Careerist in Qin Dynasty

Chapter 348 Ji Yan Xiaomeng

Chapter 348 Ji Yan Xiaomeng
The return time of the mirage has always been an empire secret, and the combat power on it cannot be ignored. Since Gong Shuqiu will appear in the shipyard prison instead of debugging various mechanisms on the mirage, he has already explained something in advance.

However, the four people in the anti-Qin alliance did not know this. When the two Potu Sanlangs appeared, Gong Shuqiu had not yet shown up.

Hey, sword aura emerged from Yuan Hong and Shark Tooth at the same time, and Gai Nie Weizhuang suddenly launched an attack on the public loser machine beast that was blocking the way between the people and the machine Xuanwu: The time is now on Qin's side, and they cannot be held back.

As soon as Zongheng and Heng moved, the Shadow Guards on all sides reacted quickly and shot out a dozen iron chains in an attempt to block the two men's swords. The chains of these Shadow Guards were all mixed with meteorite iron, and because the iron chains themselves had With its combination of strength and softness, it is not inferior even to famous swords.

This level of offensive is still far behind against Zongheng, but they don't need to be the main attacker, they just need to rely on their numerical advantage to harass.

He had to sheath his sword to defend himself against the chain attacks coming from all directions. Zongheng looked at each other with a deliberately embarrassed look, and successfully lured the two Toto Saburos into attacking. However, as soon as they avoided it, Toto Saburo did not continue to pursue, but retreated back to where he was. The ground clung to the gap.

Obviously, Zhang Han gave the order in advance to the pilots inside the machine beast to stick to their positions.

Seeing this, Xiaoyaozi raised his eyebrows and immediately recited the Taoist Sutra in a low voice, hoping to use the Snow Queen's Chuqing. However, he just wrote the first stroke with his fingertips, and an invisible and pure inner energy suddenly appeared beside him. In Xiaoyaozi's sight, a blue moon quietly rose in the shipyard prison.

Tianzong's 'Heaven and Earth are eclipsed'!
Secretly thinking that something was wrong, Xiaoyaozi changed his movements into 'Rejuvenation of All Things', and the stagnant feeling of Qi in his body instantly dissipated. However, because of this meal, the extra shadow guard's iron chain seized the opportunity and swept over, holding the sword. Blocking one of them, the head of the Renzong who regained his composure saw a woman dressed as a Taoist nun holding a fly whisk slowly falling in front of her.

Although it was their first meeting, the inner energy belonging to Tianzong and the Qiuli had already silently revealed the identity of the person who came.

With an idea in his heart, Xiaoyaozi held Xueji behind his back with an unchanging expression, and said calmly: "Is Junior Sister Xiaomeng willing to become a pawn of the Qin Kingdom?"

"Today's battle is only about you and me." Xiaomeng glanced at the shadow guards who were surrounding them. Her gray-white eyes were cold and cold. She elegantly pulled out the Qiuli and stabbed it out without saying a word.

Xiaoyaozi took it seriously and jumped up to the heights of the shipyard. Xueji saw the move and retreated while fighting, as if he wanted to break away from the main battlefield and go deep into the shipyard.

The Shadow Secret Guards glanced at Commander Zhang Han, and after receiving the latter's shaking of his head signal, they obeyed and ignored him.

Zhang Han naturally saw that Xiaoyaozi had an agenda, but Master Tianzong Xiaomeng had already said in advance that he did not want outsiders to disturb him, and Xiaoyaozi's rebellion had actually been caught. Even if he escaped today, he would not be able to do anything until he returned to Xianyang. You can directly put pressure on Renzong, and there is no need to offend the head of another Taoist sect over this trivial matter.

Taking down the three rebels still present and the main rebel force outside the main entrance of the shipyard is enough to declare the success of today's siege!

Instructing the Shadow Secret Guards to shrink the encirclement, Zhang Han pulled out the Dragon Xiang Sword and got entangled with Gao Jianli himself.

On the other side of Zongheng, Xinghun gathered energy with his hands and formed blades and rushed in front of Zongheng. With the remote assistance of the members of the Shadow Guard and Shao Siming, he was not at a disadvantage for a while.
If we drag on like this, when the mirage arrives and the Qin army and the Yin Yang family disciples above come down, none of the three of them will be able to escape.

At the same time, the violent sound of horse hoofbeats coming from outside the shipyard could no longer move the three of them: since Zhang Han could lay such an ambush here, and even the Yin Yang Family and Taoist Tianzong invited experts, of course there would be ones outside the shipyard, too. This time they were in a big crisis.
Master Ban was extremely anxious in Xuanwu. He looked at Zongheng and Juzi who were at a disadvantage, as well as the powerful prisoners of the six countries who were recaptured by the redundant Qin army. He immediately activated Xuanwu's attack system.

Xuanwu certainly has the ability to attack. Under the back armor of the machine Xuanwu, there are weapons that resemble octopus tentacles that can be extended. There are a lot of them, but this attack ability is mainly concentrated underwater: the excessive size makes these tentacles of Xuanwu also It is extremely heavy. If you forcefully use the tentacles to attack in the air without relying on the buoyancy of water, it will cause great damage to the machine Xuanwu itself.

With the Mo family's current reserve of machine parts, there is a high probability that Xuanwu will not be able to be repaired for a long time.

It may even directly affect the subsequent diving escape.

But at this time, Xuanwu can't take care of that much, start it!
Master Ben pulled the attack switch.

"Hey, we are desperate." Gongshuqiu, who was weak in military force, did not show up in such a battlefield. Instead, he hid in a safe place and monitored the overall situation through an observation eye through an iron door.

When the back armor of Xuanwu opened and the thick mechanism tentacles stretched out, Gong Shuqiu's rich experience in studying lethal mechanism techniques made him know better than Master Ban what kind of consequences Xuanwu's weapons would have on this mechanism beast when used in the air. burden.

Now as long as we continue to implement the stalling strategy, this Xuanwu will self-destruct over time.

Thinking of this, Gong Shuqiu pressed the button on his right side, and the urgent alarm bell rang throughout the shipyard. The two pilots of the two Potu Sanlangs on the field immediately understood the intention of their leader, and controlled the machine city to actively attack Xuanwu's attack. attack.Potu Sanlang is a powerful siege weapon, but it is not as big as one of Xuanwu's tentacles in front of Xuanwu. However, it is like two lions besieging an elephant with four legs stuck in the mud. Xuanwu, who wants to rescue Zongheng and Gao Jianli, is on land. It's too clumsy.

However, the attention of the two Potu Saburos was drawn away, which greatly reduced the pressure on Zong and Heng. Before that, they had to always pay attention to the fatal attack of the machine beast.

Now, Gai Nie Weizhuang, who let go of his hand, did not need to speak. He used back-to-back hundred-step flying swords and combined strikes across all directions. The expression of Xinghun, whose yin and yang skills were strengthened by Lu Wei, changed. However, he did not retreat. Instead, he gathered energy with both hands to form a blade and used it. With eight successes, the blue and purple lines on his face ignited strangely.
He wants to take this move head-on!
This is the paranoid madness of a star soul in a fierce battle.

'Seeking death! '

Gai Nie Weizhuang's face was indifferent. They were going to use this move to directly kill the left guardian of the Yin Yang family. In this way, no one from the Qin State could stand in front of them.

Feeling the unimpeded sword energy in the air, the Shadow Guards gritted their teeth and threw out the iron chains in their hands. However, this time, Gui Gu and the two men did not need to defend themselves. The iron chains would automatically bounce away when they hit the sword energy, making them unable to move at all. to any effect.

Although Shao Siming remained expressionless under the veil, he acted rationally and took the initiative to withdraw from the range of Zongheng Sword Qi. Before leaving, he was kind enough to make a rope from leaves in order to pull Master Xinghun to retreat together.

However, Xinghun refused.

Zhang Han and Gao Jianli on the other side retreated with the help of an intersection of two blades, and their eyes could not help but be attracted by the vertical and horizontal combined attack skills.

The black and white double dragon swords in the ink painting are circling and tumbling, with momentum like a rainbow, and the echoing spirit of dancing together is like a real dragon coming into the world.

The blue air waves created by Star Soul's eighth successful force, gathering energy with both hands to form blades, are equally extraordinary, and can be broken by the impact of the black and white dragons.
Looking at the sword energy that continued to charge towards him with its residual power, Xinghun felt cruel in his heart and wanted to use the tenth power again at any cost, but before he could do it, he only released a small part of his inner energy and was struck by the sword. The energy flew out unstoppably.

Gai Nie Weizhuang had no time to pursue anymore and turned around to attack the two Potu Saburos who were fighting with the Xuanwu Tentacles. Most of the Shadow Secret Guards soldiers were restrained by the combined attack and none of them reacted. Zhang Han did but reacted. He was blocked by Gao Jianli again, and he watched helplessly as Zongheng performed his second combined attack stunt, cutting off half of the hind legs of two Potu Saburos.

Master Ban seized the opportunity and whipped the Xuanwu tentacles hard. The two machine beasts, whose mobility was weakened, were unable to dodge and were sent flying into the depths of the shipyard, filled with smoke.

Gai Nieweizhuang's body was overloaded, and the two of them looked pale and almost crumbling. Although Gao Jianli didn't have a good rapport with them, he also knew that this was a rare opportunity. With the help of the moist sea breeze, he used Yi Shuihan at all costs.
With a little effort, Gao Jianli helped Zongheng up and ran towards Xuanwu forcefully.

The entire square was frozen to death by ice crystals. The surrounding shadow guards and Zhang Han's calf gear, which was closest to Gao Jianli's outbreak location, were frozen and could not move for a short time.

Shao Siming was far away and had a slightly higher skill, so he managed to avoid the blow.

Facing the three fleeing figures, she lightly fired out a row of leaf hidden weapons, but they were blocked by Xuanwu's tentacles, and it was already too late to pursue them.

After getting back inside the Xuanwu, Master Ban didn't have time to wait for Xiaoyaozi to come back. Master Ban took the initiative to abandon the tentacles that had cracks on their roots and dived quickly.

The arrows and crossbows of the twenty-odd bat machine beasts that belatedly arrived from the mirage had almost zero effect on Xuanwu. In the end, the Qin State could only watch the broken Xuanwu escape.

With a dark complexion, Zhang Han accepted the military doctor's dressing of the wound cut by Yi Shui's ice edge, while listening to his subordinate's report.

None of the original prisoners at the back door of the prison escaped, but most of them were killed due to the influence of Zonghenghe Fencing Qi and Yi Shuihan.

After the Golden Fire Cavalry and the Dragon Tiger Cavalry rushed to kill outside the main entrance of the prison, the rebels suffered heavy casualties. However, the important core members escaped despite the death of a Mohist leader named Big Iron Hammer. The Big Iron Hammer was The spears of the Golden Fire Cavalry turned into hedgehogs.
It cannot be said that the designed encirclement and suppression campaign was without merit, and the harvest was definitely far lower than expected.

"Xiaoyaozi." Zhang Han calmly wanted to ask about the status of the battle between the two Taoist masters, but as soon as he asked, a sharp murderous aura suddenly appeared in this side room.

Zhang Han's expression changed and he was about to draw his sword when blood lines appeared on the necks of him, his deputy, and the military doctor.
Ji Yan sheathed the sword with a smile. Although things went unexpectedly at the beginning, the outcome was the same as Brother Lu's plan.

She turned around and was about to evacuate. As soon as she went out, she happened to bump into Xiao Meng with a cold face walking towards him holding Qiu Li.
Two women of similar age faced each other, and dangerous flashes appeared in their pupils at the same time.
(End of this chapter)

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