Careerist in Qin Dynasty

Chapter 359 Taking Zhao Gao hostage

Chapter 359 Taking Zhao Gao hostage
The most central figure in the net is only Zhao Gao, so if Zhao Gao himself cannot be touched, there can be no revenge.

However, due to Zhao Gao's role in promoting the collapse of Qin in the future, Lu Wei could not directly send him down like he did with Zhang Han, so this revenge must be controlled to a certain extent.

As for Zhao Gao's new revenge, he has no time!
The First Emperor's car was about to depart from Xianyang. Fusu's energy recently had been spent on renovating the Songhai Palace. After Meng Tian retreated, his successor Wang Li had not yet arrived.

Therefore, neither Luo Wang nor Qin would choose to attack Daze Mountain at the time when the wolves in the north were about to invade and the mirage was about to set sail.

Xiaoyaozi has recently hooked up with the anti-Qin alliance. The Taishan Green Dragon Assassination Qin plan has touched the heartstrings of all careerists. According to Tian Guang's news, Xiaoyaozi confirmed that Zhao Gao will strongly encourage Hu Hai to accompany Yingzheng when he travels. This makes The Blue Dragon Assassins Qin plan is likely to move towards another possibility.

For Zhao Gao and Hu Hai, nothing is more important than trapping Fusu at this time.

And when this busy period of time passes, the "busier thing" will make Qin even less likely to take the initiative to detonate Daze Mountain.

In other words, the time for Lu Wei to be arrogant and domineering after enduring it for many years has come!
However, for the sake of safety, he brought Xiao Meng as a cover for this operation.

The combined efforts of farmers and Taoists will make Zhao Gao even more aggressive.

The master of the dragnet who showed cruelty was, after all, a eunuch.

Due to the mutilation of the body, although a few have good names in history, most eunuchs, whether Zhao Gao now or those famous characters in history, have the nature of being fierce and internally corrupt.

To be humble is to maintain favor, and to be tyrannical when in power.

Among the two snare teams sent out to investigate according to Li Si's wishes, Zhao Gao already knew the news that the first one failed in Songhai City. Lu Wei disappeared after dealing with the two snare teams in the restaurant and farm stronghold. He wanted to come to Tianzong The Luowang team at Xiaomeng's place will not end well either.

Failure is foreseeable, but Zhao Gao's mood is understandably not good if he really fails.

The young knight leader of the farm family has always been very polite to Luo Wang over the years. Therefore, although Zhao Gao expressed admiration for Lu Wei's talent and ability, he did not feel that a timid knight-errant would be a fatal threat to him. .

But this time the other party openly killed people in Songhai City at this time, which made Zhao Gao feel that the situation was a little out of control.
Ying Zheng and Hu Hai are about to leave for Songhai. Luo Wang is ready for the anti-Qin rebellious Qinglong Plan, and the plan to frame Fusu is also progressing. Only if there are no surprises in each of these links can Luo Wang finally succeed. Layout successful.

His Majesty the First Emperor's trust in Luo Wen all came from Luo Wen's achievements over the years, but once the emperor was suspicious somewhere, Luo Wen would have to go another way, which was a path that Zhao Gao would never want to choose if it was not necessary.

Closing his eyes and meditating, when a strong sword energy suddenly burst out from the mansion outside the house, Zhao Gao opened his eyes with a sinister look on his brows. The Six Sword Slave who had been standing by Zhao Gao's side had already drawn his sword out of its sheath.

Who dares to come directly to the headquarters of Songhai Luowang to cause trouble!

Zhao Gao slapped the armrest of the seat hard, his slender eyes widening for the rare moment.
Luo Wang is a killer organization, responsible for many and complex incidents in Songhai City.

Zhao Gao's official position as CRRC was personally appointed by Ying Zheng. His official position was not top-level but very important. He was a close figure in charge of the Emperor's carriage and travel.

But after all, he still cannot be compared with the eldest son Fusu and the Prime Minister Li Si. In addition, Luowang's actions are too shady and the evil spirit is too strong. Fusu has always disliked him. Therefore, Luowang's temporary headquarters is located in a remote location in Songhai City. But at least it can be regarded as a separate area. There are no Qin soldiers stationed here, and the snare does not need outsiders to guard it.

To put it bluntly, the defense here is even tighter than that of Fusu Mansion.

However, it was a place like this that someone actually came to the door today, and the enemy even broke into Zhao Gao's own residence.
Gai Nie and Wei Zhuang faced each other with their backs facing each other. Among the killers at all levels of Luo Wang who rushed to attack, few of them could withstand the three sword attacks from Yuan Hong and Shark Teeth.

On the dark roof, Han Xin felt that he was not strong enough and dared not follow them to break in, so he had to hide and use the Hidden Dragon Sword to quietly carry out some sneak attacks.

Also acting secretly with him was Zhang Liang, who had changed into a black robe, but Zhang Liang was not wearing his Lingxu tonight. That gorgeous sword left an impression too easily.

Ji Yan was not in the core area of ​​Luowang headquarters, but patrolling the periphery for Luowang killers who wanted to rush to rescue them.

"Such an impulsive move is not your style in my opinion."

Xiaomeng looked at the development that was likely to cause the matter to get into trouble, and gave a faint reminder.

"At the right time, impulsiveness is the best threat." Lu Wei said with a smile behind his back: "Zhao Gao's confidence lies in the empire. If he loses the empire, the Luowang organization will collapse in an instant. Even if it doesn't break up, Zhao Gao will no longer be able to be alone. Take control of it.”

"Do you have a way to make Zhao Gao lose his empire?"

"Perhaps, but he must not dare to gamble. And now, I have a way to make Zhao Gao lose his life. I think only in this way, this CRRC Governor will listen to me."

"Ying Zheng is coming to Songhai soon." Xiao Meng continued to remind. "Yes, and then he will die in this place filled with his ten-year dream of finding immortality." Lu Wei raised his head and glanced at the dim moonlight covered by dark clouds: "It's your turn to take action."

"." Xiao Meng looked down at the Six Sword Slaves who had just rushed out of the main courtyard, and shook her head: "If Daze Mountain is destroyed, you can follow me to Taiyi Mountain to practice Taoism."

After saying coldly, the head of the Tianzong activated Heguang Tongchen and disappeared from the rooftop.

"Are you practicing Taoism?" Mr. Xia Kui said softly in a voice that only he could hear: "I have worked hard for 20 years not to live in seclusion."

As his tone fell, Lu Wei's figure also disappeared on the roof.

In the main courtyard, Gai Nie Weizhuang was about to break through after clearing some of the miscellaneous soldiers, when a strong murderous intention suddenly appeared from nowhere. It was a collection of six persons.

Dangdang, just in one breath, the first wave of strength test was completed between the sword net composed of seven swords and sword energy and Zongheng.

'The Six Sword Slaves are very fierce. If you are not prepared in advance, you need to retreat first when you encounter them at any time. '

Wei Zhuang immediately made this judgment in his mind: Only by joining forces with his senior brother could he ensure that he would not be seriously injured or even killed by a single blow.
Guigu Zonghengjian really can no longer fight within the family based on the rules.
"Guigu Zongheng? Huh, Big Fish broke in by himself." Zhao Gao walked out of the inner room and recognized the famous Guigu sect disciple at a glance. He stared coldly at the Six Sword Slaves and the Snare Killers who came in scattered directions with his hands behind his back. Surrounded by two people.

'The quantity is wrong. '

Without the confidence to gain the upper hand, Zhao Gao immediately realized that the number of people the Snare Killer had arrived was too few.

But as soon as this thought came to his mind, the dim night suddenly turned dark gray in his eyes.
'Heaven and earth are eclipsed! '

Zhao Gao quickly raised his hand to circulate his inner energy to fight against the pure inner energy that enveloped him. The same was true for the Six Sword Slaves. Naturally, Gai Nie Weizhuang would not let go of this good opportunity and quickly stepped forward to try to work together to reduce the members of the Six Sword Slaves. name.

"Don't move~"

A light, ghostly voice sounded in his ears. Zhao Gao froze, and a rare feeling of death came to his heart. Looking at the long sword stretched out from behind and clamped around his neck, the last time the Zhongche Mansion made the adults feel like this The feeling was still the same as when I was caught by Meng Yi and sentenced to death.
"Lu Wei." Zhao Gao recognized the voice of this person who had talked face to face with him in Daze Mountain, and also recalled the idea in his imagination of the old guys from hundreds of schools of thought joining forces to plot against the Qin Dynasty.
"Last time, your Majesty, the Commander-in-Chief of CRRC, condescended to visit Daze Mountain. I am very grateful. This time, I heard that your Majesty happened to be in Songhai, so I brought some friends to bother you." Lu Wei specially visited Songhai. The syllables are emphasized in the word, and he was killed here, just like Zhang Han's death, no one can find out the truth.

What's more, Lu Wei can rest assured that Gai Nie Weizhuang will take the blame: a small sect has small advantages, and the two of them are alone. They are already wanted criminals in the Qin State, and they will not care at all if they kill Zhongche Mansion.

The Six Sword Slaves have sneak attacked the enemy many times, but this is the first time they have been plotted by the enemy. Sudden stagnation of internal strength is a taboo at any time, let alone that they are still confronting Guigu Zongheng.

But the six-in-one tacit understanding allowed them to work together and stubbornly block Zongheng's counterattack at the cost of some injuries. When everything calmed down again, they saw that the master of the dragnet had fallen under the control of others.

The Six Sword Slaves were shocked, but asking them to deal with Zong Heng and Lu Wei Xiao Meng at the same time was a bit difficult. They didn't know that Zhang Liang and Han Xin were still hiding in the dark, and Ji Yan was another layer of protection.

Those low-level Luowang subordinates cannot join the high-level battlefield. If Zhao Gao is not captured, these people can still be used as consumption, but they are completely useless at the moment.

Not only Zhao Gao may die today, but Six Sword Slave may also die. How could Luo Sheng be so fragile all of a sudden?
"Sir Zhao Gao, let's issue an order to those hard-working subordinates to step down first. I want to talk to you alone. What do you think?"

"What Xiakui said is true. These despicable slaves are too ignorant."

Feeling the sharpness of the sword energy on his neck, Zhao Gao, although his internal strength was not weak, knew very well that he had no chance to escape alive, so after hearing that the other party wanted to talk, he quickly agreed.

Nodding to the dark gray Zhen Gang, the latter silently took out a firework from his arms and let it fly.

In addition to the snare killers present, other snares from all levels who were still rushing towards the main courtyard saw the fireworks signal, and then retreated to their rooms according to the signal order.

Ji Yan from the periphery continued to monitor them, and after confirming that no one was making any small moves and that the signal was correct, he also sent out a 'safe' signal.

Lighting fireworks late at night is very conspicuous in Songhai City, but the location of the fireworks is the station of the snare, and no one will meddle in other people's business.

Seeing Ji Yan's signal, Lu Wei nodded with a smile and sheathed his sword. Zhao Gao was very smart and did not have other thoughts just because his neck was no longer being strangled. Instead, he turned around and obeyed: "Xia Kui, are you going to talk to me in the house?"

"That's how it should be~"

The two of them entered the house and closed the door. Xiao Meng appeared outside and stood guard at the door. The two of them were sitting in the atrium. Seeing that the overall situation had been decided, Zhang Liang and Han Xin also stood up from their prostrate state, wearing black robes and condescendingly watching below.

The Six Sword Slaves were silent, and the other Snare Killers were even more at a loss. They could only wait blankly for the outcome of the negotiations in the house.
(End of this chapter)

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