Careerist in Qin Dynasty

Chapter 326 The third person who faked his death

Chapter 326 The third person who faked his death

The hatred between the Mohists and Liusha has many origins in the world.

But the most important one is undoubtedly the fact that the former giant Yan Dan was beheaded by Wei Zhuang in public, which led to the capture of Jicheng by the Qin army. The Yan country was almost equal to the death of the country at that time.

Many of the Mohist leaders and new elite disciples have connections with the Yan State. Therefore, although the deep intertwining between the Mohist Family and the Yan State only occurred in the past twenty years since the Six-fingered Black Man accepted the Yan Pill, these twenty years In the coming year, under the control of the "two generations" of giants, the Mohist family and the Yan state have become inseparable.

With this hatred, it was impossible for the Mo family to unite with Liusha. It was also for this reason that His Majesty the First Emperor of Xianyang gave a certain degree of trust to Liusha: he handed over all the forward Qin troops to the command of Wei Zhuang.

But now, Zhang Liang suddenly reveals that the new tycoon of the Mo family in recent years is actually the former tycoon Yan Dan. Even though many reasons are unknown to Gao Jianli and others, the character of Yan Dan instantly becomes complicated.

Regardless of merit, too many people paid too much for Yan Dan's death.

But now it is said that Yan Dan faked his death. Even if there is a reason, Mohist disciples have always been widely taught by Jian Ai and Tian Zhi and cannot ignore the sacrifices that occurred because of 'Yan Dan's death'.

Treating ordinary people's lives as just numbers is a 'good quality' shared by many dignitaries and kings in this era, but this 'quality' cannot be imposed on everyone, or required to be understood by everyone.

From the simplest perspective, this violates Mo Xia's rules.

Moreover, if Gao Jianli, who knows more information, thinks deeply from here, Yan Dan's layout in Guancheng before his death can actually be seen as a reappearance of his fake death in Jicheng: in the transaction between Yan Dan and Liusha, ordinary Mohist disciples became They killed insignificant victims like the Yan army in Jicheng.

Quicksand is still an enemy, but if this enemy is actively 'invited' by their boss, the Mohist disciples are confused by the complexity in their minds.

Presuming that the new giant is Yan Dan and confirming that the giant is Yan Dan are two different concepts.
At this time, the Qin army was still pressing outside the Mohist government city, and there was an urgent need for the heroes of the Six Nations to continue promoting the Qinglong Plan.And Zhang Liang and Xiaoyaozi are indispensable forces among the righteous men of the Six Nations. As the twin swords of Guigu, most people in the world dare not even make enemies of one of them.
Now these four people are asking the Mo family to accept Liusha
The Mo family suddenly fell into deep thought, and at this moment, Zhang Liang turned his attention to Ji Yan again:

"What do you think, Hall Master Ji, of what I said?"

Obviously, he wanted to take advantage of today's opportunity to bring the peasant family into the water: "When I say 'choice determines the fate of the world,' I also take Hall Master Ji into consideration."

"Thank you for your high opinion, but I am afraid that Mr. Zhang San will be disappointed with my answer. The farmer has no intention of joining your discussion."

Seeing that she had become the topic of conversation, Ji Yan showed no stage fright at all and said with a faint smile: "I have said it once before. The purpose of my trip is to win Qi. Although I heard some good stories unintentionally, this is not To represent the farmers, we must become one of you.”

"Does the peasant still have to hide himself now?" Zhang Liang was not surprised by this, so he was not disappointed. He just raised his voice and said: "I and you, Lu Xiakui, are old acquaintances. I understand to some extent that he wants to protect Daze." Shan’s good intentions.”

"The target of [-] disciples of the peasant family is too big. Once the rebellious spirit is exposed, it will provoke the Qin army to attack the country. Therefore, Lu Xiakui has been cautious since he was the leader of Gonggong Hall, and it has lasted for no less than ten years. Liang has always heard how high-spirited Lu Xiakui was when he was a young boy."

"He will understand the reason why Liang did what he did today: we are not close friends, but we know each other's attitudes on certain issues."

"Hall Master Ji was trained by Lu Xiakui, so he should know what he is doing."

"Mr. Zhang Liang's words are serious. We Xiagui will only do what the peasant Xiagui should do." Ji Yan's expression did not change: "On the contrary, Mr. Zhang Liang, as the third master of the Little Sage Village, does not know whether his attitude represents the Little Sage's. Where is Zhuang?"

Zhang Liang is one of the three heroes of Qilu, but he is not qualified to represent Xiaoshengxian Village. Therefore, the reason why Ji Yan said this is because he was asking about 'qualifications':
Zhang Liang cannot represent Confucianism.

Similarly, Xiaoyaozi cannot represent Taoism, and not only can he not represent the Taoist Tianzong, he cannot even fully represent the Taoist sect.

The last Mohist family, after losing their leader, how to choose a new leader will also be a problem.

But Lu Wei is different. Lu Wei can really represent the entire farm family.

In other words, none of the righteous heroes present could match Lu Wei in terms of status and authority, and Zhang Liang's direct discussion of Lu Wei on such an occasion was not in line with Jianghu rules.

Zhang Liang heard what Ji Yan meant, shook his head and said: "The righteous men present today are all determined people, so our conversation will not be known to any outsiders, especially the State of Qin."

He patched up his voice to show that he did not deliberately induce the peasant family to break with Qin.

Although there are actually so many people present in the city, it is impossible for the contents of the conversation not to be circulated, but it is not easy for outsiders to obtain enough conclusive evidence: the rumor version will have all kinds of weird content circulating in the world. , relying solely on the words in the message is of no use.

"That's your business and has nothing to do with me." Ji Yan calculated that the time was almost up, lowered his eyes and said to Sheng Qi on the ground: "Why don't you go back with me and accept the trial of the farmer?"

She was about to leave, but was blocked by Xiaoyaozi: "Palace Master Ji, why should you be anxious? I have always respected the peasant family, but Hall Master Ji came to the Mo family's organ city uninvited and heard so many secrets. As soon as he left, I'm afraid it will be difficult to convince the public."

Zhang Liang shut up. He did have some kind of connection with Xiaoyaozi, so even if he had different views on Xiaoyaozi's behavior, he would not conflict with him in public.Master Zhang San just watched the confrontation between the two from a high place, ready to put out the fire at any time.

Gai Nie glanced at his junior brother Wei Zhuang and found that Xiao Zhuang did not rush up to question Ji Yan together as he thought. He was more thoughtful than he thought.

Faced with this situation, Ji Yan did not use her rhetorical skills, or in other words, she did not want to say too much in the government city from beginning to end: the farmers had basically completed what they should do in the government city, and if she spoke too much, she might Some secrets are exposed.

So the Jing Salamander sword was drawn out decisively, Ji Yan raised his chin, and his meaning was very obvious: "Does Mr. Xiaoyao want to be my enemy?"

After the famous sword was unsheathed, it attracted a lot of attention simply to this sword, and Xiaoyaozi was no exception.

But at this moment, he was still riding a tiger and couldn't get off: because the only one pointed at by this sword was himself.

With a gloomy expression on his face, Xiaoyaozi was silent for a few breaths before he had to take the initiative to step aside and get out of the way: He couldn't really fight Ji Yan. It had nothing to do with whether he could beat him or not, but Ji Yan was the master of the farm hall after all and had a special status. Xiaoyaozi's original intention was to lead others to try to intimidate Ji Yan.

However, what he didn't expect was that even though Xiaoyaozi had become a leader, none of the allies he hoped for came forward.

After taking Shengqi out of the city, Ji Yan certainly did not intend to take him back to Daze Mountain for trial as she said, and the two soon separated.

Sheng Qi still had to wait for Wu Kuang to come out of the city. After completing their mission in the city, the brothers would continue to make trouble in the arena as lone rangers. As for Ji Yan, she left the boundary of the city directly.

It wasn't until late at night that Ji Yan met Lu Wei in a country inn.

Xiao Yan'er didn't need to introduce his gains. The reason why Master Xia Kui came out a long time late was to continue to explore the joint situation in the agency city.

From a short-term perspective, the most important thing about the harvest of the government city this time is nothing more than the Qinglong Project and the anomaly of Xiaoyaozi.

The first is the Qinglong Plan. The earth-shattering implementation of this plan began with assassinating Qin and will finally assassinate Qin.

Lu Wei and Ji Yan entered the Qinglong Secret Room during the day and saw two secret blue dragons with their own eyes!

The mechanism Qinglong is the most mysterious mechanism beast created by the founder of the Mohist family. The complex technology used in it will take several years of research to produce results. It is naturally impossible for Lu Wei Jiyan to fully master the technology.

But just because you can't master the technology doesn't mean you can't see what it's used for.

The most exposed clue in the Mohist Qinglong Plan in the eyes of the world is Mount Tai, which is the final location of the Qinglong Plan. The net has already detected their plan to assassinate Qin again here.

And the prop used to assassinate Qin is the Qinglong Machine Beast!

The larger of the two green dragons is old in style and too conspicuous in size. It will most likely be used as the last step in the plan to destroy the government city and die together with the attacking Qin army.

This has two effects.

The first is to inflict a direct blow to the Qin State: it is not easy to replace thousands of elite casualties. These soldiers are not the county guards who recruited strong men. They are Xianyang elite soldiers carefully selected.

The second is to destroy both the Qinglong and the City of Qingqiu openly.

While people will marvel at the destructive power of the blue dragon, they will also look down upon the Mohist family who lost their only blue dragon. In this way, when the second small green dragon, which was imitated by Yan Dan and Master Ban at all costs over the years, arrives in Mount Tai, people will be given a The trip of His Majesty the Emperor was a huge surprise.

Using the agency Qinglong to complete Jing Ke's unfinished business is the first and most important step in Qinglong's plan: killing Ying Zheng himself.

However, this step seems a bit redundant when Lu Wei has already arranged for the star soul to be poisoned, and there is a high probability that it will not succeed.

The Qinglong Project started from the hands of Changping Lord Xiong Qi until it was revised before Yan Dan's death. Its effect was very limited, and only one name spread to make Da Qin fearful.

As for Xiaoyaozi's anomaly, Chen Ping had reported it earlier, but he hadn't returned to Taiyi Mountain for a long time and didn't know the specific details.

From a simple analysis, it is not surprising that Zhang Liang would get to know the wandering Xiaoyaozi, but it is a clever mystery that brings them together and becomes a firm ally.

According to the clues Lu Wei had already grasped, this mystery was probably related to another person besides Yan Dan and Tian Guang who had also faked his death!

Faking death is really a good trick~
As long as a person with a prominent status hides in the dark, he can do things that his original status cannot do~
(End of this chapter)

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