Careerist in Qin Dynasty

Chapter 329 Songhai Cliff

Chapter 329 Songhai Cliff
"Xia Kui."

Chen Ping, the leader of Hall Kuei, entered the lobby of Xiaogeng Villa and bowed to Lu Wei, who had just returned.

Lu Wei could clearly see that his bending angle was several degrees higher than at the beginning.

Among the six members of the farm, he and Ji Yan were the ones who knew most clearly what the farm was doing.

The chaos in today's world has exposed some of the empire's weaknesses in the eyes of knowledgeable people. This is especially true when unfavorable news about the progress of the Qin army's southern expedition to Baiyue spread covertly in some circles, which has further affected the empire's final state. Strong military capabilities opened a small hole.

This is the most threatening method of the Qin State to the Six Nations, and the court has not done anything else to make the people of the Six Nations feel a sense of belonging to the Qin Dynasty.

If the people are alienated from morality, it is doomed that the country will be destroyed.

And the most frightening thing is that even the people of Old Qin, the base camp of Great Qin, in the land of Guanzhong, are complaining.
In this case, rebellion is a promising thing, and the peasant family is strong. Chen Ping is consciously changing his attitude towards what Lu Wei wants to do.

"The disciples have found out. As expected, the remaining forces of the Mohist family have arrived at the secret base in the mountains and forests outside Songhai City. There is most likely a hideout with a structure similar to a mechanized city underground there."

Chen Ping took out a map from his sleeve, and with Lu Wei's nod, he stepped forward and spread it on the table: it marked the terrain around Songhai City in detail, and also marked the location of the Mohist stronghold.

"The new giant of the Mohist family is indeed Gao Jianli. This is probably the worst news for the Mohist family."

He shook his head. As for Gao Jianli becoming a Mohist giant, Chen Ping believed that this was something more terrifying to the Mohist family than the destruction of the government city.

Gao Jianli can be a cold thug or a cold piano player, but he cannot be the leader of hundreds of schools of thought.

Chen Ping believes that he is the same in this regard: he is not suitable to take the lead. Just like Lu Wei's current position, he is completely unable to hold it.

This is not due to a problem of IQ or EQ. For example, regarding the current relationship between the farmhouse and the Onmyojia and Confucian Fu Nian, Chen Ping believes that he cannot manage it to the extent it is today.

At most, the relationship between gentlemen is as light as water. Being able to see certain things clearly and doing certain things well are absolutely not the same.

"It used to be like this, but Gao Jianli is my old friend. With this relationship, the Mo family will enjoy a lot~"

With a faint smile, Lu Wei drew a stool from the air and invited Chen Ping to sit down.

Chen Ping nodded flattered: "So that's the case. Should I lose this picture to the Qin Army camp?"

His meaning was clear: The Mo family was not completely desperate yet, so it would be a pity that they could not become Lord Xia Kui's loyal dog earlier.

In this regard, Chen Ping thought that he could help the Mo family and get them out of their confusion as soon as possible.

"It's a little early, please wait." Lu Wei looked down at the map, stroking his chin, and after mentally confirming the time points and event arrangements for next year, he smiled and said: "They have just settled down, let them take their time. Bar."

"Let them hit some more walls on their own to promote the implementation of the Qinglong Plan."

"Yes." Chen Ping answered clearly and stepped back.

The leader of the farm hall who arrived next was Ayu. Ayu was in charge of Lieshan Hall, but his biggest responsibility was still to supervise the internal affairs.

Of the six hall masters, Chen Ping and Ji Yan are both in charge of foreign affairs, Chi Youtang Dianqing is in charge of the defense of Daze Mountain, Shennong Hall's Zhu family also shelters bandits in the Taihang Mountains, and there is no need to say more about the old doctor Nianduan.

On the whole, nothing major happened in Daze Mountain in the past few months since Lu Wei left. Some small fights were inevitable, but they were not something that he, the hero, would be personally responsible for. The reason why Ayu had to go there was partly because Because of the routine report: no matter what happens or not, it must always be submitted to Brother Lu.

On the other hand, it’s because of Han Xin.

Han Xin thought that he quietly joined the farm without attracting attention, but he did not know that he was reported to Ayu for acting strangely within a few days after joining.

Han Xin, who had received the teachings of Duke Nan of Chu, behaved in a low-key manner in terms of dress, words and deeds, but in fact he had an extremely high-key heart!

The reason why he seems to never argue with others, wears simple clothes and other external behaviors is because he looks down on those low-level disciples, and he is disdainful if he doesn't argue with others.

For a person as arrogant as him, no matter how simple he behaves, his temperament is still very different from ordinary people.

There are many managers in Dazeshan Town who came out of Gonggongtang School. Since they were born in Gonggongtang, they are naturally Ayu’s spies. These spies can’t see through what Han Xin is hiding, but Being able to see hidden is enough to arouse suspicion.

Lu Wei once accidentally mentioned Han Xin's name. He would mention a lot of information in front of his loyal younger brother, but Ayu was one of the few who was willing to take the trouble to memorize it.

After learning that Han Xin was from Chu, he immediately reported to Brother Lu based on various clues. "Han Xin?" Looking at the portraits painted by specialized disciples that A Yu brought, Lu Wei recognized at a glance that this was Han Xin of Chu who owed him a favor~
"A farmer who secretly joined alone~" Mr. Xia Kui thought thoughtfully, smiled slightly and quickly made a decision: "Then transfer him to Li Mu to work, and let Li Mu take good care of him."

"Yes, Brother Lu."

Ayu has been following Lu Wei for almost 20 years and immediately understood what he meant.

The construction of the Mohist stronghold in Songhai had already begun. In addition, most of the disciples were killed in the battle of Guancheng. Another part was lost in the symbolic defeat of the resistance the next day. All the surviving Mohist members moved in. The stronghold is more than adequate.

Gao Jianli was an acting magnate during the retreat. After the retreat was successful, he settled down and became a regular official directly with the vote of Tianzhi.

But despite this, Gao Jianli has no idea what the Mo family will do next except continuing to implement the Qinglong plan and revenge.

Anyway, it is not wrong to fight against Qin. We can wait until the fight against Qin is successful to figure out other development matters.

The Qinglong Project still has to wait for the opportunity, and the tyrant Ying Zheng has not yet launched a tour.

However, they could not be idle while waiting. As long as they were idle, they would easily recall the Mohist family's past glory and current decline. Therefore, Gao Jianli took the initiative to organize multiple attacks against the Qin army near Songhai City.

By being busy, you can pretend to be on the road to reviving Mohism and numb your perception with fatigue.

The actions of the Mohist family only brought some minor troubles to the Qin army. The Qin army in Songhai City was mainly concentrated in the Mirage Shipyard. The Qin army there was well-defended and far beyond the ability of the Mohist family to break through forcefully.
Songhai City is the territory of Confucianism. The little sage Zhang Liang, the third master of Zhuang, united the anti-Qin forces in the battle of Guancheng and gained a certain reputation. At the same time, it was also because of his mistake that he took away all the masters in Mo He's secret room and attacked Mo He. He must bear some responsibility for the subsequent tragedy in the secret room.

This responsibility was not given to him by the Mo family, but the pressure placed on him by Zhang Liang himself: the losses of the anti-Qin righteous men were too great, not to mention the indelible gap between the dead aristocratic forces and the Mo family.

Regarding the potential dangers caused by the Mohist family's hasty actions, Zhang Liang specially arranged for Tianming, Shaoyu and Gao Yue, who were disguised as women, to enter Little Sage's Manor: the security in the Mohist stronghold was not bad, but it was not as good as Little Saint's Manor after all.

Moreover, these three children have extraordinary status, and the influence they exert on them can be fed back to the Mo family and the Xiang family.

"Songhai City is not peaceful. The existence of mirages is likely to turn this place into a second machine city someday in the near future."

Wei Zhuang leaned against the pillar of the pavilion holding the shark tooth. In the reflection of his pupils, one could see the reflections of Gai Nie and Zhang Liang.

The three of them were at a hidden seaside cliff, which was Zhang Liang's safe zone.

"Our current strength is too weak and we need to find new allies in Songhai City."

Zhang Liang gently poured down three cups of tea and did not drink it. Instead, he just placed them on the stone table: "Even if the peace in Songhai City is only temporary, it is rare and precious."

"I wonder who the ally Brother Zifang is talking about?" The initial purpose of Gai Nie's defection was just to escape, but now, it is destined to embark on the road of anti-Qin.

In this case, he had to actively participate in the anti-Qin plan.

"Confucianism, and farmers!" Everyone present was very precious and had no time to be a riddler, so Zhang Liang answered simply and neatly:
"My senior brother Fu Nian is someone we can win over, and the farmer Lu Weize has always been the most staunch presence in the anti-Qin camp. If they are willing to stand with us, the loss of the government city will be insignificant."

"Who is that Lu Wei?" Gai Nie heard this name many times, and thought of Ji Yan, the leader of the Siyue Hall who appeared in the city, and said solemnly: "Why does his subordinate have the Eight Swords of Yue Wang? And it is used blatantly in the Jianghu, I never heard Luo Wang mention this when I was in Xianyang."

"In fact, there has been a rumor in the world about this matter." Zhang Liang shook his head and answered Gai Nie's question: "'In the Daze Mountains, even if it is a snare and quicksand, entering hastily will leave a heavy price.'"

While speaking, he looked at Wei Zhuang, who didn't mind sharing his failure: "At least half of this rumor is correct. As for the other half of the evidence, it is probably the Jingli Salamand Sword and the position of the hero. "

Wei Zhuang said deeply: "Lu Wei's true strength has not been shown much in the past ten years, and public demonstrations are even rarer, but I can tell you that if you want to compete with him, even quicksand with all the members is not enough."

This statement is somewhat imprecise, because the full force of Liusha sounds huge. To put it bluntly, only Wei Zhuang and Bai Feng are the masters who can cooperate against the enemy. The difference between the two is huge, and they cannot show Lu's true combat power at all.

"We are not enemies with Lu Wei. The stronger he becomes, the more he will have to worry about is Qin. Why worry too much about this." Zhang Liang was silent for a while and spoke again.

However, this sentence made Wei Zhuang sneer: "Why should Zifang deceive himself?"

“The biggest difficulty in cooperating with farmers is how to distribute the leadership.”

"Lu Wei is overbearing. Now we want to discuss cooperation. The conditions he proposes are most likely to only allow farmers to recruit us."

“The word collaboration has no meaning in the first place if it doesn’t demonstrate our value.”

(End of this chapter)

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