Careerist in Qin Dynasty

Chapter 345 Unexpected Change

Chapter 345 Unexpected Change
"There is indeed a problem here. The surveillance disciples can no longer get close. If I want to go deep into the shipyard to find out what they are doing, I need to wait until night."

Thief Zhi secretly wrote down the details of the entire shipyard's appearance, constantly calculating his own entry route and retreat plan.

Zhang Han, who was on top of the shipyard, did not notice that the bandit Zhi had infiltrated the labor force, but he knew that the anti-Qin rebels would most likely focus their attention on this place.

"Increase the night patrol team by two more rounds. The entire prison has indeed not been completed yet, but nothing will happen to the first batch of prisoners sent tomorrow."

"Yes, General Zhang Han!" The warden respectfully accepted the order. He was a Shadow Guard himself, with outstanding professional abilities and Zhang Han's trust, so he could take on the current role.

After inspecting the construction progress of the prison, Zhang Han did not stay here any longer. Although the bait could be laid out tomorrow, the anti-Qin rebels would not act rashly until they found out the details of the shipyard prison. Before that, Young Master Fusu was about to arrive. Although Zhang Han did not need and could not gain status by flattering Fusu, the necessary etiquette still had to be taken seriously.

Among the many responsibilities of the Shadow Guard, the most important one is to protect the safety of the royal family.

Even if there are no dangerous elements in Songhai City, considering the current situation, even the most extreme rebel would not assassinate the young master at this time, Zhang Han still cannot let down his guard.
Fusu's main duty in coming to Songhai this time was to check and accept the results of the mirage trial, thinking that His Majesty the Emperor's arrival would serve as a precursor. But on the other hand, he definitely had to pay a visit to the Xiaoshengxian Manor, the owner of this place.

Especially since Fusu brought Xiao Mengzi, the head of Tianzong, with him this time.

Xiaomeng's status is very special in the world: she is eighteen years old, but her seniority is that of Chisongzi, a junior sister who is over seventy years old. In the Confucian school that pays great attention to etiquette, she is the same as the master Fu Nian's teacher and Xun Kuang's generation. In addition, in the past Confucius had the experience of seeking advice from Taoist Lao Tzu. This time, Confucians must treat Taoists with courtesy.

Xiaomeng's appearance at this time is a warning that Fusu will suppress Xiaoshengxian Village.

Of course, in the end, the eldest son of the empire will definitely show some more favors to Confucianism, achieving the effect of evenly distributing thunder and rain.

This is a well-known operation, a standard means of kingly power. However, even if there are many reference cases in the history books, not everyone can do it well.

Fusu sat in the carriage, flipping through a lot of information on Confucianism, and thinking about his itinerary for this trip to Songhai.

This was the first time that Fusu had left Xianyang so far away to deal with a major sect alone. Putting aside some of his fondness for Confucianism, how to make his behavior best meet the needs of stabilizing the rule of Qin was by no means a topic that could be taken lightly.

If you don't do it well, you will disappoint His Majesty the Emperor.
When he thought of this, the pressure that came up made Fusu a little breathless. The First Emperor was a resolute king, and his achievements were unprecedented in unifying the seven kingdoms. As his eldest son, Fusu had not dared to do so since he was a child. Relax your behavior.

According to the patriarchal system, he should have been established as the prince long ago, but although His Majesty the Emperor is no longer young and the headaches are still getting worse, he has not established a successor.

The people in the court who were most concerned about this were undoubtedly the Confucian officials. They firmly supported Fusu's position. This was another reason why Fusu had a preference for Confucianism besides believing that the empire needed to cultivate and recuperate.

However, the various quotations from Confucian officials were obviously not listened to by His Majesty the Emperor, and Fusu also knew the reason.
After all, his uncle is Lord Changping. This bloodline is like a curse.

'I must let my father see my ability! '

After being depressed for half a stick of incense, Fusu regained his energy and continued reading the book in his hand: No matter what, among the twenty or so princes in the empire, he was the only one who stayed with His Majesty the Emperor the longest and most often.

Even though I was scolded a lot of the time
The eldest son's motorcade continued on its way. Their journey had entered Jiaodong County, less than a day's journey from Songhai.
The next day, Fusu's convoy entered Songhai City one day earlier than initially expected. Li Si and Meng Tian, ​​who had received the report from Kuaiqi three hours in advance, prepared a grand welcome ceremony. As for Zhang Han, he secretly Commander Wei went to greet him, and there was a high probability that he would arrive with Fusu.

Today's welcoming ceremony was held under the eldest son's request in advance. There was no martial law throughout the city. Songhai residents could stand on both sides of the road and see the royal motorcade behind a layer of black-armored Qin troops. Even if Fusu would not lift the curtains, Showing up is still a rare situation for ordinary people.

"Fusu is here, the shipyard's actions will be delayed."

Even from a high position, it was unrealistic to see clearly the details of the motorcade two streets away through a thick cloth window, but with bright eyes, it was not too blurry.

Ji Yan was leaning against the window, with her toes raised, and she was breathing out hot breath while speaking.

"Fusu will encounter an assassin tonight. As long as the Mo family can get the news in time and make a decisive decision, Zhang Han's plan is indeed very likely to fail."

Hugging this soft and boneless body from behind, Lu Wei was very calm: "But it's not necessarily a bad thing for him." "Oh?" Feeling the hot impulse, Ji Yan raised his head, Qiushui The bright golden pupils should have represented absolute reason, but at this moment he was also a little distracted: "Does it mean the exposure of the snare?"

"As long as it is an action, there will be traces, let alone a temporary action. Zhang Han will not be so stupid. He will find clues from failure."

Although Master Xia Kui's tone was serious, his broad palm was not so honest: it followed the curve of the silky tights, brushed the slender waist between his fingers and continued downward, finally lifting a strong and elastic thigh. So that you can go deeper.

The blush on his face became more obvious. Ji Yan, who was in good physical condition, felt slightly weak when standing on one foot in this situation: "But our target is the mirage. If Zhang Han's plan never succeeds, I'm afraid the vigilance at the mirage will increase. .”

The entire upper body was almost completely pressed against the window. At this time, Xiao Yan'er could see that the carriage belonging to Fusu on the main road of Songhai had entered the city and was heading towards the residence belonging to the eldest son.

There will be blood there tonight
"The most troublesome thing for us on the mirage is not the guards, but the timing of the arrival of Donghuang and Yingzheng. The treasures of the Jizhou royal family escorted by the Moon God will soon come to Songhai. I think Lord Donghuang will arrive at that time. It is very likely that he will arrive early, but he will not show his true identity to the outside world. It is very likely that a drunkard or a beggar in Songhai may be the Donghuang."

"Don't we send disciples to find him?"

"No need, our enemies only have time left!"


Knowing that the eldest son of the empire would be assassinated, Lu Wei did not want to take any action that night, so that he would not spend too much time in the next few days accepting questioning.

But in the evening, an urgent investigation report from the disciples in the city made Master Xia Kui raise his eyebrows: Zhang Han is not in the city today.

The secret guard commander went out of the city to meet Fusu but did not come back with him. This news really exceeded Lu Wei's prediction.

The mutation still happened!
"Shall I go to the shipyard?"

While Lu Wei was thinking, Ji Yan sat up from the bed, put on his shoes, socks and coat, and spoke calmly.

Zhang Han's whereabouts were neither an accident nor an accident: the surprising point was that both Lu Wei and Ji Yan judged that when Fusu arrived, no matter what happened outside the city, they would not leave due to the need to protect the young master's safety.

However, the current reality is that the two of them made a wrong judgment, and Luo Wang also made a wrong judgment!

Not only for Zhang Han, but also for the anti-Qin alliance: Zhang Han's disappearance can only be related to the actions of the anti-Qin alliance.

It was originally calculated that Fusu's arrival one day early would allow his convoy to resist the aristocratic prisoners from the Six Nations at sea on the other side of the shipyard prison on the same day. On this day, both sides did not dare to take action because of too much information.

Based on this inference, as a secret third-party force, the Luo Sheng organization can take the assassination of Prince Fusu by surprise, and at the same time help the anti-Qin alliance gain valuable time to escape from prison: As mentioned before, after Prince Fusu was assassinated, Zhang Han Never dare to leave again. At this time, the actions of the anti-Qin alliance will not encounter too many obstacles.

But now the actual situation in Songhai clearly points to another possibility:
After the Anti-Qin Alliance learned that the nobles of the six countries were imprisoned in the shipyard prison, they decided to make a decisive decision when Fusu arrived with great fanfare. Even if they did not get detailed information about the prison, they would directly attack and rob the prison!

Their purpose in doing this was to catch Qin off guard!
After all, Fusu had just arrived, and it was impossible for Meng Tian and Zhang Han to guard the remote shipyard prison.

However, Shi Lan, who was within the anti-Qin alliance, was unable to convey the news to Lu Wei in time due to the martial law imposed by Songhai City to welcome Fusu. This resulted in the farmers not being able to grasp the news in advance.

However, Zhang Han learned about the actions of the Anti-Qin Alliance through some means and took advantage of it. In the name of welcoming Fusu, he went directly to the shipyard prison to launch an ambush!
He didn't know about the assassination by the Luowang organization, and he valued protecting Fusu's safety less than strangulating the rebels against the Qin Dynasty.
This kind of mistake caused Lu Wei, who knew the most about the overall situation, to lose control of the information.

"It's still careless. You go ahead. I hope it's too late. I'll go to Xiaoshengxian Manor to meet Fu Nian." Quickly making remedial measures, Lu Wei's mind was extremely calm: There was still enough time, and the anti-Qin alliance's actions would definitely start in the middle of the night.

Let Ji Yan adapt to the situation and save Zongheng and the Mo family, while he went to find Fu Nian and used Fu Nian's reputation to prove that he had been at Little Saint Xian Manor tonight and had nothing to do with what would happen next!

(End of this chapter)

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