Chapter 338
The rebels boldly attacked and robbed the Black Dragon File from Xianyang. When Li Si got the news, the prime minister was extremely angry and slammed the table:
"It's simply audacious. General Meng, General Zhang Han, and the master's carriage is about to happen. Under such circumstances, if a case like this occurs, if the murderer cannot be caught in time, wouldn't it be condoning rebellion!"

"The target has been confirmed to be the remnants of the Mo family after the destruction of the government city last year, but these people are well hidden and it is not easy to find them."

In the residence of Songhai, the Prime Minister of the Empire, Li Si summoned Meng Tian and Zhang Han to hold a meeting to discuss the Black Dragon Scroll.

Zhang Han had the lowest official position among the three people present, but the special nature of the Shadow Guard made even Li Si and Meng Tian dare not underestimate him, so after he finished speaking, Meng Tian immediately took over the topic:
"I will personally lead the Golden Fire Cavalry to sweep away all the mountains and forests around Songhai City. At the same time, I will enforce martial law in the city. I must dig out this rebellion!"

The remnants of the Mo family, who numbered only a few dozen to a hundred or so, were really overqualified to dispatch the golden fire cavalry that swept across the six countries on the battlefield. However, they all knew how important the Mirage was to His Majesty the Emperor. Now that the Black Dragon Files were lost, once Being known by Xianyang will undoubtedly be a thunderous wrath.

Zhang Han did not tell these two colleagues the truth that this matter was his plan. The Shadow Secret Guard's direct superior was only His Majesty the Emperor. Even though Li Si and Meng Tian were trusted by the Emperor, they were not qualified to drive the Shadow Secret Guard. As As the commander of the Shadow Guard, he couldn't take the initiative to be suspected of colluding with the two adults.

Li Simengtian does not need to know the truth of this matter, it is enough for them to show their truest reaction.

"Leave this matter to General Meng and the Golden Fire Cavalry. There will be no omissions. Does General Zhang Han have anything to say?" Li Si nodded in agreement with Meng Tian's action and noticed Zhang Han's thoughtful expression.

"Yes, Mr. Xiangguo, General Meng." Zhang Han nodded, took a step forward, cupped his hands and said, "I think there are two points that need special attention in this matter."

"First, the secret text in the Black Dragon Scroll is written in the Yin-Yang family's thousand-secret vocabulary, and is coated with the Gongshu family's six armor locks."

"The rebels are the remnants of the Mohist family, and they have a sophisticated inheritance of mechanism skills. These six armor locks may not be able to stop them for long, but Thousand Secrets adds the Yin-Yang, Five Elements and Bagua principles to the original secret grammar of the army. There are millions of variations. If there is no Thousand Secrets, It is absolutely difficult for outsiders to decipher the copper plate."

"I understand what General Zhang means. The Thousand Planes Copper Plate is in my general's residence." Meng Tian nodded and placed his palm on the sword on his waist. The thick armor made every movement of his make a chilling sound belonging to the army: "I don't know. Does General Zhang want to lure the enemy with this, or does he want to act safely?"

The so-called prudent action is naturally to put the Thousand Mechanism Copper Plate in Meng Tian's personal custody, with Meng Tian's caution. This is a safer storage place than the Thousand Mechanism Building with countless agencies in the General's Mansion.

As for luring the enemy, no explanation is needed.

"Qian Ji Tower is heavily fortified. My shadow guards failed to detect the Mo family's treasonous conspiracy in advance this time. There is always a chance to make up for it. What does General Meng think?"

"Then I will immediately raise the defense of Qianji Building to the highest level when I return. The general of the Shadow Guard's action chapter can arrange it by himself." Meng Tian smiled and nodded heavily. He wanted to clean up the mountains and forests outside Songhai City with just one sentence. It's not that easy to do, so he naturally agrees with luring the enemy.

"General Xie Meng." Zhang Han gave a slight salute. He had to throw bait to lure the enemy, and throwing bait would lead to the possibility of losing both the bait and the fish. Once the Thousand Machine Copper Plate is really lost, Meng Tian will bear a heavy crime. Da: After all, he didn’t know that this was Zhang Han’s plan.

For Zhang Han, luring the enemy this time is real: he will not let go, and no matter whether the thief sent by the rebels succeeds or misses, he also has a next step plan.

"With the two generals working together, a mere rebellion will definitely not cause any big trouble." Li Si also smiled and stroked his beard, and then continued to ask curiously: "I wonder what the second point that General Zhang thinks we should pay attention to?"

"Mirage Shipyard!" Faced with Li Si's inquiry, Zhang Han restrained his expression and said a location seriously: "That is a key location involved in the Black Dragon File. We cannot rule out the possibility that those rebels have other means to decipher the Thousand Secrets Technique."

"Yes, but we have to do this quietly." Meng Tian thought: "There are still many capable people in those rebels. Once our actions are exposed, it may be self-defeating."

This self-defeating naturally means that if the Qin army's movements are discovered, it may actively leak the secrets of the Black Dragon Scroll to the rebels.

"Yes, but even if we plan according to the worst possible scenario, the Six-Path Jiazi Lock and Thousand Secret Conversation Techniques will delay us for enough time." Zhang Han responded calmly to Meng Tian.

"We can't take it lightly. It's best to deal with these rebellions before the young master arrives." Li Si concluded the meeting. At the end, he suddenly said to Zhang Han: "By the way, the truth suddenly remembered something. The Black Dragon Scroll Sect's The intelligence is extremely hidden, even we don't know much, but these rebels were able to ambush in advance, and the reason must be investigated."

"Could there be some forces in Songhai City helping the Mo family?"

Li Si's question didn't seem to name anything, but in fact it pointed to Little Sage Village accurately: Songhai City is a Confucian territory, and if one wanted to investigate the power of Songhai City, Little Sage Village would definitely be the first one.

As for whether Little Sage Zhuangjing could withstand the investigation of the Shadow Secret Guard, Li Si believed that there must be some problems: when the Mohist government city was destroyed, it was said that a big figure from Confucianism was involved~
Even though rumors in the world have implicated almost all the schools of thought in Guancheng, he thinks that Confucianism is very likely.

What's more, even if it's fake, Li Si won't suffer any losses. This is a matter between the Shadow Guards and the Confucian family, and it's not like him, the prime minister, is waiting for an opportunity to retaliate~
"Don't worry, Mr. Xiangguo, I have made preparations for this, and I do intend to talk to the leaders of the forces in the city."

Zhang Han replied calmly, and Li Si, who had achieved his goal, said nothing and nodded with a smile to see the guest off.


"I wonder if Lu Wei, the leader of the peasant family, is here?" Zhang Han did not rest after leaving Li Si's mansion and went straight to the peasant stronghold.

"Xia Kui hasn't rested yet. Please invite the general to come up and negotiate."

Ji Yan observed the commander of the Shadow Secret Guard calmly and carefully, hiding his aura, and softly made an invitation gesture.

Lu Wei came from Songhai on Li Si's carriage, but she came here a little later, finishing the unfinished chores in Daze Mountain.

Regarding Zhang Han's visit, Lu Wei had also chatted with her two hours earlier. The visit itself was not difficult to guess, but the two of them didn't know much about the robbery of the Black Dragon File. The farmer really didn't have any clues this time. Let us wait and see how the situation develops.

"Oh? Hall Master Ji Yan knows this general?" Zhang Han did not go up to the second floor immediately after seeing Lu Wei easily. Instead, his eyes were sharp and his tone was questioning.

At the same time, he did not hide the information that he recognized Ji Yan's identity.

"General Zhang Han is a confidant of His Majesty the First Emperor, and the peasant family is quite powerful. It is natural that he is not ignorant of the news that the Shadow Guards have come to Songhai."

Zhang Han is thoughtful, and being partially honest in front of him can make him feel more at ease. This is the result of Lu Wei and Ji Yan's analysis of Zhang Han's character.

As for the words that Ji Yan took the initiative to say that the farmer's family had "somewhat strength", it was Ji Yan's words based on Zhang Han's actions: leaving the Prime Minister's Mansion and going straight to the farmer's stronghold, Zhang Han's views on the farmer's family can be seen clearly.

Staring straight at the beautiful yet heroic Ji Yan who was neither humble nor arrogant, Zhang Han smiled faintly: "The farmer's one hundred thousand disciples are indeed extraordinary."

After that, he strode up the stairs.

Observation was quietly turned on, and Ji Yan was able to detect several strange auras outside the stronghold. These new characters were all good members of the Shadow Guard and had outstanding abilities.

'Zhang Han's performance seems to indicate that the lost Black Dragon Scroll is real, but we can't say that yet. We still need to look more.'

There was only one room on the second floor of the farmhouse where the candle was lit, so Zhang Han stepped forward and knocked on the door without distinguishing. After receiving a loud "Please come in" voice, he reached out and pushed open the unlocked wooden door.

There was a table and two cups of tea. Although it was simple, it could be seen that the farmer Xiakui was ready to receive him.

This made Zhang Han lower the possibility of the peasant family being rebellious before the conversation began, but on the danger list, the name Lu Wei rose directly to the first page.

"Lu Xiakui sent people to monitor the Prime Minister's Mansion?"

From the beginning, they went straight to the topic. The two of them did not waste any time such as self-introduction. Zhang Han came to sit in front of Lu Wei, who had a firm face, with a serious face. He took a sip of the tea without worrying that there was something wrong with it. He was used to it. Xingxing looked at this big shot whom he met for the first time.

Lu Wei met Zhang Han more than once: "The Prime Minister's Mansion is so tightly guarded, and it is the residence of a big shot in the empire. How dare a peasant to monitor it."

He said he didn't dare, but Zhang Han didn't hear the word "dare not" in the tone of the peasant hero.

"However, there has been quite a commotion near the farmhouse recently, so Lu sent his disciples to monitor the surrounding intersections."

The peasant family is just a Jianghu organization. According to the laws of Daqin, how can it be qualified to monitor the intersection of Songhai.

But now is not the time to scrutinize Qin's law on these Jianghu organizations. Zhang Han will not arrest farmers just because of this trivial matter, even if His Majesty the Emperor knows this, so he smiled at the corner of his mouth and said: "That's it, Then Lu Xiakui must also know the reason why I am here?"

"Lu knew that General Zhang's secret guards had earlier transported dozens of corpses from outside the city into Songhai, so he had some guesses, but he didn't know much about what actually happened outside the city."

There were questions and answers, half-truths and half-false words spoken casually, and Lu Wei's expression did not reveal any flaws.

"Really?" Zhang Han was silent for two seconds and said in a deep voice: "The empire's Black Dragon Scroll was kidnapped by a rebel force!"

'Very well, this Black Dragon Scroll incident is Zhang Han's conspiracy. '

(End of this chapter)

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