Careerist in Qin Dynasty

Chapter 360 Planning Fusu

Chapter 360 Planning Fusu
"Xia Kui is fine. I think there seems to be some misunderstanding between Luo Wang and the farmer."

Zhao Gao no longer maintained his usual mysteriousness and weirdness, nor was he aloof like he was in Daze Mountain. Instead, he was quite aware of current affairs and showed obedience and even the slightest intention to please.

The ability of the CRRC Master to change his posture so smoothly seems easy for people to look down upon, but in fact, his ability to endure is quite terrifying. However, Lu Wei doesn't care.

"Lord Zhao Gao, let's get straight to the point." Lu sat down majestically on the main seat that belonged to Zhao Gao, and Zhao Gao himself could only stand: "The matter is over, there is no need to say anything more, sir, I don't know What are you planning to do to take away your and those slaves’ lives from me~”

"It's getting late. Your Excellency only has one chance to speak, but you have to think carefully before speaking~"

Crossing his legs, Lu Wei casually picked up a book of information on the table and started reading it without looking at Zhao Gao.

Zhao Gao paused for a moment, looking at the "ecstatic" peasant hero, and couldn't help but have another idea in his mind.

This is Luowang's headquarters, so there will naturally be no mechanisms. In fact, the chair Lu Wei is sitting on is the largest mechanism.

Zhao Gao's internal energy has not been sealed. Theoretically, if he gets angry and presses the hidden button in the corner, he might have a chance to escape?

"Would you like to gamble?" A trace of gloom flashed under Zhao Gao's bright and fake smile.
When Gai Nie Weizhuang learned from Han Xin, who revealed his identity, that the peasant hero Lu Wei wanted to invite them to raid Luowang Sanghai's headquarters, although he remained calm on the surface, his hidden surprise was still keenly observed by Han Xin.

This proposal was very bold. Even if Zong and Heng believed that they would not be afraid of Luo Wang's pursuit if they joined forces, they would still be seeking death if they took the initiative to break into Luo Wang's headquarters.

However, if Lu Wei himself takes action, Wei Zhuang believes that there is indeed a chance to take down Luowang's top executives in one fell swoop!
In the first round of conversation, this matter was only briefly mentioned by Han Xin, but in the follow-up, both Zhang Liang and Zongheng were very concerned about it.

The snare is the most deadly weapon of the empire. Being able to solve the snare will undoubtedly make Qin lose an eye and break an arm in its intelligence investigation. This will be of great help to the anti-Qin alliance!

When Lu Wei noticed Luo Wen following him on his way back from a public visit to Xiaomeng, and confirmed that Luo Wen would definitely take action against the two of them, and personally hooked up the available helpers, Zongheng decisively agreed, but Wei Zhuang also proposed Lu Wei's request. Give Zongheng an explanation afterwards.

Lu Wei also agreed to this.

What Gai Nie Weizhuang wanted to explain was nothing more than a question of the farmers' stance. Lu Wei was already preparing to incorporate the anti-Qin alliance after the Qinglong Plan, and there was really no need to hide anything anymore.

Looking at the calm firelight in the room, Wei Zhuang whispered to the senior brother beside him: "It seems that Lu Wei is using us as his subordinates."

"It is Lu Xiakui who is planning tonight's operation. You and I have agreed to this, Xiaozhuang, don't act rashly." Gai Nie heard the unkindness in his junior brother's tone and warned him softly.

"Don't worry, although I don't like this feeling, I expected it." Wei Zhuang turned to look at the wary Six Sword Slave: "But Lu Wei doesn't seem to want to kill Zhao Gao today, and he doesn't even want to break his arm. Go kill Six Sword Slave, his connivance will bring him a heavy price!"

Gai Nie said nothing.

Zhang Liang and Han Xin on the roof were also staring at the candlelight reflected in the room. Both of them were quite calm: they couldn't think of a reason not to kill Zhao Gao and Liujian Slave after finally raiding the Luowang headquarters, but they knew that even if Ordinary people will not let the tiger go back easily when they have a big advantage, let alone a farmer.

Unless, the Luowang organization can play a greater role alive than dead.
Thinking of this, Zhang Liang speculated on a possibility: 'This may be related to Qin's internal heirloom! '

Xiaomeng stood at the door and kept the sky and the earth eclipsed. She emptied her mind and didn't think too much. She just carried out her tasks as agreed.

After just one stick of incense, Lu Wei walked out of the house with a smile, and behind him was the obedient Zhao Gao.

After all, Zhao Gao did not choose to use his life as a bet. His big plan was right in front of him, how could he die so early.

The temporary concession is to completely wipe out Daze Mountain in the future!
"Lord Zhao Gao, I hope that such an unpleasant thing will not happen again."

"What Xiakui said is true. This is the order of Prime Minister Li Si, and I have no choice but to do so."

The two bid farewell in a friendly manner. After Master Xia Kui took Xiao Meng and others to evacuate the place, Zhao Gao, who was left in total darkness after Lu Wei's back disappeared, waved his hands and returned to the house.

Six Sword Slaves followed immediately.

"Get rid of all the eyes outside that witnessed what happened tonight."

Suddenly, Liu Sword Slave clearly drew his sword and walked out of the house again, and started a bloody cleansing of the net in the main courtyard that was at a loss.They couldn't defeat Zongheng quickly, but they were quite agile in attacking their colleagues.


"What agreement did you reach with Zhao Gao?"

When the Zhuzi Baijia group walked out of Songhai and stopped at a safe place, Wei Zhuang couldn't help but asked directly.

"He got his life back, and I got some leverage." Lu Wei turned around to face everyone, smiling and not lying.

"What kind of leverage did you get if it wasn't Brother Lu?" Zhang Liang noticed that Lu was in a good mood and realized that this was a good opportunity to ask.

"The secret behind Luo Wang and Zhao Gao's betrayal of Ying Zheng?" Ge Nie directly expressed his guess.

He and Zhang Liang spoke at the same time, but Gai Nie's question was obviously more answerable, so Lu Wei nodded at Gai Nie under everyone's surprised gaze.

"You got the trap!" Wei Zhuang understood that things would never be that simple. Looking through the surface of things, there might be only one deeper level!
"Zhao Gao cherishes his life. He may indeed throw himself into a trap at a critical moment of life and death, but I think everyone knows how sincere such an offer is." Lu Wei did not admit or deny Wei Zhuang's aggravated questioning, but The meaning of what he said was clear: he would not, at least not get the full snare.

It is better for this organization to be destroyed along with the Qin State. The peasants have their own snares.

"Thank you for your help tonight. You will understand what I am doing about the snare in the future. Let's talk about the agreed reward first."

Lu Wei forcibly ended the topic and looked at Zongheng and Zhang Liang: "You don't need to doubt the peasant family's anti-Qin stance. I think the thing that is more valuable to you at the moment should be the Blue Dragon Assassin Qin Plan~"

"Please give me some advice from Xiakui."

When the three of them heard this topic, they immediately had their own thoughts in their hearts, and finally Gai Nie took over the topic.

"Xiaoyaozi is the sun that hides the net." Lu Wei spread out a palm: "Zifang, I think you can explain this to your two former friends~"

Well, two sharp eyes immediately looked at Zhang Liang with a wry smile on his face: "It seems that this matter can no longer be hidden."

"Brother Xiaoyao's identity issue is really complicated. Please allow me to explain it slowly."

In Xianyang, after Meng Tian returned and led his army north to prepare to fight the wolves, Ying Zheng's preparations for the eastward tour accelerated a lot.

Under the calculations of the Yin Yang family's magicians, the emperor's best departure date, the date of worship along the way, and even the date of final arrival at Songhai were all re-adjusted: It is normal that the emperor's eagerness to seek immortality will lead to changes in the rules of the stars in the sky. thing~
The emperor's trip was no small matter, and Ying Zheng himself behaved very calmly about the trip, but everyone below him was full of nervousness, fearing that he would make a mistake at such a juncture, even Hu Hai, who wanted to accompany him on the trip.

"How is Zhao Gao's arrangement over Songhai?" Hu Hai did not pretend to be innocent as usual, but wandered in the back garden in a hurry: "The convoy will set off in three days, let Fusu stay with his father How are preparations going for the Emperor to make a fool of himself when he arrives?”

"Your Majesty, don't worry. Your Excellency, the Commander-in-Chief of the CRRC, has taken care of the situation. It is said that those anti-Qin rebels will be used by your Majesty this time."

The snare killer who was left by Zhao Gao next to Hu Hai in Xianyang lowered his head and knelt on the ground. According to the latest news from Songhai, he comforted the eighteenth prince and said: "His Majesty, the Commander of the CRRC Mansion, personally arranged the arrangements. I thought there would only be one fate for coming to help Mr. Su."

"Humph, making a fool of yourself is only the first step. Killing him is what I want!" Hu Hai looked at his extremely respectful subordinate and was very satisfied with his performance, so he did not go forward and kicked the opponent in the head: "Go and provoke me. Those brothers, please make a mistake, I can only accompany my father on this eastern tour!"

"As ordered!"

The snare killer retreated, leaving Hu Hai with a relaxed look on his face, showing a childish look before going to Ying Zheng to ask for his love.

This time, even if Fusu, who was not doing well in Songhai, was dealt with, Hu Hai still had sixteen brothers in terms of etiquette, but it would not be difficult to break the etiquette, and all it took was the emperor's words.

This time, Hu Hai had to make his father think of establishing himself as the crown prince after he was disappointed with Fusu!

(End of this chapter)

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