Careerist in Qin Dynasty

Chapter 35 Tian Guang’s Plan

Chapter 35 Tian Guang’s Plan
Time flies and it’s August.

It's midsummer, and even the country of Yan, which is famous for its cold snow, is getting hot at this time.

News came from the south a few days ago that Lu Shanlu Mu and the remaining half of the Chu State's caravan had crossed the Wei border and entered the Zhao State. I think they will be able to come back in a while.

Lu Mu said in the letter that he had just started to learn the art of mechanism. Although he could not create a mechanism beast that could be used for farming, he could still try to transform farm tools.

Lu Wei couldn't wait for their return. He had to leave for the meeting in Daze Mountain immediately.

The affairs of Lu Qiuge will be left to the two of Yu Ye, so there won't be any big problems.

In Jicheng, King Yan spends all day enjoying himself in the palace, and Lord Yanchun enjoys himself outside the palace all day long. Maybe he also goes to the palace to enjoy himself occasionally.
After Prince Dan entered the Qin Dynasty, he didn't know when he would be able to come back. In the eyes of many powerful people, he might not be able to come back.

Originally, Prince Dan still had restraints on these nobles in order to gain the support of the people and really wanted the Yan Kingdom to become stronger.

Nowadays, this restraint is gone, and unscrupulous acts of robbing people of their wealth and royalties occur almost every day.

As a peasant family's sphere of influence, Lu Qiuge was ridiculed by the powerful as a group of 'mud-legged people', but the 'mud-legged people' still had a certain deterrent effect when they gathered together.

Therefore, since the beginning of the year, the number of civilians who have been robbed of their wealth and have chosen to join farm families has increased a lot.

The most noteworthy thing is that as the representative of the farmers in Jicheng City, Lu Qiuge's recent tendency to approach Yanchunjun's mansion has caused trouble for these powerful people.

To be precise, under Lu Wei's instructions, Lu Qiuge did have contact with Yan Chunjun's mansion, but the contact was not with Yan Chunjun himself, but with the housekeeper who had hosted the banquet before!
After the last banquet, careful investigation revealed that things were exactly as Lu Wei expected: there was a struggle for power within Lord Yanchun's house!

As an old butler who has served Yan Chunjun for more than ten years, he was squeezed out of his second-in-command position within a year by a killer, Jueying. This made the butler full of jealousy.

This jealousy cannot be directed at Lord Yan Chun, and the shadow becomes the point of bearing the hatred.

However, he could not do the things that Jueying could do. On the contrary, he was responsible for the trivial matters of entertaining those powerful people, but Jueying was able to handle them with ease.

As a result, the butler's position has become increasingly embarrassing, and he has even become Jueying's deputy recently.
For all matters in the house, Yan Chunjun always gives orders to Jueying first, and then Jueying gives orders to him.
As time passed, the housekeeper became red-eyed and urgently needed to make meritorious deeds to regain Yan Chunjun's favor.

But what can he, an old man, do?

Lu Wei accurately grasped this point and proposed cooperation with the steward during the second banquet: the disciples of Lu Qiu Pavilion can be used by the steward to a certain extent.

To this, the anxious housekeeper decisively agreed:
The reason why Jueying was reused by Lord Yan Chun was because he was highly skilled in martial arts and had a group of desperadoes under him who dared to do any evil thing.

This man of the rivers and lakes should be dealt with by the people of the rivers and lakes!
Although Lu Wei would not sacrifice his reputation to rob families, the advantage of having farmers spread all over the city and even the country was something Jueyingwan could not match.

Accurate intelligence is sometimes more important than a perfect action.

The farm family also needs a steward to protect its own development in the name of Yan Chunjun. The two parties hit it off immediately and the cooperation was officially concluded!

In order to deal with Jueying, the housekeeper felt that he was really willing: not only did he voluntarily 'lower his status' and treat those mud-legged people as equals, but he also quietly sacrificed part of the interests of the Yanchun Lord's Mansion to help Lu Qiuge expand its power.

For example, during the recent recruitment of guards at the mansion, he calmly accepted a group of farm disciples into the mansion.
Before Jueying fell out of favor, with the housekeeper around, Yu Ye loyally carrying out his instructions, and Gao Jianli's voluntary and enthusiastic help, Lu Wei rode out of the city with peace of mind and headed straight for the Yanqi border.

But he had not been riding for long when a shout from behind stopped him:

"Little brother, little brother!"

A middle-aged man, riding a mixed-haired horse, approached him waving his hand.

"Who is your Excellency?"

The other person has bright eyes, rough skin, and thick finger joints. The most special thing is his knight-errant aura that makes people instantly like him at a glance. He must not be an unknown person.Out of caution, Lu Wei did not secretly use his internal power to test the strength of the opponent's internal power. It would be bad if he was discovered.

"I'm the knight of Yan Kingdom, Tian Guang."

Tian Guang's thick eyebrows were raised, with a heroic smile on his face: "Tian Guang has always liked making friends, and meeting my little brother today is fate."

"I think my little brother also wants to move towards the direction of Qi. How about we walk a part of the way together?"

"." The guard in my heart suddenly relaxed when I heard this name, but I was still very nervous:

Tian Guang, this name is not unfamiliar to him!

The peasant hero is the organizer of the Qinglong Project in the Yan Kingdom!
However, logically speaking, he should not know what this name represents, and since Tian Guang also came from Jicheng, it is impossible for him not to know who he is.

Thinking about it this way, Tian Guang’s idea of ​​not revealing his identity to find himself becomes clear~
"I see that Brother Tian Guang has extraordinary momentum. Since I am willing to go with you, Lu Wei is naturally willing!"

Since the other person wants to act, then you should act with him.

Who allowed me to further expand my ambition after conquering Lu Qiu Pavilion? Although I haven’t yet secured the position of the leader of the Gonggong Hall, I already want to covet your position as the leader~

"Haha, little brother is refreshing!"

Tian Guang drove his horse side by side with Lu Wei. He stared at the three-star pearl grass on Lu Wei's chest and asked curiously:
"Brother Lu is from a farm family?"

"Exactly, I am a disciple of Gonggong Hall. I wonder which family brother Tian Guang is a hero?"

"Tian is just a ranger, not a hero."

When Tian Guang stopped talking, he casually changed the topic and turned the conversation between the two of them to various scenery in the Yan Kingdom. Both of them had hidden thoughts, but they were both knowledgeable people. After chatting for a while, they were happy. .

Tian Guang actually arrived in Jicheng half a month ago. Since then, he has been investigating the situation of Lu Qiuge and accurately grasped the detailed process of the Lu brothers coming to power.

Tian Guang would not comment on the opponent's methods, but it was a fact that Lu Qiu Pavilion was not in chaos, and the number of Jicheng farm disciples continued to expand.

Seeing this, Tian Guang felt that there was no need for him to take action, so he just let them continue to toss according to their own ideas.

As the leader of the farm family, he always only understands the changes in the farm family and never interferes unless there are special circumstances.

Even if the most serious issue within the farm family is now: the struggle between the Tian surname and the foreign surname, he cannot express his position clearly.

Tian Guang's surname is Tian, ​​and he is also somewhat related to Tian Meng and Tian Hu. It stands to reason that it is in the interests of the family that he should help the Tian family to gain power.

But, on the other hand, he is even more of a peasant hero!

The entire farm family is his subordinate.Tian surname, foreign surname, no matter which side suffers losses, his own interests also suffer losses.

Even if it wasn't for the sake of strengthening the farm family, but just for his own power not to be affected, Tian Guang couldn't blindly favor the Tian brothers.

Therefore, he quietly and carefully divided the forces in each hall:
Let Shennong Hall develop to the Chu State, Gonggong Hall to develop to the Yan State, and Siyue Hall to develop to the Wei State.

In the mainland of Qi, only Lieshan Hall, Chiyou Hall and Kuei Hall of the Tian brothers were left.

Each of the three foreign surnames occupies a territory in the country. If Tian Youmenghu and the brothers Chen Sheng and Wu Kuang are left to rub against each other, there will be no major problems.

If Kuei Hall cannot resist the dispute between Lieshan Hall and Chi You Hall, then brothers Chen and Wu may have other plans themselves.
(End of this chapter)

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