Careerist in Qin Dynasty

Chapter 363 Moon Goddess Yan Fei was arrested

Chapter 363 Moon Goddess Yan Fei was arrested
Because the illusion of the giant spirit was broken, Yun Zhongjun fell into a state of mental confusion. Logically speaking, it shouldn't be so easy, but because of that person's advance planning and assistance, Lu Wei now had an easy way to deal with Minister Jin of the Yin Yang family. An opportunity for old tricks.

Half-bending down, he made eye contact with Yun Zhongjun, who was extremely frightened. The hypnotic effect of Lu Weidang Soul Skill suddenly activated, and Yun Zhongjun's expression calmed down, and he became sluggish.
After dozens of breaths, Master Xiakui, who had completed the psychological suggestion, no longer cared about the chess piece, but turned to leave.

But at this time, Xiao Yu, who had not walked far with the dagger in hand, came back because she saw the giant phantom collapse quickly. She saw Yun Zhongjun sitting on the ground seemingly defenseless from a distance, and hatred immediately crept into her heart. , dodged and was about to stab him, but he was only halfway through when Master Xia Kui grabbed his arm:

"Yun Zhongjun is my property now."

Pulling the girl back to the ground, Lu Wei easily snatched the dagger from Xiao Yu's hand, and said calmly in her puzzled eyes: "He also has the great responsibility of anti-Qin, you can't kill him now, not to mention he is now My trophy.”

"Yes" Xiao Yu lowered her head unwillingly. She was unable to disobey Lu Wei's arrangement.

"Then let's go." Mr. Lu held the girl's hand and returned the weapon: "He will be from Shushan, but it still depends on Shushan's attitude."

Master Xia Kui took the lead to leave. Xiao Yu turned to look at Yun Zhongjun, who was still in a daze, and gritted his teeth to follow.

"The Shu people in Shushan have their own culture. Even if they change their clothes, they will still be seen by those Qin army spies and Jianghu rangers when they show up in Songhai. You have not leaked any flaws, but your compatriots are no longer suitable to stay in Songhai." The sea is over, let them go to Daze Mountain."

"Thank you Xiakui for taking me in." Xiao Yu quickly regained his composure and forgot about Yun Zhongjun for the time being, and said crisply: "Then can I stay here?"

"Okay, you can just become a farmer's disciple." Lu Wei mainly focused on investigating the surrounding environment, and casually agreed to the request of the Princess of Shushan.

'The next step depends on the performance of Luna and Concubine Yan. '

The next day, the news that the mirage captain Yun Zhongjun personally annihilated a group of rebels spread among a small circle. The Mohist leader Pao Ding personally investigated the situation at the scene of the crime and confirmed that both the Mohists and the Mohists who were protecting their allies were Shushan's group of people, who were still protected as disciples, have all disappeared. This disappearance is basically equivalent to a death sentence.

Now that half of the main force of the Mohist family has gone to Mount Tai, they cannot focus on conducting a detailed investigation on the popular Yun Zhongjun, unless those few take action, but they obviously will not interfere with the established status quo.

With a regretful sigh, Chef Ding quietly returned to Youjian Inn with agility that was not befitting his appearance.
In the Xihua Hall, Minister Jin Yun Zhongjun always felt that something was missing from his memory, but he couldn't remember what was missing.

This kind of situation is not common, and meeting him with his identity shows that some big things have indeed happened recently, but Yun Zhongjun does not dare to look into it in detail.

Because the one who can do this is probably His Excellency Donghuang.
If you accidentally find out something, the price will be more than just memory problems.

Shaking his head to forget what he had forgotten, Yun Zhongjun followed his heart and began to refine the elixir in the elixir room.

Calculating the time, His Majesty the Emperor's motorcade has already set off today. The carriage and horses have been tiring along the way. His Majesty's headache is likely to relapse, so I have to practice some elixirs and send them to others, so that I can better gain the Emperor's trust and favor. !
Yun Zhongjun skillfully raises fire to melt the medicinal power, and the alchemy movements here are truly like flowing water. It is not only beautiful but also has a high probability of becoming an elixir.

But when he was approaching the last step, Yun Zhongjun lost his mind. He took out a small porcelain bottle from his arms and sprinkled some powder into the elixir that was about to be formed.

'Has your alchemy skills deteriorated due to lack of skills? I have almost forgotten all the movements. '

Frowning and not satisfied with his performance, Yun Zhongjun finished the batch of elixirs he prepared for His Majesty the Emperor, and took advantage of the situation to continue refining the second batch, determined to make his movements flawless.

However, right at the door of Yunzhongjun's alchemy room, Donghuang Taiyi, who was dressed in a black robe with gold threads, looked at Yunzhongjun's movements calmly. He was there, but his presence was completely ignored by Yunzhongjun.

"Is it to attack Ying Zheng?" Donghuang stared at the problematic pills, but didn't pay much attention to them. After understanding the content of Lu Wei's psychological hint to Yun Zhongjun, he left the Huaguan directly.

After returning to the mirage, Donghuang went directly to Zibei Water Pavilion, where he used Onmyoji to open a special mechanism and entered the Sakura Prison. The two women sitting cross-legged in the Sakura Prison did not even open their eyes to his appearance, and just meditated silently. state.

"I have always been very tolerant. As long as you are willing to repent, the positions of Yueshen and Dongjun will still be yours."

Dong Huang's voice rippled back and forth in the Ying Prison Ten Thousand Years Black Ice Formation, which was extremely tempting: "Mirage is about to go to sea. You are the most outstanding onmyoji geniuses of my Ji family. You have great potential and there are many things to come in the future." ."

Yueshen and Dongjun listened to Donghuang's persuasion, and their eyelashes seemed to move slightly, but they still did not respond.The two sisters were suppressed by Donghuang who suddenly boarded the mirage not long ago. Donghuang revealed a lot of flaws that the two of them had exposed over the years and imprisoned them together in Sakura Prison. In this matter, Donghuang was the only one in the entire Yinyang family. One person knows.

There is also a fish star soul that slipped through the net, but this protector with a foreign surname has been staying on the shore due to his injuries, and the injury has been confirmed by Donghuang. It will be a long recovery time of up to a year. There is currently no way to catch him in the mirage. If necessary, just wait until Lord Yun Zhong leads the boys and girls onto the boat to summon him.

Seeing that Moon God Dongjun's attitude remained unchanged, Donghuang was not angry. After completing today's persuasion, he left the cold here and came to the Toad Palace at the highest point of the mirage.

Looking at the Phantom Sound Treasure Box and several Canglong copper boxes on the table, Donghuang sat cross-legged and began to meditate:
Let's throw Yun Zhongjun out to arrogant Lu Wei, and then use Moon God and Dongjun as bait, this peasant hero will eventually be deceived into the mirage.

This was a plan that Donghuang quickly made to lure the enemy after a brief encounter with Lu Wei at the farm stronghold some time ago.

He could probably feel that his old self was no match for Lu Wei in a life-and-death battle, but with the onmyoji formation on the mirage, the result would be different.

Cutting down on the swordsmanship that the opponent is good at, and only using his inner energy to compete in the air, Donghuang believed that even the other old guys were far from his opponents.

By controlling this peasant hero, whether he is looking for immortals or relying on the strength of the peasant family's [-] disciples, he can contribute to Ji Zhou's revival!
At this time, the matter needs to be resolved before Ying Zheng arrives.

In Ying Prison, after Donghuang left, Moon God Dongjun, who was meditating face to face, opened his eyes at the same time. The two looked at each other speechlessly. In the end, it was Dongjun Yanfei who spoke first: "It seems that the plan is going to fail. Donghuang has everything under control." .”

"It seems so on the surface." Luna replied calmly.

"Do you think there is still hope?" Concubine Yan shook her head:
"It's possible that Lu Wei will see through Donghuang's plan, and then he won't take the risk of climbing the mirage alone. Then you and I will be trapped in this prison for the rest of our lives."

"If he is deceived by Donghuang, then I'm afraid there will be one more person in this Sakura Prison."

"No matter what it is, we shouldn't be so passive. Or do you still firmly believe in him?"

Will she firmly believe in Lu Wei? In fact, Yue Shen herself has no confidence in her heart, but there is one reason why she must not betray Lu Wei: Xiao Qian'er is still in Daze Mountain.
If Lu fails, Xiao Qian'er fails. If he stays in Ying Prison and strengthens his faith, at least Lu Wei's plan still has the possibility of success, then Xiao Qian'er will naturally have a better life.

In this way, you are not considered a failure.

"Donghuang just wants to use us as a trap to lure Lu Wei into the trap of the mirage. Do you think he can really tolerate betrayal?" Moon God had something in mind, and in turn persuaded Concubine Yan: "Perhaps, we were caught because Lu Wei’s other plan.”

"what's the plan?"

"He wants to make Dong Huang arrogant, so that he will have a chance to face Dong Huang."

"Where's the evidence?" Concubine Yan sneered.

"Don't you think Xinghun's injuries are familiar to you?" Yue Shen's gaze under the gauze made him believe a little bit: "His injuries were ultimately under his own control, and because of his injuries, he was not arrested like us. .”

Star Soul relies on injuries to gain opportunities. This has indeed happened in previous years.

"It's too risky. We shouldn't place all our hopes on outsiders." Concubine Yan was silent for a while and said in a deep voice: "As long as we can leave this ten thousand-year black ice formation, even if the curse seal on us is not lifted, we will still be able to A chance to escape this ship"

"I'm afraid that Donghuang will take advantage of it." Now it was Luna's turn to shake her head, and she finally revealed her other plan: "I have made some extra preparations for such an unexpected situation, and Donghuang will not notice it. "

"I hope your choice is correct." Concubine Yan looked up at the faint blue of the Ten Thousand Years Black Ice Formation, comparing it in her mind with the Mo family's trap in the government city last year. She raised her eyebrows slightly and said this sentence before closing her eyes again. Meditate.

Having betrayed Donghuang twice, she really didn’t think she would have a chance to betray Donghuang a third time.
(End of this chapter)

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