Careerist in Qin Dynasty

Chapter 333 Li Si finally arrives

Chapter 333 Li Si finally arrives
Lord Qin Xiangguo's motorcade will not encounter any obstacles along the way, so it travels very fast.

But until the convoy entered Dongjun, Daze Mountain had not received any advance notice of the Prime Minister's arrival. It seemed that Li Si planned to launch a surprise attack, or that Lu Wei had guessed the other party's intentions wrongly.

Lu Wei was not in a hurry about this.

No matter what the other party wants to do, Daze Mountain is fully prepared. If the other party comes, he will speculate on Li Si's actions with the greatest malice, because if the Prime Minister comes and he, the hero, is not around, the farm family will have a little trouble. Now it is At critical moments, the less trouble there is, the less trouble there is.

Of course it would be better if he didn't come. Although Li Si's historical ending was that he was plotted by Zhao Gao to become a clown, he was able to transform from a clerk in the Chu State to the Prime Minister of the Qin Dynasty. His ability should not be underestimated. It is not a good thing to be remembered by such a person. information.

But what was supposed to come would always come. After being notified by the disciple sent by Liu Ji at the foot of the mountain, Li Si came anyway.

The Prime Minister has a distinguished status, so of course he will not condescend to come to Daze Mountain in person. Instead, he will take a rest in Licheng and only call Lu Wei down the mountain to pay a visit.

Liu Ji is the general manager of Shennong Hall. After the Zhu family went to Taihang Mountain, he temporarily took charge of the affairs of Shennong Hall.

However, this is only in name. The Nongjia Sixth Hall has gradually split since the Kuei Hall scandal nearly 20 years ago. It has become unified again after Lu Wei became the leader of the knights. Therefore, although they are divided into six halls, most affairs have gradually changed. A unified management organization.

For example, the internal supervision of Ayu's Lieshan Hall includes every hall.

Liu Ji has a bold personality, but loves to gamble. He has a strong sense of being a scoundrel and loves to make friends with all kinds of people. He has obvious advantages and disadvantages.

But the most useful thing about him is that he is aware of current affairs and has courage. When facing different people, Liu Ji knows exactly what to say: he can be as timid as a mouse, and he can also be upright and upright. Depends on the object.

Since Situ Wanli's death, he was more willing to hang out with ordinary disciples in the casino than to live with Chen Ping, A Yu, Ji Yan and other direct descendants of the heroes in Daze Mountain.

Therefore, Lu Wei decisively handed over the small towns around Daze Mountain to him to take care of the chores, while Ayu's supervision was only responsible for supervision.

Liu Ji is very satisfied with his current life. Nowadays, he often goes to casinos and brothels to indulge in debauchery and makes friends from all walks of life. At the same time, he has not forgotten his responsibility: to respond flexibly to targets with different identities who want to enter Daze Mountain.

The atmosphere in Daze Mountain was usually relaxed and upright, but after Li Si's envoy arrived, it immediately became casual and lax. After the envoy reported the Prime Minister's order, he truthfully reported the conditions of the farmers he had observed, which greatly reduced Li Si's evaluation of the farmers. few.

This is something Liu Ji can do but Dianqing cannot. How to reasonably arrange the positions of subordinates is an important ability.

Signing that he understood and dismissed the disciple who reported the news, Lu Wei turned to look at the sword stand on the table: Logically speaking, he should not bring a sword when meeting Li Si, but he estimated that he might not be able to come back in a short time after going down the mountain, so he simply took the Swallowing Sea Sword. Tie it around the waist.

There is a high probability that he will continue eastward to Songhai with Lord Xiangguo's motorcade.

"Nangong is a great sage in the world and has profound knowledge. I wonder what he thinks of this farmer's family?"

Li Si drove away the rest of the people at the Licheng County government office, leaving only two representatives of the Yin and Yang family, Chu Nan Gong and Xing Hun, as companions. Even Gongsun Linglong was driven away.

The [-] disciples of Nongjia Kui are indeed extraordinary, but they have almost no power in the court. This gives Li Si a reason to despise Lu Wei, but at the same time he will not really humiliate him.

Since the peasant family never seemed to pose a threat to the Legalists and Li Si's own power, the goal was naturally to make friends rather than enemies.

In this regard, his attitude towards farmers was completely different from that towards Confucians: although Confucians were not reused by His Majesty the Emperor, they still remained in the court after all.

And His Royal Highness the eldest son is partial to Confucianism. If the eldest son succeeds to the throne, Confucianism may still be firmly suppressed by Legalism in the short term, but it is hard to say whether the reversal will occur decades or even a hundred years later.

The dispute between orthodoxy and the personal enmity between Li Si and Confucianism led him to suppress Confucianism whenever he had the opportunity.

There is no need for the peasant family. The two sides have different tracks, and it is impossible to wipe out all the peasant family's [-] disciples.

"Cough cough." Chu Nan Gong coughed before he could say anything, looking extremely old: "Farmers talk about power, scholars talk about scholar's deeds, workers talk about craftsmanship, business talk about numbers, farmers talk about people's food, It is one of the very important ones."

It's a very official statement. Since Chu Nan Gong took refuge in Li Si, he really didn't have many useful suggestions.

However, Li Si only raised him because of the name 'Chu Nan Gong'. Even though he knew that Chu Nan Gong was fooling him, he didn't care at all. He smiled and nodded: "What about this Lu Wei?"

"Lu Wei, I have heard some stories about this man. He is indeed somewhat similar to Mr. Xiangguo."

Although Duke Nan of Chu told Han Xin a few years ago that he did not want to come to Daze Mountain, he had helped someone from Lu many times, so of course he would not have any dislike for Lu Wei. Moreover, the anti-Qin forces suffered heavy losses in Guancheng. Zeshan cannot be hit again.

In front of Li Si, he chose to say something nice for Lu Xiaozi.

"Oh?" Li Si was surprised: "I would like to hear the details."

"I also know the story of Lu Wei." When Li Si asked, Chu Nan Gong coughed violently again. After a long time, he seemed to have finally recovered, but at this time, the right to speak had been taken over by Xinghun: "He When he was young, he was recruited into the army by the State of Zhao and attacked the State of Yan, but because he was unwilling to perform his military duties, he took his compatriots in the army and fled into the land of Yan as refugees."

Speaking of this, Xinghun glanced at the quiet Chu Nangong with a strange smile, and there was an inexplicable joking in his eyes: "In the refugee team, he infiltrated the farmer's branch in Yan State, but in just a few years, he not only became The branch manager was also spotted by Zhou He, the head of the Gonggong Hall at the Dazeshan headquarters, and was selected as the general manager." "It was also from that time that Lu Wei obtained the qualifications to obtain the current position of Xiaqi~"

"I see, he sounds like a talented person." Li Si didn't mind that Chu Nan Gong's conversation was interrupted by Xinghun.

Xinghun is one of the two great protectors of the empire and the left protector of the Yin Yang family. Now that the Yin Yang family is valued by His Majesty the Emperor because of the mirage, Li Si will not hate him for no reason: "The protector said this, Li Si understands what Nangong said about him Like me."

"I also come from a poor family and have limited talents and knowledge. Later, I was lucky enough to obtain my current position because of Your Majesty's appreciation and love. I am similar to this Lu Wei."

As he spoke, Li Si's smile became fuller, and he did not shy away from his origin at all.

Regarding Lu Wei's experience, if he had been an official in the court, he would have been suppressed mercilessly by Li Si. But since he was only in Jianghu, it was inevitable that Li Si would have a favorable impression of Lu Wei, who had a life experience similar to his own. A trace.

"Lord Prime Minister, the peasant hero Lu Wei has arrived." At this moment, the report from the soldiers outside the house came at the right time.

"Then please invite Xiakui to come in."

The smile on Li Si's face faded. After a while, a slender and muscular young man walked in. His first appearance surprised the Prime Minister again:
'The pace is steady, full of rhythm, elegance and strength, with sword-shaped eyebrows and starry eyes, what a handsome knight. '

There is no disgust in the first place, Li Si is of course happy to communicate with a pleasing ranger

"Senior brother seems to be absent-minded?"

Zhang Liang made a move, and Fu Nian's distraction was clearly visible to him across the chessboard.

"The storm is about to come, and the Songhai City is now the focus of attention from all parties. Little Shengxian Village cannot escape from it, and can only bear the wind and rain, not knowing where to go."

When Fu Nian faced the inquiry, he frankly expressed his worries, then picked up two chess pieces with two fingers and threw them forcefully. They landed on the chess game with Zhang Liang and Yan Lu respectively.

Yan Lu silently listened to the conversation between his senior fellow apprentices, without saying a word, and just stared at the chessboard calmly, while Zhang Liang was obviously well prepared:

"Prime Minister Li Si's motorcade should have arrived at this time. It is said that they went to the direction of Daze Mountain."

"It's not a surprise. The Prime Minister is busy with affairs. Naturally, he won't miss the opportunity to negotiate with a farmer with a hundred thousand disciples during a trip."

Fu Nian nodded calmly: "Behind Daze Mountain will be the Little Sage Village. We need to focus more on learning and writing scriptures."

After saying that, he looked at Zhang Liang meaningfully.

Zhang Liang had made an appointment with Gui Gu Zongheng to go to Daze Mountain some time ago, but Fu Nian had assigned a lot of tasks to him these days, and the Mo family also accidentally encountered someone during a certain attack on the Qin Army team. The soldiers fell down and placed Songhai City under martial law for several days.

Just as the atmosphere relaxed, news came that Li Si's team was setting off.

If nothing else goes wrong, Lu Wei will take the initiative to come to Songhai next. If they go to Daze Mountain at this moment, they will probably miss it and simply wait in Songhai.

Mirages are more important than some people realize
"What senior brother said is true." Zhang Liang responded to Fu Nian with a smile, and said proactively: "Just because Little Sage Village is quiet, it doesn't mean that noisy people will not come after you. I heard that Lord Xiangguo brought the famous Mr. Gongsun with him on this trip."

"The famous Gongsun, the Prime Minister's intentions are undoubtedly exposed. If we don't prepare in advance, I'm afraid the students will be embarrassed."

"Zicong and the others really don't have much experience in the art of argument and synthesis." Yan Lu spoke up to help Zhang Liang.

"That's why we want them to see it. This is a rare opportunity." Fu Nian shook his head: "Normally, if you are not good at your studies, why should you prepare for an attack when you encounter an upcoming opponent?"

"It's time for Zi Congzi, Mu Ziyou and the others to see and see people outside the village, lest they become complacent in the village!"

"There are also Ziming, Ziyu, and Ziyue. They are disciples brought in by Zifang. They have only been studying for a short period of time. They can also take a good look at the lessons of not focusing on studying."

Fu Nian's intention was to pretend that he didn't know the purpose of Li Si's visit, and let the disciples below him compete with the famous Gongsun at their normal level.

Confucianism usually teaches the way of a gentleman, which is quite different from the way of argumentation. Without training, most disciples can easily fall into the trap of sophistry and find it difficult to escape in full view of the public.

But Fu Nian is not willing to let students learn debate temporarily just to deal with famous experts.

It is better to let students learn a lesson and criticize themselves afterwards to make greater progress.

What's more, the famous scholar Gongsun has a great reputation. It is not shameful for Confucian students to lose to Gongsun in debate. At the last moment, the "Three Heroes of Qi and Lu" can come forward to teach the students by examples what is the right way of a gentleman.

(End of this chapter)

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