Careerist in Qin Dynasty

Chapter 353 Goodbye Xiaomeng

Chapter 353 Goodbye Xiaomeng
The Mohist stronghold on the surface of Songhai Mountain Forest has been wiped out, and the remaining members can only be forced to hide underground.

Since the ordinary disciples of the Mo family and the soldiers of Xiang's Tenglong Legion were basically killed in the Battle of the Shipyard, the underground space is spacious enough and the supplies are sufficient for them to consume. I wonder if this is considered a blessing in misfortune.
You can imagine how depressed the underground atmosphere will be after so many companions have died. Shi Lan and the remaining five remaining members of the same race are incompatible with the environment here as foreigners. She has no idea how to actively integrate: Shushan is here. This senseless death and injury filled Shi Lan's heart with self-blame.

Although Shushan's mission is to contact and join the anti-Qin alliance, at the moment, this alliance has no power, and Shushan's mission automatically fails.

Such a failure made her more aware that the only people Shushan could rely on now were the farmers and the hero.

After the Qin army's search above relaxes, we have to find a way to leave here.
"This failure was due to the fact that Qin knew our plan in advance. There were spies among those of us who were still alive."

At the same time, in the underground conference room, Gao Jianli summoned several allies he absolutely trusted to discuss embarrassing issues.

"If that was the case, the Qin army should have discovered this place long ago." Fan Zeng did not participate in the actual operations that night due to his age, otherwise he would definitely not be able to escape.

"Instead of catching the traitor, what we should consider more is: the reason why our team is not scattered now is because the Qin army is pressing hard."

"Once the Qin army retreats, I'm afraid Liusha and Shushan will leave."

Now we are solving problems, so Fan Zeng's words are merciless, tearing apart the naked reality and displaying it directly.

When the Mohist family lost those disciples who inherited it, they lost their identity as a hundred schools of thought.The Xiang family lost its soldiers and could not continue to be called a noble.

The two companies invested the most in shipyard prisons and suffered the most losses.

"." Gao Jianli couldn't refute. He didn't expect Fan Zeng's consideration. Gao Jianli felt heavily that even though he was a giant, he could no longer lead the team. His abilities were really insufficient.
'The Mohist family. No, I may be able to find the last escape route for the Mohist family.'

"We may have another chance."

When Gao Jianqi was depressed, Daozhi, who was leaning on the door of the conference room, hugged his chest and struggled.

"What do you mean by Brother Zhizhi?" Fan Zeng didn't know.

"Sorry, actually I got a piece of news when I went out to investigate the situation yesterday, and I deliberately didn't tell you." Thieves Zhi spread his hands and tried to relax with a forced laugh: "Because I was hesitating, this may make us go to the end. News of the inevitable.”

"What is it?" Gao Jianli believes that his biggest shortcoming is that he doesn't know what to do. If there is a direction to do, at least his mind will not be empty.

"A friend from various schools of thought told me that that guy Ying Zheng is likely to come to Songhai in the next few months." Pirate Zhi said jokingly: "If we use this news to implement the Qinglong Plan, we should be able to Reunite."

"But at the cost, all of us may die because of this plan."

"What is the identity of this friend from various schools of thought?" Gao Jianli frowned and asked about a premise that he was more concerned about.

"She didn't let me say it, and she even used one of my handles as a threat." Thief Zhi touched his chin and laughed mischievously: "But I've never been afraid of threats, so since I decided to tell this information, naturally I won't do it again. Nothing to hide."

"It's the farmer's Siyue Hall Master, Ji Yan, who once appeared in the city."

"Farmer. This information is indeed highly authentic." Gao Jianli no longer had any doubts. Now he was concerned about whether to seize this opportunity to assassinate Ying Zheng.

If it were him in the past, he would never hesitate about this matter: it is imperative to assassinate the tyrant.

But as a giant of the Mohist family, does the inheritance of the Mohist family really have to be all focused on this assassination?

You must know that unlike before, today's Mohist family must use all their strength to assassinate. Even if they succeed, the fruits of success are likely to be picked up by others. For example, farmers.

This is what farmers have always done.

"We need to discuss this matter with more allies." Fan Zeng tugged on his beard, he was extremely inclined towards this.
Xiaoyaozi did not lose his appearance and demeanor. After meeting Chisongzi and Tian Guang at Songhai Falls, he had no time to analyze the failure and had to immediately start the next plan.

His time is very tight, Zhao Gao is coming.

The exposure in the shipyard prison made it very likely that the leader of the Renzong would be deposed under the pressure of the Qin army. He had to give an explanation to Zhao Gao for the damage to his skin.

The Mohist Blue Dragon Plan may be used as a reason, but it is not sufficient.

In addition, Chi Songzi's fake death has been known to Lu Wei and Xiao Meng, but these two hidden dangers are beyond his ability to eliminate, so he needs to actively cooperate with them.

Fortunately, Lu Wei said that this peasant hero was not a clever master, and they could exchange interests. In addition, Tian Guang was still there, so there was a high probability that Chi Songzi's matter would not be exposed.But it’s hard to say for Xiaomeng: according to her personality, this Taoist Tianzong genius should not get involved with Luo Wang, nor is she a loyal dog of the Qin State, but she is uncontrollable and anything can happen. This is the most worthwhile A matter of worry.

Once Chi Songzi's fake death is revealed, his plan will be discovered immediately by the net, and then he will really have nothing.

Xiaoyaozi originally didn't like this layer of skin covering the sun, but 'he' is really useful.

"Let me go and talk to Junior Sister." Finally, after Xiaoyaozi expressed her worries, the honest Chisongzi volunteered and said, "Although Junior Sister Xiaomeng and I are not familiar with each other, I think she has not completely forgotten her feelings. "

"As long as we explain to her the impact of this incident on Tianzong, Junior Sister Xiaomeng may still join us."

"Senior Brother, please." Xiaoyaozi nodded and raised his hand to show Xueji: "I no longer deserve to own this Xueji. Please help me bring it to Junior Sister Xiaomeng. The inheritance of Taoism should not be cut off in our hands. "

"Well, that's fine." Chi Songzi did not refuse, took Xue Ji and left into the city.

"Lu Wei wants to cooperate. If he joins us, with the Sancai Sword Formation composed of three of us Taoists and the Dize 24 Formation of two of you farmers, the power of Luowang is not worth mentioning."

Turning around, Xiaoyaozi said to Tian Guang again.

"Brother Lu is very ambitious, and our strength cannot satisfy him." Tian Guang shook his head: "He can defeat me and Chi Songzi now, even if he is the Six Sword Slave, he may not be able to defeat him again, let alone him And the whole Daze Mountain.”

"You have been the leader of the peasant family for more than 30 years, and you will be completely replaced by him in just six years?" Xiaoyaozi frowned.

"You should know that the power of the Tian family in Daze Mountain has basically been suppressed by him." Tian Guang's explanation was simple: "And if it was just to deal with Luo Sheng, he could summon farmers' masters to solve it himself, and the reason why Luo Shen is so powerful is not Because there are sky-level killers whose number cannot be counted on one hand."

The real basis for Luo Wang's rampage is his status as a Qin country, so even if he is stronger than theirs, they generally won't offend Luo Wang too much. Of course Xiaoyaozi knows this.

'So, do we need to persuade Zhao Gao to help the anti-Qin alliance implement the Qinglong Plan?' After receiving Tian Guang's intentional reminder, Xiaoyaozi immediately recalled this matter.

Ying Zheng has outstanding abilities, high energy and strong desire for control, which has long made Zhao Gao feel troublesome.

If the anti-Qin alliance can be used to kill Ying Zheng openly, Zhao Gao will definitely not stop it and collect evidence from it himself. Once the plan is implemented, regardless of success or failure, he can use that evidence to eradicate Zhao Gao with the help of Qin's official power.
Just like how Zhao Gao used the power of the Qin State to clean up other powerful people in the net many years ago and finally took control of the power alone. After Zhao Gao and the Six Sword Slaves were removed, as the first-class concealer of the sky, he had the opportunity to imitate Zhao Gao. Gao Go takes control of the snare and turns this bloody killer organization into a force of righteousness.

After looking for several reasons, Xiaoyaozi suddenly felt that this matter was feasible, but he also understood very well that Zhao Gao had been cautious for so many years and gained full trust from Ying Zheng. Even when he broke the law and was about to be killed by Meng Yi, he would be killed by Ying Zheng himself. All things considered, the true success rate of this matter is close to zero.

Zhao Gao would probably indulge in the anti-Qin alliance's actions, but he would not help them. It is unlikely that he would be able to collect tangible evidence of his indulgent behavior.

After calming down and putting aside his thoughts of looking down on Zhao Gao, Xiaoyaozi calmly said: "Lu Wei will open his mouth like a lion. This is not necessarily a bad thing. Go ahead and try his attitude."

"As you wish." Tian Guang laughed jokingly and left like a red pine nut.

Xiaoyaozi was left alone holding the Sun-Concealing Sword, and continued to think about whether he could find a breakthrough from the low-probability Qinglong opportunity. If this opportunity was possible, then he should have room for his own operations.


In Songhai City, although Han Xin jumped away from the farm, his status as a secret guard was still valid, so Lu Wei released him after the assessment.

Han Xin has the ability to do more. As for loyalty, this is not an issue that should be considered for Han Xin. For him, you only need to consider how much benefits you can give him.

The Moon God went to the mirage, and before confirming the identity of Donghuang, Lu Wei and everyone in the Yin Yang family tried not to meet each other, so as not to miss the mark.

Ji Yan went to organize the Qinglong Project. She stood behind her and had outstanding personal abilities. The Mo family's mechanism, Qinglong, was finally in place and needed to be used.

Zhao Gao himself will come to Songhai soon under Li Si's call, and the person who cares most about this matter must be Xiaoyaozi.

Putting himself in Xiaoyaozi's position, there is not much he can do.

'I need to push him again and make his struggle with Zhao Gao public, so that the impact of the net in the Mirage Plan can be reduced as much as possible. '

'We need to take action from Xiaomeng'

(End of this chapter)

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