Careerist in Qin Dynasty

Chapter 346 A big fire

Chapter 346 Two Fires
"How is the defense arrangement at the shipyard prison?"

Fusu wrapped himself in a cloak as the night wind blew, his upright face full of seriousness.

What Lu Wei, the Anti-Qin Alliance, and Luo Wang didn't expect was that he was not in Songhai City at the moment, but camped in the wild fifty miles away from the city. He had never entered Songhai from beginning to end today.

Before setting off for Xianyang, the astrologers of the Yin Yang family secretly calculated the time he should arrive. Fusu came here to prepare for His Majesty the Emperor's quest for immortality. Naturally, everything would not go against God's will: what day should he arrive? What time will we arrive?

Zhang Han took advantage of this to make it appear that Fusu had entered Songhai in advance: the convoy entering the city with great fanfare during the day was just a stand-in for Fusu.

The reason for doing this is a temporary response after knowing the anti-Qin alliance plan in advance!

After all, just as Lu Wei guessed, if the real Fusu arrived, Zhang Han would definitely have to put a lot more thought into ensuring the city's defenses.

"General Meng Tian did not dispatch in order to cover up others' deception, but the two thousand golden fire cavalry outside the city and the two thousand dragon and tiger cavalry accompanying us were dispatched, as well as the Gongshu family."

The attendant who bowed his head next to the eldest son respectfully replied that the four thousand elite cavalry and the black-armored Qin army in the prison were enough to wipe out the anti-Qin alliance completely!
"Very good. The Gongshu family has made great contributions in this operation to annihilate those rebels."

Fusu nodded with satisfaction. It was his merit to exterminate these rebellions entrenched in Songhai before His Majesty the Emperor arrived. Failure to do so would be a crime: "Did Master Xiaomeng also go?"

Although Xiaomeng was invited out of Taiyi Mountain by Fusu, the dragon was nowhere to be seen along the way. Even though there was a carriage dedicated to her, most of the others in the convoy could only see the entourage of the head of the Tianzong. As for the master himself, he is elusive and unpredictable.

Xiaomengzi is young, but given his seniority, Fusu respects him very much and shows no slack in etiquette along the way. The reason for respect is for use. Zhang Han's actions this time are extremely important. His Royal Highness, the eldest son, is not so pedantic. He really offered Xiaomeng as a real person and decisively sent his attendants to ask her for help.

After enjoying the treatment that I deserve, I have to do some things, not to mention it is said that Xiaoyaozi was also involved in this anti-Qin rebellion.
"Master Xiaomeng has already gone, and the Yin Yang family in the city has also sent people to inform them. There are also mirages." Before the servant could finish his words, he saw Fusu raise his palm and quickly shut up.

"Such a formation is even grander than attacking the Mohist government city. There is no room for error. Let General Meng Tian in the city prepare support. It doesn't matter if the plan is revealed when necessary. The rebels must not be allowed to escape."

"In addition, monitor the actions of the Confucians and farmers in the city."

"Yes, I will send someone to do it now."

"When do Mr. Gongshu think those rebels will take action?"

In the shipyard prison, Zhang Han carefully looked at the map on the wall in the core room, and started talking to Gong Shuqiu, who was repairing his machine arm.

"According to the surveillance of Potu Seventeenth Lang, the Mo family's Xuanwu has already set off." Gong Shuqiu grinned an ugly smile, and the joints of the machine hand bent and made a beautiful mechanical sound: "They thought that the sea was their home ground, but they didn't know that I was already there. A dragnet has been set up in the entire coastal area of ​​​​Sanghai, and their mechanism, Xuanwu, is huge, and as long as there is any movement, there is no way it can escape from my grasp!"

"The big has big benefits, the small has wonderful uses~"

While he was talking, a small trap snake the size of an eel emerged from his hand. This was Poto Seventeen Lang. It had the ability to explore in the sea. Compared with Chi Lian's real snake, the trap snake could swim farther.

"To launch an attack from the sea, without the advance warning from the Gongshu family, my plan would really have failed." Zhang Han sighed as he nodded.

It will be found that the anti-Qin alliance's operation was all based on the investigation of the Gongshu family. It was Gongshu Qiu who discovered the agency Xuanwu that made Zhang Han guess another possibility and temporarily changed the plan with the help of the young master Fusu.

"Hehe." Gongshu Qiu accepted the praise calmly: "Among Mo Zhai's four beasts, Suzaku's technique has been mastered, the white tiger's attack power is far inferior to Potu Saburo, the Qinglong has been destroyed in the city, and only Xuanwu still commands I will never forget it."

"They thought Xuanwu could take it by surprise, but they didn't know that I have been looking for an opportunity to destroy this last trump card!"

"Tonight is their last battle."

Zhang Han made a final conclusion. With the empire's financial and material resources, if we must make up our mind to deal with these rebellions, we can win back!

"Xiao Zhi and the others would interfere with the shipyard on land at the end of Chou Shi. Earlier, there would be disciples in Songhai City setting fire to it. We took advantage of this opportunity to rush in from the sea with the power of Xuanwu to rescue the imprisoned martyrs. .”

Master Ban was talking about tonight's plan in the driver's seat. The four people meditating in Xuanwu didn't speak and just nodded silently.

Gai Nie Weizhuang and Xiaoyao Zi Gao Jianli were the strongest team that the anti-Qin alliance could gather in a short period of time. Xuanwu also had to leave enough space to load the rescued martyrs, so he had to streamline the team into a strong enough team.

Needless to say, Zongheng and Xiaoyaozi actually have other thoughts about tonight's action:
He personally arranged the assassination of Fusu, so he knew that it would be safer if he acted after tonight. However, because he could not explain the source of this news, and Fusu had just arrived in Songhai City, Qin State would indeed not have anything There were too many forces to defend the prison, and the Mo family's Xuanwu could really catch him by surprise, so he didn't say much.

As for Gao Jianli, he is not qualified to join. His strength is much inferior to the other three. However, considering that this is a maritime operation, Gao Jianli's Yi Shuihan inner energy can get environmental bonuses. At some special moment It might also be useful, so I joined it.

The four of them need to break out of Xuanwu and break into the shipyard in an hour and a half. The number of enemies they will face is likely to be hundreds of times their own. Internal energy and physical strength are extremely valuable, so they need to be in good condition as much as possible now.Of course, Gai Nie Weizhuang had considered beforehand whether his and others' intention to rob the prison on the night of Fusu's arrival would be too obvious, but he still said the same thing: Fusu's safety is a bet that Zhang Hanmengtian cannot take. This God-given opportunity cannot be missed!

What's more, the action has reached now and it is no longer possible to cancel it. The disciples in Songhai City who risked their lives to set fire to the fire should have already taken action at this time.
The terrain of Xiaoshengxian Village is quite high, and the location of the fire in the city can be clearly seen at a glance.

Fu Nian didn't ask much about Lu Wei's sudden visit. He just held a banquet at the seaside pavilion. After he just learned that there was a fire in the city, he moved the banquet location to overlooking the cliff.

"The location of the fire was too close to Mr. Fusu's residence. The gangsters who set the fire could not escape at all. They entered the city with the determination to die."

Fu Nian looked at the streets of Songhai, shook his head and said: "The anti-Qin forces suddenly paid such a price. The purpose is obviously to force the Qin army to shrink. This is a conspiracy."

"Although I don't know what their real goal is, it must be outside the city."

"Is this why you want to hide here from me?"

"The show hasn't reached its peak yet, let's continue watching." Lu Wei smiled calmly without spoiling too much.

"Oh?" Fu Nian turned his head and stared at Lu's calm eyes. He never thought that the strange movement tonight was caused by the farmers.

The small fire burned about half the stick of incense. With Fu Nian's solemn face, he was shocked to find that flames were also burning in Master Fusu's mansion. This was the second wave!
"They want to assassinate Fusu? This decision is too stupid!"

Fu Nian stood up resolutely, his face even darkened: Not to mention the probability of success of the assassination operation, once Fusu really died in Songhai, even if Little Saint Xianzhuang did not participate, there would still be a lot of trouble!
"It's not a wave of forces, these people who carried out the assassination are affiliated with the snare."

After comforting him and explaining part of the truth to Fu Nian, Fu Nian's movements froze for a moment, and he sat down again with an expressionless face: "Struggle for power within the empire?"

This is the worst possibility. The internal fighting in the empire does not mean that outsiders like them will be safe, and it may even be more dangerous.

But for the time being, if it was Luo Wang's assassination, Fusu would definitely not be killed tonight.

"Perhaps there is part of the reason, but the direct reason is Zhang Han's plan to trap anti-Qin forces."

"Is it a shipyard prison?" Fu Nian calmed down completely. He indeed knew a lot.

At least the reform of the shipyard prison in Songhai could not be hidden from him.

"Brother Head and Brother Lu are actually here."

At this moment, Zhang Liang walked over gracefully. He glanced past the two fires in the city and said with a smile: "Summer is coming. It is raining in Songhai City these days, but the fires are becoming more and more frequent." .”

A few days ago, the fire in Qianji Building was still vivid in my mind.

Zhang Liangzhong was actually very anxious. He didn't know the cause of the two fires, but he knew that Lu Wei came to Xiaoshengxian Manor in the evening.

I wanted to wait until the chat between the two was over. Once the fire started, there would be no need to doubt anything. Lu Wei must have come here just for these two fires.

Then the fire had nothing to do with the farmers, it could only be the actions of anti-Qin forces or the Qin army, but he didn't know either way.

Without enough information, there are too many possibilities that Mousheng can imagine, especially combined with Fusu's new arrival. Unplanned changes at this time are definitely bad news.
So Zhang Liang had to take the initiative and join in the chat.

"The ovary hasn't rested yet." Fu Nian nodded to his junior brother with a calm expression and took out an empty wine glass: "Then let's enjoy the moon together."

"Senior brother, don't make fun of me. Although the moonlight is beautiful, the fire under the moon is even more touching. Liang is so upset at the moment that he really has no intention of admiring the moon again."

Zhang Liang sat on one side and told the truth about his arrival with a wry smile.

"It is true that many people will be upset tonight. Zifang might as well relax with a glass of cold wine. At this moment, watching the fire is not as good as watching the moon."

Lu Wei's words clearly meant something. Zhang Liang turned his gaze from the flames to the moon in the sky, and vaguely understood: "This is indeed a lack of good manners."

(End of this chapter)

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