bai Fenghuang still have a chance to leave, but I'm afraid the other subordinates will have to stay."

"Brother, it seems you haven't suffered enough setbacks along the way."

Facing Gai Nie's persuasion, Wei Zhuang smiled without any worries and followed the trend with a slash. After Gai Nie turned around and blocked with his sword, the latter said in a serious voice: "Do you have a deal with the Mohist giant?"

Dang, another clash of swords: "You can guess the content of the deal!"

In the midst of the sword light, all the newcomers were amazed. But at this moment, the 'Moji giant' in black cloak actually made an action that made Ji Yan raise his eyebrows: he opened his cloak, revealing that Zhang's handsome face belongs to Zhang Liang.

"Everyone, please listen to me."

Using his inner strength, Zhang Liang's voice could be heard by everyone present.

"This is..." The Mo family and Xiang Liang were naturally shocked together, including the Liusha members. But what surprised Ji Yan, who observed everyone carefully, was that Xiaoyaozi was actually very calm.

'This leader of the Human Sect seems to have a lot of secret plans.'

'I remember that in the last Taoist Heavenly Sword Competition, Chi Songzi, the head of the Tianzong who had been in charge of Xueji for three consecutive terms, was defeated by Xiaoyaozi, who had been defeated for a long time. Chi Songzi also died not long after the sword competition. ''Although Chisongzi is old, he has been meditating on Taiyi Mountain for decades. Both his mind and body are impeccable. Among his elders is Bei Mingzi, the master of the previous generation. He died suddenly that time. There is a high probability that there will be problems later'

Qiu Shui's bright eyes opened calmly, and Ji Yan began to play the role of recorder and monitor.

"Is this also your plan?"

As soon as Zhang Liang's face was revealed, Zongheng immediately separated and ceased fighting. For the first time since entering the city, Wei Zhuang felt that the development of the situation seemed to be beyond his imagination. Something might have happened to Yan Dan!
But soon, he smiled again: "No, but he is the ovary."

The two looked at each other, and after confirming what each other was doing, they hurried back to the crowd corridor and looked at Zhang Liang, who was the center of attention.

"Are you Mr. Zhang Liang of Confucianism?"

Gao Jianli stepped forward. He had never seen the real face of the new giant, but he also knew that Zhang Liang was definitely not behind this identity.

Confucian people pretend to be their giants, but where are the real giants?
The Mohists need an explanation.

"Yes, but that's not the point now." Zhang Liang faced everyone's gaze, and the relaxed smile on his face turned into solemn and serious: "First of all, I want to bring bad news to everyone in the Mo family. Your giant has passed away. , it was in Mogui Pond an hour ago."

Like a bolt from the blue that struck the minds of all the Mohist disciples present, Zhang Liang did not hide anything. He described what happened without missing any details, and then frankly expressed the reason why he would pretend to be a wealthy man.

Everyone in the Mohist family couldn't tell the difference, so Big Iron Hammer and Thieves Zhi took several Mohist disciples and rushed decisively to the direction of Moguichi to check the giant's body.

But there are so many righteous people in the world who can serve as witnesses, so there is no doubt about the authenticity of Zhang Liang's words.

When it was mentioned that Ju Zi died from the Six Souls Fear Curse of the Yin Yang Family, Tian Ming Shao Yu, one of the three little ones, immediately thought of the bad woman who kidnapped Gao Yue, but before they had time to speak, Zhang Liang immediately changed the topic to Liu Sha.

"I may be sorry, but I have a second piece of bad news to inform everyone." Looking at everyone's expressions, Master Zhang San threw new important information into everyone's brains: "That is, Qin State has now invaded the government city. This group of Qin troops is just the vanguard. The real main force of the Qin army is no less than 5000 people. At this time, there is a high probability that they have entered the mountainous area where the government city is located, and a new round of attacks will be launched tomorrow at the latest."

"In any case, to cope with the Qin army's offensive tomorrow, clearing out the remaining Qin people in the city is the top priority. We have no time to waste."

"So, my opinion about Liusha is" Zhang Liang spread his palms and stretched out towards Wei Zhuang: "The Mo family and Liusha can put aside their grudges and jointly implement the Mo family's Qinglong plan!"


As soon as these words came out, Liusha's side didn't say anything, but the Mo family was the first to explode, and other righteous men in the world were also talking about it.

Fortunately, the most grumpy Sledgehammer left temporarily, so only Gao Jianli, as the representative of the Mohist family, stood up and said coldly: "Mr. Zifang, I hope you can think clearly before discussing the matter. At this moment, it is Liusha who is serving Qin. Attack the Mohist government city."

"This is part of your Qinglong plan during your lifetime. I think Mr. Gao must know your deployment in Guan City, and also understand what the fate of Guan City will be. Then, your actions towards Quicksand should be seen from another perspective. Qing is right."

Zhang Liang's face was solemn, and his voice had a little more strength on top of the usual gentleness: "There is another biggest piece of evidence to prove this matter, and that is that the new tycoon of the Mohist family is actually the previous tycoon Yan Dan himself! I I think you should understand what this means.”

"Am I right, Brother Wei Zhuang?"

Everything was just speculation, but under Zhang Liang's categorical tone, everyone had already believed it even before they saw the body of the Mohist giant.

Especially the leaders of the Mo family who were born in the Yan Kingdom or who came from the Yan Kingdom to the present, they were even less suspicious of this.

The new giant is the old giant, and there are usually sporadic clues to prove it.
"Hmph" Wei Zhuang looked at everyone looking at him and said: "Liu Sha and Yan Dan do have a deal."

Wei Zhuang is not a good person in the world, but his words, with the blessing of Guigu disciples, are not low in credibility.
After receiving cooperation, Zhang Liang nodded and continued to increase his strength:
"Everyone's choice at this moment will determine the fate of the entire world."

"What Zifang said is right." After Zhang Liang, Xiaoyaozi, who had been silent for a long time, was the first to stand up and support him: "The Mohists emphasize universal love, and perhaps it is appropriate to learn to let go of hatred."

The second one was Gai Nie: "We really don't have much time."

'After all, the right to speak is determined by strength~'

Ji Yan from above looked at this performance and smiled in his heart:
With Gai Nie, Xiaoyaozi, Zhang Liang, and Wei Zhuang's quicksand, if they come with such strength, the Mo family, which has lost its giant, can no longer refuse.
This team is very interesting. I am afraid that Gai Nie’s conversation with his junior brother Wei Zhuang in the previous competition played a role.

As for Xiaoyaozi, there have been enough performances to prove that he and Zhang Liang had a connection in advance!
As for why, maybe Brother Lu has a clue?
(End of this chapter)

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