Careerist in Qin Dynasty

Chapter 366 Breaking into the mirage

Chapter 366 Breaking into the mirage
The large ship named Mirage has been docked on the coast of Songhai. Because of its existence, a large area of ​​​​sea area around Songhai was blocked by the Qin army, prohibiting normal ships from going to sea.

At the same time, because the hull is too large, it cannot use the normal pier originally used for fishing boats. In order to prevent thieves from breaking in, it has not built a new temporary large pier. On the surface, the normal way to board the ship is through the mirage itself. This method of 'spitting out' a ladder hundreds of meters long.

This method is destined to attract attention. It will only be used when Mr. Fusu visits and Yun Zhongjun leads the boys and girls to board the ship. Official boats are used for daily material transportation and some necessary personnel exchanges. Higher-level people The secret is passed on by the bat-winged machine beast.

For Lu Wei, neither of these two methods was suitable for him. He could only board the ship in his own way.

As for the message written on the back of the mirage plan delivered by Shao Siming for the second time, "On the night of the agreed date, there will be a boat allowed by the State of Qin to take him up." Of course, it should be ignored.

The coast on one side of the mirage is closely monitored by the Qin army, and there will be patrols from the sky checking back and forth at night. Songhai is not peaceful, and these pawns must strictly carry out their tasks.

They control the bat-winged machine beasts, widen their eyes, cock their crossbows, and have the right to attack any abnormality at any time without reporting.

However, under these bat-winged machine beasts, in the empty sea, Lu Wei stood on an ice floe that could only accommodate one person. Pushed by his inner energy, he floated majestically toward the mirage.

The moonlight is very bright tonight, but there will still be a layer of light mist floating on the sea surface. This mist, combined with the great concealment in the city and the peaceful light, completely integrates the small target into a part of nature.

Lu Wei sensed the presence of Xiaomeng's aura from the moment he set off, but did not see her specific figure. After making the ice floe, Xiaomeng's figure was exposed by the slight warm touch of the girl pressing against her back.

She could reach this distance by riding waves, but it would be better to have a place to rest.

The two of them did not communicate any more on the way. The strategies that should be discussed had already been discussed in the bamboo forest in advance. After a silent smile, Lu looked at the hull of the big ship close at hand, and when he was still about ten feet away, he tiptoed. Step on it and fly directly to the ship
Stepping onto the deck silently, at this moment, Donghuang Taiyi in the Toad Palace suddenly opened his eyes from closed meditation and shook a small bell on the table.

On the rocks at the bottom of the cliff of Songhai Falls, under the gaze of several figures, the huge maritime city actually moved for the first time since arriving at Songhai.

The slow start-up speed did not make the mirage appear clumsy at all. Under the moonlight, it formed an extremely majestic and spectacular picture.

Driving away from Songhai and entering the mirage in the middle of the sea, it will become an isolated island completely controlled by the Yin Yang family!

"Don Huang didn't think about this matter beforehand with Fusu."

Zhang Liang smiled and clasped his hands behind his back, looking at the slightly panicked lights on the dock in the distance, and roughly imagined what the Qin troops stationed at the moment looked like in his mind.

"There can be many reasons. He can even use astrology to explain it directly. Compared with harvesting, this is not a choice worth hesitating at the moment." Ji Yan stood closer to the water. Next to her was a A third of the huge eggshell-like object is exposed.

"The trap Water Snake is ready. When the mirage completes its U-turn, we will catch up. At this moment, Gong Shuqiu will not have the energy to control Potu Seventeenth Lang."

Amu, who was supposed to be in Jingxian County, appeared in Songhai. From his words, the identity of the 'dome' was very clear: an underwater machine beast belonging to a farmer, a machine water snake!
"The Yin and Yang Family thought that only Brother Lu and Master Xiao Meng would board the mirage, but they didn't know that Brother Lu had already prepared such a machine beast in advance that could support the retreat at any time, and they didn't know that there would be something inside this machine beast that made them absolutely aware of it. An unexpected helper." Zhang Liang was full of admiration for the machine water snake in his eyes: If such a machine beast were brought out by the Mo family, he would not have such a huge reaction.

He had long heard that farmers were studying mechanism techniques, and he had also seen the mechanism oxen and mechanism crowing roosters in the Daze Mountains, but the technology of the mechanism water snake was a higher level existence no matter how you think about it.

"After all, even I didn't expect that Senior Brother would actually stand up at this time." As Zhang Liang spoke, he turned to look at the silent Fu Nian. He was glared at by the latter's sharp eyes and turned back with a smile.

Fu Nian calmly drew out the Tai'a sword and recalled Lu Wei's last request for a visit. At the same time, his thoughts were more associated with the records of people from various places that the farmers had been sending over the years.

He stroked the generous blade of the sword with one hand, and the aura of majesty exploded to the point of astonishment to everyone present. He said firmly: "Qin's decision to hold Tai'a is a gift from heaven. If you don't take it, you will be punished. Confucianism has You have seen through the current situation, how can you not be the first?" Since the beginning of the year, the head brother has spent most of his energy on dealing with the many visits from the Qin State. His external image has always been elegant and dignified. He seems to have done nothing. I have been pulled back from my radical behavior many times, but this time when Brother Lu asked me to do so, I actually held Tai'a to participate in the Mirage Project. I really don't know what Brother Lu promised.'

Zhang Liangliang had something in mind, and Yan Lu, the last empty-handed man, stepped forward and expressed his opinion: "Senior brother and junior brother have already made a decision. Zilu is stupid and will only follow his peers."

The three heroes of Qi and Lu are a force that cannot be underestimated in Songhai City. Every force that enters Songhai will not ignore the existence of local masters. But tonight, Dong Huang would never have expected that the three of them would become Lu Wei's backup helpers.

On the mirage, Lu Wei clearly knew what it was like to have such a big ship sailing on the sea, but he had no time to experience it in detail. Instead, after completing some small actions with the undercover agent on the mirage, he went into the mirage alone.

His purpose is to see Donghuang, but he cannot meet Donghuang according to the results designed by the other party: taking the initiative to break into the mirage is a sign of confidence that he has made all follow-up preparations, and taking the initiative to break into the trap on the mirage is arrogance.

In order for the water snake to catch up, he would have to wait at least until the mirage stopped. Lu Wei estimated that this time would be around dawn, which meant that he had to try his best to survive on the boat alone for about four hours.

In these four hours, Lu Wei can do more things.

"The drawings given by Donghuang and those given to me by Moon God in advance are correct, but some of the onmyoji mechanisms described by the former were obviously added later." Opening the map in his mind, Lu Wei casually killed two people at a corner. A disciple of the Yin Yang family who patrols daily.

These disciples may be pro-Sun, Moon and Star, but they will become their enemies in the future. It would be much more convenient to deal with them early before they have received orders from the Eastern Emperor.

"The Sakura Prison is in Zibei Water Pavilion. It is probably where Sun Moon Star is imprisoned. But Sun Moon Star is of little use to me at the moment, and the traps there must be key places that can threaten me. Don't rush to save me yet. people."

"Toad Palace is the highest point of the mirage. Donghuang is most likely there, but I can't go there."

"It's better to follow the established plan and circle around the Crescent Palace."

The alarm in the mirage was not turned on. Lu Wei roughly guessed what Donghuang was thinking, so he killed people along the way and broke into the larger space below the deck.
In the Toad Palace, the ghosts of Hebo Mountain were all on standby, and Donghuang continued to sit cross-legged as steady as a mountain after activating the mirage, without interfering at all with Lu Wei's intrusion.

It wasn't until Lu passed through the psychedelic corridor skillfully and entered the lower level of the mirage that Donghuang finally spoke up: "He is moving towards the Crescent Palace, you go ahead."

"Yes." The two elders of the Yin and Yang family accepted the order at the same time, turned and walked towards the descending ladder in the Toad Palace.

As a special passage, the Cloud Ladder can take Toad Palace as its core, without having to go through those winding corridors, and directly descend to any level they want to go to. Therefore, He Bo and Shan Gui will enter the new world faster than Lu Wei. Moon Palace, go open those traps.

'It's so smooth, everything is moving according to the direction of the stars. '

Donghuang noticed something was wrong under his black gold cloak and deduced the astrological laws again, but the result was clear and unchanged.

Is this really good news? Donghuang shook his head and stepped up his deduction.

The astrological law has never been so accurate in predicting Lu Wei. In the past, most of the predictions could not produce results. But at this critical moment, the wind direction suddenly turned towards the Yin Yang family. There must be something wrong with it.

Xingchen knew that Lu Wei would go to the Crescent Palace, but he would not tell Donghuang Taiyi why he went to the Crescent Palace.
(End of this chapter)

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