Chapter 339

After walking out of the farm stronghold, Zhang Han gestured to withdraw the shadow guards nearby: they have all been discovered, and no useful clues can be obtained by continuing to stay here.

Each Shadow Guard is an elite, and there are only a few in number. Songhai City is too big, and Zhang Han simply cannot rely on his own subordinates to monitor them all, so he can only use the members on the blade.

As for the farmhouse, although Songhai City is the territory of Confucianism, since he learned that Lu Wei arrived here with Li Si, the person he wanted to visit the most was this gentleman.

The number of farm disciples has never been known to outsiders except this hero.However, according to time calculation, when the previous Xia leader Tian Guang took over more than 30 years ago, there were not so many farm disciples. It was only at the end of Tian Guang's career that the title of "One Hundred Thousand Farmers" was spread.

Through careful investigation, Lu Wei's experience is certain to be better than his predecessor. Although the expansion of farmers in Jianghu has slowed down in recent years, according to Zhang Han's latest investigation, it has never stopped.

Now that he has arrived in Qidi this time, after clearing out the Mohist rebellion for His Majesty the Emperor, and after the mirage sets sail, he will also collect clues from farmers to find out the details of this group of scholars step by step.

Judging from the conversation with Lu Wei just now, the other party is not easy to deal with, but he should not have any connection with the Mo family.

According to the rumors about the Battle of Guancheng investigated by Zhang Han, some said that the peasant family leader Ji Yan joined the anti-Qin front, and some said that Lu Wei himself appeared in person to lead the retreat of the anti-Qin forces to maintain their strength, and used the strength of the peasant family to help the rebels Fleeed to Songhai.

Zhang Han couldn't find any evidence for these two rumors, and his intuition tonight was generally false, so he could temporarily delay the order of the farmer's investigation.

It is not a farmhouse, but the Confucian Xiaoshengxianzhuang if the forces that can help the rebels escape to Songhai are pushed back.

Zhang Han, who returned to the mansion, thought of this and took out a book without a cover from a certain square in the study:

'Among the three heroes of Qilu, Fu Nian studied in Confucianism since childhood, and is a gentleman with traces of his growth. But it is hard to say about the other two. '

'Yan Lu suddenly appeared in Songhai when he was young. After being admitted as a Confucian disciple, he learned everything in simple terms. With the intelligence ability of the Shadow Secret Guard, he could only find out his name and simple experience, but nothing else was known. There must be something wrong with this. '

'Zhang Liang, the legitimate son of the Zhang family, the former fifth Prime Minister of South Korea, it is natural that this status is associated with rebellion! '

'It's just that Xiaoshengxian Village has a high status, so it's not that easy to check them.Because of my identity, I cannot go to see Fu Nian, so I need to send more people to monitor the Little Saint Xian Manor. '

On the Mo family's side, following two explosions, Master Ban successfully found the only remaining Black Dragon Scroll. In the next two days, he worked day and night to crack the six armor locks.

The secret hidden in this lock is very important. According to the investigation, the number of spies of the Qin army in Songhai City has doubled. Meng Tian also personally led the golden fire cavalry to raid the surrounding mountains and forests, causing quite a stir.

The news from Mr. Zhang Liang from the city is that there are spies and members of the Shadow Secret Guard even outside the Little Sage Village. It is certain that he has been suspected. Now even Tianming Shaoyu Gaoyue and others cannot leave the village, let alone Bring up the city.

Nowadays, the transmission of information inside and outside the city relies entirely on Bai Feng, Robber Zhi, and Ji Bu, who are excellent in light skills, to personally deliver the information. The spy-winged bird is very likely to be exposed, let alone the wooden kite.

Judging from these movements, the Black Dragon Scroll is probably real and the content inside is important enough!
The sooner the anti-Qin righteous men were cracked, the sooner they would know what Qin's conspiracy was in Songhai. But as time went by, the information lost its timeliness and value.

The Six-Path Jiazi Lock is an exquisite combination lock made by combining the Overbearing Machine Technique with Qimen Dunjia and integrating the principles of Yin and Yang. Master Ban's luck is that he cracked this overbearing Machine Technique this time, and Gui Gu Zongheng and his two brothers worked on Qimen Dunjia. Consultant assistance.

In terms of Onmyoji, there is a new companion: Shi Lan, the guardian of Yu Yuan from Shushan, as a reference.

Shushan was destroyed by Qin, and there was no need to doubt their attitude. Shi Lan easily gained the trust of the Mohists after using witchcraft to prove his identity.

Moreover, before that, Long Qie of the Xiang clan and the remnants of the Chu army had been attacked by the Qin army led by the young master of the Yin Yang family, Siming. It was the people from Shushan who showed up in time to lay out the Shu Road maze that saved the important living forces.

Liusha also had a certain grasp of Shushan's whereabouts in the past three years. He knew that they had been hunted by the Yin and Yang family in Songhai a few years ago, so even Wei Zhuang, who was the most suspicious, did not question Shi Lan's anti-Qin stance.

In the end, with the cooperation of many forces, this lock was finally broken!

But this was only the first level of difficulty. Even Gai Nie Weizhuang couldn't understand the content on the cloth inside. The two people in Zongheng knew that it was an encrypted text, but the encryption method was obviously a new routine.

"The combination of these characters has the style of the Yin-Yang family, and may be related to the astrological laws of the Yin-Yang family."

At this time, Shushan girl Shi Lan gave everyone a surprise.

"I would like to hear the details." In the secret room of the Mo family, Gai Nie looked at Shi Lan who took the cloth and frowned with calm eyes and asked humbly.

Gai Nie's knowledge is very broad, and the Yin Yang family also understands it, but the extent is very limited, and the same goes for Wei Zhuang. As for Master Ban, after the Six Paths Jiazi Lock is unlocked, his role has been completed and he has gone to sleep to rest.

"Some are like the stars on the zodiac chart, but I can't figure out how to crack it. I can only give it a try." Shi Lan was stared at by two top masters in the world, and her body stiffened slightly: her skills were too far behind these two. He's grown up, let alone acting now.
If she hadn't been intensively trained in acting by Lu Wei in advance, Shi Lan thought that she would have acted unnaturally and been discovered by these two people. However, in terms of pressure, there was a big gap between Zongheng and Lu. To be declared qualified by Lu Wei, she He could barely hide it from Gai Nie Weizhuang. "I can copy them down and let other people in the alliance who know the Yin Yang family take a look at the original copy."

"Then I'll trouble Miss Shi Lan." Gai Nie withdrew his eyes and nodded, and the suspicion in Wei Zhuang's heart faded a little.

Zongheng walked out of the secret room side by side in tacit understanding, leaving Shi Lan alone to copy the copy.

"You and I can't recognize the secret language technique. If anyone can see it, I'm afraid it's only the ovary."

Gai Nie said calmly, Wei Zhuang agreed with this point of view, but still said a few more words: "The appearance of the Black Dragon Scroll this time is too clever, and it is highly consistent with the moment of Zhang Han's arrival. If calculated according to the itinerary, it even appeared in the shadow secret Wei was already on his way before he came to Sanghai."

"And whether it's the Black Dragon Scroll itself, or the new secret language technique in it, as well as Meng Tian's reaction in Songhai City, they are all a little too in line with our expectations."

It was rare for the two of them to encounter an operation that was completely in line with the initial plan.

"Xiaozhuang, if it is a trap, then there will definitely be a place to lure us in. It should not be far away." Gai Nie was silent for a while and slowly expressed his opinion.

Bai Feng entered Xiaoshengxian Manor overnight and brought back Zhang Liang's reply that night:

'It's a Thousand Secrets Technique, which requires the Thousand Machines Copper Plate in the General's Mansion to be cracked. If you rely on external force, only those with a certain understanding of Onmyoji can find the answer from the stars. '

Time went too fast, and Zhang Liang seemed to know the existence of this Thousand Secrets Technique in advance.

“How long did he spend looking at the content?”

Wei Zhuang coldly asked Bai Feng about the details of his handover with Zhang Liang.

"Half an hour." Bai Feng said: "He knew you would ask this question, so he specifically asked me to bring you a message."

"'The existence of Thousand Secrets of Glossary was told to me in advance by a friend, and his information is absolutely reliable.' This is the only sentence."

"Stand back." Wei Zhuang closed his eyes and took a few breaths after hearing this, and returned to the secret room with this news.

At this time, the sky was already dark, and Gai Nie opened his eyes from a meditating posture. After listening to Xiaozhuang's words and Zhang Liang's reply, he remained silent for a few breaths before saying: "The environment in Songhai City is more complicated than we imagined."

"Even I can't understand the secret of the ovary. Is this friend of his the mysterious Taoist man in black robe or the farmer Lu Wei." In recent years, Wei Zhuang has become increasingly aware that Zhang Liang is not only rebelling against Qin Outside the alliance, there seems to be other moves being made.

"Maybe both." Gai Nie said lightly, "But the next clue has already been given."

"The Thousand Machine Building of the General's Mansion is the core place that determines the content of the Black Dragon Scroll."

Wei Zhuang stood for a long time, and he could make his own judgment about his senior brother, but the quicksand owner was thinking about other things now: "We are the strongest ghost valley in the world, but now it seems that we have to follow other people's judgments." Calculated action.”

I don’t know if this other person refers to Zhang Han, Zhang Liang, or...
"This is the inevitable result of lack of strength, so now we must seize any opportunity that can enhance our strength." Gai Nie closed his eyes again and meditated, and said slowly: "The weak eat the strong, you should understand this principle better than me."

"Can this word actually come out of your mouth~" Wei Zhuang raised the corner of his mouth and laughed at himself: "We are weak now."

"No, we have always been the weak side, but we are not weak."


Qianji Tower is located in the center of the General's Mansion in Songhai City. This location determines that it cannot be broken through by force by the anti-Qin rebels.

Sent a message to Xiaoyaozi who was in Jianghu. The Taoist family, like Shushan, had a complicated relationship with the Yin-Yang family. He might be able to tell something from the secret language that he couldn't understand, but Gai Nieweizhuang and the Mohist family couldn't wait for the other party to arrive. Then It can only be used as a last resort. Now they need to take the initiative to test the defense of Qianji Building.

Due to the situation in Songhai City, only a few elite people could go to the city this time: Guigu Zongheng and Baifeng Bandit Zhijibu, a total of five people.

The Mohist giant Gao Jianli's strength was far behind Guigu's, and he didn't have the superb lightness skills like the last three, so he could only stay outside the city just in case.

Gao Jianli also mentioned the idea of ​​the Mo family setting fires everywhere in the city to involve the defense of Qianji Building, but Wei Zhuang rejected it on the spot.

This method can deceive ordinary people, but in the eyes of Zhang Han and Meng Tian, ​​it is undoubtedly a warning letter that they will take action against Qian Ji Tower!
(End of this chapter)

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