Chapter 367

The overall layout of the Crescent Palace looks like an astrological platform.

However, because it is inside a mirage and cannot truly see the real starry sky, a mechanical star map was made on the roof using a combination of Yin Yang and Overbearing Machinery during construction. Under the guidance of the user's Yin and Yang, it can follow the rules. way to perform hypothetical deductions.

But because of the existence of the Toad Palace, both the Moon God, the real owner of the Crescent Palace, and the Eastern Emperor, who imprisoned all the rebellious Sun, Moon and Stars with thunderous means, are more accustomed to using the real starry sky to practice in the condescending point of the Toad Palace. Astrological laws.

The mechanical star chart exists in compliance with the rules. The advantage of using it to deduce astrological laws is that it is stable, but the disadvantage is that it is too stable and lacks variables.

Variables are a wonderful existence. Nothing in the world is static. Variables are an indispensable part of the laws. They are also a key point that the Yin Yang family attaches most importance to. It fascinates countless disciples of the Yin Yang family and is the driving force behind it. The advancement of Onmyoji.

But even so, the existence of Crescent Moon Palace is indispensable, because variables will not only change for the better, but most of the time it will go away from the plan.

So the Crescent Moon Palace was used as a reference to eliminate the influence of variables. This was considered for the mirage to seek immortals. But today, it itself has become a variable in the mirage.

After Shangui and Hebo arrived here first using the ladder, they hid themselves and waited for their target to arrive. However, they waited for a long time, and the main entrance of Crescent Palace was never pushed open.

The quiet environment would not have made the pair of Yin Yang family elders feel nervous, but this time the target they had to deal with was an existence that Lord Donghuang attached great importance to. The two people who had gained nothing could not stop their hearts from sinking.

As the supervisors during the construction of the mirage, they are very familiar with the internal routes of the mirage. They know that under normal circumstances, the waiting time for the two of them is enough for ordinary disciples to walk slowly from the Toad Palace to this place, let alone a person who should be the most worried. Alien invaders discovered.

'Sure enough, there was an accident. ’ Hebo Mountain Ghost made a quick decision, but as soon as they took the initiative to push open the main entrance of Crescent Palace, they saw two fallen Yin Yang disciples not far away.

'not good! 'The two of them stepped back from where they were almost instantly, and released their Onmyoji to take a defensive posture. However, they did not encounter an attack as they imagined in their minds.

It was very quiet outside, except for the dead disciples, and there was no sound of breathing.

The enemy only killed the disciples who patrolled here, but did not enter the Crescent Palace. Why is this?
"It seems that he is already prepared."

Only then did the two elders recover from their lingering fears. The leader of the Yin-Yang family, Donghuang Taiyi, suddenly appeared in a flash. His voice was low, and it was hard to tell what his mood was at this moment.

"Leader!" Hebo Mountain Ghost hurriedly bowed and saluted Donghuang, who was shrouded in black gold robes. But the moment they lowered their heads, strong murderous intent erupted without warning. The two of them actually joined forces to take pictures of Donghuang, who was standing there calmly. With one palm strike, the Yin and Yang hand seals of one yin and one yang mixed together are more powerful than the effect of one plus one.

Donghuang reacted quickly, a layer of blue mist appeared on his body, disappeared on the spot, and retreated several feet away to avoid the combined attack: he could react so quickly only if he was in a defensive state from the beginning.

"As light as dust?"

"As expected, he is from the Taoist Tian Sect~"

Hebo Shangui, who almost succeeded, had a gloomy look on his face, and directly revealed the identity of the fake Donghuang in one sentence.

"Hmph!" Seeing that his identity had been exposed, Xiaomeng simply stopped hiding it and snorted in his original voice. He didn't care how he was exposed, turned around and retreated immediately.

Although Hebo Mountain Ghost did not wait for the real 'guest', he was unwilling to let Xiaomeng come uninvited, so the two of them immediately chased after him.

After all three people left, the open door and corridor of Crescent Palace became silent again until the sound of footsteps appeared without concealment.

Lu Wei deliberately made a sound with his feet and stopped at the door of the Crescent Palace.

Looking at the empty astrological platform in front of him, he was not in a hurry to go in. Instead, he turned to look at the corner on the right, where a tall figure shrouded in a black gold robe had just left Xiaomeng and Hebo Mountain Ghost. already existed.

"My most trusted subordinates didn't notice my aura, but you can remember it after only feeling it once. You are worthy of being the youngest peasant hero in history."

Donghuang remained motionless, and he and Lu Wei were talking to each other in the air, separated by a distance of five or six feet.The emotions of curiosity and boasting blended into his voice, making the leader of the Yin Yang family seem to be of the same age as Lu Wei.

"I heard from Moon God that you are the longest-serving leader of the Yin Yang family. Lu's achievements must not be worthy of His Excellency Donghuang's praise." The opponent was stalling for time, but coincidentally, Lu Wei also wanted to do the same. .

"Oh? I thought she wanted to replace me, so she wouldn't say good things about me to you. Doesn't it seem like that?" Donghuang actually smiled, even though he couldn't see his true appearance due to the cloak. You can also vaguely feel that it seems to be recalling something.

This is a taboo, especially when facing an enemy like Lu Wei who is definitely not a gentleman.

"I can make my three most promising subordinates have rebellious thoughts. I, the leader, am far inferior to Lu Xiakui."

"It's natural. After all, you just live longer." Lu Wei nodded in agreement: "I let them see further hope, which is something you can't give even if you live for another hundred years."

"I see." Donghuang was not angry, but became more interested: "Things have developed so far, although you and I have not communicated in detail, but we generally understand each other's character, and we can be regarded as close friends. Can you tell me who you are? How do you make it so special?”

"Judging from your past experiences and some judgments you made, I originally suspected that you should have deciphered Wei's Canglong Qisu. Later, I directly believed that you had received the guidance of a real immortal."

Donghuang sighed and kept chattering: "Or are you just like the characters in ancient myths, the reincarnation of the so-called immortal?"

"Your Excellency, Donghuang, have you ever seen a real immortal?" Lu Wei smiled at the question raised by the leader of the Yin-Yang family, but this rhetorical question was already a denial of all the speculations he asked.

Donghuang also understood, and suddenly felt a little disappointed, and nodded: "It's not just me."

"Oh? I wonder if you can explain it?"

"Of course, you and I are procrastinating, and this is the best and least tiresome topic for conversation."

Donghuang took a deep look at Lu Wei. Both of them were very confident in their backup plan, but they didn't know who would regret it in the end: "Ying Zheng, a talented and strategic king, will believe in the story of overseas fairy mountains and pay for it." The price of the mirage is naturally because the story of immortality has happened, at least immortality has happened.”

"It refers to the legend that a soldier on the battlefield came back to life because of a fairy grass after being killed?" Lu Wei thought that he would not regret this, so he continued decisively.

According to the folklore of Songhai City, after an unknown tragic war, the wilderness was littered with corpses.

At this time, a group of birds flew from the sea, and they circled the battlefield mournfully. One of the birds was so sad that a piece of fairy grass held in its talons fell off, and it happened to fall into a soldier whose heart was penetrated. In his hand, unexpectedly, the effect was almost immediate. The palm of the apparently dead soldier suddenly moved and he firmly grasped the jelly grass. After a few breaths, he actually came back to life.
That bird's fairy grass, someone swore that it came from overseas fairy mountains.

"Yes, that's not a legend." The old monster Donghuang took the initiative to testify to this legend: "I have personally seen the soldier who came back from the dead, and I have also studied his body."

"It seems that the immortal grass can only resurrect the dead, but it cannot give him enough power to protect himself." Lu Wei's expression remained unchanged. If he came to this world, he would naturally not resist the immortals, but he would not actively pursue them. .

"The Immortal may have thought so too, so the soldier was picked up by the Immortal and disappeared from the headquarters of the Yin Yang Family out of thin air." Donghuang's tone was a little excited, and he completed the follow-up to the legend: "It is precisely with this true For example, you should understand that what Mirage pursues is not completely false.”

"Lu Wei, even if you are denying it, I can see that you at least have clues about the immortals. Cooperating with our Yin and Yang family, we can find those three overseas immortal mountains together!"

As he spoke, the leader of the Yin Yang family extended his palm to him.

"Oh~" Lu Wei lowered his head and thought for a while: "Do you think a being who can single-handedly save the lives of millions of people in the future is considered an immortal?"

"Who is he?" Donghuang asked solemnly.


Master Xia Kui smiled and pointed at his face
(End of this chapter)

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