Careerist in Qin Dynasty

Chapter 342 Azure Dragon Suzaku

Chapter 342 Azure Dragon Suzaku
"Tai Yin cannot be turned away but turned toward? What does this mean?"

Master Ban stared at the contents of the secret words in the Black Dragon Scroll that were deciphered through the Thousand Machines Copper Plate with confusion, and slowly read it out.

Wei Zhuang was also confused and tried to decipher it in his mind: Does Taiyin refer to the moon, or the God of the North?
After Gai Nie closed his eyes and thought for ten breaths, he suddenly said: "I once read this sentence from Ji Zhou's unnamed manuscript in the library of Xianyang Palace."

"The fragment of the chapter is: 'Where the Taiyin resides, it cannot be turned away but directed towards it; where the Beidou attacks, it cannot be attacked by the enemy.'"

"The Taiyin here is not the usual moon or the North Pole, but refers to Tianyi, or we can call it its more well-known name: Qinglong."

"Qinglong!" Master Ban, who knew the contents of the Qinglong Project being carried out by the Mo family, was shocked. The appearance of this word in Qin's Black Dragon Files was really unexpected.

"It probably doesn't refer to the Qinglong Project." Ganie knew what Master Ban was thinking as soon as he saw his reaction, and shook his head: "The noblest among the gods is none other than Qinglong. This Qinglong is most likely referring to Emperor Ying Zheng himself."

"It's not a black dragon~" Wei Zhuang smiled coldly.

Gai Nie didn't care that he was interrupted and continued to interpret calmly: "So this sentence can be understood according to the original text: the emperor's will cannot be violated and can only be obeyed. The country and people in the direction pointed by the handle of the Big Dipper cannot Fight it.”

"This is provoking us." The owner of Quicksand said coldly while holding the shark tooth sword and looking down at the Black Dragon Scroll and Thousand Machines Copper Pan.

"So this is indeed Qin's trap from beginning to end." Master Ban frowned. The energy and effort everyone put in for this Black Dragon Scroll was costly. Tonight, they took huge risks and broke into the Qianji Building of the General's Mansion. In the end, only one part of Qin’s provocation was interpreted.
"Not necessarily." Wei Zhuang shook his head: "If it's just provocation and luring the enemy, it's understandable that they create a fake dossier, and it's also understandable that they burn down the Thousand Machine Building of General Mansion in Songhai City in order to kill us, but the Thousand Machine Copper Plate is now It’s definitely in our hands.”

"Yes, the value hidden behind the Thousand Machines Copper Plate is the possibility of leaking the secret code of the entire Qin State. We are risking our lives to get it. If the content of the Black Dragon File is just an irrelevant provocation, then there is no need for them to use it. The real copper plate of Thousand Chances as an inducement." Gai Nie was also keenly aware that Zhang Han's other intentions were hidden behind the whole thing:
"The price is too high to bet that we can get the real Thousand Chance Copper Plate to interpret a provocation."

"But if the Thousand Mechanisms Copper Plate is actually a fake." Wei Zhuang continued following his senior brother's words: "Then we get the fake Thousand Mechanisms Copper Plate and decipher the contents of the fake Black Dragon Scroll, which is another step of Zhang Han's plan. "

"His purpose could be to set up a trap to encircle us on the one hand, but on the other hand even if the encirclement and encirclement fails, the false contents of the Black Dragon Scroll can conceal the real secrets."

"The trap of the Thousand Mechanism Copper Plate is both in the Thousand Mechanism Tower and after we get the Thousand Mechanism Copper Plate!" Master Ban exclaimed.

"It's not certain, but there is a certain possibility." Gai Nie's mood remained calm.

"Interesting." Wei Zhuang curled his lips: "Until now, I finally have a glimmer of belief that this is the real Black Dragon Scroll."

"And this may be Zhang Han's true purpose." Gai Nie warned his junior brother Xiaozhuang.

"It means that although we spent a lot of money to obtain the Thousand Machines Copper Plate, we still can't confirm the authenticity of the Black Dragon Scroll?" Master Ban grabbed his hair hard and felt a headache.

"The opponent is Zhang Han, the commander of the Shadow Guards. We really can't draw any conclusions casually." Just after Gai Nie finished speaking, he heard the sound of someone going down the stairs from the surface. He and his junior brother Xiaozhuang looked at each other for a flash. However, the waiting target turned out to be Shi Lan from Shushan.

"What's the result?" Shi Lan knew about tonight's plan, but she was cold-tempered. When Zongheng came back, she just asked about the result directly. Such a straightforward approach did not make Gai Niewizhuang feel rude.

"It turns out to be Miss Shi Lan." Master Ban frowned and disappeared. He smiled and handed over the deciphering result to the Mo family's allies: "Please take a look, this is the text analyzed by the Qianji Copper Plate."

"." Shi Lan quickly read a few words and put down the paper with an expressionless face. Under the gaze of the three people, he frowned and shook his head like they did at first sight: "I can't understand."

It was a normal reaction. Master Ban immediately explained Gai Nie's analysis to her and the possibility that the Thousand Machine Copper Plate they got was fake. Shi Lan lowered his eyes and thought about it for a while: "This may provide some information." An idea"

"I wonder if Shushan can give me any advice?" Wei Zhuang's eyes suddenly looked like swords.

"I said before that the encryption method of the Black Dragon Scroll relied on the Zodiac Star Road to a certain extent. So even if the Thousand Machine Copper Disk you got is fake, the 'Taiyin' or 'Qinglong' it explains can definitely be found from the original. reflect."

Shi Lan lowered his head and thought about the words: "Perhaps I can use the Shushan witchcraft to try to find a symbol related to the 'Blue Dragon'." "This is indeed an idea." Gai Nie agreed with Shi Lan's idea: "Please, Miss Shi Lan ”

The girl nodded and left the secret room. Gai Nie Weizhuang still didn't detect any signs of lying or any flaws in his words: their vigilance was a habitual behavior, not deliberately aimed at this new ally.

"I am afraid that only Zhang Han or Meng Tian himself knows the answer to determine the authenticity of the Thousand Mechanisms Copper Plate. This road must be prepared for failure." Gai Nie studied the original Black Dragon Scroll and the Thousand Mechanisms Copper Plate for a while. Find out.

"We can monitor Qin's movements around Songhai. Maybe they will take the initiative to expose the unbreakable code in reality." Wei Zhuang reasonably said another solution.

Master Ben nodded in agreement: "I will let Xiaozhi and the others run around more."

When the sky turned white, Gao Jianli, Daozhi and others lured away the enemy and returned to their stronghold. They were a little disappointed when they found out the result, but they had nothing to do.

But two days later, news came from their allies in Shushan that they finally made some new progress: the Thousand Machine Copper Plate they snatched back that night was indeed a fake!

"According to the rules of the zodiac chart, I didn't find the symbol of 'Blue Dragon' in it, but I found 'Suzaku'."

In the secret room, Shi Lan took the original Black Dragon Scroll with a tired look on her face, and used the butterfly guidance technique in the Shu Mountain witchcraft to mark the suspicious areas. It was obvious that she had not rested much these days.

Even though she knew the answer in advance, she still had to do it herself while searching for the answer.

"Suzaku" Gai Nie thought: Different from the complexity of Qinglong, his first thought when mentioning Suzaku was the location word "South", or referring to the Kingdom of Chu.

But combined with the geography where everyone is now, the answer to the south of Songhai is too obvious:
"Mirage Shipyard!"

Gao Jianli was also here this time. He didn't know much about Mirage, but due to the importance of Mirage Shipyard to the Qin State, the Mohists had been monitoring the only building built out of thin air on the deserted seaside.

Facts have proved that there are indeed strange things there recently, but it is difficult to draw any conclusions when looking at these strange things alone: ​​the mirage is a 'sea-mountain monster', and countless treasures transported from the world can be eaten by it, and because of its unique For Yingzheng's plan to find immortals, the special nature of Mirage existed from the beginning.

But now that the Mirage has gone on trial voyage, what kind of secret will be created by combining the pure Mirage Shipyard with the Black Dragon Files?
Someone needs to be sent to the shipyard to investigate in detail!

"The Mirage Shipyard is a trap, containing treasures that the Anti-Qin Alliance cannot refuse."

Lu Wei was not surprised when he heard what Tian Guang said in black clothes in front of him. The place was destined to become a battlefield after Zhang Han arrived.

But who will die in this battlefield may not be as smooth as Zhang Han imagined.

"Li Si summoned Zhao Gao after the Black Dragon Scroll was robbed. Luo Wang's core force is coming, so in Luo Wang's plan, they hope that this trap can be launched later."

"Zhao Gao wants to personally control the overall situation through Zhang Han's arrangements. Of course he can do this." Lu Wei affirmed Luo Wang's strength, but the risk he took to meet Tian Guang today was not because of Zhang Han's plan, but because of Zhang Han's plan. It's for Xiaoyaozi's plan: "But as the cover-up sun, you decide what role to play in such a drama."

"The anti-Qin alliance cannot suffer any more losses." The views Tian Guang said were not his own, but the thoughts of third-party forces in the network who had other agendas: "So they want to use the Fusu forces to sabotage Zhang Han's plan .”

"Can't Zhang Liang directly inform the Mo family of Zhang Han's plan?"

"That can only be the last resort." Tian Guang shook his head: "In fact, Zhang Liang doesn't know Luo Wang's latest plan yet."

"Is that so?" Lu Wei could understand the reason behind it and chuckled:
"Then what about the other covering sun I want to see in Songhai City?"

(End of this chapter)

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