Careerist in Qin Dynasty

Chapter 347 Mirage Returns

Chapter 347 Mirage Returns
The number of patrols outside the shipyard prison has increased significantly compared to yesterday's patrols by the thieves.

This is a matter of course. Although this magnificent prison has not yet been completely completed, once the prisoners move in, at least all the elements of a prison are complete.

"Master Kuang Xiu, everything is ready."

Among the people hiding outside the shipyard prison, Xiang Liang put on his armor again for the first time after the fall of Chu State, and nodded quietly to Kuang Xiu from the Mo family.

Behind Xiang Liang, there was Long Qie and his more than 100 Tenglong Legion soldiers.

The Tenglong Legion is the elite of Chu State, but since the fall of Chu State, they have been acting as bandits and bandits around Songhai in order to survive. Their precarious life has made their combat effectiveness far less than before, and many of their members are disabled. The equipment is incomplete, and the more than 100 soldiers brought today are among the few who can still maintain a certain combat effectiveness.

I'm going to lose another part today
Fortunately, according to Fan Zeng's observation, a considerable number of the hundreds of thousands of prisoners of the Chu army who were captured in the Qin-Chu war in the past were being distributed around as laborers. There were many in the shipyard prison in front of him. This time the Chu flag was displayed, which was very big. It may be able to arouse the resistance of the Chu people in prison and make them return to the Xiang family.

"Thank you for your hard work, General Xiang." Kuang Xiu nodded, looked at the position of the moon, and had a rough estimate of the time: "The appointed time is almost here. Next, Big Iron Hammer will lead the Mohist Forging Department. brothers as pioneers.”

"Well, our Xiang clan will firmly follow Leader Tietou and never back down!" Xiang Liang handed down the order to prepare for the charge, and the soldiers suddenly became nervous: It has been seven or eight years since the last battle between Qin and Chu. The shadow of this tragic defeat still lingers in everyone's mind.

Although this action is just a feint, after all, it is to attack more with less, and the pressure will rise unconsciously.

On the other side, Shi Lan and a dozen Shushan tribesmen were also on the move tonight.She didn't have time to communicate with Lu Xiakui about this operation, and she felt very unsure. She only expected to survive with her clan members, and she didn't think about how much effort she would make to fight against Qin.

"They're here." In the shipyard prison, Gong Shuqiu didn't sleep all night. This is all too common for a craftsman like him who studies mechanism skills: "Xuanwu stopped at the bottom of the sea, and they are waiting for it."

"There must be an ambush prepared in front of the shipyard." Zhang Han said in high spirits, his eyes shining: "There are thousands of guards in the prison, regular soldiers and convoys in labor. They want to make a If there is enough movement to attract our military strength, we should prepare at least 500 men."

"Intelligence from the Yin Yang Family a few days ago stated that the remnants of the Chu Kingdom's Tenglong Legion were discovered in the Songhai Mountain Forest. Unfortunately, with the help of Shushan, they were unable to complete the encirclement and suppression. This time, the Tenglong Legion and the Mohist disciples will serve as the main force of the show. ”

"In addition to those noble prisoners from the Six Kingdoms, the Chu people who were serving as slaves were also a major temptation to attract Xiang's rebellion~"

"So General Zhang Han deliberately asked those Chu people to patrol tonight just to make them mutiny under the inspiration of the Xiang family?" Gong Shuqiu had a basic understanding of Zhang Han's arrangement and asked curiously.

"If you want to take something, you must give it first." Zhang Han smiled confidently: "Let them see the hope of completely conquering the prison in front of them, and they will ignore the danger behind them to the greatest extent!"

"When the Golden Fire Cavalry and the Dragon and Tiger Cavalry arrive, no matter how many of these ants there are, they will be destroyed by Great Qin's cavalry!"

Strong military strength is still the greatest bottom line guarantee for this empire.

The two forces on the surface have all entered the scene, while the observers in the dark are still hiding.

The moon in the sky continued to move little by little. The prison guard on the sentry tower had no idea what would happen tonight. He couldn't help but subconsciously rubbed his eyes because of fatigue. However, after he had driven away some of the fatigue and regained consciousness, he had no time to say anything. In response, the instant flywheel cut his neck.

Thief Zhi easily occupied a sentry tower. When he turned around to look at the other sentry tower on the opposite side, his companion Ji Bu was obviously not slow either. He was already smiling and giving him a 'safety' gesture.

Take action, start!
The big flag belonging to the Xiang family stood up abruptly from the trees.
Before the noisy noise reached the command room, Zhang Han, who had received the report from the Shadow Guard, already knew everything. The current defense work in the shipyard prison was still directed by the local general, and the Shadow Guard was still waiting for the opportunity.

In the current situation, the defense of the prison seems to be shaky due to the rebellion of the Chu people during the corvee. The rebellious bandits Zhi Jibu Baifeng and other martial arts masters have also broken into the prison to cause chaos, but the main entrance is still firmly in the hands of the Qin army. Here, the Qin army did not lose its position under proper command and mobilization.

If this development continues, the Qin army in prison will probably be in a state of embarrassment tonight, but the anti-Qin rebels will not be able to achieve their goal of saving people.

Especially after the signal flare is fired, these rebels must retreat before the Qin army's reinforcements arrive.

Zhang Han is very satisfied with the current situation. Tonight, he did not leak the news that the enemy would launch a surprise attack in advance, and even cooperated with the rebellious actions to a certain extent. However, it turns out that the empire's military equipment did not relax its vigilance because of the unification of the world. In Xuanwu There is no need for him to show up in advance to alert others.

boom!As soon as Zhang Han confirmed his decision in his mind, he heard the sound of a giant collision coming from the direction of the sea. The sound was so loud that the entire shipyard prison trembled. Gong Shuqiu stood up and rejoiced: "Xuanwu is here!"

"We can launch a counterattack!" Zhang Han nodded resolutely to the deputy of the secret guard at the door, who clearly pulled a lever on his side.
Behind the shipyard prison near the sea, after the smoke dissipated from the huge broken wall, a giant turtle-shaped machine beast with a thick metallic texture was so huge that the guards who rushed nearby looked at each other. However, they did not know what to do. When he was stunned, the violent sword energy burst out and killed several people in an instant.

Wei Zhuang jumped out first, his shark-tooth sword no longer retracted from its scabbard, and he coldly looked at their surroundings clearly.

Behind him, Gai Nie, Xiaoyaozi, and Gao Jianli walked out one after another. Xuanwu took the opportunity to retreat into the sea. Master Ban's voice came through the loudspeaker: "Time is limited, you must hurry."

"It's about the same location as we speculated. This shipyard is still designed according to Qin's standard. The passage there should lead to the transformed prison area." Gai Nie nodded at Xuanwu's glowing eyes and then came to his junior brother Xiaozhuang's side. , looking at the second floor of the stairs in the square not far away, Wei Zhuang didn't say a word after receiving the information, and jumped up directly to take the lead, killing two black-armored Qin soldiers who came out from the corner.Xiaoyaozi and Gao Jianli also had no time to speak and hurriedly followed.

Gai Nie stayed there and frowned slightly. He felt that the plan was a little too smooth.

While everything is reasonable, not all that is reasonable is normal.

The vigilance in his heart increased a few levels, and Gai Nie followed the team and was responsible for finishing from the rear.

The four of them quickly found a dozen imprisoned dignitaries from the six countries. Wei Zhuang also recognized one of them who belonged to the royal family of old Korea. These dignitaries had a very high status.

After cutting off the iron gate and releasing the people, Gao Jianli led them to retreat first.

There are more ordinary prisoners in the prison area on this floor begging for help. The capacity inside Xuanwu is limited and it is impossible to rescue them all. However, releasing them will obviously cause more trouble for the Qin people, so Wei Zhuang and Xiaoyaozi cannot Open all the prisons politely.

However, when these ordinary people who were not their targets tried to follow the four men and beg for more, Wei Zhuang unceremoniously chopped off two heads on the spot, and the splattered blood made the prisoners disperse in fear.

"Something's wrong." Gai Nie stopped. He didn't say much about what his junior brother Wei Zhuang did. Gai Nie naturally knew that following these people might cause life-or-death trouble.

What he said was wrong was that except for the few Qin soldiers who were killed at the beginning, no other Qin soldiers came to stop them.

It stands to reason that with the noise caused by Xuanwu, no matter how critical the situation at the main entrance is, no one should be able to mobilize to ensure the safety of the rear.

You must know that this is a prison, and the most important responsibility of the prison must be to ensure that prisoners cannot escape!

"We must have been ambushed." Xiaoyaozi lost his usual kind-hearted look, and his whole face was expressionless.

"We are still less than a hundred meters away from the success of the mission." Wei Zhuang glanced at the two of them, but just said these words lightly and continued to chase Gao Jianli away.

Gai Nie understood what his junior brother meant: The enemy had indeed laid a trap, but with the strength of the four of them, couldn't they break through a mere [-] meters.

Even if they don't know what made the enemy prepared, they have a rough idea of ​​the power Qin can mobilize.

The worst-case scenario is that these powerful people cannot be saved. It is not difficult for them to retreat!

However, when they walked out of the passage and arrived at the square, the two extremely eye-catching sights made the four of them, as well as the dignitaries who were as timid as mice after years of whipping, all look cold.

"This prison hasn't been repaired yet, and there are so many rats wanting to live together."

Behind the four people, Zhang Han stood high-spirited in front of the handrail on the third floor. Fifty elite Shadow Guards either held daggers or waved iron chains to surround them three-dimensionally. At the same time, with a clanging sound, they retreated to the passage of the prison area. Blocked by iron gates.

"Guigu Zongheng, Renzong Xiaoyaozi, and the new Mo family tycoon Gao Jianli, do you know how much prisoners of your level are worth in terms of reward orders~"

"With just these few people and two clumsy iron balls, do you think you can stop us?" Zhang Han, who was supposed to be in Songhai City, arrived in person. It's too late to think about the reasons behind this. Wei Zhuang knows this. The formation has made it impossible to escape with those wastes who only have identity and blood, but the four of them can still "return to Zhao intact".

"The ghost valley is criss-crossed, so majestic." A young voice suddenly came from the passage on the other side of the square. After seeing the person clearly, Gai Nie's heart fell deeper: Star Soul, the left guardian of the Yin-Yang family, and Siming, the old and young minister of the wood department. .

As soon as Xinghun showed up, he raised his palm with a wicked smile, and the inner energy that was gathered into a blade was released outwardly. Gao Jianli, who didn't know him, couldn't help but stab the hilt of the cold water sword with icy edges.

The two Yin and Yang families were temporarily invited by Fusu's order. Although Xinghun knew that the Anti-Qin Alliance was useful to Lu Wei, compared with the Mirage Plan, these people could be abandoned.

Before completing the mirage plan, Star Soul will not reveal any suspicion of being an enemy of Qin.

"You will soon see the majesty of Guigu." Wei Zhuang was still not afraid.

However, through the gap opened by Xuanwu, Xiaoyaozi's pupils trembled: On the sea, a 'city' was approaching the shipyard prison:

Mirage Trial is back!
(End of this chapter)

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