Careerist in Qin Dynasty

Chapter 364: This is how you study calligraphy?

Chapter 364: This is how you study calligraphy?

When the First Emperor's carriage drove out of Hangu Pass, it received battle reports from northern and southern Xinjiang at the same time.

Mengtian in northern Xinjiang is about to prepare for war. Because he received accurate wolf battle reports from Luowang in advance, he accurately seized the opportunity for the wolf army to attack and set up an ambush. He defeated the wolf vanguard in one battle and continued to win the battle with the main wolf force. Now he is chasing into the grassland. Clean up.

The elite level of the Golden Fire Cavalry could not be competed with by the elite wolf cavalry who grew up on horseback. Those old and inferior weapons were extremely fragile in front of the Qin army's armor.

However, the wolf tribe is accustomed to the harsh conditions outside the Great Wall. The outcome of this battle may not be able to achieve the result of annihilating the wolf tribe. The long supply distance is also likely to be attacked by the wolf tribe. Therefore, Meng Tian requested to dispatch civilians to combine the original Yanzhao and Qin tribes. The city walls of northern Xinjiang were connected to form a thousand-mile iron wall, so that the Great Wall could serve as an outpost for both offense and defense.

His Majesty the Emperor agreed to this request, and with a stroke of his pen, hundreds of thousands of civilians were conscripted into corvee service.

At the same time, in order to transport military grain and grass in northern Xinjiang, Yingzheng once again built a special road, which also required the recruitment of tens of thousands of people along the way.

The war in Northern Xinjiang relied on the strong national power of the Qin Dynasty, and the Wolf Clan was not a concern at all.

But when the results of the battle in southern Xinjiang were read out by the eunuchs, His Majesty's face immediately darkened, and he suddenly felt a headache.

He habitually raised his hand to pick up a tested elixir sent by Yunzhong Jun and put it into his mouth.

As the medicine took effect, Ying Zheng felt much calmer and waved his hand to signal the slave to read out the military message.

"When Guo Wei Tu Sui led his army deep into the Sanluo area on the bank of the Xijiang River, he encountered a Vietnamese ambush on the way and encountered a hail of random arrows. Guo Wei was hit by an arrow and fell from his horse and died. Our army was defeated."

Since Tu Sui's expedition to southern Xinjiang, most of the Qin army's officers and soldiers have been lost over the years due to complex reasons such as unsuitable conditions and inconvenient logistics. This time, even the main generals were killed by the Yue people. Great Qin's face was almost lost!

The people of Baiyue surrendered to two groups at the beginning of the war. Ying Zheng thought that Qin's 50-strong army was suppressing the border, and the remaining Yue people would at least surrender like the Yan State Jicheng who resisted for a year. Unexpectedly, they actually fought for five or six years. Here is the result.

"In the past few years, the state captain thought that the war had been hindered and was in a bad mood, so he acted violently on the Yue land to vent his anger. He also carried out some killings of the Yue people and remnant soldiers who had surrendered, thus provoking fierce resistance from the Yue people."

The eunuch did not hear further instructions from His Majesty the Emperor, so he could only continue to read: "The Yue people lost their tribe, so they would rather hide in the mountains and join the beasts than surrender. The army is unable to explore all the mountains and forests, and it lacks the ability to control the local area."

"After Guo Wei died in battle, General Zhao Tuo gathered his troops and temporarily retreated to stand firm and confront the Yue people, waiting for His Majesty's new orders."

"Call Ren Xiao." Ying Zheng's original satisfaction with Meng Tian in Northern Xinjiang suddenly disappeared. He accurately judged that what was more important now was how to conquer the Yue people: Tu Sui's tyranny was obviously a lesson with sufficient weight. To conquer the Yue people, one must ultimately rely on the combination of grace and power.

The Ling Canal has been basically connected, and the problem of food supply is no longer a problem. Instead, how to confirm the rule of counties in Yue is the key to the direction of the war.

There are Yue people there, and it is easy to collude. It is necessary to move Daqin people there to reduce the proportion of Yue people in the local area.

This will once again weaken the national power of the Qin Dynasty, which is fighting in the south and the north at the same time, but in the long run, the Qin Dynasty will only be more stable after digesting Yue Di!
Hu Hai, who was in another carriage, didn't care when he learned that his father had summoned General Ren Xiao to go. Instead, he asked the fellow Luowang members excitedly: "How long will it take to get to Mount Tai?"

"Your Majesty, we still need to wait patiently." The members of the Luowang were tired in their hearts, but they did not dare to show it on their faces. They still respectfully reassured: "His Majesty, CRRC Fu Ling, said that the opening of a truly good show always needs some blandness to set off. "

"Humph, he always says that." Hu Hai crossed his arms and tilted his head: "It's not fun anymore."

On the outskirts of Mount Tai, the anti-Qin alliance gathered here to make final preparations for the shocking plan to assassinate Qin.

Xiaoyaozi held Xue Ji, who could not be handed over, and accepted the cross-examination by Gai Nie and Wei Zhuang.

Judging from how vigilant these two people were towards me along the way, my identity has most likely been exposed, and it should have been leaked by Zhang Liang. This gave me a chance to defend myself against Zongheng instead of simply taking advantage of him. Sword plus spreads across all directions.

"You two must want to hear the secret of hiding the sun from my own words." Xiaoyaozi simply stopped pretending to be stupid and said proactively: "This is a long story.

"If you are still hiding it today, then this long period will end today." Wei Zhuang raised the corner of his mouth and smiled. Although it was only for a moment, the shark's teeth did make a slight sword sound.

"Someone leaked this news to us, and we trust him, but Brother Xiaoyao should still say it himself." Gai Nie did not find any details of Xiaoyaozi's resistance, and in addition, he took the initiative to expose his identity, so his words were somewhat polite. .

"I have long wanted to explain this identity to you two. Anyway, this time is just right." Xiaoyaozi nodded and said with emotion, then he described everything he had done in the position of hiding the sun from joining the net when he was young to becoming the sun. Tell them all, and most of them are the truth, including Chisongzi and Tian Guang's fake death, as well as Zhao Gao's instructions to promote the Qinglong Plan.

"Luowang is an evil killer organization, but the source of all its evil originates from Zhao Gao." Xiaoyao Zilin finally concluded: "If you want to completely eradicate this organization, it is likely to bring worse results. With this organizational framework, At least those killers are still limited to one rule. Once the rules are gone, the unscrupulous results must be imagined by the two of you."

"So, you want to replace Zhao Gao with Zhanri's identity? You still want us to support your plan?" Wei Zhuang heard Xiaoyaozi's intention and sneered. "Originally, I did think so, so that we can clean up the net from the inside as much as possible." Xiaoyaozi said calmly: "But now, this plan is no longer possible, and we can only pursue killing Zhao Gao as much as possible. "

Hearing what he said, Zong and Heng looked at each other, and Gai Nie asked lightly: "May I ask Brother Xiaoyao why he thinks so?"

"Zhao Gao ordered me to help Qinglong in his plan to assassinate Qin. The order given to me was to turn around and save Qinglong when he was about to succeed. What do you think of this order?" Xiaoyaozi revealed Zhao Gaoming's plan and asked rhetorically.

"Wishful thinking." Wei Zhuang's evaluation was concise and clear.

"Yes, Brother Wei Zhuang hit the nail on the head. This is not his real plan." After Xiaoyaozi flattered the owner of Quicksand, he continued seriously: "I think his real plan is to pretend to push us to implement the plan, and then he will After I, the spy, get the exact location of the Qinglong, I will launch a trap to wipe out the entire anti-Qin alliance!"

"And my identity as Zhidian will not be recognized and I will be killed by the Six Sword Slaves together."

Xiaoyaozi inserted the Xueji Sword into the ground, bent down and clasped his fists with his bare hands: "I came here deliberately according to his plan. In fact, there was no way out from the beginning, so even if the two of you don't come to discuss this matter with me, I will still come here today. Actively expose.”

"After the plan is known to Luo Wang, the possibility of successful implementation is already low, unless we use it to our advantage."

"You want to use false news to ambush Luo Yun?" Gai Nie's eyes narrowed and he revealed Xiaoyaozi's plan.

"Zhao Gao must have calculated the possibility of me actually betraying him." Unexpectedly, Xiaoyaozi shook his head and refuted this speculation: "Zhao Gao will not show up in person, and the Six Sword Slaves will also bring a large number of Luowang members and Qin soldiers. We will not There will be opportunities to really hit the net hard.”

'That night, relying on my senior brother, myself, Tianzong Xiaomeng, Lu Wei and a few other people, we captured Zhao Gao. If Lu Wei and Xiaomeng were replaced by Xiaoyaozi, Chisongzi, Tian Guang, we might not be able to do it again. Wei Zhuang thought after listening to the words of the leader of the Renzong: "Also, according to what Lu Wei said, he got the evidence from Zhao Gao that determined Luo Wang's life and death. Luo Wang would at least listen to him to a certain extent. So"

"And in comparison, the value of Luo Wang is far less than that of Ying Zheng. We cannot miss this assassination opportunity."

Xiaoyaozi did not notice that Wei Zhuang was distracted and continued: "Use some bait and Qinglong to lure the main force of Luowang to another direction. In this way, even without Qinglong, maybe the real assassination plan will succeed!"

"No, this way, both sides may be wiped out." Ge Nie subconsciously objected.

"No, maybe it can be done." A loud voice walked out of the side forest where the three of them were chatting, and his long hair revealed his identity: Gao Jianli, the Mohist giant.

His audit was arranged in advance by Gai Nie Weizhuang. After hearing the key situation, Gao Jianli took the initiative to come out. He no longer doubted Xiaoyaozi's identity and recognized Xiaoyaozi's plan: "As long as Luo Wang can know Qinglong's The position allows their main force to be diverted away, which is an extremely rare opportunity.”

"This matter can be left to the Mo family!"


Songhai City, the Anti-Qin Alliance and Luo Wang all left quietly, even the Shadow Secret Guard who lost Zhang Han was no exception.

His Majesty the Emperor's Eastern Tour has become a new point of contention, and Lu Wei's side has also reached a critical moment.

The tip of his pen neatly completed the final stroke on the paper. Mr. Xiakui put down his pen and admired his Xiaozhuan work with satisfaction and contentment.

However, the eyes of Xiaomeng in front of him moved, but he disdainfully commented: "Dignified and neat, with a strict look and no sense of ease."

After saying that, she stood up and came to Lu Wei, sitting on his lap without any care. She coldly picked up the brush and wrote her own calligraphy on the side of the white paper. The elegant brushstrokes were not delicate and delicate like a woman at all, but instead It's a little sloppy, but if you look closely, it's clear that Xiao Meng's secret is hidden in it.

"The small seal script is simple yet graceful. Although I write it straightly, it is the most suitable style for the disciples below. Naturally, it cannot be appreciated purely in a Taoist way."

Xiaomeng sat steadily, but Lu Wei kindly helped support her waist, shaking his head and defending himself casually.

"You have been involved too much in the world." Xiaomeng sighed slightly regretfully, sat upright, tore off the first page of paper, and continued writing.

After a while, the paper was filled with writing, and at this time there was a light knock on the door outside the house, and Xiao Yu's clear voice shouted: "Xia Kui, the messenger from the Yin and Yang family has sent a letter from the Moon God."

"Let her in."

The mirage plan has reached the final step. Lu Wei has something in mind and gives instructions to the outside world.

He originally wanted to get up and tidy up his clothes before the Yin Yang family envoy arrived, but the head of Tianzong in his arms had no intention of leaving and seemed to be concentrating on calligraphy.
(End of this chapter)

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