Careerist in Qin Dynasty

Chapter 34 Farming Joy

Chapter 34 Farming Joy
When Lu Ye returned to Jicheng with the caravan as quickly as possible, Lu Wei began to redistribute the senior positions of Lu Qiuge.

The senior level of Luqiu Pavilion originally had one pavilion master, one deputy pavilion master, two supervisors, four stewards, and eight landowners.

Now that the name of Pavilion Master Xu Qiu has not been eliminated, but he has not returned for more than a year, this position can only be avoided for the time being.

Deputy Pavilion Master Zhou Chu maliciously resisted justice and law enforcement, and was a natural target for establishing authority.

On the day when he welcomed the caravan back, Lu Wei announced in public that he would remove all positions at Zhou Chu and imprison him at acupuncture points. When he went to Daze Mountain to attend the Autumn Harvest Conference, he would personally report the matter to Hall Master Zhou He.

The deputy cabinet chief position is temporarily succeeded by an old man with seniority in the caravan.

This old man was Lu Shan's financial teacher. He often taught Lu Shan how to calculate accounts when he was in Shouchun.

He understood very well why he could rise to the top in one step. After becoming the deputy master of the pavilion, he hurriedly saluted Lu Wei, bowed his head and bowed, very well-behaved.

Lu Wei did not refuse in public, patting the other party on the shoulder and encouraging him to serve the farmer well.

In the position of supervisor, he removed one of the two original supervisors and retained the other, and promoted obedient people from the original supervisors in order to appease the hearts of Jicheng disciples.

Except for the one who was promoted to supervisor, the remaining three were demoted to landowners. Lu Yu and Lu Ye were promoted from ordinary disciples of One Star Pearl Grass to stewards of Three Star Pearl Grass.

The other two vacancies will be arranged after Lu Shan and Lu Mu come back, so they are empty for now.

In the end, all the eight old landowners were dismissed as grassroots disciples, and three more reputable elders were promoted from among the managers of each district in Jicheng, and two elderly people with good reputations were promoted from the caravan disciples to ensure that the upper-level members basically maintained an equal distribution of power.

As for Lu Wei himself, he was authorized by the hall order. Although he was still under the Lu Qiu Pavilion, his position was the official manager of the Gonggong Hall headquarters.

It has a transcendent status independent of Luqiu Pavilion.

As a result, except for Zhou Chu, all the original high-level officials of Lu Qiu Pavilion were released after being punished by Lu Wei.

Next, the purge of middle management will be even greater, but it obviously no longer requires Lu Wei to personally preside over it.

Full power was handed over to the new deputy chief. Lu Yu and Lu Ye, as young and capable young men, volunteered to assist the deputy chief~

The returning caravan disciples all quickly integrated back into the Luqiuge family.

The Chu country's specialties brought back by the caravan can be sold for a long time. During the period when all those goods are sold, the farmers' basic market in Yan country has stabilized.

Those distant towns far away from Jicheng were almost completely unaffected by the changes in the management of Luqiuge.

But there was one person who keenly discovered this great purge and was surprised by it.

That is Tian Guang, the current peasant hero!

As a hero, Tian Guang's identity is only known to the top brass at the Dazeshan headquarters.

He has been active in the Yan Kingdom for some reason since the year before last.

As for the purpose, it was to gain a reputation as a "jiexia" so as to gain an advantage for the plan.

At the end of the year before last, Tian Guang also quietly went to Lu Qiu Pavilion. After meeting Xu Qiu, he personally decided to go to Chu caravan.

But since then, in order to avoid being discovered by interested parties, he has never had contact with the peasant disciples of Yan State.

But now, when it comes to the changes in the entire Yanguo Farming Branch, Tian Guang thinks that he can't help but understand this!
He wanted to go to Jicheng to observe for himself what happened.


"You were attacked when passing through the Taihang Mountains?"

In the secret room on the third floor of Luqiu Pavilion, Lu Wei was teaching Lu Yu and Lu Ye a deeper level of rejuvenation skills and secrets.

As his right-hand man, Sansame Konoha's strength definitely needs to be mentioned again, but if they only rely on their own efforts, they don't know that they will have to wait until the year of the monkey.The pills in the system that can quickly improve martial arts skills are too expensive.

If Lu Wei didn't embezzle Lu Qiuge's public funds, it would be very difficult to buy it.

And he had just used financial problems to persecute Zhou Chu. At least he couldn't leave a pigtail for his enemy at this time.

How to quickly earn his own gold is still a problem. He had some ideas a long time ago. Now that he has integrated Luqiuge, he can try it, but it always takes time to accumulate.

For the time being, they can only rely on the quality of their own internal strength to improve the internal strength of Yuye and the others.

After the transfer, Lu Ye talked about the accident that happened to the caravan: when they were traveling to the Taihang Mountains, a thief robbed the goods of a carriage.

"That man's technique is particularly strange. He can twist his whole body at will, making it difficult for people to guard against him. He killed three of our disciples."

"If Dize 24 had not been deployed in time to force him to leave, the losses would have been even greater."

Lu Ye said angrily.

"The femininity has no bones, and if the liver and intestines are broken, it is a bone demon."

Lu Wei listened to his detailed description and guessed the identity of the other party.

"Bone demon?" Lu Ye gritted his teeth and remembered the name.

Seeing this, Lu Wei guessed that Aye had not told the whole story, and the bone demon might have humiliated him.

Lu Yu was familiar with the brothers, so he naturally noticed this.He shook his head and teased Lu Ye: "Do you want me to accompany you to explore the Taihang Mountains?"

"No need!" Lu Ye lowered his eyes: "I will remember this grudge, and I will definitely cut off this bone monster's head with one sword in the future!"

After half a year, I finally took Luqiu Pavilion for my own use. Next, preparations need to be made for the Daze Mountain Autumn Harvest Meeting.

On the field ridge of a farmhouse, Gao Jianli was playing the glockenspiel impromptu. Under the field ridge, Lu Wei was wearing a straw hat, bending down and working hard in the vegetable field.

This is a farmer's disciple's job, and he might not be able to use it at the Autumn Harvest Conference. As a person in charge, it would be too embarrassing if he couldn't even use a hoe.

Practice it in advance, just in case~

The farming tools of this era were relatively primitive and could only be evaluated as functional.

There is a complete collection of agricultural tools in the system mall, and the prices are not expensive. Lu Wei is going to hand it over to the 'mechanism master' after Lu Mu comes back, and let Amu design some universal agricultural tools based on the actual situation.

Now that we have the entire Luqiu Pavilion as our backing, it will be much more convenient whether we want to make money or engage in mechanical research.

After Gao Jianli finished playing a song, he felt the earthy smell of the countryside, closed his eyes, and tried to create a new song according to the windward direction of the field with his fingers.

In recent days, Gao Jianli was deeply touched by Lu Wei's actions in saving his life in Shuzhen Tavern, giving him a guqin as a gift, taking down farm insects, and personally working in the fields. With the bell in his hand, he hoped to express these emotions through music. .

Looking up and wiping the sweat from his forehead with his arm, Lu Wei looked at Gao Jianli who was playing a new song he had never heard before. He couldn't help but put down his hoe, sat down next to him, and listened carefully.

The carillon sounds like a trumpet, so it is not suitable for playing soft music, and farm work has never been associated with softness.

This new song is different from the excitement of military music, but it pops out the growth of a seed in different seasons of spring, summer and autumn.

The wind of spring, the sun of summer, and the harvest of autumn are two rhythmic changes that make farmers feel relaxed and happy.

This is farm music!
Lu Wei's eyes lit up, Gao Jianli showed his exploitable side so quickly.

(End of this chapter)

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