Careerist in Qin Dynasty

Chapter 335 Li Si visits Confucianism

Chapter 335 Li Si visits Confucianism
Like a sword but not an attack, the eyebrows have no front.

Mo Mei is a token of the Mohist tycoon. It is said that anyone can become a Mohist tycoon as long as they hold Mo Mei and pass the test of the Mohist forbidden area.

But now that the agency city is gone, there is no way to test it. Mo Mei was nominally snatched away by the murderer of Yan Dan. Even though Lu Wei was not afraid of the Mo family's revenge, he did not want his reputation to be damaged at this time. .

Therefore, he put this sword together with the Haocao and Ateliers he had acquired in the past, waiting for future use.

Another Mohist treasure, 'Fei Gong', has been sent to the Jing County Mechanism Workshop, and Amu will carefully study the Mohist Mechanism Technique contained in it.

After losing two treasures in a row and unable to recover them, Gao Jianli looked at the silent expressions of the commanders in the Mohist stronghold after Yan Yun finished speaking, and knew that this was because the continuous failures were too depressing.

The next actions of the Mo family must be successful no matter how big or small!

As a giant, Gao Jianli knows that his abilities are limited, so he must be strict with himself
On the Shushan side, Xiao Yu reconvened the Shushan disciples and rented a small courtyard in Songhai City. Now Yun Zhongjun is still in Xianyang. The elder of the Yin and Yang family who is responsible for the defense of Songhai City is Shao Siming. The two silent girls There was a brief action discussion on the way, and Shao Siming could turn a blind eye to Shushan's actions as long as they didn't go too far.

Xiao Yu did not tell his compatriots about this. Cooperation with the Yin Yang family was of great importance and almost determined the possibility of retrieving the Fuso sacred tree. There must be no flaws.

There is no need to worry about how to climb the mirage now. What she has to do now is to fight with the anti-Qin forces in the name of Shushan.

'According to what my brother said before leaving, the farmhouse is most likely a senior anti-Qin stronghold. Everything Lu Wei did was to fight against Qin, but he did not establish direct contact with other anti-Qin righteous men, so Shushan was responsible for It’s this liaison role. '

Taking out the jade flute that he carried with him, Xiao Yu used to play Shushan music to keep himself awake when he was thinking alone. But this time as soon as the jade flute touched his red lips, he couldn't help but frown on his cold face and turned to look at the window.

A green leaf was nailed there.

'It's her. She wants me to go out. Is it because the anti-Qin righteous people are taking action? '

Putting on a black tights, Princess Shushan rushed out of the room without hesitation.
Regarding Shushan, Lu Wei did not have any necessary hopes for them, but allowed them to develop freely.

The mission issued was also to contact the anti-Qin forces. This was of course not because Lu Wei expected to remotely control the anti-Qin forces from Shushan, but just to make the situation of Songhai's forces normal and not arouse suspicion.

Because of the mirage in Songhai City, it is natural for the undercurrent to surge.

And the greater the intensity of this undercurrent, the more reassured Ying Zheng and Dong Huang are that these forces cannot actually cause damage to the mirage anyway. The greater the commotion, the more clearly what the anti-Qin forces have done will be exposed. In this way, there will be no mistake in setting sail for the mirage.

On the contrary, if all the forces are silent, Ying Zheng and Dong Huang will be more vigilant: with identities at their level, they are not afraid of enemies, only afraid of enemies hiding.

'So if Shushan, who left Songhai, can come back and connect with the Mo family and the Xiang family, Songhai can be lively~'

Playing with the 'gadget' in his hand, Lu Wei lowered his eyes and looked at the music score spread out on the table. After memorizing it, he put the Tao Xun to his mouth and started playing melodiously.

Lu Wei followed Li Si into Songhai City, but because Li Si had to deal with the mirage matter, he didn't care much about him anymore.

Unrestricted, Lu Wei returned to the farmer's small building in Songhai. This place was originally hidden, but as time went on it became public, and there were many eyes staring at it.

Watching, watching, Lu Wei is nominally Li Si's guest, but no one comes to bother him. He is happy to practice swordsmanship in the stronghold, read books, or play chess with Li Shengqi. Recently, he has also learned music, which can be said to be very good. easy.

He was waiting for time, but he didn't know what those eyes were waiting for.

In addition to Lu Wei, the other three Li Si guests were also very happy:

Chu Nan Gong wandered around the city all day long, often watching the world on the Jinshui Bridge and Yinshui Bridge. The little old man's great concealment in the city once again came into play: people who should see him will naturally look for him, and those who shouldn't see him will naturally look for him. Can't notice anything.

After Xinghun changed his appearance, he traveled to various teahouses in Songhai, savoring the various flavors of the tea ceremony, and he was very interested in drinking tea.

The last famous master, Gongsun. Let’s not mention it. The name of the famous master is far from being compared with other leading sects of various schools of thought. Gongsun Linglong is eloquent, but he can only rely on Li Si as the front dog of Legalism. Call.

Not many people in Songhai City would pay attention to her, and even if they did, they were just small fish and shrimps.

In the first half month of Li Si's arrival, Songhai City did not change much. It was not until Li Si sent an envoy to inform Xiaoshengxian Village that he was going to visit that the curtain began quietly.
Tianming Shaoyu Gaoyue's current public identity is that of a Confucian disciple. The most indispensable thing in Songhai City is Confucian disciples.

Therefore, the three of them can go to many places blatantly and serve as Zhang Liang's runner to contact various factions in Little Sage Village.If you leave out classes, life in Little Sage's Manor is definitely more comfortable than in the government city: both the environment and the food are top-notch, and with the safe atmosphere in Little Sage's Manor, there is no need to worry about enemies breaking in.

But you need to take classes.
Of course, Tianming only worries about this. Shao Yu and Gao Yue have received basic education since childhood. It is not difficult to keep up with the learning progress. When it comes to learning the Six Arts of Junzi, even Gao Yue is a girl. Learn well.

Tian Ming was the only one with an unconventional nature. Although he was very talented, he didn't understand everything and needed to learn the most basic literacy.

"Tianming Shaoyu, there seems to be some activity at the main entrance today. The leader, second master, and third master have all passed by."

Gao Yue was dressed in the clothes of a Confucian disciple and wore a crown on her head. Although she was a little more delicate, she was brought in by Zhang Liang after all, so no one would doubt her gender without reason.

As for Yan Lu and Fu Nian, they could most likely see Gao Yue's problem, but they each had their own reasons for not exposing it.

"It should be Li Si's visit, Third Master said before." Shao Yu touched his chin and quickly guessed the reason. There were only a few people in Songhai City who could welcome Fu Nian.

"Is that the Prime Minister of Qin? I guess he must be a very bad old man, his hair is as white as Master Ban, hehe." When Tianming went back to Mo's house yesterday, he asked Master Ban to 'borrow' a small wooden kite to play with and was found out. Now he is verbally I deliberately said a few words to undermine the other party, but Master Ben couldn't hear it anyway~
"Maybe." Shao Yu was in a good mood. In the past half month, he had reunited with Long Qie, his friend who had been separated from him during the war between Qin and Chu on the outskirts of Songhai. Long Qie not only brought the tiger talisman of the Xiang clan, but also the tiger talisman belonging to him. The Seven Seas Dragon Armor.

At first, Shaoyu was still worried about whether he should put on that armor again, but yesterday he ran into the former sage Chu Nangong on the Jinshui Bridge, and his words revived Shaoyu's spirit!

Although Chu has three households, Qin must be killed by Chu!
If it weren't for the fact that there were still a few days until the next time he could leave the city, he would definitely run to Long Qie that night: "Let's go and see what the so-called Prime Minister of Qin looks like!"

"Okay, that's what I thought too!" Tianming was afraid that he wouldn't be able to go, so he immediately looked at Gao Yue: "Do you want Yue'er to go?"

"Well," Gao Yue pondered, and said, "There will definitely be many Confucian disciples going to watch the ceremony today. It doesn't matter if we go."


The three of them reached an agreement and rushed to the reception hall. If they went to the door at this time, Fu Nian would definitely drive them away. It was better to wait in the pavilion outside the reception hall where they would definitely see the Prime Minister.

"Who is that weird kid? He looks younger than me."

After waiting for less than half an hour, just when Tianming was getting impatient with the branch in his mouth, a group of Qin troops cleared the way. The follow-up leader Fu Nian finally arrived with several guests he had never seen before.

Tianming's eyes were immediately attracted by Xinghun's outfit: each of the Yin Yang family's formal attires was full of unique features.

"This costume is..." Shao Yu also hesitated, and Gao Yue replied in a deep voice: "Judging from the clothing pattern, he is from the Yin Yang family."

"Yin Yang Family" Tianming Shaoyu was speechless upon hearing this, and couldn't help but carefully pay attention to Gao Yue's expression. Both of them knew that Gao Yue's father, Yan Dan, the former Mo family giant, died at the hands of the Yin Yang Family, and now they met another person. Yin Yang family
Gao Yue did not notice the performance of the two friends at this time, but her expression did become serious: this is because the first thing Gao Yue looked at was not Xinghun, but a certain peasant hero on the right side of Xinghun. .

On the other hand, after listening to Tianming's words and noticing Xinghun, she was immediately stared at by Xinghun's interesting eyes: There is no doubt that the Yin and Yang magic in her body can be hidden from ordinary people, but it can be hidden from the Yin and Yang family. For Dharma protectors, the smell is very strong.

Gao Yue doesn't know much about the internal relations of the Yin Yang family. She doesn't know whether Xinghun and her master are enemies or friends.
"Yue'er, are you okay?"

Noticing that Gao Yue's face was turning pale, Tianming immediately held her arm and asked in a suppressed voice.

Shao Yu also came over and supported her other side. The two of them hoped to use their presence to calm the possible sadness in Gao Yue's heart.

"I'm fine." With an ugly smile, Gao Yue nodded to the two friends and changed the subject: "Except for the person from the Yin Yang family, the other people Li Si brought also look extraordinary. "

The middle-aged man accompanying Fu Nian was naturally Li Si. He did not have white hair as Tianming had guessed. Li Si, who was over fifty, had a face that looked similar to that of Yan Lu, who was in his thirties.

But if you look closely, you can still see those tiny wrinkles.

Behind them, Yan Lu and Zhang Liang were very familiar with each other. After being reminded, Tianming Shaoyu looked decisively at the slender and elegant swordsman.

Based on the exchanges between the Mohist family and the Third Master during this period, it is not difficult to guess the identity of this person:

Lu Wei, the hero of the farm family whose attitude is crucial!

(End of this chapter)

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