Careerist in Qin Dynasty

Chapter 328 Identity Selection

Chapter 328 Identity Selection
"The machine city collapsed?"

Ying Zheng's back was turned to Li Si, His Highness, and he was looking at the map of the Qin territory on the wall. The conspicuous Chidao lines on the map were like red blood vessels, which were an important support for the entire empire.

With these routes, the Great Qin Cavalry can quickly reach every key node in the country and achieve direct control over each major county.

"Yes, Your Majesty, under the pressure of the imperial soldiers, the Mo family activated the Azure Dragon Machine Beast to destroy the machine city. Now the Mo family has lost all their trump cards."

Li Si smiled and reported the good news to His Majesty the Emperor, but had only a vague expression about the heavy casualties of the Imperial soldiers due to the Qinglong mechanism.

He knew very well that losses were never the primary issue that His Majesty would care about. As long as the action goal could be achieved, it would be a success.

What's more, according to the reports of Luowang's informants, this operation was not only a success, but also a great success: not only did the Mohist family suffer heavy losses, but most of the fleeing dignitaries from the six countries were killed. There has been some slight turmoil at the bottom of the empire in recent years, but in these After death, peace can predictably last longer.

"However, after the remnants of the Mohists and the Six Kingdoms rebelled against each other, they became more and more closely united." List paused and continued: "And in the battle of the Mohist government city, it is said that the Confucians and the peasants played some special roles. Even Taoists are rumored to be involved in the role.”

"After the Mohist family, the empire still cannot despise other schools of thought."

"Confucian peasants, they are all the old forces of Qilu." Ying Zheng moved his eyes to the coast of the East China Sea. The locations of Xiaoshengxian Village and Daze Mountain were also marked on the map: "In the years after the unification of the empire, Fu Nian and Lu Wei is very close, you go to Songhai next year to visit your old acquaintance."

For Ying Zheng, Confucian peasants have always been one of the targets to be attacked, but on the other hand, the Confucian and peasant families have also expressed their loyalty to the empire in recent years.

Unlike the Mohists who were stubborn and rebellious, while suppressing the Confucian peasants, they also had to properly win over the characters: repeat this to continue to teach them.

Ying Zheng definitely knew that among the scholars like Confucianism and Farmers, there would be some characters who were dissatisfied or even hated the empire, but that didn't matter, he didn't care about the hatred of his enemies.

As the only First Emperor in the world, a dog that could only bark was not qualified to be looked at by him.

"As for the Taoists, Renzong Xiaoyaozi's Operation Shadow Guard has reported many clues, why don't you talk about them?"

Ying Zheng's mighty voice was not serious, but Li Si still hurriedly bowed his hands and bowed: "Xiaoyaozi has been closely monitored by the net. According to Zhao Gao's words, the head of the Renzong is the target of the net to catch big fish in the long run. , our informant in the government city is placed next to Xiaoyaozi."

"The reason why we don't move him now is to use his hand to fully control the next actions of the rebels. This is more important than a mere Xiaoyaozi."

Killing a Xiaoyaozi or intimidating the Taoist clan is just a piece of cake for the Qin Dynasty. The presence of Taiyi Mountain in the center of the country means that Taoism will never become a nuisance to the Qin State. In this case, letting Xiaoyaozi, who has been controlled, go The income from Jianghu activities is higher:

Even if the Six Nations Rebellion kills one group, it is likely that a second group will regrow. Even if the threat posed by these people will only become smaller and smaller, they cannot not be monitored.

It's already available, so there's no need to re-make it.

Xiaoyaozi is really too active in the world, and he has been mastering Xueji since the last Taoist Heaven and Man sword debate. Whether it is a sword or an appearance, Xiaoyaozi's distinctive features make his rebellious nature more difficult. Very easy to master.

In this situation, Taoism has not been held accountable by Qin until now, and the net has played an important role.

"Has the head of the Taoist Heavenly Sect not been decided yet?" Ying Zheng was noncommittal about Li Si's answer and continued to ask another related question.

"Not yet, the Taoist Tian Sect's hermit tradition is stronger." Li Si nodded.

"Since the leader of the Human Sect has stood up for rebellion, let the Tian Sect send a new leader to serve the empire."

"Let Fusu handle this matter."

The words that His Majesty the Emperor had spoken were the most sacred decrees. When Li Si heard the name of Fusu, his eyes were strange and he obeyed the order to retreat.

Does the emperor, who is only over [-] years old, speed up the examination of the prince?

Lu Wei and Ji Yan returned to Daze Mountain. A few years ago, they could take a short break in the headquarters.

Lord Xia Kui has left the matter of poisoning the First Emperor to Xinghun. This poisoning is a technical job, and the most important key is to calculate the time and decide where to let Ying Zheng die from the poison.

The first thing that can be confirmed about this location is that it cannot be in Xianyang Palace.

The reason is very simple. Lu Wei wanted Hu Hai to succeed Qin II, and although Luo Wang had penetrated Xianyang Palace to a certain extent, Zhao Gao still had difficulty in controlling the emperor's death in his own palace. Zhao Gao, who supported Hu Hai in seizing power, needed Plenty of time for precise calculations.Therefore, it is necessary to let His Majesty the Emperor die on the parade just like history. This can be done by taking advantage of the mirage's departure!

After all, when the mirage sets sail to find the immortal, the emperor will go to watch the ceremony in person, but in fact the mirage will never set sail smoothly according to Lu Wei's plan: the leader of the Yin and Yang family, Donghuang, will be killed on the mirage!

To minimize the impact of the incident in the mirage, the only incident in the world that can grab the attention is the emperor's incident.

These two things can be done at the same time~
And although the time when the mirage set sail was top-secret news to the outside world, for Lu Wei, who had Sun, Moon and Star as internal agents, nothing about the mirage was a secret.

Xinghun, who did it himself, cleverly calculated the accumulation speed of toxins in His Majesty's body, and everything went very smoothly.
In Daze Mountain, Lu's son and daughter: Qian'er and He'er have grown up and learned a lot over the years. They can play a role in strengthening the confidence of subordinates when Lu Wei does big things.

After returning from being away for many months, Lu Wei should have spent time teaching some lessons to his two children, but with the mirage layout imminent, the leisure time he could spend was limited after all.

Shao Siming was asked to guard the door to prevent anyone from approaching. After Lu Wei handed the Phantom Sound Treasure Box to the Moon God, the Right Protector of the Yin and Yang Family did not ask about Concubine Dongjun Yan: Yan Dan's death, the destruction of the organ city, the Phantom Sound Having the treasure box in hand already represents the smoothness of the trip to the organ city.

"With this box, I need to return to Xianyang."

Opening the treasure box, the same slender jade hands as they did more than ten years ago moved the exquisite pavilions in the phantom sound treasure box, and the moon god randomly played a piece of music with an intense melody as the background of the conversation.

"The power problem on the mirage is being solved after Gongshu Qiu rushed back. He gained a lot of new insights during his trip to the city. The mirage can be tested next year. If nothing goes wrong, it can officially set sail to search for immortals in the spring of the next year."

"We're on a tight schedule and next year will be critical for Mirage's layout."

"It determines the fate of the Yin Yang family, the empire, and ourselves. The urgency can be expected." On the way back, Lu Wei and Xiao Yan'er also conducted research on the Phantom Sound Treasure Box. Its sophistication can break the magical sound box. The secret of Canglong Qisu is an extremely rare treasure just as a music player.

According to the records of the Yin Yang family, the Phantom Sound Box can play tens of millions of tunes according to the changes in the starry sky. These tunes theoretically have infinite arrangements, and a person or even a dynasty cannot listen to them all in a lifetime.

"I have solved the possible troubles caused by the remnants of the Six Nations in Jianghu. Now the only enemy left is this country."

The music category of the Phantom Treasure Box has a significant impact on a person's mood. Listening to the excitement of the music, Lu Wei's ambitions surged with enthusiasm: "All the seven kingdoms will be buried, and the position of the Lord of the World is mine after all!" "

"Yes." Luna nodded as the surging heat hit her chest. For the first time, she nodded firmly in recognition of this ambition: "The old order needs a new master to change it."

Outside the door, listening to the low humming mixed with the music of the Phantom Sound Box, Shao Siming hesitated a little, but still adhered to Lord Moon God's order before entering.
"Daze Mountain."

A young man with messy hair in linen clothes carried a copper-yellow sword across his back. He looked up at the town sign of "Daze Mountain Town" and knew that this was the necessary process for entering Daze Mountain in an honest way.

"I don't know if the invitation from Hall Master Lu in the past still counts as Lu Xiakui. Forget it, I'm just a trash with a bad reputation now. I'll just follow the rules of the farm family."

The gloomy young man murmured to himself and walked slowly into the town.

It was easy to obtain the certificate of joining the farmer's family in the town tavern. When he put on a star bead and signed his name on the disciple list, he lazily left the word "Han Xin" on his pen.

"Do you want to work on the farmland first? Well, it's a way to survive in this era."

Nodding and taking over the farm tools, Han Xin went to the countryside to work in the fields with other farm disciples on his first day in Daze Mountain, and completed today's work in an ordinary way.

Among the new disciples, his performance was neither outstanding nor at the bottom, just average.

In just a short day of action, Han Xin confirmed that coming to the farmhouse was the right choice for him. Even if the Shadow Guards didn't send him here, this was a place he must observe.

'In the battle of Guancheng, Jianghu and the remnants of the Six Kingdoms suffered heavy losses. The Mohist family was basically destroyed, and the anti-Qin forces were also defeated. '

'And the one who benefited the most from this matter was actually not the empire, but the farmers. '

'In the context of the First Emperor's large-scale corvee expedition, the organizational skills and the number of strong men maintained in Daze Mountain are very rare. According to the performance of Lu Xiakui, he did not prepare these just to defend the three-acre land in Daze Mountain. '

"This is a place where I can make a big difference. As a Shadow Guard or as a farmer's disciple, I can't tell which one will be more valuable in the future!"

(End of this chapter)

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