Careerist in Qin Dynasty

Chapter 355 The difference between men and women

Chapter 355 The difference between men and women
"The best choice for Taoist Tianzong is to leave Songhai at this time, and if you don't leave, then even if you are not interested in Mirage, you will not be able to escape the influence of Mirage."

Lu Wei said to Xiao Meng with a matter-of-fact expression.

If it was Xiaomeng who had just left the mountain, she would of course have returned to Taiyi Mountain after completing her trip to Xiaoshengxian Village. However, when she accepted Tao Xun, she agreed to help Lu, so because of her temperament, she wanted to stay. things to do.

Moreover, as the head of the Tianzong, Xiaomeng had already entered a state of vacillation about relying on the Qin State to maintain the sect's inheritance after learning that the Yin Yang Family, Luo Wang, and the Nong Family had ulterior motives.

Songhai is the place where all the turbulent waves converge. Staying here and watching the changes can also make adjustments to the direction of the sect as quickly as possible.

But the problem is that Taoism itself is not weak. Even if Tianzong is a well-known monastic sect, such a force cannot be ignored in today's Songhai.

"Then how do you want to use me?" Xiao Meng turned back and looked at Lu Wei, her gray-white pupils extremely calm.

"The premise of using it is to understand it first." Lu Wei did not feel the sarcasm in Xiaomeng's tone. She was calmly discussing the farmer's plan.

So Lu Wei raised his head and looked at the direction of the moon, and followed her words and said, "Tomorrow I will publicly visit Master Xiaomeng as the leader of the peasant family, and we can have a discussion at that time."

"Why wait until tomorrow?" Xiao Meng put down the hand holding Qiu Li in her arms: "You and I can just talk freely tonight."

Noticing the change in her eyes, Lu Wei knew that Xiaomeng was putting a test on him: if he agreed, the test would be passed. On the contrary, if he didn't agree, his evaluation in her heart would be much lower.

After all, Xiaomeng has higher expectations for Lu Wei than ordinary people, believing that like her, he has transcended worldly prejudices and reached a state of pure pursuit of Taoism.

The higher the expectations, the greater the disappointment of not meeting them.

"That's all, it's too late tonight, there are differences between men and women." Under Xiaomeng's direct gaze, Lu Wei gave her most disappointing answer.

The pair of gray-white pupils closed instantly. Xiaomeng turned her back to Lu Wei, and her tone changed from cold to indifferent: "Will such a secular view become the mainstream here?"

"Such ignorant prejudice is a joke."

Different ways do not work together, and Xiaomeng's attitude has obviously changed.However, Lu Wei didn't care about this at all. Instead, he smiled and said: "There are differences between men and women. Is it wrong for Master Xiaomeng?"

"Everyone seeks the Tao, so what's the difference between men and women?" Xiaomeng was extremely disappointed, but thinking about those past feelings, she still wanted to try to pull Lu Wei back to the Tao: "Everything in the world is born from existence, and everything is born from nothingness. The system has a name, and since it also has a name, you will also know the stop, and knowing the stop can prevent death."

"All living beings in the world are equal. They just have different names. Different names make their functions different. They are only tools but have no true meaning. There is no difference in nature among natural living beings. This is not only true for men and women, but also for all living things seeking the truth."

Xiaomeng used Taoist theory to persuade him, and although Lu Wei had studied Taoist theory, it was definitely not as profound as Xiaomeng, who had been in seclusion for ten years. Of course, he would not use his own skills to defeat the enemy's strengths, so he adopted Another way of debating that avoids the important and takes the light: "Then what is the pursuit of truth for all things in Master Xiaomeng's eyes?"

"People seek the way of heaven, and all things seek survival." Xiaomeng hesitated. She didn't know much about all living things, but she thought that the answer of 'survive' must be good!
In fact, it is the same with people. There are only a few who are willing to pursue their ideals and pursue justice at the cost of their lives. More ordinary people can endure all oppression as long as they can live.

"Is that really so?" Lu Wei smiled: "Zhuangzi said in Xiaoyaoyou that 'the cricket does not know the Spring and Autumn Period'. I wonder if Master Meng can understand such a creature as the cricket?"

After that, without waiting for Xiao Meng to speak, Lu Wei asked and answered: "Chilles are summer cicadas. After their larvae are born, they are buried deep in the soil. They endure three years of darkness before they crawl out and metamorphose in midsummer. After metamorphosis, Life only has one summer, and it goes round and round. If such a creature is just trying to survive, why would it save its most glorious time at the end of its life?"

"There are also praying mantises. Most male praying mantises will be eaten by the female praying mantises after mating. If they are just trying to survive, why do they need to take the initiative to die?"

"The crickets and mantises you mentioned have reached another level of seeking the Tao: inheritance." Xiao Meng replied calmly: "The concept of inheritance exists between humans and other creatures such as crickets and mantises. Isn't this right? Does it even show that all things are equal?" "Really?" Lu Wei returned the question to its roots: "But if there is no difference between men and women, wouldn't the inheritance be cut off?"

Xiaomeng entered Taoism at the age of eight. All her ideas were learned from observing Taoism. In the inheritance of the sect, there is no need to consider personal reproduction. Therefore, it is not surprising that the concept of men and women being indistinguishable arose in Tianzong.

But once the observation is extended to the entire society, men and women must of course be different.

However, the original meaning of "men and women are different" refers to the difference in ethics rather than biology. It comes from "Book of Rites" and is a Confucian theory. Xiao Meng has always disliked Confucianism, which is why she doesn't like people talking about "men and women are different". One of the reasons, but Lu Weiqiang mentioned it was physiological, and she couldn't refute it.

What's more, the difference between men and women is a real situation in the world. If you force it out of ethics and into reality, reality is the best refutation point. This is especially useful for Taoists.

"." Xiaomeng was silent. Once again, she discovered from Lu Wei that there were some small deviations from her original way.
"If you still feel worried, I can make you truly feel the difference between men and women." Lu said seriously.

"How do you feel?" This was the first time Xiaomeng heard someone speaking to her like this. She opened her eyes, raised her eyes under her thick eyelashes, and turned back to look at Lu Wei coldly.

"It still only takes sixty breaths." Lu Wei came closer, smelling the fresh virgin breath, facing the cold gaze without flinching, and boldly lowered his head to touch the soft and moist pink cherry blossoms.
Although the Tianzong leader's tone of voice was either cold or indifferent, his lips were not without warmth.

Pupils trembled, Xiaomeng stubbornly did not obey her instinct and closed her eyes. Instead, while looking into the eyes that suddenly became aggressive, she silently counted sixty breaths in her heart.

"The time for His Majesty the First Emperor's eastward tour has been set. He will set off next month. Counting the time spent worshiping other famous mountains on the way, we still have less than half a year at most."

In the Mirage Toad Palace, Moon God listened to the familiar footsteps coming from behind and slowly said.

"I heard that Xinghun was injured?" Concubine Yan looked calm after hearing what she said.

Lord Dongjun calculated the time very well. When she came to Songhai from the ruins of Guancheng City, the mirage was docking.

Because she had completed the final stage of the Yin-Yang Technique to cleanse hatred, Concubine Yan's Yin-Yang Technique had been further improved, but when she looked at the Moon God, she found that she was still lagging behind.

How much inner energy of five virtues did this woman get from Lu Wei?
"As his strength improves, his heart expands and he wants to challenge the combined forces of vertical and horizontal forces. The result is conceivable." Yue Shen said with a hint.

"Guigu, it's just a small sect that has become lonely." Concubine Yan did not talk much about this topic: "Since the First Emperor is preparing to travel eastward, is the Eastern Emperor still in Xianyang?"

"Perhaps he is in Songhai City now." Yue Shen replied in a solemn voice.

"I think so." Concubine Yan walked to the side of the Moon God, looked at the several Canglong copper boxes and moonlight treasure boxes placed on the table in front of her, and said clearly: "If you want to lure him out in advance, you can only Let’s start with these things.”

"This is how we can take the initiative." Yueshen still had one sentence left to say: Maybe Donghuang would show up in advance because of someone.
Concubine Yan shook her head after hearing this: "I will go shopping in Songhai City tomorrow."

"The safest way is to remain unchanged in the face of all changes. Are you sure you want to take the risk?" Moon God said in a serious voice.

"I have a little disciple. She should be with those anti-Qin rebels. Now I just want to take her back."

After saying this, Concubine Yan left the Toad Palace, leaving the Moon God alone to continue studying these clueless secrets of Canglong Qisu.
(End of this chapter)

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