Careerist in Qin Dynasty

Chapter 352 Han Xin surrenders

Chapter 352 Han Xin surrenders
"Zhang Han was killed?"

In Xianyang Palace, Ying Zheng looked at the information from Sanghai, and his majestic voice couldn't help but read out the content directly, his eyes like swords.

The eunuchs serving on the side were familiar with the emperor's habits and knew that his majesty was extremely angry. He could sense the suppressed anger and trembled and fell to the ground without daring to raise his head.

"My prime minister, general, eldest son and commander of the secret guards gathered in a small city, but this is the result."

"It seems that they are very afraid of the mirage's departure."

Who did this 'them' refer to? The eunuch did not dare to guess. The purpose of setting sail from the Mirage was to find the elixir of immortality for His Majesty the Emperor. However, Zhang Han, who was now the commander of the Emperor's personal bodyguards, died in the Mirage Shipyard for no apparent reason. The murderer was also It is unclear how this result will satisfy His Majesty the Emperor.
Zhang Han was indeed encircling and suppressing the rebels before he died, but was he definitely killed by the rebels?
"You said yesterday that the northern wolf tribe had signs of invading Great Qin this year?"

After more than ten breaths of silence, Ying Zheng turned to look at the huddled eunuch and asked lightly.

"Yes, according to Master Zhao Gao's investigation, the wolf clan is gathering, and there are no less than [-] wolf riders going south." Suppressing the tremor in his voice, the eunuch tried his best to speak naturally: His Majesty the Emperor does not like the attendant's answer Being too timid when asking questions.

Therefore, although he was extremely frightened, he did not pause between each sentence he spoke.

It is not that difficult to do this: after all, those who cannot do this will not have the opportunity to accompany His Majesty the Emperor and be responsible for reporting intelligence from all over the country.

"The progress at Baiyue Tusui is still slow?" The emperor's voice became more serious.

"Yes." The eunuch replied instinctively, even though he knew that this answer would definitely arouse more anger from His Majesty: "Tu Sui requests Your Majesty to send more reinforcements."

The Baiyue tribe in the south, the wolf clan in the north, and the rebellion in the east all had troubles appearing at the same time. This was no coincidence in Ying Zheng's opinion.

Those rebels were easily destroyed by Great Qin in Guan City last year, but they resurfaced in Songhai so quickly this year. There must be someone behind this.

There is also the Wolf Clan. The Wolf Clan has been a collective name for scattered tribes for many years, but over the years, they have united one by one and posed a threat to Da Qin. Ying Zheng's keen intuition convinced him that there was also a force behind this instigation.

And the War of Baiyue not only never ends, but also becomes more and more difficult. Is there any force helping those Yue people?
When these things met together, in Ying Zheng's eyes, they pointed directly to the mirage and his own immortality.

The remnants of the Six Kingdoms, hundreds of schools of thought, and even those vying for power within the empire who have ambitions for the Qin Dynasty have all gotten together.

What they don’t want to see is exactly what they are afraid of!
Thinking of this, Ying Zheng dropped the information in his hand: "What was the result of the mirage trial?"

"Everything went well. The Gongshu family determined that some minor problems with the power would not affect the final departure. Lord Xiangguo has mobilized sufficient supplies to ensure that all resources on the mirage are sufficient when setting sail. Lord Yun Zhongjun also brought The boys and girls set out, and the mirage will only wait for the right time to set sail.”

"Mobilize military supplies to Jiuyuan and Yunzhong counties, recall Meng Tian and the Golden Fire Cavalry, and ask him to take the initiative to attack the wolf clan." Ying Zheng learned of the overall situation and quickly made arrangements one by one: "Issue another order to reprimand Tu Sui, order He accelerated his advance across the ground at any cost.”

"As for Songhai, we are preparing to launch the Eastern Patrol ahead of schedule. The time is right now!"

"Zhang Han is dead, can't you even sit still~"

Lu Wei looked at the young man in front of him with an interesting smile, and his words were quite cordial.

Songhai's martial law was not extended because of Zhang Han's incident. The death of the leader of the Shadow Guard was not widely announced, and little was known in the world.

Therefore, after Mr. Fusu was assassinated and escaped unharmed, the merciful general quickly lifted the martial law.

But the time of this lifting coincided with the time when Luowang Zhao Gao moved in~ Apparently the empire's strict investigation was moved underground, and the apparent relaxation of control was to better allow the rebellious ones to escape.

After five years, Lu Wei was not that afraid of the Six Sword Slaves, but he had nothing to do when he went out, so he simply continued to cultivate new interests in the stronghold to keep his mood happy.

This morning Mr. Fusu went to visit Little Saint Xian Manor with great fanfare. Almost all the imperial forces gathered on the mountain. Lu Wei did not join in the fun, but met an old acquaintance at the stronghold. "Xia Kui is really clever. My identity is already very hidden, but I still can't hide it from Xia Kui."

Han Xin, who usually carried a gray linen package and held a hidden dragon sword across his back, gave a wry smile and looked like he was trying to cheer up.

"The imperial agent sneaked into Daze Mountain, and according to the farmer's practice, he died unexpectedly, but you owe me a favor, so I spared your life before repaying it."

Crossing his legs, Lu Wei moved the chair beside him behind Han Xin, invited him to sit down, and joked with a smile.

"Thank you for not killing me." Han Xin clasped his fists and did not refute Lu Wei's words.

"It's a small thing. This is the second favor you owe me. Just remember it." Lu Weiyun took Han Xin lightly and saluted.

"Then I already owe Xia Kui three favors. From now on, I can only repay them with my life."

Han Xin smiled and took the initiative before Master Xia Kui asked: "Xia Kui transferred me to study with Lord Zhao Wuan and Li Mu. There is no way in the world for me to repay this kindness."

After Han Xin sneaked into the farmer's Daze Mountain and was discovered by Lu Wei, he quickly came down and gave it to Li Mu.

Li Mu's identity is very special and hidden among farmers, but Han Xin is smart and can guess his true identity from various clues in just a few days of contact, and at the same time he understands that his identity has been exposed.

This may have brought very dangerous results, but he did not choose to evacuate, but stayed firmly.

What Han Xin studied best was the art of war. In theory, he believed that although he was still young, he had few opponents, so he had no way to become a disciple again.

But when Li Mu faced it, he actually found that he had new room for improvement.

No matter in terms of theory or practical experience, Zhao Wuanjun, who is over sixty years old at this moment, is an existence that can surpass Han Xin. Under Li Mu, he can realize his potential in a leapfrog manner.

But this is not the most important thing. What really made Han Xin determined to stay in the farmhouse was that he followed Li Mu and saw the deeply hidden preparations for rebellion in Daze Mountain.
This is not difficult to understand: the fact that the farmers would take in Li Mu meant that they had been planning a rebellion at least more than ten years ago. The focus is only on how far this rebellion preparation has developed.

Han Xin knew very well that when he was sent to Li Mu, the possibility of him leaving again was already slim. If he stayed for one more day, he would have less hope of escaping. And when he saw the secret objects, he would have no choice but to be completely tied to death. .

But he does not exclude these. What Han Xin wants is to stand out and be famous throughout the ages. The farmhouse is now a platform that has developed to a sufficient level, and this platform is still welcoming him.
If you refuse, you will completely lose this opportunity. Not to mention, you will lose your life immediately. It is clear what to do.

When the news of Zhang Han's death reached Daze Mountain, Li Mu let Han Xin know the information without hesitation, and Han Xin immediately came to Songhai.

Although Lu Wei probably knew that he was a secret guard, Han Xin still needed to explain it to Lu Wei in person:

"My identity as the Shadow Guard was personally invited by Zhang Han. He nurtured me a lot. But now that he is dead, my backer in the Shadow Guard has disappeared."

"But the good thing is that I no longer have any burden and can concentrate on working for Xia Kui."

"In addition to being slightly talented in the art of war, I am also quite good at collecting intelligence. With Sanghai's current situation, I should be able to provide some help to Xia Kuido."

After Han Xin made his choice, he immediately became candid in his speech.

"What do you think is the key to Sanghai right now?" Lu Wei said quietly, smiling as he examined the future soldier immortal.

"It's not that big ship on the sea, nor is it His Majesty the Emperor who will come in the future. I think the key lies in our farmer's plan."

(End of this chapter)

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