Careerist in Qin Dynasty

Chapter 368 Mirage Illusion

Chapter 368 Mirage Illusion
Even if immortals really exist, this is still an era of human rule. Although Lu Wei never thinks that he is a good person, the anti-Qin cause he will lead next will definitely be a cause that can save more people's lives.

In this way, he is more useful than the immortal who only provides immortality and wishes.

Donghuang was silent for a while and said slowly: "You should remain in awe of the 'immortal'."

"If His Excellency Donghuang is willing to say this to me with his true self, maybe I will respect you more."

Shaking his head and smiling, Lu Wei felt that the scent quietly leaking out from the wallpaper in the corridor was getting stronger and stronger. Knowing that Donghuang's arrangements here were almost complete, he actively cooperated to expose the other party's cowardly behavior and ridicule him.

"Lu Xiakui is extremely talented and powerful. I really don't dare to have such close contact with you without adequate preparation." Donghuang calmly stated the reality, and his aura gradually dissipated: "But this method is not called Timid, I prefer to understand as self-knowledge.”

"I hope you can find a better excuse for yourself next time we meet."

Lu Wei didn't move, just watched from a distance as Donghuang's aura dissipated faster and faster under the black gold cloak, which made the latter sigh slightly. Finally, when the aura completely disappeared, the cloaked machine puppet fell down. , the cloud of onmyoji smoke erupted from the cloak did not have the expected effect, and only affected a piece of air in the corridor.

At the same time, the entire corridor and the empty Crescent Palace in front of Lu Wei began to change independently. The combination of the overbearing mechanism technique and the yin-yang illusion technique suddenly changed the scene in front of him in multiple senses:
Although there was no movement under his feet, Lu Wei suddenly walked from outside the Crescent Palace to the astrological platform inside the palace. The original door was replaced by an iron wall, and the entire Crescent Palace became a prison without any exit. .

By arranging the materials in advance, Yin Yang illusion should be able to achieve more, but the more complex the effect, the more flaws it would have. Therefore, in order to deal with Lu Wei to the maximum extent, Donghuang only chose the single method of 'imprisonment'.

Lu Wei was very sure in his heart that his true position must still be at the door of the Crescent Palace. At the beginning of the illusion, the gears of the machine magic did rotate under his feet, but the rotation was just some spinning movements, but this movement Being blessed by illusion, it is easy for people to mistakenly think that they have been taken far away.

"The illusion prepared by Donghuang himself can indeed affect me." Lu Wei was not worried at all about his already affected mind. He turned his head and looked around in detail, ignoring the brightly lit machine image above his head, but without hesitation. Turn around and walk towards the edge of the astrological platform.

There are no stairs here, and the stairs of the astrological platform are on the other side. Therefore, according to the normal result, Lu Wei should have fallen because he stepped on the air, but the fact is that he just stepped on the air and continued to move forward step by step.

When he was almost reaching the edge of the Crescent Palace, Lu Wei stopped and looked up at the bat mural high up: it was a very ordinary content, it was a scene of bats hunting under the moonlit night.

There are three murals on the surrounding walls of the Crescent Palace, namely bats, wolves and owls, located in the north, south and west directions. The only vacant direction is the original location of the palace door. These three creatures are related to the moon. The symbol belonging to the Crescent Moon Palace should not be a source of doubt.

However, Lu Wei did not hesitate to draw his sword and strike directly at the bat mural. The sword energy passed through the wall and made a clanking sound of metal. Under this sharp noise, the scenery in front of Master Xia Kui quickly changed like the ebbing tide of the sea. One change. Donghuang's illusion was easily lifted.

After the bat mural dissipated, what was revealed was indeed the real mechanism star map, but it had been damaged by Lu Wei's sword energy attack. Lu Wei's just steps made him walk into the real Crescent Palace. The sword's The sword energy accurately hit the center of the star map: only with such accuracy can the illusion be dissipated so easily.

The mechanism star path map in the Crescent Palace is the core of this cage illusion. It is with the help of it and the help of medicine that Donghuang can seemingly seamlessly lay down the illusion on Lu Wei.

Turning his head to look in the direction of the palace door, the bat pattern carved on the door was very conspicuous, but the location of the bat mural that Lu Wei saw in the illusion was empty in reality.

Obviously, even if the illusion just invaded Lu Wei's brain, it was not deep enough. As long as the brain can be kept awake in the superficial illusion, the flaw of this illusion is still huge.

Donghuang didn't think that Lu Wei could be completely trapped by just using this illusion, but he certainly didn't expect that this illusion would be broken so quickly.Moreover, Lu Wei was also placed in the Crescent Palace, the room that originally belonged to the Moon God~
He unceremoniously drew his sword and continued to destroy it. The mechanism star chart above the astrologer completely collapsed, and a small box hidden in the center of the star chart fell down.
Phew, the lid of the box popped open automatically, and a cold, soul-like dragon-like aura flew out and disappeared at lightning speed, leaving only a water drop forehead ornament in the box.
In Ying Prison, the return of Longyou's Qi caused the Moon God, who was meditating with his eyes closed, to feel stagnant, and his eyes suddenly opened.

This change was also sensed by Concubine Dongjun Yan, who was very close at hand. She also opened her eyes and asked solemnly: "What's wrong?"

"It's nothing, it's just that the preparations I arranged in the Crescent Palace were triggered." The Moon God made seals with his hands and adjusted his breathing to calm himself down, and replied calmly with a complicated expression.

"Oh?" Concubine Yan said thoughtfully, "Are you ready to go out?"

"Maybe." Closing his eyes again, Yue Shen accelerated his inner breath: Compared to being rescued, this Soul Xi Long You definitely can't hide it from Donghuang. I'm afraid that Ying Prison is more likely to become a trap for both parties. !
In the Toad Palace, the real Donghuang Taiyi did sense the Soul Xilongyou, but he was still in no mood to take care of it, even if Yueshen and Dongjun escaped from Sakura Prison themselves.

The illusions in the Crescent Palace are arranged with the help of the Mechanism Star Map, and the entire mirage can actually be regarded as another Mechanism Star Map.

He is urging the entire mirage to become part of the illusion, using this big ship as the core to create an illusion array that is absolutely impossible to destroy!

Therefore, in reality, Donghuang will take more time than Lu Wei imagined. After all, the cost of this formation is all his own Yin and Yang skills, and it is impossible to activate them all the time. He will only make sure that the target has taken the bait. to drive force
In the Crescent Palace, Lu Wei picked up the forehead ornament belonging to the Moon God. He originally thought that Donghuang's second method would arrive soon, but after waiting for a long time, there was no trace, which made Lord Xia Kui make some guesses.

He quickly came to the corridor, and after turning left and right, he found Shao Siming, who was leaning on the corner in a daze.

As a confidant of the Moon God, Shao Siming was not imprisoned by Donghuang. This may be because Shao Siming's strength is limited and staying outside will not have much impact. On the contrary, it can make Lu Lu relax his vigilance after boarding the ship. Because, in any case, another attribute of this result is that Lu Wei has an additional subordinate who can be used in the mirage.

"You take them to Yun Zhongjun's Yunxiao Pavilion."

Taking out the letters and drawings that Donghuang had sent to Shao Siming while pretending to be the Moon God, Lu Wei solemnly ordered.

Both the letters and the drawings contained Donghuang's own Yin-Yang tracking technique. It was precisely because of these two pieces of paper that Donghuang was able to confirm when Lu Wei boarded the ship and roughly where he would be in the mirage after boarding the ship.

In the small confrontation in Crescent Pavilion just now, Lu Wei asked Donghuang to confirm that these two things were still on him. Now, he can use this to catch him by surprise!

Shao Siming calmly accepted the dangerous props and nodded silently to express his understanding.

The girl is far less powerful than Lu Wei, but she is likely to encounter the trap prepared by Donghuang for Lu Wei.
Watching her leave, Lu Wei turned around and rushed to the place agreed with Xiaomeng: Xiaomeng took away Hebo Shangui, the two most trusted cronies of the Eastern Emperor, and now was the opportunity to kill these two people first. Lost!

Cutting down Donghuang's wings bit by bit, no matter what preparations Donghuang is making, he will never win the final victory alone.

(End of this chapter)

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