Careerist in Qin Dynasty

Chapter 334 Wolf Clan Matters

Chapter 334 Wolf Clan Matters
The situation of the wolf tribe and the tribal alliance has always been large and small, and they have been separated and separated. Since they were defeated by Li Mu in a battle with [-] riders decades ago, they have rarely posed any huge threat to the Central Plains.

However, the nomadic peoples entrenched outside the Great Wall have existed since the Western Zhou Dynasty until now. Whether they are soldiers or wolves, they naturally have reasons for their existence.

The largest tribe of the Wolf Clan has never had a large population, with a peak of only 30 people, which is about the same number as Lu Wei's subordinates who control [-] peasant disciples and Yue people in the south. From this aspect alone, the strength of the Wolf Clan is average.

But they also have a large number of other nomadic servants and a mobilization force of almost all the people. They live for survival and have strong fighting power.

Moreover, the grassland is vast. After Li Mu defeated the wolf clan, the wolf clan was almost wiped out. Large grazing spaces were left on the grassland. These spaces were naturally occupied by some Central Plains people who fled north. As the grazing activities progressed, these People from the Central Plains will automatically become members of the wolf clan after 30 years.

Therefore, as long as the grassland remains, the nomads chasing water and grass will never become extinct. This is the biggest support for the existence of the wolf tribe.

Normally, although such a wolf clan is tenacious, it is difficult to cause annihilation harm to the Central Plains. Especially after the unification of the Qin Dynasty, the labor force in Guanzhong alone was twice the population of the main wolf clan.

However, in recent years, after Luo Wang pushed the leader of a certain branch of the wolf clan, Man, to unify the scattered tribes scattered all over the world, the wolf clan has been able to pose a certain threat to the Qin border.
With a scoff, the Qiu Toad Sword pierced the heart of Touman Shanyu's eldest son, Modu. This wolf king who would have been several times greater than his father in history was killed before he could grow up.

Holding the sword in his left hand, he rotated it and stirred it. After confirming that the target's heart was completely broken, Zhou Wen put away the sword without saying a word and left the remote tent. Half an hour later, Modu's body was found and presented to Touman.

Touman was furious. Although he no longer liked this son after adopting a young and beautiful Hu Ji, his death on the grassland was undoubtedly a contempt for his majesty!
"Your Majesty, don't be angry, this is actually an opportunity."

The enchanting figure of Touman's favorite Orchid was nestled in his plump arms, her fingers holding the golden wine pot, her voice was as smooth as snatched silk: "Dare to kill the king's son on the grassland, this must be what the people of Qin want." Therefore, the king’s army can go south to avenge this hatred~”

There were candles in the tent, and Hu Ji's pair of heterochromatic pupils shone like two gems under the candlelight. The left eye was as blue as a glacier and as deep as the sea, and the right eye was golden and bright like amber treasures. .

She knew how to calm Touman down, poured the wine into her arms, and used her body as the most unique wine glass.

Touman buried his head in his head and took a big sip. His beard was stained with wine stains and at the same time, his anger was gone: as a Chanyu of the wolf clan, he was very happy to face the 'king' that Hu Ji so sweetly called him.

"Qin people?" Touman tilted his head: "You mean those snares that cooperate with us?"

"Wrong, Your Majesty, they are our allies, how could they kill Your Majesty's son?" Hu Ji chuckled lightly: "Pull out a Central Plains prisoner from those slaves and chop him up. Then the murderer will be found, right?" ~"

Touman's brain was more direct, so Hu Ji didn't use any metaphors and directly read out the operation methods. Finding excuses for war was quite childish.

But for Touman, he didn't need any excuse for war. It didn't matter whether he found one or not. The wolf clan didn't pay attention to these things.

It would be better to have an excuse now: as more and more tribes are being annexed, he has long wanted to go south to rob the Qin people!
Therefore, Touman decisively followed Hu Ji's instructions. As for finding the real murderer, he also didn't care.

In the environment of the wolf clan, a son who grows bigger is also a threat. With Hu Ji around, he wants to have another younger son. It would be better if the eldest son dies at this time!
This is also what Luo Wang means. The Wolf Clan goes south to create pressure on the Qin State, and they will get more opportunities internally~
As for the dead future hero Mao Dun, his name will be completely lost in the history of this world.
Touman decided to take action. When Hu Ji took care of him and returned to his tent, there were two men in black robes inside.

She didn't feel frightened, but smiled and said: "I have done as you said. In the fall, Touman will send troops south."

"You not only killed Mao Dun, but also completed Luo Sheng's plan. Qiu Chan, you did a good job this time."

The man in black, who had a higher status, nodded slowly and looked at his other companion with satisfaction: "It seems that the investment your Lord CRRC made in you was not in vain."

The other man in black robe with only his left arm was Zhou Wen who killed Mao Dun. He held the Qiu Toad Sword and bowed slightly: "Master Zhao Cheng has a good command, but his subordinates can only do their best."

Zhao Cheng is the younger brother of Zhao Gao, the leader of the Heaven and Earth Net. His status is not noble enough in the Qin court, but he is highly respected in the net. Zhao Gao can only rest assured that Zhao Cheng is responsible for supporting the wolf tribe to attack Qin.

Killing Mao Dun was an action that Lu Wei asked Tian Guang to inform Zhou Wen. It was just a casual action when he heard that Zhou Wen was in the wolf clan's territory, but in practice it could be cleverly coordinated with Luo Wang's plan.This reason is naturally because of Hu Ji: Mao Dun is the son of Touman, but not the son of Hu Ji. Hu Ji has long wanted to get rid of him and then be happy.

But several actions failed. Zhou Wen simply said that he would do it himself, which received strong support from Hu Ji: she was the nominal beneficiary of this matter.

As for the wolf tribe sending troops south, it will actually happen regardless of whether Mao Dun dies or not.

Because the fundamental reason driving the wolves southward is not hatred, but food.

Helping Tou Manxin to integrate those scattered tribes, the wolf tribe's food demand this year is much greater than before.

However, adding Maodun's death to the destined matter can make Hu Ji, who has quietly joined Luo Sheng, return to her heart. This will be of greater benefit to Luo Sheng!


Lu Wei didn't know how many times he had come to Songhai. Songhai City was still prosperous, but this was the first time he enjoyed a grand welcome.

Of course, this was Li Si's fault: after being received by the Prime Minister in Licheng, the content of his talks with him was actually relatively ordinary.

The Nong family would definitely not be completely clean if they really wanted to investigate the situation carefully, but the Nong family was not the first target of Li Si's attack. In addition, he wanted to take Lu Wei to Songhai with him to achieve the purpose of dividing the Jiang Hu, so naturally he would not mention those unpleasant things.

During the conversation, Lu Weihai also pretended to reconnect with his two 'old friends' Xinghun and Chu Nanggong. The three people's fake smiles made the atmosphere in Lord Xiangguo's house lively.

As he expected, Li Si invited him to go to Songhai together. Lu Wei agreed without hesitation, which made Li Si even more satisfied.

The journey went smoothly, and Lu Wei was calm on the carriage, but the news spread that the peasant hero Yin had become a guest of the imperial prime minister, and the anti-Qin forces in Songhai City had a different mood when they learned the news.
"Lu Wei came to Songhai in Li Si's carriage. Are the farmers determined to join the empire?"

In the Mo family camp, Big Iron Hammer's irritable character was the first to speak. His loud voice shook the tea on the table.

Everyone was silent, this incident was really bad news for Jianghu.

Pirate Zhi, who has a friendship with Lu Wei, said: "Just like Mr. Zhang Liang said, the peasant family has been protecting itself, but it is not enough to completely become a pawn of the empire."

"I plan to find several strongholds of farmers tomorrow to investigate their movements."

The King of Thieves has outstanding qinggong, and he intends to take risks and break into the farmer's stronghold to search for clues, so that the Mo family can decide on the next plan as soon as possible.

"It's better to send someone to ask Mr. Zhang Liang about this matter." Gao Jianli shook his head. He is now the new giant of the Mohist family. Although he does not believe that Lu Wei will defect to the empire, his status determines that Gao Jianli cannot express decisive opinions rashly now, so he calmly said : "The anti-Qin alliance is united, and the movements of the peasant family are a matter of concern to everyone."

As he said that, Gao Jianli looked at Yan Yun: "It is inconvenient for us to appear in the city. If we are exposed, it will bring trouble to Mr. Zhang Liang and Confucianism. It is better to ask Tianming Shaoyu and Gao Yue to come back for a run."

"Don't worry, boss, they will come back the day after tomorrow." Yan Yun nodded softly and responded.

After Yan Dan died and the city was destroyed, Yan Yun was supposed to return to Yin Yang's house with his daughter and follow Master Dong Jun. However, Master Dong Jun was busy in retreat, and the identities of Yan Yun and Gao Yue were not exposed. A Mohist leader-level The traitor's status was high, so the two of them simply continued to lurk and convey the Mohist news to the outside world.

Their current superior has been handed over to Lu Wei by Dong Jun, along with the Mo Mei, a token of the Mohist giant!
(End of this chapter)

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