Careerist in Qin Dynasty

Chapter 330 Shushan Brothers and Sisters

Chapter 330 Shushan Brothers and Sisters

"Yes, so we need to go to Daze Mountain."

Zhang Liang raised his tea cup, and the tea in it was made from farm tea: "You two, Zong and Heng, are going together. No matter where you go, you have to give some thin noodles."

"If you don't win over the peasants, you can't go all out to fight against Qin."

He didn't know that Lu Wei would come to Sanghai in a month or two, so he wanted to take the initiative to visit him.

"There are rumors that the Imperial Prime Minister Li Si will come to Songhai next year, and our time is limited."

A trip to the Prime Minister is not a trivial matter. Any trace of Li Si will be watched by many pairs of eyes. Moreover, with his identity, it is not a shameful thing to follow the emperor's order to go to Songhai. There are Confucian disciples serving as officials in Xianyang City. It is necessary to detect The news is not difficult.

Facing Zhang Liang's suggestion, Gai Nie also picked up the tea on the table and looked at his junior brother Xiaozhuang together.

The gazes of his senior brother and Zifang made Wei Zhuang take the initiative to approach and narrow his eyes as he looked at the last cup of tea.
Pupils trembled slightly, Yu Ziqi and his sister Xiao Yu looked at the two cups of hot tea served to them, and their emotions were instantly aroused from the deepest part of their hearts.

"Tiangong Yunwu Cui is a famous tea from Shu Mountain. Its finished product has an oily color, tender leaves and bright soup, a mellow taste, and a refreshing fragrance. Although the tea from Daze Mountain is also famous all over the world, Lu loves tea and has also collected some specialties from other places. .”

Lu Wei smiled and extended his hand to invite the two guests to taste: "I know that you two were born in Shushan, so I brought some out. The quality may not be as good as the local tea in Shushan, but the tea from Shushan is now only used in Xianyang and is rarely spread outside. I feel sorry for you. .”

"Brother Lu is actually the leader of the peasant family"

Hearing Lu Wei mention Shushan, Yu Ziqi felt extremely sad and suppressed his expression.

Shushan was annihilated by the Qin army led by Meng Tian three years ago. The treasures on Shushan either entered the Xianyang Palace or were sent to the mirage. The local people in Shushan had to obey the Qin people. Although the few capable resisters They can be protected by Shu people in Shu Mountain, but revitalizing Shu Mountain is their ideal.

The Shu people in Xianyang City would be expelled as soon as they were exposed. Even if they could hide their identities, they would not be able to cause any harm to the majestic and magnificent Xianyang Palace. Therefore, most of Yu Yuan's guards were concentrated around the mirage.

The Yin Yang family wants to find immortals, while Shushan just wants to live a peaceful life. But at this moment, if they want to get their own peace, it seems that they can only find the same way to find immortals.
Neither Qin nor the Yin Yang family can compete with Shushan.

"It's really rude to hide something from Brother Yu in Shouchun."

The friendship between Lu Wei and Yu Ziqi dates back to eight years ago, which is a short memory.

"No, when Qin attacked Chu, Lu Xiakui had no choice but to conceal it." Yu Ziqi shook his head and took the initiative to defend Lu Wei: "I don't mean to blame, I'm just a little surprised."

Yu Ziqi's sister, Xiao Yu, kept her mouth shut and listened to the exchange between her brother and the big shot in the farm. At the same time, she lowered her eyes and watched the rise and fall of the Tiangong Yunwu Cui tea leaves in front of her.

I haven’t smelled or touched the smell from Shushan for a long time.
She, her brother and other Shu companions have been wandering on Qidi for more than a year. They originally had a small courtyard as a stronghold in Songhai City, but last year the stronghold was raided by Yun Zhongjun of the Yin Yang family. His companions risked their lives to cover themselves and escaped.

After that, the Shu people became even more weak.

A calm analysis shows that the mirage will be heavily guarded before its construction is completed. If you want to sneak into the mirage, you must at least wait until the mirage is tested.

Under these two premises, before the long wait, Yu Ziqi tried to separate his companions and hide them under other forces, and used the power of others to avoid being hunted by the Yin Yang family.

In Qidi, the first forces that caught the eye in this regard were undoubtedly the Little Sage Village and the Farmers.

Just when Yu Ziqi was about to try it, the farmers who had been monitoring the forces in Shushan took action first.

When Ziwu broke into the temporary stronghold in Shushan with his sword and defeated Yu Ziqi and dropped a note, Yu Ziqi knew that the farmer Xia Kui wanted to see him.

But he really didn't expect that Lu Wei, the leader of the peasant family, was the same Lu Wei who had a few days of love in Shouchun many years ago.

"I have heard about the battle in Shushan, and I have also worried about Brother Yu. I am really lucky to see you again today."

Lu Wei did not dwell too much on concealing his identity. He smiled lightly and limited the topic to Shushan itself. He said calmly: "The farmer's grasp of Brother Yu's actions was actually earlier than before today's meeting. I have no idea about Brother Yu." I have some idea of ​​what I am doing, so I won’t tell you anything.”

"Brother Yu is here for the mirage?"

When it came to business, Yu Ziqi and Xiao Yu both sat upright and looked at Lu Wei with serious expressions: "Yes, the mirage has a deep connection with our Shushan Mountain." Of course Yu Ziqi knew what a huge organization the farmhouse was. He had a small friendship with Lu Wei in the past, and since the other party now mentioned Mirage, he most likely has a very deep understanding of Shushan's actions.

There's no point in hiding it anymore.

"Your enemy is Lord Yun Zhong?" Lu Wei went deeper step by step. He did not mention the entire Yin Yang family, and his purpose was clear at a glance.

Faced with this question, Yu Ziqi fell silent. He wanted to think clearly about the purpose of Lu Wei's inquiry before answering. However, when Xiao Yu saw that his brother did not answer, he said firmly, "Yes!"

Yunzhongjun and Shushan are completely mortal enemies.
Even hearing his name would make Xiao Yu feel disgusted and disgusted: this could even give up the opponent's attack on Shushan.

In Songhai City, the elder Jin of the Yin Yang family captured many Shushan disciples, including several Yu Yuan guards.

Not only did Yun Zhongjun cruelly experiment with these prisoners, using them to experiment with all kinds of inhuman elixirs, but he also used the Ghost Control Pill to turn them into medicine men who were neither human nor ghosts!

When Yun Zhongjun attacked Sanghai's stronghold in Shu Mountain, Xiao Yu saw with his own eyes several twisted medicine men who had turned from their former companions.
His sister had already answered, and Yu Ziqi had no time to think too much. He could only nod to vouch for his sister's words: "Yes, Brother Lu mentioned Yun Zhongjun, why?"

"I would like to introduce you to a friend."

Lu Wei's smile did not change, he raised his hand and clapped his palms. Yu Ziqi and Xiao Yu were shocked when a girl with purple hair and a veil covering her face walked in lightly and elegantly. Whether it was her breath or her clothes, The characteristics of the pattern clearly indicate her identity: a member of the Yin Yang family!
'It's a trap! '

The Shushan brothers secretly thought something was wrong at the same time, and their bodies jumped up under the muscle memory and pulled out the short swords in their sleeves and waists. However, before they could make an attack, Lu Wei waved his hand and hit the weapons with several arrows. At the same time, Under the strong internal pressure, the two men's bodies became stiff and unable to move.

Shao Siming stood behind Lu Wei the whole time, looking at everything with pure eyes. Only the air waves blew her long hair slightly.
The air pressure only lasted for a short five or six breaths. When the pressure on their bodies melted away like melting snow, Yu Ziqi and Xiao Yu broke out in cold sweat, panted violently and were speechless.

"Brother Yu and Miss Yu, please sit down first. You should know very well by now that I don't need any ambush to kill you."

Yun Danfeng gently stretched out his hand to make an invitation. Under Lu Wei's gaze, Yu Ziqi and Xiao Yu checked each other's eyes, then returned to their seats with slight movements, but they both shut up and waited for the peasant hero. Your Excellency tells the follow-up.

The opponent's strength is even more terrifying than that of Dong Jun of the Yin Yang family. If he wants to kill his two brothers and sisters, he really doesn't need to be patient and talk nicely here.

"Shushan and the Yin-Yang family have a long-standing relationship. They have been on opposite sides for a long time. I know this very well."

An unhurried voice sounded, and Lu Wei pulled some tea out of the teacup and added some more to what the Shushan brothers and sisters had just drunk: "But as I asked before, the one who has the deepest hatred against Shushan is Elder Jin. Lord Yun Zhong.”

"The young Siming behind me is the elder of the Yin-Yang family, and he has no enmity with Shushan. You two don't need to be too nervous."

They are all Yin and Yang parents, how can they not be enemies!

Both Yu Ziqi and Xiao Yu were dissatisfied, but they could not refute Lu Wei: the gap in strength was so great that the two brothers could only acquiesce in what Master Xia Kui said.

Shao Siming was aloof by nature as she practiced Yin Yang, and did not respond to Lu Wei's words. She just had to stand today.

"There are also factions within the Yin and Yang family. The faction that is hostile to Shushan is also the faction that is hostile to the farmers~"

"I know that Shushan has no ambitions. I just want to retrieve the treasures of Shushan that once belonged to you. Your strength is very weak. From this perspective, Shushan needs more friends, even if these friends are other Yin-Yang disciples."

"Then what can we do to help farmers?" Yu Ziqi asked silently after the other party finished speaking.

Just like Lu Wei said, Shushan is too weak, and the strongest combat power is probably himself. Such strength is almost useless on the mirage.

But now the farmer wants to cooperate with him. No matter how you look at it, Shushan has taken a huge advantage for no reason.

As for the so-called other faction of the Yin Yang family, the entanglement was too deep and Yu Ziqi couldn't figure it out. He would wait for now and ask the obvious farm issues first.

On the side, Xiao Yu noticed that the muscles in his brother's palms had relaxed, and realized that his brother was actually moved.

After all, the current situation in Shushan is really bad.
(End of this chapter)

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