Careerist in Qin Dynasty

Chapter 340 True and Fake Machine Copper Plate

Chapter 340 True and False Thousand Machine Copper Plate
Although Bai Feng's huge white bird is a very flexible means of transportation, its large size also makes its target too obvious. It cannot be used as a infiltration tool in this attack on Qianji Tower, and can only be used as a means of evacuation.

"According to Zifang, the defense of Qianji Building has been strengthened to the extreme since the disappearance of the Black Dragon Scroll. The Shadow Secret Guards are personally responsible for patrolling the inner floors. A sufficient number of elite Qin troops are also stationed in the newly built military camps around the General's Mansion. , our error tolerance will be very low.”

Gui Gu, Zongheng and Heng hid in an alley where they could see Qianji Tower in the distance, staring at the building that was still brightly lit late at night, Wei Zhuang said in a deep voice.

"This is a trap prepared by Zhang Han. It seems that the Black Dragon File is both a crime and an opportunity for him." Gai Nie knew that the existence of Qianji Tower itself was a trap. This was a big problem for Qin and the anti-Qin side. are common.

From the moment the Black Dragon Scroll was robbed, both sides have been fighting with each other's intentions clear.

The core issue of the struggle is 'anti-Qin'. Around this issue, both sides need to invest their own chips.

If either party gives in at this time, they may face being kicked off the table: of course, from the perspective of strength, one party has almost infinite chips, while the other party is pitifully small.

Qin was not afraid to compete with the rebels for chips, while the rest of the Six Kingdoms had to do their best to narrow the chip gap with Qin.

"Yes, but if the Thousand Machine Copper Plate is lost, both Zhang Han and Meng Tian will be guilty." Wei Zhuang withdrew his gaze from the Thousand Machine Tower. If there is a chance tonight, even if he knows that the information in the Black Dragon File is false, Snatching the Copper Plate of Thousand Chances is also a profitable thing.

The Thousand Machines Copper Plate not only represents the matter of deciphering the Black Dragon File in hand, but the principles and encryption methods behind it can also be applied to deciphering other passwords of the Qin State: the income behind this can be zero, or it can be infinite. .

"Thieves Zhi and Ji Bu should have already taken action. If Bai Feng can respond in time, we have the possibility of success tonight." Gai Nie poked out an eye to confirm that there was no one on the street, and quickly moved from one trail to another. , step by step closer to the General's Mansion, Wei Zhuang followed closely behind his senior brother.

"Their strength is average, but with the cooperation of the King of Thieves and the Hidden Tiger among the Flowers, a Thousand Machine Tower cannot defeat them." Wei Zhuang rarely praised the members of the Mo family and the Xiang family: "Bai Feng's guidance is only Wait for our signal."

With Qianji Tower's precautions, they could only use trickery to get the Thousand Machine Copper Plate. This was not a big problem with two habitual thieves, Daozhi and Ji Bu.

However, the difficulty is that they will be exposed immediately after getting the Thousand Machine Copper Plate: According to Zhang Liang, the base of the Thousand Machine Copper Plate in the Thousand Machine Tower is specially made, and there are standards in terms of shape and weight. This means that Having never seen or touched the actual Thousand Machine Copper Plate, they could not make an accurate fake model in advance to replace the original.

Once the standard Thousand Mechanism Copper Plate is removed from the base, the alarm will be activated immediately. This means that the real crisis lies in the few dozen seconds after the Thousand Mechanism Copper Plate is obtained.

Of course, another benefit this brings is: due to the difficulty of counterfeiting the Thousand Machine Copper Plate, as long as the copper plate can be found in the Thousand Machine Tower, the copper plate itself is most likely to be authentic.

After obtaining the genuine copper plate, Nie Weizhuang and his two men thought of a way to deal with the Qin army's attack: rely on the combined force of vertical and horizontal forces to hold out until Bai Feng received the signal and came.

It is not possible for one person to deal with the entire general's palace and the continuous coming Qin troops, but Zongheng assists the bandit Zhi Jibu to withstand the most important few minutes, and there is a high probability that there will be no problem.

There are indeed many masters in the Qin State, but how prepared can they be in Songhai City.

As long as they escape into the sky, they will be safe.


"It's going to be lively tonight."

Lu Wei received information from Zhang Liang about the actions of the Anti-Qin Alliance, so he also came to the vicinity of the General's Mansion.

He didn't need to participate in the battle for the Thousand Chance Copper Plate, so the position he chose was naturally more conducive to watching the show.

Although coming out tonight is not a good choice in theory.

"Zongheng and Zonghe join forces. In the absence of the Luowang killer, Zhang Han is afraid that there will be no way to stop them from evacuating with their belongings. This is a plan to lure the enemy."

Ji Yan changed into a killer uniform today. Her long black hair was like the curtain of the night, and her dark uniform was as deep as the night sky. It clung tightly to her slender body, highlighting her graceful figure, and shone with a cold brilliance under the moonlight. .Her eyes are quiet, her face is cool and smooth, and her small nose is straight, giving people a cold and glamorous feeling.

This outfit is very similar to Shushan Princess Xiao Yu's combat outfit, but the former is somewhat immature, while Xiao Yan'er has a slightly more mature look.

"Not necessarily~" Lu Wei unabashedly admired Ji Yan's different style of dress: "Since Zhang Han designed this Black Dragon File plan with the ultimate goal of wiping out the anti-Qin alliance, he must do it The most difficult part about this is how to convince the anti-Qin side that the content in the Black Dragon Scroll is true."

"What would you do if it were you?"

After hearing the question, Ji Yan thought for a moment and came up with the answer: "The key point is not the Black Dragon Scroll itself, but the Qin army's movements after the Black Dragon Scroll was lost."

It’s not hard to come up with ideas; it’s hard to do them.Lu Wei Jiyan stood on the outside. They could get the Qin State's actions during this period from the Yin Yang family, and the Mo family's actions during this period from Zhang Liang. Therefore, they had comprehensive information about the operations of both sides, and could Easily guess the next move of both parties.

"So what is different from ordinary luring enemies is that for Zhang Han, not losing this Thousand Machine Copper Plate is more conducive to the next plan than losing it." Ji Yan raised his eyes to look at the Thousand Machine Tower again, and his mood changed: "So, Zhang Han in Qianji Tower has prepared a back-up plan that can cause heavy damage to the anti-Qin alliance."

"Yes, this is one of the reasons why we are here. This leader of the Shadow Guard will show us the new power of Qin~"

As soon as Lu Wei finished speaking, the sound of bronze bells ringing through the night sky came from the direction of the tall pavilion. The entire general's mansion instantly became agitated. The patrolling Qin army and the elite soldiers in the military camp immediately rushed to the Qianji Tower. Surround and go.

Just when all their attention was focused on the general's mansion, Gai Nie Weizhuang suddenly came out from outside the mansion. Yuan Hong and Shark Tooth worked together to cut out a passage that allowed them to lead to the tall building.

Wei Zhuang accidentally released a signal flare as he advanced, and the bright fireworks made Zhang Han and Meng Tian in the main hall of the General's Mansion smile with satisfaction:
"These rebellious actions are really swift. Even the tight defense of Qianji Tower can't warn them before they get something."

Meng Tian lamented that he was a pure soldier and had a certain understanding of the world, but it was not deep enough.

"From the time when these rebellious and daring organizations organized the assassination of Qin until the city was defeated last year, these Mohist rebellious people were able to persist for ten years and still maintain a certain level of strength. Naturally, they had some means." Zhang Han carried the Longxiang Sword given by His Majesty the Emperor and waved it back to report. The deputy of Qianji Tower Live said in a natural tone: "That's why we have to organize such a plan to lure the enemy."

"Yes." Meng Tian took out a copper plate from his arms. Its style was clearly the Thousand Machine Copper Plate that was supposed to be in the Qianji Building: "This is all thanks to General Zhang Han who asked the skilled craftsmen in Xianyang to make it in advance and it was the same as the real thing. Only replicas that are identical in style and weight can make this plan foolproof."

"But why didn't General Zhang Han bring this matter up in advance at the meeting with the Prime Minister?"

"Zhang Han is not doubting Mr. Xiangguo about this. It's just that Mr. Xiangguo has so many things to worry about. It's our duty to suppress rebellion. There is no need to trouble Mr. Xiangguo. Moreover," before Zhang Han finished speaking, Meng Tian revealed the real Qian Guo. She put the copper plate away and laughed, patted his shoulder and took over the topic:

"And this time, General Zhang Han's suspicion that both Zongheng and Heng were involved in rebellion was correct. The combined efforts of Guigu and Guigu means that their follow-up support force has the White Phoenix. We may not be able to stay this time. Rebellion, so concealing the existence of the fake copper plate can also give you and me a chance to ease off."

Meng Tian obviously knew the reason for Zhang Han's concealment, and the reason why he asked was just to take the opportunity to show that he and Zhang Han would shoulder the next responsibilities together.

"Exactly, Liusha helped the empire break through the government city last year. I didn't believe the later rumors that they were involved in the rebellion, but after investigating out of duty, I found that it was indeed possible, so I was extremely careful when I came to Songhai this time." Zhang Han half-truthfully nodded and said: "That is Guigu Zongheng after all."

"Even if we are Zongheng, our manpower is limited after all. Let the power of the Gongshu family take action. Even if we destroy the Qianji Tower, we will always try to see if we can deal with the rebellion of this small team."

Meng Tian strode outside and gestured to the deputy general, who immediately stepped back to deliver his orders.

Zhang Han looked at Meng Tian's back and sat down calmly in the room: in his plan, it was better to find the flaw after the fake Qianji Copper Plate was taken away by Zongheng, which would be more beneficial to the plan.

But it would not be a loss if Zongheng could be killed in the general's mansion tonight.

Anyway, these rebels must be wiped out in my own plan!
(End of this chapter)

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