Careerist in Qin Dynasty

Chapter 362 Don't come here!

Chapter 362 Don't come here!

The essence of the medicine man is still a living person, but it is no different from a real corpse:

After these 'corpses' were forcibly fed the Ghost Control Pill by Yun Zhongjun during their lifetime, the medicine blocked their meridians and their bodies became like walking zombies. Their trunk defenses were strengthened and they also lost their ability to respond to pain, so they had to be controlled by Yun Zhongjun's internal power. , let yourself be driven.

Therefore, the biggest feeling when dealing with these medicine men is trouble. Many of the individual skins specially strengthened by Yun Zhongjun can even withstand sword slashes. They are an army that is not afraid of death.

As the master of the mirage, Yun Zhongjun has almost unlimited resources at his disposal, and manpower is really the easiest material for him.

He doesn't even need to specifically select, he just needs to pile up the numbers and wait until he gets a group of elite medicine people who can withstand the maximum potency.

Holding a short blade and performing a leaping fighting technique, Xiao Yu avoided the attack of a medicine man whose body was obviously swollen by the medicine. With a backhand stroke, Xiao Yu pierced a layer of the enemy's skin, and instantly the smelly light yellow medicine flowed out from the medicine man. The wounds were oozing and disgusting.

However, the medicine man's movements were not affected. When he turned around, he was slapped with a waving arm, but Xiao Yu nimbly dodged it.

As a bodyguard of Yu Yuan who was favored by the Great Elder during his lifetime, Xiao Yu, despite his young age, has good martial arts skills among his peers, and his petite body is flexible enough, so he has some advantages against bulky enemies.

But even so, she had to fight against many enemies, and after dodging the attack of the tall and fat medicine man, she had to dodge the attacks of other equally petite enemies in a second relay. She could not tolerate the slightest mistake, and beads of sweat broke out on her forehead.

Compared with her, the situation of other Shushan colleagues is even worse: the nearly endless number of medicine men makes the few Shushan disciples see no hope.

Not to mention, there was a Yun Zhongjun who they could not compete with. He was guarding the door and watching the useless struggle of the Shushan group with his hands behind his back with great interest.

As for the rescue, this is Songhai City, and they have no way to deliver the news to the outside world.
As time passed little by little, the strength of the Shushan group gradually became exhausted. Unlike the medicine people, they were human beings after all, not tools that were overdrawing their lives.

Yun Zhongjun looked at the battlefield where the encirclement was getting smaller and smaller with satisfaction, and realized that time was almost up.

Drawing out his sword Amaterasu, Yun Zhongjun suddenly jumped up and joined the battlefield, killing two Shushan disciples with one sword: "You are not Yu Yuan's guards, you are of no use to me."

Xiao Yu's pupils shrank, and the rest of the Shushan disciples also had their eyes cracked. They looked at Yun Zhongjun who was approaching arrogantly step by step, but they couldn't even get rid of the medicine man who was entangled with them.

"Don't worry, don't worry, I will entertain you one by one." Yun Zhongjun looked at the expressions of these Shushan disciples who were full of hatred for him, and smiled ferociously: "Except for the four Yuyuan guards, the others will Same as these two. Oh, and there’s a cute little girl.”

Yun Zhongjun walked with small steps, and smiled at Xiao Yu with a more perverted smile: "You are also Yu Yuan's guard? That's great, I know how to cherish the beauty and cherish the jade~"

As he spoke, he turned around and aimed at an ordinary Shushan disciple. He teleported and raised his sword to chop him down, and his head fell to the ground.

"Bastard!" Xiao Yu said with a frosty face. He used his strength to knock down the obese medicine man at all costs, then clenched his short blade and stabbed Yun Zhongjun desperately. However, he was summoned by the other medicine man with a few gentle movements of his fingers. Completely blocked.
"I told you, don't be anxious. I will enjoy you slowly, starting with these trashes. You all have to watch carefully~"

Yun Zhongjun glanced at the few Yu Yuan guards present. After confirming that his behavior would completely stimulate the emotions of these Yu Yuan guards, he felt even more satisfied:

'That's how angry you are!The angrier you are, the better you will be able to accept the baptism of the Ghost Control Pill! '

Unbridledly controlling the overall situation, Yun Zhongjun personally judged the fate of each Shushan disciple one by one.

Shushan's despair reached its peak at this moment, and it was at such a perfect opportunity that the medicine men guarding the door suddenly fell down in rows in the eyes of Xiaoyu who gritted his teeth tenaciously.
Tonight is just a play, and it's time for the hero of the play to appear.

Lu Wei photographed the inner energy of the medicine men from a distance: with the information of the Star Soul, he knew the structure of these medicine men in advance, so he could accurately locate the key points of the meridians blocked by the medicine, and open them up before solidifying them. The elixir toxins will circulate, causing the medicine person's body to die directly.

This consumes a lot of internal energy, and there is also a lot of extra loss in the air. Even some martial arts masters cannot last long, but Master Xia Kui has no pressure.

Compared to the bloody and disgusting scenes caused by swinging swords, this method is much more harmonious.

"Who is it?" Yun Zhongjun heard the sound of the medicine man falling at the door and hurriedly turned around with the Amaterasu Sword in hand. Then he saw Lu Wei flashing very close to him: the shadows reflected in the pupils of the two people. You can even see another reflection inside
"Your eyes tell me that I will come when you are ready~"

Lu Wei grabbed the blazing Amaterasu sword, which was as sharp as iron as clay, with one hand, and raised the corner of his mouth: "Let me guess the reason~" "You bastard, die!" Yun Zhongjun realized after a brief pause that he had not been attacked. His face immediately turned ferocious, and his right hand poured inner energy into the hilt of the Amaterasu sword he was holding, trying to use his strongest sword move, "Zhaoyun Weiyang Slash", to cut off Lu Wei's left hand, which was bold enough to hold the sword with one hand.

Amaterasu sword is burning with fire. Burning is the most obvious feeling brought by this move. Usually when Yun Zhongjun uses this move to kill the enemy, the enemy's body will be almost scorched to death, but today, Yun Zhongjun swung his sword vigorously, but Amaterasu did not move at all.
The hot Yin and Yang technique was conducted upward along the hilt of the sword, and when it reached the part held by Lu Wei, it was immediately extinguished as if encountering the solid ice of the deep sea.
This bone-piercing chill continued to extend even after solidifying Yun Zhongjun's Yin Yang surgery. After the cold reached the hilt of the sword, the hands of Elder Jin of the Yin Yang family seemed to be burned, and his palms turned red. .


He screamed and quickly opened his hands to retreat. Lu Wei smiled contemptuously and waved an ordinary punch with his right hand, and the latter flew backwards at lightning speed.
"Amaterasu?" He raised his arm and looked at the sword ranked No. 13 in the sword manual that he had easily captured. Lu threw it back with disdain to Yun Zhongjun, who smashed through the wall and flew out into the alley. Amaterasu accurately penetrated the floor tile on Yun Zhongjun's right hand side.

With a casual wave of one arm, Lu Wei executed all the medicine men in the room. After giving a look to the slightly dull Xiao Yu, Lu Wei came back from the gap in the wall to two feet in front of Yun Zhongjun, who collapsed on the ground.

On the way, he absorbed a few dark red ghost-controlling elixirs that fell from Yun Zhongjun's body, held them in his hand, and played with them briefly: "You have probably experimented with these elixirs on Yin Yang family disciples, right? I wonder if you have tried them on yourself. Here~"

As he spoke, he stared at Yunzhongjun's old body with evil intentions, and his intention made Yunzhongjun shudder.

Enduring the severe pain that nearly broke all the bones in his body, Yun Zhongjun struggled to get up and pulled out Amaterasu. He held the sword in both hands and retreated cautiously. The fear on his face was extremely real.

As a chess piece, Yun Zhongjun seemed to only get what he could know, so he had no reasonable expectations about Lu Wei's strength.

Seeing that the peasant hero had no intention of making a sneak attack, he decisively took out a pale golden pill from his arms and swallowed it in one gulp. In Lu Wei's perception, the injuries all over Yun Zhongjun's body after taking the pill were quickly and temporarily solidified by the power of the medicine. The invisible onmyoji atmosphere spreads outward from him.

As the concentration of diffusion increased, Yun Zhongjun's entire body expanded violently, and he quickly turned into a giant about 30 feet tall!

'Illusion of the giant spirit, Yunzhongjun's strongest illusion method. As the cloud god represented in Jiu Ge, Yunzhongjun can use illusions to turn himself into an 'invincible' illusory existence in front of the enemy, thus making the enemy fearful. '

The information revealed by Xinghun flashed through his mind. Lu Wei looked at the giant Yun Zhongjun who was extremely real in his pupils, and fairly evaluated this illusion as 'very interesting'.

If the giant dozens of feet tall were real, the entire Songhai City would have been boiling at this moment. However, the fact is that this giant ghost phantom only appeared in this form among Lu Wei and the affected Shushan group within the range. The real Yun Zhongjun has not changed at all.

"You will pay for your contempt!" The illusion affected multiple senses, and the deafening sound made the Shushan group in the house even have to block their ears.

Xiao Yu firmly followed the instructions in Lu Wei's eyes before walking out: he started to evacuate with his compatriots.

After the giant Yun Zhongjun roared, he saw that the tiny Lu was still looking calm and calm, and couldn't help but get angry. Seeing him behave like this, Lu Wei got more information about this illusion: The giant spirit illusion can be used on more than just people. They are enemies, including Yun Zhongjun himself.

In the eyes of Lu Wei and others, Yun Zhongjun has become bigger, but in Yun Zhongjun's eyes, these enemies and the surrounding environment have become smaller.

However, the characteristic of illusion is that illusion is illusion, and what is fake is fake.

Yun Zhongjun is addicted to alchemy, his alchemy skills are unpredictable, and his skills are among the best in the world, but his actual combat ability is really weak.

The illusion made Yun Zhongjun confident in his weak actual combat ability, but the weakness itself did not change.

Therefore, facing the angry Yun Zhongjun who desperately chopped down the "Zhaoyun Weiyang Slash" like the setting sun, Master Xia Kui simply pointed out a peasant five-string fingering technique. The fingering energy was so small that it was almost invisible and seemed like a string. The silver needle easily punctured the illusive 'balloon'.

Yun Zhongjun watched as his arrogant Zhao Yun Weiyang Zhan exploded out of thin air. With the severe pain in his chest, the giant spirit illusion instantly collapsed without a trace.
Flying backwards with a bang again, Yun Zhongjun could no longer hold back when he landed this time, and spat out a large mouthful of blood. The Amaterasu Sword that was originally held tightly in his hand fell into Lu Wei's hands for the second time.

"This is the second time, do you want to continue for the third time?"

Master Xia Kui walked towards Yun Zhongjun step by step. However, from Yun Zhongjun's perspective, Lu Wei's figure grew bigger with every step he took. By the time he came to him, he had become dozens of people. It was this peasant hero who had a giant father-in-law!

Because the illusion of the giant spirit was forcibly broken, Yun Zhongjun suffered a backlash.
"Ah, don't come here!"

(End of this chapter)

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