Careerist in Qin Dynasty

Chapter 361 Yunzhongjun’s surprise attack

Chapter 361 Yunzhongjun’s surprise attack
A huge procession came from the west. Thousands of boys and girls with beautiful appearance and elegant white clothes moved directly into the Songhai Hua Pavilion.

This is the team of Yun Zhongjun of the Yin Yang family.

Unlike Fusu, when Yun Zhongjun entered the city, the strict black-armored Qin army drove all the idle people away and prohibited them from watching at close range, lest these young girls who were going to supply the immortals be contaminated with too much vulgarity.

Yun Zhongjun's own high platform frame was located in the center of the team. The old man sitting cross-legged under the translucent curtain looked down at everyone with contentment and smiled disdainfully.The style of the blazing Amaterasu sword beside him is very different from most famous swords in the sword manual.

This famous sword, ranked No. 13 in the Wind Beard Sword Book, has a slightly curved blade, in the shape of a curved moon, with only a single blade. Just from the appearance alone, you can tell that its attack method is mainly chopping, which is more suitable for being attacked. It's called a 'knife'.

As the owner of the mirage ship appointed by His Majesty the Emperor, Yun Zhongjun will only stay in Songhai City temporarily for a while, and then on an auspicious day, he will lead the boys and girls to complete the boarding ceremony.

"This villain!"

Among the crowd far away from the main road, Shushan Princess Xiao Yu, who was dressed as a waiter at an inn, bit her lip, and the palm of her hand holding the food box even trembled slightly due to too much force.

Yun Zhongjun is the elder of the Yin Yang family's Jin department. His main job is to make elixirs for His Majesty the Emperor. Now he is responsible for the search for the elixir of immortality.

Alchemy is a science that requires a lot of investment. After making a new type of elixir, the best way for an alchemist to test its medicinal properties is to use live experiments. This is what Yun Zhongjun did especially!

Countless people died under his elixir checking. Due to the special nature of Shushan's long-term relationship with the Fusang sacred tree, a large number of Shu people were captured by Yunzhongjun during and after the destruction of Shushan. And then they were never seen again. return.

After a large number of experiments, Yun Zhongjun found that the guards of Yu Yuan in Shushan were more suitable for experiments, so he hunted down the guards of Yu Yuan more vigorously.

In its cooperation with the farmers, Shushan also cooperated with the so-called revolutionary branch of the Yinyang family. Therefore, the Yinyang family is an ally of Shushan, but Yunzhongjun is definitely not!
Xiao Yu's hatred for Yun Zhongjun could not be increased, but now she could only watch this evil thief standing high surrounded by the Qin army and the boys and girls, but she had no choice but to do anything.
Due to the retreat of the Golden Fire Cavalry some time ago, the anti-Qin alliance hiding under the Songhai Mountain Forest can finally breathe a sigh of relief.

After Gao Jianli and Fan Zeng proposed a new plan for Qinglong to Assassin Qin, Shushan representative Xiaoyu decisively raised his hand to express his unwillingness to participate.

This operation is more dangerous than the operation in the shipyard prison. The members of Shushan are all Shu people and the population is sparse. Therefore, Xiaoyu would rather withdraw from the alliance than participate in such an operation.

Without his brother, the power of Songhai Shushan has been reduced again under his leadership. The distressed Xiao Yu now just wants to return to the farm Daze Mountain to preserve the power of his compatriots.

But with the kind understanding of the Mo family, they actually agreed that Shushan would not join this operation. After all, the combined power of these Songhai Shushan could not compare to Gao Jianli.

It's just that the name Shushan has some effect, and Shushan knows many secrets of the Anti-Qin Alliance, so Gao Jianli proposed that Shushan can enter the Youjian Inn in Songhai City to hide, and be responsible for all the light work in the city, thus creating the current situation.

'Yun Zhongjun is extremely cunning. I can't appear in front of him. Lu Xiakui's follow-up mirage plan will kill this evil thief! '

Thinking of this, Xiao Yu decisively turned around and walked towards the direction of Xiaoshengxian Manor: as the waiter of Youjian Inn, Xiao Yu could convey information to this stronghold of the Confucian anti-Qin forces and the Mohist family.

"Yun Zhongjun, he will be the key."

In a small restaurant run secretly by a farmer, Lu Wei took a sip of tea, looked at the high platform frame a little further outside the window, and said in a positive tone.

"He is so lucky to be able to be a chess piece on Ying Zheng's side and Mirage's side at the same time~"

The young man sitting opposite Master Xia Kui smiled lightly, and the words spoken in a magnetic and experienced voice were full of admiration, but his tone was full of disdain.

"So, do you want to try it on him?" The young man coughed, and he was quite annoyed by his body's 'show of weakness'.

Such a young man is the Zuo Guardian and Xinghun of the Yin Yang Family who managed to survive under the combined attack skills of Gai Nie Weizhuang.

"Why not?" Lu Wei looked at the young man whose face was much paler than before due to his injuries. He chuckled and shook his teacup: "As a matter of courtesy, he wants to lure me into taking the bait. I'm not trying to lure him into taking the bait~"

"On your side, because of your heavy injuries, you can minimize your threat and come to see me." At this point, Lu Wei gave Xinghun a deep look.

"Those who are used to being injured can take advantage of their injuries. In order to destroy the enemy, I can be more cruel to myself than to anyone else!" Xinghun did not feel offended, but his tone became cheerful.

Having said that, Star Soul has been injured a lot of times, and every time it is a big scene:

The first time he was seriously injured was due to the conspiracy between Da Siming and the Six Sword Slaves, or the 'ordinary person' 'Gan Luo' was seriously injured in the wilderness. In the end, he was unable to return to Xianyang in time, and the entire clan was killed.

The second time, in order to detect whether there was the Donghuang Curse Seal in his body, Xinghun took the initiative to use the tenth level of energy gathering skills in both hands to form a blade, so that he went crazy and was suppressed by Donghuang, and was seriously injured for more than a year.The third time was the hard-hitting Gui Gu's vertical and horizontal attack stunt some time ago.

Other trivial things like self-administering poisonous elixirs are simply not worthy of being recorded.

Each of these injuries was potentially life-threatening, but Xinghun endured them all.

"But apart from that, you have to be careful with them." Xinghun added, he was definitely one of the people in the world who least wanted anything to happen to Lu Wei.

"Don't worry, I have the means." Lu Wei waved his hand nonchalantly: "Besides, absolute strength is my greatest confidence."

"Yun Zhongjun's actions are roughly at night. The time is an important way for him to intervene with the Ghost Control Pill to control the medicine people. You can also take the opportunity to completely conquer Shushan~" Looking at Lu's confidence, Xinghun did not remind him too much. He's not someone who likes to talk nonsense either.


Xiao Yu came to Xiaoshengxian Manor, and when he gave a plate of special cakes to Zhang Liang, the third master of the manor, Zhang Liang was teaching Tianming Shaoyu Gao Yue.

The primary reason why the three little ones came to Little Sage Village was for safety, but growth is also an inevitable and important part.

Tianming here did not accept Yan Dan's inner energy, nor did he accept the Mohist giant. He was just an 'ordinary' descendant of the Sword Master who did not need too much pressure. However, with a little progress, he rose from the bottom among his peers. It also gradually gained its own brilliance.

Tianming’s biggest ideal now is to take over the name of Sword Master from his uncle Gai Nie and Yuan Hong.
If this sword, which was originally a residual rainbow, can really be passed on to Tianming in the future, it may also be reincarnated. Before that, Gai Nie had already given the jug that Jing Ke gave him before he assassinated Qin to Tianming.

Shao Yu is the young master of the Xiang family. The Tenglong army that the Xiang family finally recovered was completely lost in the battle at the shipyard prison. He was so angry that he wanted to leave the comfortable academy immediately and take revenge as the master of the Xiang family!
Zhang Liang patiently persuaded him to stay, but this was not a long-term solution.

Shaoyu regarded Confucian study as a kind of leisure and was still doing well, but when he compared it with the career he longed for, he felt a huge sense of urgency that made him unable to concentrate.

He will eventually return to the battlefield.

As for Gao Yue, Zhang Liang naturally noticed something was wrong with Gao Yue after getting in touch with him a little more. After receiving no results from his gentle questioning, he wanted to check it out, but was dragged into a trap by someone Lu. I also have to connect Xiaoyaozi, Chisongzi and Gai Niewizhuang, which is quite busy.

Gao Yue did not expect to meet her master Dongjun when she was in Little Saint's Manor some time ago. Dongjun wanted to take her away from Little Saint's Manor to the mirage, but Gao Yue lowered her head and refused.

The Mirage may not be safer than the Little Saint's Manor. To say who among the three little ones is the most satisfied with their current life, it is undoubtedly Gao Yue who has no more burdens after Yan Dan's death.

She found that she could actually do nothing and study the poems, books and etiquette with peace of mind. She could no longer practice the depressing yin and yang technique alone, and play with Tianming Shaoyu safely.

Gao Yue doesn't want to give up on days like this.

Concubine Yan originally wanted to teach her disciple more and let her take more steps in the art of onmyoji, but since she has no ideals, Concubine Yan doesn't care.

The three little ones are similar in age to Xiao Yu, whose pseudonym is Shi Lan. As Shi Lan moves around frequently in recent days, they have a friendly attitude towards the Princess of Shushan. However, Shi Lan herself is unwilling to integrate into this team. Today, after delivering the meals, Return soon.

The third child only felt that it was a pity that foreign friends, with different cultures, were still staunchly anti-Qin friends. It was a pity that such people could not play with the three of them.

Zhang Liang looked at Shi Lan's back, then glanced over the three little ones, sighing in his heart: These children each have a mission, and he might be much happier at their age.
Grandfather, brother Han Fei, brother Wei Zhuang, and Miss Zi Nu have all helped me a lot
Xiao Yu left Little Shengxian Manor and returned to Youjian Inn. After informing the shopkeeper, Chef Ding, that everything was normal, Xiao Yu changed into another disguise and quietly returned to Shushan stronghold through the back alley.

She was extremely careful along the way and carefully checked her surroundings, not wanting to bring any danger back to her companions.

However, when she returned to the stronghold and saw her fellow Shushan people before she could speak, a bright torch light suddenly appeared outside the house and a hoarse medicine man roared, making Xiao Yu's face turn pale:

'Am I being followed? '

'Otherwise, how could it be so perfect?'

"We meet again, the remnants of Shushan~"

Two thin and skinny medicine men rushed in from the door. Xiao Yu and his Shushan companions had just put on a fighting posture. Then Yun Zhongjun walked in like a group of corpses holding the moon and smiled evilly, causing the Shushan group to instantly despair
(End of this chapter)

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