Careerist in Qin Dynasty

Chapter 331 The Beginning of Songhai

Chapter 331 The Beginning of Songhai
The help Shushan can provide is indeed not much, but Lu Wei does not need to do anything extra for them~
The enemies of Shushan, the Yin Yang family and the empire, are all the targets that Lu Wei wants to transform and destroy, so whether Shushan is there or not, some things must be done.

But now they are taken out separately as a condition to seduce Shushan's favor. In the future, Shu will become Lu Wei's loyal subordinate, so why not do it.

As for returning the Shushan treasures stolen by the Qin State, Lu Wei had no intention of going back on his words: he had no collecting habit, and he had been quite generous in rewarding his subordinates over the years.

The enfeoffment etiquette that has existed for hundreds of years since King Wu of Zhou Dynasty is still rooted in the hearts of many people. The failure of the Qin State to enfeoff is even considered a crime in the minds of some powerful people.

Even if the target of enfeoffment will not fall on him now, what about the future?
The Qin State had many atrocities and achievements, but for Lu Wei, he and Ying Zheng must have agreed on the centralization of power: even if the destined development process of the feudal system is put aside, from the perspective of power, Lord Xia Kui I also want to be a dictator.

After this is realized in the future, I am afraid there will be many voices wanting to enfeoff, and there is a high probability that some people will directly use the Qin Dynasty as an example: The Qin Dynasty failed to enfeoff and fell, so the new dynasty must enfeoff.

But in terms of prestige, as long as Lu Wei insists on suppressing these voices, they will not cause any big trouble: he has high power, and has doctors Nian Duan and Duan Murong to help him nurse him back to health. If he doesn't mess around and lives for a hundred years, he can be a seven or eighty-year-old. The young emperor could survive the death of all the heroes.

But power cannot be divided, so we have to spend more on reputation, money and treasures, and use money to buy people's hearts.

Anyway, those treasures will not disappear out of thin air. When the situation stabilizes, maybe we can get them back after ransacking the house.
"Ziqi", he called Yu Ziqi in a subordinate manner. Lu Wei smiled lightly and answered the other party's doubts with a rhetorical question: "You brought those fellow Shu people to Songhai, and the biggest thing you did was the Fusang sacred tree. Bar."

"That's right. It is the tree of faith for all of us Shu people. It has witnessed the birth, growth and death of countless generations of Shu people!" Yu Ziqi nodded heavily.

"Then you should know very well that what you should do is not to investigate the mirage, but to appeal to the Emperor of Xianyang."

Yu Ziqi understood what Lu Wei meant: even if he could defeat the Yin Yang family and take back the Fuso sacred tree, there was no way to move it from the East China Sea back to Shushan.

That is something that requires a great country to do, and Shushan alone is simply not enough.

Therefore, Yu Ziqi's original plan was to secretly lead all Yu Yuan's guards on the ship, hide on the ship, wait for the Yin Yang family to find the immortal, and then activate the Shushan secret method to affect the Fuso sacred tree and get in contact with the immortal first.

Finally, with the help of the immortal's power, the Fuso sacred tree can go home and never be taken away again.

This plan is even more delusional than the Yin-Yang Family's Eastern Emperor's desire to restore the Zhou Dynasty with the help of immortals, because it still needs to go through one more test of the Yin-Yang Family.


Yu Ziqi was silent again.

"It seems that His Majesty the Emperor is unwilling to listen to the wishes of the people of Shu, so you can only solve the problem in your own way." Crossing his legs, Lu Wei stretched out his fingers and tapped the table twice: "Then why don't you solve the problem? Where is the source?”

"Source?" Yu Ziqi opened his eyes wide.

The source of the problem is the First Emperor's pursuit of immortality. In other words, the source lies in the First Emperor himself.

Time turned to October, just after the New Year, Li Si met Fusu on the road after going to court.

"Master Li." Fusu called Li Si gently.

The eldest son of the empire was one of the few people in the court who advocated cultivating one's health, and was reprimanded many times by His Majesty the Emperor for this.

In terms of daily study, Fusu did come into contact with a lot of Confucianism, but to say that he was a Confucian believer would be a bit "quoted out of context."

In terms of education, Fusu would only be exposed to more Legalist ideas than Confucian books. After all, he was the most likely successor to the empire in terms of legal theory. The reason why he preferred which school of theory could only be because he thought that school of theory could be better. to maintain imperial rule.

The oppression faced by the people today is indeed severe.

The simplest example is that there are more palaces around Xianyang than the Emperor can live in. The more palaces are built, the higher the maintenance costs will be. These are all meaningless waste.

But asking a son to persuade his father and ministers to persuade the emperor to build a palace is a taboo matter.
"Sir." Li Si was always meticulous in his etiquette. After he finished his salute, Fusu asked with a smile: "Master Li is going to Songhai?"

"Exactly." The whole court knew about this matter. He, the prime minister, and the eldest son Fusu were supposed to handle the mirage matter together, so Li Si also smiled and said: "Both the Gongshu family and the Yinyang family have confirmed the mirage matter. With the news that all the problems have been resolved, I am about to set off to take charge of allocating the supplies needed on the mirage."

"Thank you for your hard work, Mr. Li. I have been ordered by my father to make a trip to Songhai after inviting Taoist Master Xiao Mengzi."

Fusu was very interested: "General Meng Tian will also go with Lord Li this time?"

"Exactly, although the Mohist government city was destroyed some time ago, the core figures of the six kingdoms' rebellion are still at large." Li Si looked more solemn: "The mirage is related to His Majesty's important affairs, and it will definitely become the target of these rebellions. General Meng's mission is difficult."

"Rebellion must be eradicated quickly." Fusu nodded:

"But I heard that Mr. Li also brought Gongsun Linglong, the descendant of the famous Gongsun family, with him in his team? But he wants to go to Xiaoshengxian Manor?" "Confucianism has an unshakable position among hundreds of schools of thought. Proper communication with them is also for the long-term stability of the empire. .”

"What the young master said is true. This is what I intend to do." Li Si did not tell the emperor's order. What should be said and what should not be said is very important to Ying Zheng. He would not make such a small mistake: "Little Shengxian Village The three heroes of Qi and Lu are world-famous talents. If we can invite three of them to serve as officials in the court, it will be of great benefit to the empire."

"Sir Li is really dedicated to serving the country. I have also considered this matter." Fusu smiled with his mouth full: "The Three Heroes of Qilu are quite famous. Mr. Li will go first. I will also visit Xiaoshengxian Manor."

Li Si's calm eyes flashed with abnormal emotion when he heard this: "Don't worry, sir."

In the corridor at the side of the side hall, Hu Hai watched with a sinister expression as the eldest son of the empire and the prime minister of the empire walked away chatting and laughing, and clenched the handrail of the corridor with his palms.

"Young Master, there is no need to be anxious." Zhao Gao stood by and smiled at Hu Hai's performance: "Your Excellency Xiangguo is someone we can win over. Ever since he was Marquis Wenxin in the past, Your Excellency Xiangguo has been good at taking sides, and I believe this time will be no exception."

"Li Si has such a good relationship with Fusu, will he still become one of ours?"

Hu Hai is very impatient. He is young and has a high status. Except in front of Ying Zheng, he rarely hides his true nature at other times.

There is naturally a reason for this being induced by snares.

"Young Master, please rest assured. Even if the Prime Minister wants to get closer to Young Master Fusu, the eldest Young Master already has Meng Tian beside him."

"As long as the eldest son's trust in the prime minister cannot exceed Meng Tian's, he is destined to be on the son's side."

"What about the mirage?" Hu Hai became even more anxious: "What if the Yin Yang family used the mirage to really bring back the elixir of life for their father?"

"Young master, the master of the elixir of life will only be the master of this empire." Zhao Gao's lowered voice was like a scarlet temptation, which made Hu Hai hesitate for an instant, and then immediately became expressionless.
Outside Xianyang Palace, Duke Nan of Chu had been staying in Xianyang for several years. Although he occasionally visited other places in Guanzhong, his core time was still spent observing the core upper echelons of the empire at the Yin Yang Family and the Prime Minister's Mansion.

After all, he is no longer an idler, but a disciple of the Yin Yang family and a disciple of the Prime Minister, with some tasks on his shoulders.

A few years ago, he was summoned by His Majesty the Emperor, but the content of the discussion was relatively ordinary.

It is fair to say that the kings and ministers of this country are much more capable than those of the six dead countries. His Majesty the Emperor finishes reviewing official documents late at night every day, which is extremely rare in terms of diligence.

The emperor is diligent, and his ministers cannot relax. Therefore, the entire country spends a lot of time on government affairs. It stands to reason that the country should become better and better.

But what is rare is that due to diligence, the kings and ministers spent more resources on enjoyment than the six countries: even if they did not have time to actually enjoy it, it did not prevent them from making things and putting them there.

Perhaps the result is already the most enjoyable enjoyment for them.
Moreover, the hard work of the people of the world is clearly there, but the document submitted by the ministers is: "The emperor will be powerful, his virtue will be with the princes, and the first day of peace will be peaceful."The city walls were destroyed, the river defenses were cleared, and the dangers were eliminated.The terrain is established, the common people in Li have no corvee, and the world is in good hands.Men enjoy their duties, women cultivate their careers, and everything is in order. Such nonsense as praising virtues
The eulogy "No one can live and work without peace" should also be engraved on the stone tablet and passed down for generations to come.

I wonder if the craftsmen who carved the eulogy "There is no corvee in the world" were the corvees assigned to Lishan Mountain.
Chu Nanggong raised his head slightly and looked at the majestic Xianyang Palace, his cloudy eyes suddenly flashed with light: He was going with Li Si on the trip to Songhai.

'I went to Songhai this time. Maybe I will enjoy my old age in Songhai City, old man~'

On Taiyi Mountain, Xiao Meng, who had just left seclusion, was extremely unhappy with the invitation from the eldest son of the empire.

Because she couldn't refuse this invitation as the new head of Tianzong.

Regardless of whether she wanted to refuse or not, the fact that she could not refuse had already deviated from Xiaomeng's pursuit of the unity of heaven and man.

Everything in the world will have shackles, whether it is fish, birds or people.

Even when writing the calligraphy of "As You Like", even the four words "As You Want" must be restricted to the interface of the paper.

After realizing this, Xiaomeng dropped the brush straight away and turned his back to the disciple who reported the eldest son's visit and nodded slightly.

She, who practices Tianzong's thoughts of transcending shackles, has been shackled by the Tianzong sect.

Even her master Bei Mingzi cannot transcend this point.
"Is there a mirage in Songhai? Let's go and see it." '

'There is also the farmer Lu Wei. He has become the leader of the peasant family. According to Master, the peasant family is not restless.'

'I will meet him during this trip. '

'And Xiaoyaozi. '

(End of this chapter)

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