Careerist in Qin Dynasty

Chapter 337 Black Dragon Scroll

Chapter 337 Black Dragon Scroll
A group of merchants from the west attracted the attention of the Moh family.

The giant Gao Jianli personally went out, followed by Big Hammer and Thief Zhi. The three of them were lying in ambush in the dense forest, staring sharply at the distance of the road.

Half an hour later, the problematic caravan arrived as expected. A total of thirty knights were counted guarding the three carriages in the center. Such a formation was a bit too obvious.

It was rare for Big Iron Hammer to calm down and observe these knights carefully. He nodded to Gao Jianli. The latter understood, and silently pulled out the Shuihan Sword. He made a 'hands on' gesture and rushed out immediately!
When the caravan was attacked, the guarding knights responded extremely quickly and formed a defense. Their standard movements showed that they were well-trained. Unfortunately, their tenacity in front of the three martial arts masters could not change the outcome of them being slaughtered.

"That's right, these horses are Qin army horses, and the guards are all elites in the Qin army." Big Hammer calmed a frightened horse. As a former Yan soldier, he could tell the difference between military horses and ordinary horses at a glance.

"The news is correct, but" Gao Jianli glanced around cautiously: "Forget it, let's take back what they escorted so carefully. We will talk about other things later!"

After receiving the order from the giant, Thief Zhi and Big Iron Hammer nodded. The three of them carefully identified the objects in the carriage, and finally found three organ files made of hard material. They took them away with rare expressions of joy on their faces.

Just a short time after the three people left, several cold soldiers wearing soft armor and half-masks on their faces appeared. Silently, agile, and with precise and efficient movements, they investigated the corpses on the ground. Remaining traces.

Zhang Han, who has white temples, dark silver and black, and a soft jacket that is close to his body, has his hands behind his back and is patiently waiting for the examination results from his subordinates.

The deputy beside him scanned the scene and said solemnly: "The plan was successful, but these thirty soldiers..."

"." Zhang Han knew what his deputy meant, but did not respond directly: "Gao Jianli, Big Iron Hammer, and Robber Zhi are the few troublesome characters among the remnants of the Mo family."

"They brought the things back and opened them. If they want to understand the text inside, they must hook up with other rebels. In the past few days, we have sent more spies to Songhai City to see who will leave the city."

"Yes, General." The deputy received the order and stepped back. Zhang Han waited for a while and walked to the center of the corpses, keeping quiet. His subordinates would sort out the enemy's shooting habits based on the injuries on the corpses.

These sacrifices are necessary, but that does not mean that he is indifferent to them.

These soldiers are all to protect the long-term peace and stability of the empire and its continuation for eternity!
Zhang Han walked to the carriage that was forcibly opened. Looking at the tearing feeling at the fracture, he could vaguely imagine how powerful the rebellious force called the big hammer was.

As the trusted confidant of His Majesty the Emperor, Zhang Han personally led the team to Songhai, on the one hand to clear the way for the arrival of His Majesty the Eldest Prince, and on the other hand to resolve all hidden dangers in advance for the arrival of His Majesty the Emperor!
The two are of completely different importance, but the former can serve as cover for the latter.

Not many people knew for sure that His Majesty the First Emperor was coming to Songhai, but Genie knew about it, and his defection meant that all the rebels knew about it, so there was little point in blocking the news.

It is impossible for His Majesty the Emperor to give up his Eastern Tour plan just because the news was leaked, and it is the duty of the Shadow Guards to ensure the absolute safety of His Majesty's trip.

The Mohist family has been suppressed many times before. This time, according to Luo Wang's report, it was found that these rebellions had gathered clues in Songhai. Zhang Han took the initiative to invite Miao to come here to extinguish the last ashes.

To this end, Zhang Han devised a plan: the Mo family could safely evacuate from the southern city to Songhai. During this period, they must have received help from other rebels.

So the key to the plan is to follow the clues and capture as many rebellious bandit leaders as possible at once.

Such fish are very large, so larger hooks and bait are needed.
Thinking of this, Zhang Han's eyes flashed coldly, and he turned around to return to Songhai City.

Once the nest is made, patience is required to wait.

"The Black Dragon File is the secret box of the empire's top-secret mechanism. It contains six armored locks designed by the Gongshu family. It contains hundreds of thousands of changes and can only be opened by ordinary people."

Gai Nie looked at the familiar Black Dragon File on the desk and calmly revealed its identity and function.

"I can see the old man Liu Dao Jiazi Lock, but there are three here. Does Mr. Gai know anything else?" Master Ban asked doubtfully. Since the Black Dragon File is top secret, it is rare for one to appear. Three suddenly appeared. , everyone in the Mo family suspected that there was something wrong, and decisively sent the news to Zhang Liang.

Recently, Zhang Liang noticed that something was wrong with the atmosphere in Songhai City. He did not leave the city himself, but relayed the news to Liusha with the help of Bai Feng's spy-winged bird. Therefore, the two allies who came to the Mo family to help them crack the Black Dragon Scroll were Zong Heng.

Gai Nie stayed in Qin for 20 years. During this period, he had been by Ying Zheng's side. He knew many of Qin's secrets, so having him here would be of great help.

"Yes, two of the three Black Dragon Scrolls are fake. No matter whether they are opened in the correct way or not, as long as there is an attempt to crack them, the explosives inside will be ignited and exploded."

Gai Nie nodded, and the words he said made everyone in the Mo family feel cold: If the sword master did not come and Master Ban planned to crack them one by one.
Wei Zhuang also frowned when he heard this and said "weird".

"Such a confidential imperial scroll, with such strict defense measures, could be easily obtained by you."

A smile appeared on his lips: "You just killed thirty guards and boldly brought back the file without even meeting a master?"

"There is a possibility of a trap, but we paid careful attention behind us and deliberately walked many circles in the forest. We did not find any signs of tracking." Gao Jianli heard a hint of ridicule from the other party, but he was not angry. Instead, he continued to talk about the matter. How to bring back the scroll.He is now a giant of the Mohist family.

"Hey, Liusha is being cautious, so he hasn't done anything these days, right?" Pirate Zhi interjected with his hands outstretched in a frivolous tone, and his sarcasm was clearly on the surface.

Wei Zhuang glanced at him and did not argue with him. Instead, he looked down at the three dossiers: "How to tell which one is true and which two are false?"

"It's impossible to tell from the outside, but if you use your inner energy to detect it, it's still possible to trigger the Six-Path Lock. Therefore, without knowing the answer in advance, we can only trigger the files one by one from a safe distance."

Gai Nie said: "The fake one will be detonated, but the real one will stay, but be aware that if the Six-Path Lock is triggered in a way that violates its mechanism principle, the real Black Dragon File will also be corroded by the strong acid inside and explode. , so be careful even when testing.”

"That is to say, if all three files are exploded, it is a trap, and if there is indeed one genuine one, there is a high probability that the information in it will be true and reliable?" Gao Jianli asked.

"I can't guarantee it. It still needs to be determined based on the content of the authentic product when it is opened." Gai Nie slowly shook his head: "But as long as an authentic product is opened, no matter whether the information inside is true or false, it will provide us with certain information."

"Okay, old man, I'll do this. It's just six armor locks, which won't trouble me!" Master Ban patted his chest and carefully picked up the three black dragon scrolls outside. Obviously, the first thing to do was Just detonate the fake dossier.

After Master Ban left, the Mo family, Zongheng and Fan Zeng, who had been silent, discussed the information in the room:

"The Black Dragon Scroll appears in Songhai at this time, and the scope of the suspected matters should not be too wide. What do you think, Mr. Gai?" Fan Zeng stroked his beard, and his old voice sounded a little tired.

His martial arts skills are average and he is older, but he is still the most agile-minded among the Xiang family. It is not easy for him to handle everything of the Xiang family.

"It has something to do with Ying Zheng himself, or the mirage." Gai Nie answered seriously.

Gao Jianli narrowed his eyes: "No matter which one it is, it is a major secret of the empire. We were lucky enough to get it this time. If we can crack it, it will be of great help to us in setting up our next plan."

"Indeed, Meng Tian's Golden Fire Cavalry arrived some time ago." Fan Zeng frowned: "This army is the true elite of the Qin State. When we come to Songhai, we must pay more attention to our whereabouts."

"As soon as the Golden Fire Cavalry arrived, the Black Dragon Scroll disappeared. I'm very curious about Qin's next reaction." Wei Zhuang's tone clearly showed that he still had the strongest doubts about the Black Dragon Scroll: "What's even more interesting is that my people Recently, clues of another army were discovered in the city."

"It's the Shadow Guard." After his junior brother finished speaking, Gai Nie took the initiative to share the information without waiting for anyone to ask questions. Wei Zhuang snorted and shut up.

"Zhang Han came to Songhai secretly. Based on my understanding of the Shadow Guards, every external action they take is extremely important. The former Shouchun City suffered a lot."

"That's true." Fan Zeng knew both Meng Tian and Zhang Han, and this knowledge all came from the Qin-Chu war. These two Qin generals played an important role in the demise of Chu State, so he looked very bad. .

"With the appearance of these two Qin generals, we are really under great pressure. The possibility that the Black Dragon Scroll is a trap has also been greatly increased. But from another perspective, this is also an opportunity for us." Gao Jianli understood why Wei Zhuang was interested in the Black Dragon Scroll. So vigilant, but this does not mean that it must be fake: "Now that the Black Dragon File is in our hands, the initiative in the matter is in our hands."

"Besides, Li Si, Meng Tian, ​​and Zhang Han have all appeared, and Fusu is next. We can be sure that the countdown to Ying Zheng's arrival has begun. This is an opportunity for the Taishan Plan to be launched!"

"The premise is that we can not be caught by Zhang Han and Meng Tian before Ying Zheng sets off." Wei Zhuang poured cold water on him: "The Black Dragon File has been robbed, whether it is real or fake, then the Golden Fire Cavalry and the Shadow Secret Guard will Launch a sweep of the mountains and forests around Songhai.”

"Don't forget, the Yin Yang Family and Luo Wang will also take action. Even if the government city is still there, it will be difficult to compete with such power."

"You!" The big hammer that he had suppressed for a long time could no longer be suppressed. He pounded the table angrily and was about to stand up, but Gao Jianli held his arm and shook his head and had to sit down again.

"The lessons of the past are still fresh in my mind. We will pay attention to it this time." Gao Jianli nodded coldly to Wei Zhuang without arguing with him.

"The Mo family is hidden here, so there won't be any big problems, but our Xiang family has to retreat further." Fan Zeng's voice was not only to ease the atmosphere, but also to ask for help: "

There are also new friends over in Shushan, I have to go and inform them as soon as possible. "

"I'll go overnight. Mr. Fan, just stop running. Rest here tonight and check the situation."

The one who said this was Robber Zhi. The analysis just now showed that Songhai City will definitely be under martial law now. The only ones who can flexibly convey messages under martial law are him, Bai Feng of Liusha, and Ji Bu of the Xiang family.

"Sorry for the trouble, brother Zhizhi."

(End of this chapter)

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