Careerist in Qin Dynasty

Chapter 343 Red Pine Nuts

Chapter 343 Red Pine Nuts

After Tian Guang ended his conversation with Lu Wei, he put on civilian clothes and walked out of the restaurant calmly.

Because of the Qianji Tower fire a few days ago, there are now many Qin Army spies on the streets of Songhai City monitoring suspicious people. Tian Guang is naturally not afraid of this. He is one of the spies.

On the surface, there is no snare in Songhai City, but the minions of the snare have already been lurking in this city.

Since there is no city wall, Songhai City can leave the city in all directions, but now there are people monitoring almost everywhere.

After finding a surveillance area belonging to the trap and entering the forest without concealment, Tian Guang went straight to the seaside waterfall.

Lu Wei was no stranger to this waterfall. It was here that he killed Old Man Xinyan in the past, thus changing Duanshui among the Six Sword Slaves in Luowang.

For more than ten years, the slippery roads here have made it a dangerous place inaccessible to ordinary people and a tourist destination for Jianghu knights.

But since this place was selected in the net last year, ordinary knights can no longer come here.

Nowadays, the situation in Songhai is almost only composed of the Qin Kingdom and the anti-Qin camp. The smart ones among the neutral rangers have long since left the seemingly peaceful seaside. As for the unsmart ones, that is not a problem Tian Guang has to consider.

As Luo Wang's new stronghold, this place is nominally under the jurisdiction of a murderer-level killer. The sky-level master Zhenri is above everyone else and has a unique area as his residence.

Tian Guang saw people waiting for him in the forest clearing next to the waterfall.

"I'm late."

The voice of the man in black wearing the costume of a local-level killer was obviously disguised, making it impossible for Tian Guang to determine his gender and age.

He did not know the identity of the companion who shared the Sun-Sealing Sword with him, but his aura was still more dignified than his own, so Tian Guang had already made some guesses.

After talking to Lu Wei just now, his guess was confirmed.

Therefore, Tian Guangjiu ignored the other party's words, opened the sun-shielding sword wrapped in gray cloth on his back and threw it out casually: "Zhang Han's plan has reached the final stage. Fusu's frame is expected to arrive the day after tomorrow. You know exactly what to do."

The man in black took the sun-shielding sword and stared at Tian Guang's fake face through the gap in the hat he wore on his head. He stopped talking and was about to leave, but as soon as he took a step, his body tensed up quickly.

Strong murderous intent filled the entire open space without concealment!

Tian Guang also made the same move as him, but since the murderous intention came from behind Tian Guang, he turned around and came to the man in black and at the same time threw a handful of hidden stones.

More than twenty small stones with strong internal energy were shot towards the source of the murderous aura like a goddess scattering flowers. However, each of these stones, which could take away the life of an ordinary person, had just flown halfway when it was struck by a seemingly insignificant stone. Qi's sword energy was completely shattered, and the sword energy rolled up the gravel and continued to attack the man in black and Tian Guang who were standing together.

The man in black, who had never sensed such a murderous intention, was extremely serious, but when faced with the sword energy, he did not pull out the Sun Covering Sword. Instead, he made a seal gesture with one hand, and a layer of inner energy shield blocked the sword energy. Before.

Obviously, compared to the unfamiliar sword in his hand, releasing inner energy to the outside is a fighting method he trusts more, and the strength of this inner energy shield is high enough to bluntly wear away the enemy's sword energy.

However, this also completely exposed his identity.

"Wanchuan Qiushui? It has reached the level of transformation. There are only two hands of masters in the Taoist Tianzong who can have such attainments, but most of them are cultivating in Taiyi Mountain."

Lu Wei inserted the Sea-Swallowing Sword back, stood on the treetop with his hands behind his back and looked down at the two people in the open space with a smile, and said meaningfully: "The only one outside is the new head of Tianzong Xiao Mengzi, but she is not here yet." When you come to Songhai, I’m sure you won’t be her either.”

'What a terrifying sword energy! '

Facing the teasing man in black, he marveled in his heart and already guessed the identity of the enemy:

The most famous swordsman in the world today is the swordsman Gai Nie, but Gai Nie is already over forty years old. Although he may be able to swing such a sword at his peak, the green-clothed swordsman on the treetops looks like he is only in his early 20s at most. This is obviously the result of having good looks, and Ge Nie is not good at this.

So regardless of the simple understanding of people in the world, the most dangerous swordsman in the world today is undoubtedly the peasant hero Lu Wei!

Thinking of this, the man in black glanced at Tian Guang beside him, but Tian Guang also acted very panicked. It seemed that he did not lure Lu Wei here intentionally.

Frowning and looking at Lu Wei again, the man in black said calmly: "Lu Xiakui actually dares to come to Luo Wang's territory alone. He is quite confident."

"In the past, the Commander-in-Chief of CRRC and Xia Kui made an agreement on non-intrusion in Daze Mountain. Why has Xia Kui violated it now?"

"So is this what Zhao Gao told you about what happened that year?" Lu Wei heard the noisy movement in the mountains and forests. It was the other snare killers who noticed the abnormality here and gathered around, but Master Xia Kui didn't care. , and continued to look at each other with smiles on the two people in the open space: "I have never promised Zhao Gao anything." "Besides, does Zhao Gao know that there are actually two of his men hiding the sun~ Oh no, three."

Wow, the man in black gained momentum, and Tian Guang also took out a dagger from his sleeve in a decent manner: "Lu Xiakui has been in the world for 20 years. He should understand the consequences of those who meddle in other people's affairs."

"Oh? But I just don't like others to meddle in my own business, and I also hate that others don't let me meddle in my own business."

After saying that, Lu Wei jumped up lightly on his toes to avoid the crossbow arrow shot from behind. This arrow was undoubtedly a signal, and the lower-level killers who rushed over immediately swarmed up.

Faced with the siege of no less than thirty killers with a net level and one killer level, Master Xia Kui easily used astrological steps to shuttle through the crowd, and every fingering of the five-string fingering might knock the enemy's hand away. A sharp sword can take away the life of a trap killer. The Sea Swallowing Sword does not need to be unsheathed at all.

Tian Guang was extremely satisfied with Lu Wei's mastery of these two peasant secrets, and his face became solemn. He held the dagger and took the lead to join the battle.

The man in black had a gloomy face under his bamboo hat. After Tian Guang took action, he had to pull out his mask and attack the only enemy.

The addition of two rivals who were top players put a certain amount of pressure on Lu Wei, but it was not something he couldn't handle.

He continued to clean up the miscellaneous soldiers first, and occasionally confronted Tian Guang and the men in black. After a while, Lu Wei smashed the Tianling Cover, the only remaining net with a killing character, and for a while only three people were left alive by the waterfall.

Tian Guang and the man in black are indeed experienced, with extremely high internal energy and skills. However, after all, they are both older: one is over sixty and the other is over seventy. The aging of the body will definitely have an impact that is difficult to smooth out in combat. .

These effects may be insignificant when fighting an enemy whose skill is lower than his own, but Lu Wei is better than the two of them in every aspect, and his body occasionally fails to keep up with his consciousness, which makes them very depressed even if they join forces.

What's more, they have to try their best to hide their martial arts skills before joining the trap, so that the Swallowing Sea Sword still cannot be forced out.

The pressure increased, and in the end Tian Guang had to reveal the same peasant secrets as Lu Wei. Seeing this, the man in black had no choice but to use all his Taoist skills.

The men in black estimated that it was unlikely that they would kill Lu Wei tonight even if they tried their best. The best outcome would be to force Lu Wei back as much as possible and then consider the issue of his identity being exposed.

If his opponent is serious, Lu Wei must also be serious. He came tonight to talk to the man in black. Showing his invincible force before talking can give him an absolute advantage.

Pulling out the Swallowing Sea Sword, facing the Taoist swordsmanship and Tian Guang's incomplete palm, his starting move was the most powerful Earth-Bearing Haihan.

The open space in the waterfall mountain forest was larger than before. Lu Wei calmly held the sea-swallowing sword and approached the man in black and Tian Guang who were half kneeling on the ground:

After a great battle, the man in black's hat had been blown away, revealing a head full of white hair, with only a scarf still on his face.

Because Tian Guang was wearing a human skin mask, his appearance remained relatively good.

The two of them didn't hold anything back at all, but if they couldn't beat them, they couldn't beat them. There was really nothing they could do.

"Only in this way can we have a good chat. Do you think this is right? Master Chisongzi~Tian Guangxiakui~"

The identity of the two people was revealed in one word, and the two people who were half-kneeling were not surprised: Tian Guang naturally didn't need to say more, and Chi Songzi used all the means at his disposal in the battle just now.

"What do you want to talk to us about?" Tian Guang smiled bitterly and took off the mask on his face to reveal his original appearance. Seeing this, Chi Songzi had no choice but to take off the mask on his face to reveal his old face.

It doesn't matter whether he understands it or not. Lu Wei doesn't know the real Chisongzi at all.

However, unraveling this matter itself will allow Lu Wei to occupy a higher position in the subsequent conversation. Tian Guang's approach is obviously not a casual move.

As for Chisongzi, this old man has stayed in the mountains for too long. He has seen the people's hearts below the mountains over the years, but he has not seen enough.

With Lu Wei and Tian Guang acting, it couldn't be easier to get the former head of Tianzong to tell them what they want to know~
"Of course we're talking about your suspended animation." Lu Wei came behind the two old men and injected the inner energy of the Rejuvenation Gong to help them ease their restless inner energy. Chisongzi, one of the two people who received the treatment, suddenly brightened up: he thought Lu Wei's inner energy attributes were very interesting. .

"I think, as you two are, pretending to be dead and pretending to be hiding the sun will not really mean you are a lackey in a trap~ Including the real hiding sun."

"Alas, this matter all originated from the infiltration of the net into all schools of thought."

Lu Wei just briefly mentioned the beginning, but Chi Songzi, who had calmed down a little, actually told all the truth he knew in one go. This not only shocked Tian Guang, but also Lu Wei had rarely seen his plan go so smoothly.

It seems that the old people of Tianzong who are dedicated to practicing hard in the mountains are really seeking the Tao, so much so that they have been separated from the human world for too long.

So it can be inferred from this that from Bei Mingzi, who has no idea how old he is, to Xiao Mengzi, who has been in seclusion for ten years, how he will behave can be understood in advance.
(End of this chapter)

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