Careerist in Qin Dynasty

Chapter 357 Old Guys

Chapter 357 Old Guys
Today's world of martial arts began with the empire's destruction of South Korea and ended with the destruction of the Seven Kingdoms. The succession of old and new inheritances has generally been completed, that is, the older generation of martial arts knights gradually retired, and the new generation of young people took the right to speak.

Typical examples in this regard include Confucian Fu Nian, farmer Lu Wei, Gui Gu Zongheng, Mohist Yan Dan and Gao Jianli, and Taoist Xiao Meng.

But while the new generation has the right to speak, many old guys have not died.

These old people have always found it difficult to deal with the trap, because the old people in the trap are just undercover undercovers.

The lineup of the various schools of thought is: Gui Guzi, Xun Fuzi, Bei Mingzi, Donghuang Taiyi, and the six elders of the peasant family as a combination, etc.

These old guys have always been difficult for Luowang to monitor, but in recent years, many of their characters have completely disappeared, which has made Luowang regard them as hidden dangers.

These old guys are indeed old, but they have always been very calculating. However, except for Xun Fuzi who is in Songhai, the other people's positions cannot be confirmed at all. In other words, these old guys are likely to appear at any time. anywhere.

If Lu Wei and Xiao Meng, who are supposed to be unrelated, are really planning something, can it be said that these old guys in the world are planning something in tacit understanding?
You know, the quicksand owner who got the Guiguzi ring did have some simple cooperation with the farmer.

When I think of names like Gui Guzi and Bei Mingzi secretly controlling the actions of hundreds of schools of thought together, even though they are all old and weak and not at their peak, such a lineup makes Zhao Gao, the master of the heaven and earth net, feel a secret in his heart. cold.

Even the Eastern Emperor Taiyi of the Yin Yang family who surrendered to the empire would definitely stand firmly on the side of the empire.
'Could it be that all these old guys are already in Songhai City?'

Zhao Gao frowned quietly in his heart, and waved his hand outwardly, disarming the Six Sword Slaves from being wary of Xiaoyaozi.

"Now that Luo Wang knows about this, let's continue talking about the Mo family's Qinglong plan."

Xiaoyaozi nodded. He knew that the reasons he had found reminded Zhao Gao of more dangerous things. To be honest, he was not confident in the authenticity of these things, but the possibility of anything that could threaten Luo Wang's secret plan was certain. This will make Zhao Gao vigilant. This is a key opportunity for Xiaoyaozi to delay time:
"I heard some details of this plan mentioned by Gao Jianli and Mo Ban in Guan City. Not long ago, I found out in the Mo family's Sanghai secret stronghold that they had secretly pulled the little green dragon out of the ruins of Guan City and transported it to Mount Tai. .”

"What a good choice." Zhao Gao said in an appreciative tone: "His Majesty the Emperor is patrolling Qilu eastward. Before setting off to search for immortals in Mirage, there is a high probability that he will pass through Mount Tai to worship and then come to Songhai. However, Mount Tai is so well-defended. With the size of the Qinglong Machine Beast , how are they going to hide it?”

"With Qinglong's explosion, I'm afraid they won't hide it." Xiaoyaozi speculated.

"Then there is only one chance to attack." Zhao Gao accurately judged: "You continue to join them and act according to your identity. I will give you instructions at the critical moment."

"Yes." Xiaoyaozi put on the Qin Jun mask again, turned and left.

Looking at his back, Zhao Gao slowly shook his head at Six Sword Slave's questioning eyes: This disloyal Zhenri deserves to die, but not now.

"Meng Tian's army has returned to Xianyang, and there will be a new imperial elite responsible for the defense of Songhai."

Gai Nie and his junior brother Wei Zhuang stood on the cliff path of Songhai, looking at the rising sun, and said calmly.

Wei Zhuang supported the shark teeth and sneered: "The Golden Fire Cavalry is the elite among the elites of the empire, and Meng Tian himself is deeply trusted by Ying Zheng. Even if Zhang Han dies, the blame will not fall on him. This time he was in such a hurry. With the withdrawal, it seems that something big happened within the empire."

"The general who replaced Meng Tian is Wang Li. He must also be your former colleague."

Gai Nie was silent for a few breaths before he said: "Wang Li succeeded his father, Marquis Tongwu, as the general. The Hundred-War Armor-Piercing Army under his command has the reputation of 'piercing armor in every battle and winning every battle'. It is especially good at fighting on complex terrain. He replaced him." Mengtian, the area around Songhai will be more dangerous."

"The reason why such an army was used to replace Meng Tian is that, in addition to the Armor-Piercing Army being suitable for fighting in the mountains and forests, it should also be related to the fact that the empire's crisis requires the Golden Fire Cavalry."

"Northern Xinjiang Wolf Clan." Wei Zhuang heard the hint from his senior brother and raised his lips: "A new war is about to begin. Senior brother, we will have new opportunities. How will you choose this time~"

"Are you going to join the Qinglong Project?" Gai Nie did not answer his junior brother Xiaozhuang's question, but asked him instead.

"Now that things have happened, do you have a better way?" Wei Zhuang asked the same question: "If this old order is not destroyed, it cannot be established. If this old order is not completely overturned, neither your ideal nor mine will be realized."

"I will stand against Qin, but this Qinglong plan should not be launched at this time."

"Are you worried that if the opportunity succeeds, this empire will be completely destroyed?"

Faced with this question from his junior brother, Gai Nie nodded resolutely: "Once the Qin Kingdom collapses too quickly, the Wolf Clan in the north and the Baiyue in the south may cause huge damage to the Central Plains." "Such a country with only order. A rapid collapse would be a huge disaster for everyone."

"Long-term pain is worse than short-term pain, senior brother, you are still too cowardly!" Wei Zhuang's tone was mocking: "For the current anti-Qin alliance, the preparation process of this attack may be more important than the result. The Mo family and the Xiang family need to find new hope after experiencing failure."

Genie was completely silent.
"Zifang should be arriving soon. It is said that he wants to introduce us to a new friend. I hope the result will satisfy me."

Wei Zhuang turned around and no longer watched the sunrise. Compared with these empty scenery, he wanted to create his own 'sunrise'!
After a while, two young men came up from the mountain road. They looked at each other at the same time and saw that beside Zhang Liang, there was indeed a plainly dressed knight.

Seeing them, Zhang Liang stepped forward with a gentle smile: "Brother Wei Zhuang and Brother Gai Nie, I'm sorry, Liang is late again."

"The agreed time is just right, so there is no need to be too polite." Gai Nie temporarily put aside his thoughts and nodded to focus on the person in front of him. Wei Zhuang's eyes had already looked at the young man from top to bottom. , and finally his eyes rested on the sword he carried on his back: for a swordsman, the sword and the owner's temperament are similar.

And this sword looks ordinary on the outside, but it's actually a blockbuster hidden inside!
"Let me introduce you, this is..." Before Zhang Liang finished speaking, the young man in simple clothes took the initiative to bow his hands and said:
"Your Excellency, Han Xin, I have met Guigu Zongheng and others."

'Han Xin.' I thought about this name bit by bit in my mind, but there was no impression of it in my memory.

Wei Zhuang knew that there was a young master in the Korean clan named Han Xin, but it was obviously not the person in front of him.

After meeting Donghuang, Lu Wei did not change his itinerary for the next day. The next day, he continued to publicly visit Xiaomeng, the head of the Tianzong, as a peasant hero. The news quickly spread among all the forces in Songhai.

It is true that the Nongdao and Nongdao families have never had any contact with each other, but the status of Xiakui and the leader are equal, so it is normal for them to discuss Taoism.

But normal things do not mean that they can be done. The purpose and timing of Lu Wei, the leader of the peasant family, have been quite subtle in recent visits. This makes Li Si, who brought Lu Wei to Songhai, a little worried.

The reason why he specially visited Licheng at the beginning of the year to bring him into the convoy was to bring the power of the peasant family into the power of the empire, and to warn other disciples with the obedience of the first sect in the world.

After entering Songhai, this goal was achieved, but he really didn't expect that Lu Wei would be bold enough to stop at this dangerous place.

And on the night when Mr. Fusu was assassinated and Zhang Han died, the peasant hero suddenly visited the Little Sage Village. According to a detailed report, Lu Wei and Fu Nian took advantage of the night wind to admire the moon all night.

Li Si should have asked about this matter, but there were too many things to do after Mirage returned, and he really didn't have time to pay attention to Jianghu's contacts.

Later, when he followed Mr. Fusu to Xiaoshengxian Village, Li Si mentioned this matter intentionally or unintentionally, which attracted the attention of Mr. Fusu. However, Fu Nian was flawless and confused the matter.

This time, after Taoist Xiaomeng was also used by the empire to deal with Confucianism, he went to visit again. It was hard not to doubt whether these various schools of thought were colluding in a conspiracy.

As for the target of the conspiracy, is there any target in Songhai City that is more valuable than Mirage?
Summoning Zhao Gao, Li Si used the Luowang intelligence network as usual.

Zhao Gao was still extremely respectful to Li Si at this time, and he raised his hand and replied: "Your Majesty, Sir Xiangguo, the net has indeed collected some clues about the peasant hero Lu Wei."

"Oh? Tell me in detail."

"According to Luo Wang's information, this peasant hero and the head of the Tianzong have met before today, and they are quite familiar with each other. Therefore, I am afraid that there is indeed another intention behind today's public visit."

"Has Luowang collected conclusive evidence?"

"I haven't gotten it yet. These two are both top-notch masters in the world. My subordinates dare not get close to avoid being discovered."

"Check carefully! Send out your Six Sword Slaves!" Li Si said loudly: "His Majesty the Emperor is about to go on patrol. The Zhang Han incident cannot happen again in Songhai City, especially the news about the two Nongdao people."

"The slaves obey."

Zhao Gao bowed his head and retreated. With Li Si's words, some of Luo Wang's actions could be bolder.
(End of this chapter)

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