Careerist in Qin Dynasty

Chapter 336 Lord of Yan and Zhao

Chapter 336 Lord of Yan and Zhao
Lu Wei could have reasonably refused to follow Li Si to visit Little Saint Xian Manor. After all, he was not Li Si's disciple or an imperial official.

Following Li Si from Licheng to Sanghai was invited as a 'friend' in his personal capacity. As a 'friend of the Prime Minister', Lu Wei obviously could not refuse easily.

But Li Si's visit to the Little Saint's Village, whether his official status or his former student status, had nothing to do with Lu Wei. The reason why he hadn't refused yet was because he came for the Little Saint's Village itself.

After coming to Songhai City for so long, Lu Wei has not had time to meet Fu Nian and Zhang Liang alone due to various reasons. This time traveling with Li Si is undoubtedly an opportunity.

There are never any problems with Confucian etiquette. After a brief exchange of greetings from outside the main entrance to the reception hall, Li Si, as expected, asked Fu Nian to visit his former teacher Xunzi, even though Xunzi had been in retreat for ten years. But the status of Xiangguo made it difficult for Fu Nian to refuse, just like Lu Wei of Licheng.

In addition, Li Si smiled and said that it was only up to Master Xun to decide whether to accept or not, so he agreed.

Lu Wei came to Xiaoshengxianzhuang several times in the past ten years. Although he met Xunzi only a handful of times, he also understood that this Confucian scholar had always had a stubborn temper. Li Si, who had gained power in Qin ten years ago, would be expelled by him resolutely. Even if Li Si is already the prime minister this time, there is a high chance that he will be rejected once he meets her.

After confirming their eyes with the gentle Zhang Liang beside them, the two of them smiled and nodded and stayed together instead of following Fu Nian, Li Si and others to Xunzi's retreat.

After everyone left, the two of them walked out of the hall from the side door side by side in tacit agreement and came to the peach blossom forest in the back hall.

"The peach trees here have grown very well in recent years, thanks to the careful care given by Brother Lu's farm disciples every year."

Winter has just passed, and the peach trees in Xiaoshengxian Village are growing much faster than in Daze Mountain. The flower buds are already showing some pink. The temperature at the seaside is always slightly milder than in the mountains.

"Farmers and Confucians cooperate closely. Xiaoshengxian Village spends a lot of budget on these garden plants every year. The farmers will naturally give returns that are in line with Confucian expenditures."

Responding to Zhang Liang with a smile, Lu Wei glanced at his right side pretending to be unintentional. He noticed that someone was following him: three auras, so immature that he did not hide them. One of them, the aura of the Yin Yang Family, directly exposed the identities of the three of them: It's Tianming Shaoyu and Gao Yue.

These three children are no longer useful to Lu Wei, and he doesn't care what they want to do, but Shao Yu has blocked the way to Mi Lian and Mi Xin. The overlord of Western Chu in the original time and space and the Xiang family behind it also need to be cleaned up. Shushan and the Yinyang family are already doing this.

Zhang Liang's internal strength was much worse than that of Lu Wei. He had some thoughts after seeing Lu Wei's actions and waited for a while before he discovered the three eavesdroppers.

Unlike Lu Wei, although he could not identify Gao Yue's onmyoji aura, as soon as he knew that there were three eavesdroppers, he immediately accurately guessed that the targets were Tianming and others.

Judging from this distance, the probability that the three young men overheard their conversation was not high, and even if they heard it, it would not matter. So Zhang Liang continued with peace of mind: "Brother Lu has received a lot of attention during this period, and there will be more after today." too much."

His tone was full of emotion: "Brother Lu was also there at the time in the machine city, right?"

"The martyrs of the six countries gathered together, and the Qin State launched its army. Anyone will want to be the first to watch the events unfold."

Lu Wei did not deny it. He was confident that his whereabouts had not been exposed and seen by others, but some things did not need to be seen with one's own eyes to draw conclusions, especially for Zhang Zifang.

"Indeed." Zhang Liang did not ask what Lu Wei did in the government city, but said softly: "But the development of the situation is beyond everyone's imagination. If the current anti-Qin forces do not have a strong enough ally to help them, they can only I’m afraid it’s going to fall apart.”

This is a clear indication that Zhang Liang actually has many other questions about Lu Wei that need to be answered, but the most important issue now is the issue of anti-Qin.

"The Mo family has another plan, doesn't it?"

"The power of Qinglong is shocking, but to fight against Qin, what we need most are people."

Facing the sincere gaze of Zhang Liang who said this, Lu Wei remained unmoved and smiled politely: "Zifang thinks if the Mo family's plan succeeds, what will happen to the world?"

"When the emperor dies, the struggle for power within the Qin State will immediately break out. In this case, the righteous men of the Six Nations will raise the flag to resist the tyranny, and the rule of the people of the Six Nations can be restored to the land of the Six Nations."

The first half of Zhang Liang's sentence was still very fanciful, but the last sentence made Lu Wei raise his eyebrows: "Brother Lu's farm family is the largest force in the world, with hundreds of thousands of soldiers. Now that Yan and Zhao have extinct heirs, Qin If something happens to the emperor, and the peasants take the lead in mobilizing rebels, Brother Lu can easily become the master of the land of Yanzhao. If he can further advance into Guanzhong, it is not impossible to be respected as the leader of the world!"

After that, Zhang Liang faced Lu Wei's gaze calmly, his delicate and heroic face calm and firm: "I think this is the answer Brother Lu wants?"

It was too fast, and the environment and timing were somewhat inappropriate, but the more serious matter was suddenly said under such circumstances, but it also revealed Zhang Liang's sincerity.Lu Wei's ambition had actually been revealed to Mr. Zhang San a long time ago. Now that the matter has been made clear, Zhang Liang is keenly aware of the intensifying pressure in Songhai City.

Although he believed that Nongjia would definitely stand against Qin in the end, by the time Nongjia really made up his mind to take action, how many more martyrs from the Six Nations would have died who had already suffered a major blow in Guancheng.
"If Brother Lu agrees with what I say, I can immediately serve as an envoy for Brother Lu to persuade the Yanzhao nobles to support the farmers. Although the Dazeshan Mountains have always belonged to Qi, I can also help persuade the royal family of Qi to transfer Dongjun, Jibei County and other areas where Daze Mountain is located were donated to Brother Lu."

In addition to relying on the power of farmers, Zhang Liang also talked about the contributions that he and the anti-Qin forces could make.

This sincerity is undoubtedly much greater than that of Changping Lord and Yan Dan. It can even be said to be a bit daring, almost explicitly letting Lu Wei become king and get the title of leader of the world, just like the emperor of Zhou in the past.

But as far as this sincerity can go, it is still false.

"Zifang is joking." Lu Wei said calmly, "Just like this, the farmer can do it himself!"

He did not deny that he wanted to be a king.

As expected, Li Si did not see Master Xun, and was even humiliated by Master Xun who said, "I have only one disciple from beginning to end, named Han Fei."

Even though he had known this for a long time, Li Si couldn't help but clenched his fists hidden in his sleeves: Xun Kuang was highly respected, and Li Si was already a highly respected minister. If there was anything else he wanted to pursue, it would be to leave his name in history. record.

If he could show closeness to Xun Kuang in his later years, he would undoubtedly be even more praised in the history books. Otherwise, Li Si would be doomed to have the stain of being expelled from his school.

This was Li Si's last concern before taking action against Confucianism, but since Xun Kuang had completely shattered this concern today, he could kill him in cold blood!

With a fierce look in his eyes, Li Si smiled and said he didn't care, and followed Fu Nian back to the reception hall.

As soon as he sat down, Li Si immediately gave Gongsun Linglong a look, and then said with a smile that Gongsun, a famous scholar, wanted to compete with the "holy place for scholars in the world" in the art of argumentation.

Fu Nian had long known Li Si's plan to bring Gongsun Linglong here, and had also thought about using this opportunity to examine the school's students, so he nodded and agreed without hesitation.

Calling for students, young people in Confucian uniforms quickly gathered outside the reception hall.

This news caused Lu Wei and Zhang Liang to rush back from the peach forest where the atmosphere of chatting was intense. Both of them were smiling and looking like they were having a great time talking.

Fu Nian and Lu Wei were old friends, and they held each other's jaws as a courtesy. Li Si asked a few questions about the conversation between the two, but Zhang Liang dismissed it lightly.

The content of the subsequent debate was nothing interesting. Although Lu Wei and Zhang Liang both appeared to be attentive, in fact, they were distracted the whole time by thinking about what they had just said.
Li Si's visit to Confucianism did not cause much trouble. After this incident, the atmosphere in Songhai City remained the same.

But secretly, a special force has been stationed in this coastal city.

Shadow Secret Guard, Zhang Han.

The arrival of His Majesty's personal bodyguards, known as 'like maggots attached to bones, following like shadows', can only mean one thing: Fusu's motorcade has already set off from Xianyang.

At the same time, the trial voyage of the mirage has also begun.

The giant ship on the shore of the shipyard has already sailed offshore, and Songhai City has begun to close the sea. When Fusu arrives, the first trial voyage is almost over, and then the mirage will actually dock at the dock of Songhai City, making a scene in front of the sea. Final debugging work.

After Lu Wei had a brief chat with Zhang Liang at Xiaoshengxian Village, he later 'accidentally' met Mr. Zhang San on the Jinshui Bridge and had an in-depth chat about some minor issues.

The inside of Songhai City is as calm as the sea in recent times, but the mountains and forests outside Songhai City are quite lively.

There are the Mohists, the Xiang clan, the remnants of the Chu army, Shushan, as well as the newly arrived secret guards and the indispensable snares.
Opening the window, I watched from a distance a group of cavalrymen holding torches entering the city overnight. The leader, Meng Tian, ​​was like a signal, starting the intrigue outside Songhai City.
(End of this chapter)

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