Careerist in Qin Dynasty

Chapter 365 The Great Zhou Dynasty

Chapter 365 The Great Zhou Dynasty
The messenger from the Yin and Yang family was Shao Siming. She and Xiao Yu worked together for a long time in Songhai. They also worked together to use the wandering Tenglong Legion to stage a drama to send Shushan into the anti-Qin alliance. Although The consequences of this move were few and far between.
The existence of Xiao Meng has always been unknown to Xiao Yu, so she only used the nickname 'messenger' when reporting. However, since Master Xia Kui directly called them in, it proved that Master Xiao Meng was one of his own.

Young Siming behaved like a speechless girl, not at all anxious as he had just received the important letter from Lord Moon God in the Mirage Toad Palace.

When the two pushed the door open and entered the house, they saw Master Xia Kui practicing calligraphy calmly, while Master Xiao Meng was opposite Xia Kui, with his back to the door, as if he was meditating without looking back.

However, in Lu Wei's sight, Xiaomeng's cold face showed a rare naughty smile with her tongue out, a light flashed in her gray eyes, and when Xiao Yu and Shao Siming walked to the table, her expression changed to a very natural expression. dignified.

The moment the door was pushed open, this girl put the pen into someone Lu's hand, activated Heguang Tongchen and left his arms, and then showed an expression of success in mischief that was just like that of an ordinary girl, and did not look like a Taoist master at all.

Doing things like this is the so-called "Tao follows nature", right?
Looking away from the face of the "cool" master Xiao Meng, Lu Wei looked at the two women aside. Xiao Yu then wisely took out the letter he got from Young Siming, took a step closer and handed it to Xia Kui.

At the moment of contact, Xiao Yu Xiaoqiao's nose twitched slightly, and her eyes lowered unconsciously.

Lu Wei naturally noticed it at such a close distance, but he didn't care and just opened the letter and got down to business.

The content of the letter is simple, and the general idea is: 'Ying Zheng's carriage and horses are on their way, Donghuang will board the ship at any time to take control of everything, and the moon god invites Lu Wei to board the ship as soon as possible to plan an ambush. '

It seems that the letter was really written by Luna, but according to Lu Wei's imagination, Luna should have been arrested by now.
'The Lord Luna who gave the letter to me is a lie. '

Just as Lu Wei was thinking, Shao Siming suddenly stretched out his fingers to control the inner energy gathered into a blade shape, and started writing in mid-air.

This action was immediately seen by everyone in the room, and compared to the action, the content of the words was obviously more shocking.

Shao Siming didn't care about this. She carried out her wishes conscientiously: "Lord Moon God and I have agreed on some communication codes." '

It seems that the moon god has already made arrangements
Lu Wei had already made some guesses about the situation on the mirage, and now that he had received confirmation from Shao Siming, it was even more clear: Donghuang must have transformed into the moon god, and wanted to use Shao Siming to trick him into boarding the mirage trap!

'Mirage, dangerous. '

Shao Siming stubbornly finished what he wanted to express at the end, then put down his fingers, and stared at Lu Wei with a pair of purple eyes similar to those of the Moon God above his face scarf.

Xiao Meng only had a partial understanding, but she didn't ask out loud. She turned her head and waited for Lu Wei's next move.

Xiao Yu was even more confused, but she knew that this was a major issue related to mirage, and she quietly waited for the final decision of the decision-maker.

"That's it." Lu Wei smiled and stared at the letter in his hand. Donghuang in the mirage must have planned everything: "Go back and report it. I will use a special method to board the ship late at night three days later."

"You ask the 'Lord Moon God' to be ready to respond."

When Shao Siming heard what he said, he shook his head hesitantly and shook his fingers again: "The original intention of Lord Moon God is that there is no need to take risks for anything at this time." '

"This is not an adventure, but a transaction~" Folding the letter in his hand and stuffing it into the secret compartment of his sleeve, Lu Wei said easily: "You don't have to worry about it, just report it as I said."

Donghuang threw out Yunzhongjun, which proved that he already knew about the little tricks Lu Wei did to Ying Zheng. If Lu Wei didn't go, then these little tricks would probably appear on Ying Zheng's desk.

Lu Wei showed this to Donghuang calmly. Donghuang had enough weaknesses and there were many ways to invite him on board. Using the name of Moon God to deceive was only the first and most friendly one. .

Whether Lu Wei's cooperation here is true or false, it will make Donghuang relax a lot. Anyway, as long as people board the mirage, everything will be biased in his direction.

In this way, Lu Wei has a high probability of meeting the real Donghuang Taiyi. As long as this is enough!
'Okay', Shao Siming saw that Lu Wei still made this choice after he expressed Lord Moon God's original intention. He couldn't help but feel touched, nodded slowly and left without any hesitation.

Xiao Yu had a lot of questions she wanted to ask, but Xiao Meng was still there, so she had to send Shao Siming away first. She planned to wait for Xiao Meng to leave before asking, so she walked out of the house.

"You need my help." Three breaths passed after the door was closed, and Xiao Meng said in a matter-of-fact tone.

It seems that Lu is planning to break into the mirage, and Xiaomeng is confident that she is the only one in Sanghai who can quietly follow him as his helper.

"If the master of the Tianzong family is willing to help, of course I will be more confident." Lu Wei did not deny that Xiaomeng and Guang Tongchen were likely to be imprisoned in the Yinyang family, and the characters who could see through it would not More than one hand.

"Really?" Xiao Meng has always found it cliché for others to call her 'head' or 'master', but at this moment, she felt it was pretty good.

She activated Heguang Tongchen and flashed in front of Lu Wei. She sat down just like she had just practiced calligraphy. The tips of her white hair hanging down from her temples were slightly fluttering: "When we first met, you didn't leave me because you disliked my dirty body. It's so far away, but now you don't refuse even when I sit in your arms~" "Do you still remember what happened ten years ago?" Lu Wei felt the other party's fresh breath carefully, and even remembered it at this close distance. scene ten years ago.

"Everyone can hold grudges, and so do I. Is it hard to accept this?" Xiao Meng raised the corner of her mouth.

"No, I just feel that such a 'master' is very different." Master Xia Kui said honestly, but his mouth and hands can only be honest.

Feeling that the heaviness on her chest had been reduced, Xiaomeng's gray-white eyes blinked slightly, and she used Harmony Light and Chenche again to disappear directly, leaving only an erratic word and a cloud of blue mist floating to the ground from Lu Wei's arms:

"Come to the Bamboo Forest tomorrow and teach me how to use Zhi'an, so that I can protect you on the mirage~"

"Phantom." After confirming that Xiao Meng had really left, Lu Wei muttered the name twice, got up and walked out of the house to the next room, where Xiao Yan'er was writing something with his head down.

"Has Amu arrived already?" He habitually came to the window edge and looked down at the street. He was very satisfied that there were no spies from various forces among the pedestrians coming and going.

"Yes, but in order to be careful to guard against the Potu Seventeenth Lang of the Gongshu family, Uncle Mu didn't get too close to Sanghai."

Ji Yan put down his pen, stood up and came to the bedside. He leaned his head on Lu Wei's shoulder, took his hand and started playing with it like a little girl: "Does Xiaomeng promise to go together?"

"Of course she won't refuse. Although this operation is facing the legendary leader of the Yin Yang family, it won't be very dangerous." Lu Wei squeezed Xiao Yan'er's delicate palm and didn't mind it in a happy mood. Showing a little more warmth: "Changes should happen first in Songhai, and then Mount Tai, but I'm afraid there won't be enough time to get there. You have to make arrangements in advance to send messages to disciples along the way."

"Well, Brother Lu, don't worry. I have prepared two sets of mechanisms. The land of Qilu is our farmer's territory. Any changes that occur will not escape our sight."

"Very good, let's go ahead with the finishing work on the other side of the net."

"The land of Qilu and Dongchu do not allow our enemies to survive!"


Shao Siming returned to the mirage and reported Lu Wei's reply to the fake moon god in the Toad Palace with a natural expression: There was no expression and no need to speak. It was easy for her to hide her true thoughts.

"Yeah." 'Moon God' responded softly and threw the map prepared in advance on the table in front of him to the elder Wood Chief: "This is the layout of the mirage. You can give it to him and tell him to act according to this map." .”

Shao Siming bowed slightly, quietly took the map and stepped back.

Looking at her leaving figure, 'Moon God''s appearance quietly changed into Donghuang, got up and walked towards a secret room in the Toad Palace.

Here, Xinghun, who had followed Yun Zhongjun back to the mirage not long ago, lost consciousness and fell asleep.

Donghuang stretched out his hand to check his condition, and suddenly used the soul-changing method and the mind-reading method. Under such dual effects, the result obtained was only the memory of Xinghun when he was still Ganluo.

The childish Gan Luo smiled happily beside his mother. This smile seemed to be a kind of irony to Donghuang.
"You are worthy of being selected as an outstanding onmyoji genius by me as the Zuo Guardian." Donghuang stopped his hand and looked at Xinghun's expression that remained unchanged in his sleep, and did not try again.

Dong Huang's level of Yin and Yang skills is indeed higher than that of Xing Soul, but because Xing Soul has accepted Lu Wei's Five Virtues Internal Qi to specialize in another path, he has deviated from Dong Huang's Yin and Yang skills.

Star Soul's talent is extremely high. Under his weaving, Donghuang can forcibly destroy these deviations, but can no longer control him. This method makes Donghuang a little curious, and he plans to slowly study Star Soul's body.

Turning around and walking out of the secret room, Donghuang used Soul Xilongyou to call Shangui and Hebo, and told him to make the final arrangements for the mirage.

If Lu Wei sees through his plan, then the only assistant he can use is Xiao Meng, the head of the Tianzong. Just that, there is no way to break the trap on the mirage!
The winner takes all, and the loser calmly hands over his power. This is what Donghuang believes is the unspoken tacit understanding between him and Lu Wei.

After all, although their goals are different, they both have to go through a process of overthrowing the Qin Dynasty.

Donghuang is a descendant of the Ji Dynasty, the prince of Ji Zhou who fled south 300 years ago. He was indeed unhappy with the Puppet Zhou as the Moon God said, and he also actively promoted the Qin State to eliminate the Puppet Zhou as a member of the Yin and Yang family. However, afterwards, he was displeased with the Puppet Zhou. The Qin State, which completely cut off the pseudo-Zhou ancestral temple, also developed new hatred.

In this world, it should be the Great Zhou Dynasty!

(End of this chapter)

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