Careerist in Qin Dynasty

Chapter 356: First Meeting with Donghuang

Chapter 356: First Meeting with Donghuang
Sixty breaths is not very long.

At the end of the last breath, Zhi Qian retracted his tongue and straightened his back. Although he was bitten when he retracted it, Lu was experienced and calm and did not behave strangely.

"That's it." Xiaomeng opened her eyes that she had not known when to close. She turned sideways facing the broad chest in front of her and suppressed her slightly confused breath before making an ordinary comment.

Lu Wei politely took a step back, keeping the distance within a reasonable range, and pretended not to see her move her tongue out to lick away the remaining breath on her lips after she finished speaking.

Instead of escaping, she carefully felt the wonderful heartbeat she had for the first time. Xiaomeng suddenly felt that she was a little hypocritical just now, and simply walked towards the house with her head held high: "But it is still interesting, you can go."

Looking at her unhurried back, Lu Wei smiled softly. Although the sound was not loud, the laughter was particularly clear in such a quiet bamboo forest courtyard.

I felt annoyed, but when the head of the Tianzong turned around again, Master Xia Kui had quietly disappeared.

She closed her eyes and waited for a long time. When she felt that the aftertaste had completely dissipated, Xiaomeng coldly called the female disciple who was serving her in her residence.

"What's the Master's order?"

The woman named Yue'er was Xiaomeng's disciple during her retreat. She was actually one or two years older than Xiaomeng. She had gotten along quite well with her over the years, so she took her with her when she went down the mountain. .

Yue'er's talent is average, which is probably not enough as a successor to the Taoist tradition, but as a maid, she can solve a lot of trivial problems for Xiaomeng.

Looking at the disciple's delicate face and small lips, Xiaomeng's heart moved. He stepped forward and picked up her cute face from the distance, staring at her expressionlessly.

Yue'er didn't know how serious it was, but the master didn't say anything, so she had no choice but to let it go.

After a few breaths, Xiaomeng raised her eyebrows, closed her eyes and shook her head. She let go of her disciple in disappointment and turned around: "Tomorrow, the peasant hero Lu Wei will visit me. If he arrives, just welcome him in."

"Yes." Yue'er bowed and saluted. Seeing that the master had no further instructions, Yue'er stepped back lightly.

"Yue'er has been with me for so many years, but she still can't bring out that kind of atmosphere." Xiaomeng lowered her eyes: "vulgar."

After leaving the bamboo forest, Lu Wei was in a good mood, but when he returned to the farmhouse in Songhai City, he suddenly felt a sudden palpitation.

He stopped with a stern face, took the initiative to stand on the roof of the house and looked around the dark alleys, his eyes sharp and not missing any details: he was sure that there was a top-level master hiding in one of the surrounding alleys.

The goal is to point directly at yourself!

Lu Wei had experienced this kind of heart palpitations nearly 20 years ago. It was New Year's Eve in Jicheng, and the person who looked at him that time was the Moon God.

With the same similar feeling this time, coupled with his sensitivity to Yin Yang magic, Lu Wei was certain that there was only one target candidate: Donghuang Taiyi!

"Since the distinguished guest is here, why not show up and meet him?"

Hehe smiled lightly, Lu completely hid his murderous intention and only showed his hospitable and harmless side.

The night was like ink, and the deep alleys of Songhai were darker than the sky. The inexplicable excessive silence began to fade away as he spoke.
He concentrated on expanding his inner energy to try to find the source of this strangeness. However, the appearance of his inner energy accelerated the evacuation of the strange aura. When Lu Wei just grasped a little sign, only the empty night wind was left to blow towards him.

The sound of birdsong showed that the place had completely withdrawn from the weird atmosphere just now.

With a wave of his hand, he slashed out the peasant's swift sword skills. After the seemingly ordinary breeze was sliced ​​open, the hidden Yin-Yang aura was undoubtedly exposed. Its attributes of the Yin-Yang Forbidden Curse were very obvious.

'It's the same kind of forbidden spell as the one on Moon Goddess and others. Donghuang wants to control me,'

He raised his hand and used his inner energy to wrap around Donghuang's forbidden spell and crush it completely. Lu Wei waited for half a stick of incense, lowered his eyes, and returned to the farm stronghold without saying a word.

Although Lu Wei had already speculated about the news that Donghuang would come to Songhai, it was still a bit unexpected that he would directly attack him.Moreover, Lu Wei was certain that although Donghuang had withdrawn his aura and used assassination methods, the true form of the leader of the Yin-Yang family must still be hidden in those alleys or houses and had not left!

The reason is very simple. No one can escape silently under the sight of this peasant hero at this distance!

Even if this person is the mysterious and unusual Donghuang Taiyi.

If Donghuang dared to show up just now, Lu Wei would definitely not say a word to him and would immediately explode with all his strength and kill him under his palm.

But the leader of the Yin Yang family was certainly not stupid. After sensing Lu Wei's strong inner energy, he was not sure of victory and hid decisively.

No matter how high his skill is, Donghuang's actual combat experience is not as rich as that of Lu Wei, who has been struggling in the arena. In addition, one is over eighty years old, while the other is only in his early thirties, and the gap in physical fitness is even greater.

The characteristic of Onmyoji is treacherous. If the opponent's internal strength is lower than his own, Donghuang will not mind showing up directly to suppress him violently. But once he has to fight with an opponent of the same level, Donghuang is better at using palms and punches to fight hand-to-hand. The spell comes to solve the problem.

Theoretically, if Lu Wei wanted to search nearby houses and alleys at night, Donghuang wouldn't be able to hide, but after all, this was not Daze Mountain, but Songhai City, where the mirage was located.

I can only let this old guy go for the time being.

This time he exposed his strength and made Donghuang wary, but Donghuang also left his aura to himself. The next time we meet again, Master Xiakui will be able to strike first!

"You make me very disappointed."

Zhao Gao's slender eyes stared at the Qin army standing in front of him, dressed up to hide the sun, playing with a dark spider in his hand, and his dissatisfaction was clear in his tone.

The CRRC official had just come to snare him. After reporting to his nominal boss Li Si, he sent someone to summon Xiaoyaozi, who was pretending to be hiding the sun, without even paying a visit to Fusu.

Xiaoyaozi looked at Zhao Gao's tall hat through the Qin Jun mask, and said in an old voice: "Zhang Han's ability is indeed beyond my expectations, but I am not without gains."

Under the cold gaze, Xiaoyaozi felt a chill on his back. It was Six Sword Slave!

"Oh? What's the gain?" Zhao Gao held up the side of his face with one fist and smiled arrogantly.

"Most of the anti-Qin alliance's strength was lost in the shipyard prison, but their Qinglong plan has not been shattered. This plan to assassinate Qin, which relies on the Qinglong mechanism beast, can still be used by us."

Xiaoyaozi took off his mask while speaking, revealing his pure face and looking directly at Zhao Gao to increase the feasibility of his words: "In addition, within Taoism, the power I deployed can continue to lurk after my identity is abolished. Renzong has not yet Get out of my control.”

"That's all?" Zhao Gao smiled strangely, and with his movements, the murderous intent of the Six Sword Slaves behind Xiaoyaozi was revealed.

"There is another piece of news, but it's hard to say whether it can be used by us." The old man Luo Wang in front of him did not hold the Sun Masking Sword any harder under such pressure, which made Zhao Gao quite satisfied: "The farmer's Lu Wei and the Taoist Xiaomeng from Tianzong has known each other for a long time, and they seem to have some plans for Mirage."

"Tianzong Xiaomeng?" When Zhao Gao heard the name Lu Wei, he raised his head without haste and showed some extra interest: "I remember she joined Tianzong at the age of eight. Since then No more going down the mountain?”

The Six Sword Slaves had deep memories of the farm family. When they heard Lu Wei's name, they looked at each other in tacit understanding, with cruel smiles on their lips.

"Exactly." Xiaoyaozi said with a serious face, "I am also quite curious about why they met, but I can't find any clues."

"Tell me about your guess~" Zhao Gao lowered his eyes and pondered for a while, and had a guess in his mind, but he needed Xiaoyaozi to say this guess.

"Bei Mingzi!"

"Xiao Meng is Bei Mingzi's close disciple. If Bei Mingzi had some plans early on, then everything makes sense. I have seen this Lu Wei in Daze Mountain. In this peasant hero, There are indeed traces of Taoist magic left behind.”

Xiaoyaozi pulled out the only Taoist master who was worthy of the trap.
"Bei Mingzi, Lu Wei, Xiaomeng, Mirage?" A strange light flashed deep in Zhao Gao's pupils, and he remembered another thing, which happened to be related to Bei Mingzi
(End of this chapter)

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