Careerist in Qin Dynasty

Chapter 332 Big Warm Pool

Chapter 332 Big Warm Pool

Moon Goddess walked out of Dong Huang's secret room and walked coldly past the Yin Yang family disciples who were saluting her on both sides of the corridor.

After she brought back the Phantom Sound Treasure Box and presented it, Donghuang was very satisfied.

However, within a few days, Donghuang, who had no idea about the research results of the Phantom Sound Box, re-awarded the object to the Moon God, and asked the Moon God to take it to Chu Di to join the Hebo Mountain Ghost. The three of them needed to escort the Ji family The inherited treasures return to the Songhai Mirage.

The Moon God once tempted Lu Wei with these treasures of the Zhou Dynasty royal family. However, she had no chance to come into contact with the treasures at that time. Although now, theoretically, the Moon God can send a message to Lu Wei in advance to intercept him halfway and plan to kill Heboshan. Ghost, snatched away the treasure, but she didn't do that.

The treasure is only secondary. The biggest problem of the Yin and Yang family is Donghuang Taiyi himself. If he attacks the Hebo Mountain ghost now, he will definitely scare the snake away.

These things will eventually be transported to the mirage, and Donghuang will also have to go to the mirage sooner or later. Suppressing greed and waiting for the decisive battle is the best approach that is in line with the overall situation.

In the current Yin and Yang family, Dongjun has completed the Mo family's plan, and is probably still practicing in the mountains and forests around the ruins of Guancheng.

Xinghun came back with Yun Zhongjun some time ago. When the Imperial Prime Minister Li Si went to Songhai, he was going to set off with the convoy as a representative of the Yin Yang family.

After Yun Zhongjun came back, he refined several furnaces of elixirs for His Majesty the Emperor, and on the other hand, he had to inspect and select boys and girls from all over the world in Xianyang.

These are all children from powerful families, each with a handsome appearance and standard figure. However, as pure people who climb the mirage to find immortals, the best among them must still be selected, and in the end only [-] boys and [-] girls will be retained.

As the nominal owner of the mirage, Yun Zhongjun must personally select these boys and girls one by one and look at each one.

Making a big deal out of small things can show His Majesty the Emperor the solemnity and hope of the Yin Yang family in finding immortals.

Except for Yun Zhongjun, several other elders are not idle either, at least on the surface:

Da Siming and Shao Siming were taken with her by Moon God before, but she did not take them with her when she returned to the Yinyang family headquarters in Xianyang: Da Siming needed to guard the mirage, and Shao Siming was nominally clearing out the hidden dangers in Songhai City, but in fact Stayed in Daze Mountain.

Mr. Xiang and Mrs. Xiang, who have rarely appeared in Xianyang, also left Xiaoxiang Valley at the beginning of the year. When all the elders are busy, they need to be responsible for the daily operations of the Yin Yang Family headquarters.

You can't let His Excellency Donghuang handle the chores at Yin Yang's house personally.

Also when everyone was busy, Luna's high efficiency made her more popular and gave her the opportunity to contact the Hebo Mountain Ghost.

Even the First Emperor sent his eldest son Fusu, Prime Minister Li Si, and new military representative Meng Tian to ensure that the mirage was flawless. Naturally, the Yin and Yang family spent all their energy on this.

In the midst of all the busyness, Donghuang summoned his five-year-old disciple 'Xu Mo negative', who had not yet become a disciple, and removed the word 'mo' from his name and changed his name to 'Xu Mo negative'. This small matter was not so eye-catching.

The word "Mo Negi" in Xu Mo Negi originally meant that the Wencheng County Magistrate wanted to "live up to His Majesty the Emperor's kindness".
It was easy for Lu Wei to conquer the Shushan brothers and sisters. Yu Ziqi voluntarily agreed and quickly returned to Shushan to discuss some "treason" matters with the Shu people.

The obedience of the Shu people has always been temporary. In this regional power where the clan concept is stronger than that of the Central Plains, the Yu Yuan guards have the absolute qualification to represent the people's hearts. The Shu people also believe in the practices of the Yu Yuan guards.

Lu Wei calmly understood that Yu Ziqi would not violate the elder's order before his death and actively let the Shu people rebel, so he generously stated that as long as Shushan issued a statement to obey the rule of the peasants after the chaos broke out in the Central Plains.

It was a simple matter, but Yu Ziqi was under a lot of pressure.

Resisting the empire was a necessary way to bring the Fusang Shenmu back home, and he would not worry about it. What he really worried about was that Lu Wei had said that he would return all the treasures that had been stolen from Shushan.
In fact, the minimum condition for Yu Ziqi and the people of Shushan has always been to have the Fuso tree come back.

To achieve this, Lu Wei had great power and could make promises casually without any psychological burden, but Yu Ziqi himself could not place all his hopes on a verbal promise.

He needs to ask Shushan to make a contribution that can bring back the Fuso Sacred Tree. It is best for them to redeem the Fuso Sacred Tree themselves rather than as a reward from the farmers!

This requires Shushan to take the initiative to do something
After Yu Ziqi left, Lu Wei could theoretically take over the command of the peasants among the wandering Shu people on the ground, but he did not do that: the defeated Shu people still had many eyes staring at him, so he asked Yu Ziqi's sister Xiao Yu to change her name. Shi Lan can temporarily control the third party force as Songhai.

The farmhouse is being watched by many people, and so is Shushan. Once the clues about the cooperation between the two parties are exposed, the eyes will be much sharper than before.

"Let this black panther stay in Daze Mountain. It may be able to help you, but the cost of hiding such a size is far more than what it can bring."

On the Mangzhong Hill in Daze Mountain, Lu Wei looked at the mighty Shu Mountain beasts with unabashed appreciation in his eyes.

A rare and exotic beast that can kill a tiger with one claw. It is not only handsome in appearance, but also intelligent and can be used as a mount. This kind of exotic beast is very suitable for his status.

Unfortunately, its owner is Shushan Princess Xiao Yu, who is as agile as an elf, so she cannot snatch it by force.Feeling that the vaguely aggressive gaze made the giant black panther uneasy, Xiao Yu, who was wearing a neat and cold combat uniform, clearly understood that someone had an intention for his little black, so he moved quickly and decisively to block the black panther, adjusting his position. He said firmly:
"Xiao Hei is my friend. If Lu Xiakui likes pets, I can write to my brother and ask him to bring some as gifts to Xiakui when he comes back."

"No need." Sensing the girl's vigilance, Lu Wei did not feel offended and said relaxedly: "Now the anti-Qin cause is the most important thing. I am just a little curious about the 'Nian Beast' in Shu Mountain. Miss Yu can rest assured."

"Xie Xiakui's body." Promises from outsiders should never be easily believed, but with such a huge gap in strength and status, Xiao Yu was unable to question this promise: "Xiao Hei. Eats a lot. If you stay in Daze Mountain, you can only Afraid."

"The farm family is strong, so Miss Yu can rest assured." Lu Wei could see that although Xiao Yu was worried about taking over her black panther, she really didn't want to take the giant black panther to Songhai: No matter from the perspective of concealment or safety, Black Panther The leopard's presence is a nuisance.

So he said calmly: "If the girl is worried about Xiao Hei's expenses and feels guilty about having to take on the favor, then just keep the account for the time being and pay for the food when the girl comes to take it away."

"The farmer's disciples who take care of it will keep records of the daily recipes. Everything is based on the market price. The reputation of the farmer has always been as good as gold in the world."

The farmer Xia Kui said this, how could Xiao Yu doubt it anymore: "In that case, thank you Xia Kui."

Aye was called to make arrangements for the Black Panther's care in front of Xiao Yu. Xiao Yu didn't realize there was a problem and gave Xiao Hei a few serious words of advice. Although the Black Panther couldn't bear to be separated, the Black Panther, who was quite humane, still had to be well-behaved. Followed Aye.

A behemoth followed beside him. As the general manager of Lieshan Hall, Aye was not afraid at all. He recalled the words of his boss, glanced at the black panther, and understood in his heart: 'Do you want to feed it with the most expensive meat and medicinal materials?'

Watching Xiao Hei being taken away, Xiao Yu's body relaxed a little knowing that it would live safely in Daze Mountain, but this relaxation quickly tightened after Shao Siming's silent arrival: even though she knew Shao Si in her heart Fate is an ally, but after Shushan was destroyed, Xiaoyu's body had developed an acquired reaction to the aura of the Yin Yang family.

The two girls, one purple and one black, are taciturn or even silent characters. Their innocent eyes on the two delicate faces ignored each other and looked at Lu Wei, waiting for the next instructions.

"You go to Songhai first as planned."

Having faced off against too many heavyweights, he naturally felt no pressure when facing the gazes of Shao Siming and Xiao Yu: "Is it clear what to do?"

The girls nodded silently, turned around and left using Qing Kung at the same time.

Xiao Yu has a slim figure and moves quickly, but after all, his skills are shallow and there is a big gap between him and Shao Siming. However, in Lu Wei's sight, their backs disappeared at about the same speed. It can be seen that Shao Siming deliberately cooperated with his new son in his actions. partner.

They didn't talk much, but it seemed that the overt and covert cooperation between the anti-Qin forces and the Yin-Yang family could continue.

Not long after the two girls left, Ji Yan appeared.

"Brother Lu, are you waiting for Li Si?"

All kinds of talents were gathering in Songhai City, but Lu Wei himself was slow to leave, so Xiao Yaner accurately guessed that he was waiting for someone.

As for why this person is Li Si, the reason is of course that there are not many people who can make Lu Wei wait.

"Although the main goal of the Prime Minister's trip is the mirage, it is normal for him to do some chores on the way. If he comes and I am not here, wouldn't it mean that the Prime Minister's trip was in vain?"

Lu Wei smiled and nodded in agreement with Ji Yan's guess.

"The people accompanying Li Si this time include Chu Nan Gong, Xinghun, Gongsun Linglong, and perhaps a snare master." Ji Yan muttered: "These people are not a big threat, but he is the Prime Minister and came to Daze Mountain to invite Lu If you go and deal with Confucianism, brother"

"My relationship with Fu Nian is widely known in the world and is not a secret." Lu Wei's tone remained unchanged: "Li Si will invite me to Songhai and Xiaoshengxian Manor, but he will not let me directly confront Confucianism. , at least not this time~"

"He comes from a Confucian family and has a good reputation. Even if he wants to target Confucianists, he will not use force. It will mostly be a literary fight."

"I am a peasant hero, and this time I have achieved Li Si's goal by following Li Si's motorcade into Songhai~"

"It's still a way to divide the world." Ji Yan blinked her beautiful eyes, and the topic suddenly changed to a relaxed one: "Master Xiangguo's motorcade has not yet left the border, Ayan asked Mi Lian to prepare a dinner at the hot spring villa, and also invited Sister Xue Nu Sister He Rong, Brother Lu has been overworked these days, do you want to relax?"

“The villa recently built a large warm pool”

"You have already arranged everything, so let's do what you arranged."

(End of this chapter)

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