Careerist in Qin Dynasty

Chapter 341 Planning Zhang Han?

Chapter 341 Planning Zhang Han?

Whoosh, two instant flywheels flew out of Thief Zhi's hands and killed two Qin army archers from a long distance. Ji Bu held the Hidden Tiger Sword and cut off the arrows shot from behind.

The two of them were back to back, so the pressure was not great.

They were outside the Qianji Tower, and all they needed to guard against were these stray arrows.

In Qianji Tower, Gai Nie Weizhuang guarded the stairs leading to the top floor.

The stairs are not wide, and the number of Qin troops that can come up at a time is limited. Yuan Hong and Shark Teeth can deal with them easily.

Everything is progressing too fast. Ordinary soldiers still don’t know what is happening, and they don’t know who the enemy they have to deal with. Zhang Han and Meng Tian’s plan has nothing to do with them, but one thing the soldiers understand: as guards of the general’s mansion, the enemy He was able to break into Qianji Building. If he let these people escape, his end would definitely be bad.

"Get out, get out!"

Just when tonight's patrol commander was too anxious to break into Qianji Tower, the noisy sound of wheels sounded from behind.

Dozens of sturdy soldiers wearing golden fire cavalry armors escorted the ten strange-looking dragon-headed carts to a distance of only tens of meters from the Qianji Building. Facing this direct force belonging to Meng Tian, ​​the patrol commander hurriedly handed over He gave up the command and allowed the deputy general of the Golden Fire Cavalry to mobilize the overall situation.

The rain of arrows disappeared in an instant. At the same time, all the soldiers who were attacking in Qianji Tower retreated. At that time, there were only dozens of corpses left in the entire Qianji Tower, together with the still-living Gai Nie Weizhuang and Robber Zhi Ji Bu. people.

"Look what that is!" Zhizhi lay on the roof, carefully exposing half of his head, and checking the movements of the Qin army below. The dragon-headed carts suddenly attracted his attention.

Zongheng and Heng jumped out of the hole in the roof. The skilled man bravely stood directly on the edge of the eaves and looked downstairs.

"I don't know about these instruments, but be careful. They should be newly made weapons by the Gongshu family." Gai Nie had an excellent view of the faces of the leading generals below, but did not find Meng Tian or Zhang Han.

Although it didn't take long for them to enter Qian Ji Tower, based on his understanding of the two Qin generals, they shouldn't be so slow.
"Shenglong!" Following the order from General Qin downstairs, the faucet pipe of the faucet trolley was slowly raised, and ten thick black liquids spurted out. The pungent smell of tar shocked the four people on the Qianji Tower.

At the same time, General Qin waved his hand again, and arrows lit up the rockets.
"Who are these cars?"

Half a stick of incense time ago, when the dragon-headed cart had just arrived, Lu Wei and Ji Yan quietly came to the sentry tower in the southeast corner of the General's Mansion and killed the two archers on it. At that time, the entire mansion was focused on In Qianji Tower, no one noticed their actions.

Ji Yan, who took off the warning bell on the sentry tower and destroyed it to solve the hidden danger, was also confused about the dragon-headed cart pushed by the Golden Fire Cavalry.

From Lu Wei's perspective, the appearance of these cars does look like artillery from later generations. Although artillery was not impossible to make in the world of the Qin Dynasty, the Gongshu family could even build 'sub-warhead missiles', but from those 'cars' water tank-like Judging from the car body, it is not difficult to guess that it is most likely not water, but oil.

"Meng Tian wants to attack with fire. They don't want this Thousand Machine Tower anymore."

"Is it an oil truck?" Ji Yan reacted after receiving the prompt: "The technical content is not high. Our craftsmen in Jing County can also imitate it, but is this the Qin Army's new weapon?"

It's not as complicated as imagined, but in the current situation, it can indeed force the four people on Qianji Tower into a desperate situation, provided that Bai Feng doesn't come.

But this is obviously impossible. It has taken a lot of time to push the leading barrel truck here. This time is enough for Bai Feng to arrive.

The bright birdsong from the sky is proof of this.

There are some incredible beasts in this world. There is now a huge black panther in Daze Mountain. However, even though he had seen it several times in Guan City last year, seeing the giant bird flying in the sky again still made Master Xia Kui excited. Desire: An alien beast that can carry people flying is much more functional than a black panther.

"Zhang Hanming has kept his plan. Even if he doesn't, he may not be able to keep Zongheng." As the black oil spurted out, the two guessed that it was true. Lu Wei looked at the raging fire that had ignited on the Qianji Tower. Thoughtfully, even when he turned his head and saw several bat-winged machine beasts of the Gongshu family flying in from the direction of the sea, his view did not change.

The bat-winged machine beast is a flying machine beast that the Gongshu family has been researching for a long time. The goal is to correspond to the Mohist Suzaku, but the technology has never been very mature. Until last year when they attacked the machine city, Gongshu Qiu captured a Suzaku in Moguichi. After careful study, he applied some of these technologies to his own research and successfully stabilized the bat-winged machine beast.

However, the bat-winged machine beast is not large in size, and its operation requires one person and one machine, and the operating conditions need to be maintained in a fixed posture. Compared with the Suzaku, there is still a gap.

I heard that Gong Shuqiu was already working on a larger bat wing, but he just didn't have enough time. Before the mirage set sail, his main energy was still on the mirage.The current version of the bat-winged machine beast is small in size and has weak resistance to strikes, and its attack method requires an operator above to hold a crossbow and shoot arrows. It is okay to bully ground units, but it can only fight with Bai Feng in the sky. It's self-humiliation.

"If Zongheng can escape, then this Thousand Machine Copper Plate is probably fake." Ji Yan also gathered his thoughts.

"This is an issue that the anti-Qin alliance needs to consider. We know that Zhang Han's ultimate goal is to lure them to the Mirage Shipyard." Lu Xiakui said calmly:
"The value there has dropped after the mirage was built. The mirage is undergoing trial trials. Daqin is now rich in the world. The next time it docks will be the developed Songhai Terminal. There is no need to repair it secretly in a remote shipyard and use the shipyard as a trap. It can draw the anti-Qin alliance’s attention away from Songhai City, and it can also be designed to catch them all in one fell swoop.”

The results are known in advance, and the details of the process will only emerge themselves over time.

"No need to stay here any longer, let's go back."


The fire in Qianji Tower lit up the entire General's Mansion. During the light conversation between Lu Wei and Ji Yan, Zongheng and Zhi Jibu seemed to be able to escape easily, but in fact they were not so relaxed as they were burned by the smoke.

The bat-winged mechanized city, which was not highly rated by Lu Wei, was indeed fragile, but it was not easy for Bai Feng to be busy rescuing people while being distracted from dealing with the enemy.

A simple fire, coupled with the Qin army's arrow rain and the bat-winged machine beasts harassing the sky, are enough to bring life and death troubles to Guigu Zongheng and the three rangers with excellent light skills.

However, after Gai Nie boarded the White Bird with the help of Wei Zhuang and slashed down two bat wings with his sword energy, things were developing in their favor.

The two farmers also evacuated the center of the incident under such circumstances.

Returning to the base, what happened in Songhai City tonight cannot be concealed. Such a fierce fire can be seen throughout the city. The chase battle between the giant white bird and the bat-winged machine beast can also be seen clearly under the moonlit night. This incident has become a big deal. In this way, Zhang Han and Meng Tian will most likely be punished, but the only person who can punish them is His Majesty the Emperor, so they don't need to worry too much.

The eldest son's motorcade was indeed very close, but the emperor's motorcade was far from setting off. Fusu could admonish them, but had no power over them, especially Li Si.

"The incident has generally been clarified. There is a high probability that nothing will happen again in Songhai City behind Qianji Tower. We have to consider how to profit from it." Ji Yan wore his long hair loosely outside, but tied it up when he returned to the house. Ponytail.

With her smart hairstyle and gray and black tights, the female killer's momentum was suddenly highlighted: "Fusu's convoy will arrive in five days. At this time, the Anti-Qin Alliance will probably be able to react to whether they have fallen for Zhang Han's plan. Determined different directions.”

"Zhang Han is Ying Zheng's trusted confidant. He has been trained for many years. He has outstanding abilities and is experienced in doing things. What will happen if such a talented person dies in Songhai?" Lu Wei asked half to himself and half to Ji Yandao.

"When the emperor is angry, he will lay down millions of corpses." Ji Yan gave the answer without hesitation.

"What if Qin has to face an inevitable war at this time?"

"Brother Lu, you mean the north?"

Lu Wei chuckled and did not respond. He rubbed his temples and considered the various situations: "I need to talk to Zhang Liang again. The power behind my ovary needs to be activated."

Zhang Han's existence was an obstacle to the peasant family, but he could not die rashly. As a confidant of His Majesty the Emperor, there should be a clean cause of death.

This cause of death must have been something Luo Sheng also wanted, so that the former enemies could work together.

"Yes, I will arrange it tomorrow morning." Xiao Yan'er responded as she approached and took the initiative to take on the massage task. Her cold fingers were very good at controlling the force. She had already mastered Lu Wei's body very well.


After escaping the pursuit of the bat-winged machine beast and landing in a remote mountain forest, the two Zongheng and Heng quickly returned to the Mohist camp with their things. Thieves Zhi and Ji Bu needed to make some disguises in some places in the mountains and forests. After all, a large army would be dispatched to search soon. , they want to lead the enemy further away.

Gao Jianli and others in the Mo family who were responsible for luring the enemy outside Songhai City had not returned yet. Gai Nie handed over the Thousand Machine Copper Plate to Master Ban. After studying the application method, he personally applied it to the Black Dragon Volume. The result made all three people present frown.
(End of this chapter)

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