Careerist in Qin Dynasty

Chapter 354 The sound of nature transmits the voice

Chapter 354 The sound of nature transmits the voice
Xiaomeng's residence in Songhai is located in a bamboo forest outside the city. There is a quiet house here.

The green bamboos are tall and straight, like a green barrier, isolating the worldly distractions.The breeze blows and the bamboo leaves rustle, like a beautiful piece of music, making people feel peaceful.

This place was originally the private courtyard of a certain prince in the old Qi Kingdom, but now it was given to the Taoist Tianzong as an imperial property.

During the day, Xiaomeng followed Fusu to the Little Saint Xian Manor, where she had an internal energy competition with Fu Nian, using her own strengths to defeat the enemy. However, the final result was cleverly resolved by Fu Nian, which was very detrimental to her. To say that today's trip is not too boring.

Then she refused the eldest son's dinner invitation as usual. Xiaomeng, who returned to the bamboo forest, was about to meditate and practice Taoism, but unexpectedly sensed a familiar visitor.
Caressing Tao Xun with both hands, Xiaomeng's eyes flashed, and she released her inner energy to control a few cherry blossom petals floating in from the yard on the floor, and cut them sharply somewhere.

The petals silently separated the silk curtain that isolated the exterior scenery on the corridor outside the house. At the same time as the silk curtain fell, an old man in Taoist robes appeared.

"Junior sister Xiaomeng, you are well." The few cherry blossom darts hovered in front of the old man in Taoist robes. As he spoke, the petals resumed their natural properties and floated to the surface again.

"Chisongzi? What's your purpose here?"

Xiaomeng called the old man the old man's name indifferently, his attitude was hard to predict.

In terms of identity, although the two are brothers and sisters, Xiaomeng is now the head of Tianzong, and Chisongzi, who faked his death, has voluntarily given up everything in Tianzong.

"Come here for the destiny of Tianzong." Chisongzi didn't care about Xiaomeng's attitude, but raised his hand to float Xueji behind him in front of him, showing it publicly: "Junior brother Xiaoyaozi asked me to return it to Tianzong. Returning to the Taoist school, we can no longer return to the master, but this sword is different. The next thing the Taoist does, we have to worry about junior sister Xiaomeng."

Xiao Meng stared at the slender special sword, and placed the Tao Xun in her hand lightly on the table ten feet away. A burst of light blue mist appeared on her figure, and she disappeared out of thin air.

When she reappeared, she had already reached the corridor outside the house. After taking a close look at Xue Ji and her senior brother, the Qiu Li whisk that appeared out of thin air in her arms swept away slightly, and Xiao Meng flashed back to the backyard behind Chi Songzi. To each other: "I will take this sword away in front of all the disciples at the Taiyi Mountain Guanmiao Tower, not now."

With clusters of petals under her feet, Xiaomeng took a few steps forward and her eyes fell on the cherry blossom tree next to the pool in the courtyard.

"Junior Sister, do you know that Junior Brother Xiaoyaozi is likely to be forced by the Qin State to expel him from the Renzong because of his involvement in the anti-Qin forces?" Chi Songzi turned around, his posture unchanged, Xue Ji still floating in the air: "If not now If Xue Ji is taken away, next year’s promise between heaven and man will be lost.”

"Taoism has always been indifferent to world affairs. How can the position of the head of the two sects of heaven and man be determined by the state of Qin." Xiaomeng snorted coldly: "You should bear the consequences of what you are doing. The appointment should still be held as normal."

Faced with this seemingly unreasonable and somewhat ignorant statement, Chisongzi did not refute, nor did he realize that it was wrong. He understood what his junior sister meant, and this was her understanding of Tao.

The world view of Taoist disciples depends on their respective understanding of Tao. Because "Tao" is without error, every Taoist disciple's views should not be wrong. They will only go astray occasionally, and correcting such deviations is "God's will." People talk about swords'.

This is Akamatsuko’s understanding.

"Go back." Xiaomeng's cold voice continued: "And you, since you are here, why don't you show up!"

Is there a third person present?

Chi Songzi was startled, and quickly put the Xue Ji Sword back behind her back. Following Xiao Meng's sideways gaze, she saw a figure leaning on the bamboo wall suddenly appeared.

"It is inconvenient for me to participate in the Taoist family's internal affairs, so why should I show up."

Lu Wei, dressed in a green robe, crossed the pond in the courtyard with a smile and came to the Taoist brother and sister: "Now it seems that the differences between the two of you are over?"

If it hadn't been discovered that Lu was deliberately showing off his aura, Xiaomeng might have actually believed this theory.

But now she doesn't care about the reason behind it, so she doesn't expose it.

"What are you going to do to the red pine nuts?"

There was a weak internal energy fluctuation, and without Lu Wei resisting, Xiao Meng's cold voice sounded directly in Lu Wei's mind.Tianlai Sound Transmission, a kind of Taoist secret technique, can use internal force to have a mental dialogue with people within a certain range. There is no need to make a sound, and it is difficult for the enemy to intercept. It is a very confidential way of communication.

However, since the root still depends on the person's inner energy, people who are familiar with it can still detect that someone is performing this secret technique, such as red pine nuts.

So the former head of the Tianzong watched helplessly as his junior sister established a sound transmission channel with outsiders from the farm, and stood alone with his mouth shut, waiting for the two to finish talking.

While shutting up, Chi Songzi was also thinking about a question: "Junior sister Xiaomeng has been practicing Taoism in the mountains since she was a child. She has been in seclusion for ten years. She has only been out of Taiyi Mountain for less than three months this year. How can she get to know this Lu Wei and still trust her so much?" Directly use Tianlai Sound Transmission'

"Just revealing this piece of information that we are familiar with to Xiaoyaozi." Lu Wei carefully observed and analyzed the nature of this secret technique in his mind, while casually explaining his purpose.

"So that's it." In reality, Xiaomeng took a deep look at Lu Wei's face and was about to end the Tianlai sound transmission channel: Now that he has understood the purpose, there is no need to use this secret technique anymore.

However, this was stopped by Lu Wei who noticed this: "Wait a little longer and maintain for another sixty breaths."

The longer the Tianlai sound transmission channel lasts, the more associations Chisongzi and Xiaoyaozi who understand this will naturally trigger~
"Okay." Xiaomeng easily agreed to this request without any conditions.

Such free cooperation made Lu Wei feel a little uncomfortable: Although this was in line with Xiaomeng's character, he still had to think more about whether he would have to pay some price for it in the future.
Sixty breaths is really not a long time, but in the empty nature sound transmission, since this is a dialogue of thoughts, any activities between thoughts will be captured by each other during the maintenance of the channel. If you want to keep your thoughts from jumping around, time is in your feelings. It will become much longer unconsciously.

Although this is not difficult for Lu Wei, it is not so easy for more ordinary rangers.

No wonder this is the secret technique of the Taoists, and only the Taoists are able to keep their minds stable.

Chi Songzi counted the time silently in her mind, and after a while, as Lu Wei thought, she made some guesses about the content of the conversation between her junior sister and the peasant hero who lasted for tens of seconds. Xiaomeng didn't like to say meaningless words, so it would make her What has she been concerned about for so long?
At No. 60, Xiaomeng cut off the sound transmission channel of Tianlai, glanced at Chisongzi with an unchanging expression, and said indifferently:

"Why are you still here?"

"Didn't I already ask you to go back?"

"..." Chi Songzi paused, glanced at Lu Wei who was silent, and said in a condensed voice: "It's time to leave, but as for Xue Ji's matter, junior sister, please think about it again."

"By the way, the reason why Junior Brother Xiaoyaozi asked me to come over, besides Xue Ji, was also to ask Junior Sister to help conceal the news of my fake death." Chi Songzi added in a daze, "Otherwise, Luo Sheng might continue to attack Taoists. .”

Xiaomeng didn't answer, and Chisongzi didn't stay any longer. He used Qinggong to cross the bamboo wall and left.

"What you have to do has been completed, why don't you leave?"

The courtyard was quiet for a few breaths. Xiao Meng flicked the dust and walked back to the corridor.

This cold expulsion order was naturally given to Lu Wei.

"Although I expected to meet Chisongzi here by chance, I came here naturally for you, not for Chisongzi."

Lu Wei said frankly: "Although I didn't go to the Little Saint Xian Manor today, I also know Fusu's purpose."

"After Xiaoyaozi was exposed and defeated Confucianism, your value in Qin has been temporarily gone. If you continue to stay in Songhai, you may be feared."

"Because of the mirage?" Xiao Meng said lightly: "I have no interest in it or the immortality it represents."

"But Taoists have the ability to intervene in mirages."

(End of this chapter)

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