Careerist in Qin Dynasty

Chapter 369 Nine-Headed Gouyu

Chapter 369 Nine Headed Gouyu
Heboshangui's internal strength is at least an order of magnitude inferior to Xiaomeng's. In addition, the two of them are older. If it were a normal fight, they would not be Xiaomeng's opponent at all.

But this pair of Yin and Yang elders have practiced some kind of secret method, and together they can exert power beyond their own limits, so they have the strength to fight against Xiao Meng.

Moreover, Xiaomeng had been in seclusion for ten years and did not have enough experience in fighting enemies. However, even so, Hebo Mountain Ghost was still overwhelmed by his opponents.

As a true genius who was able to defeat the six elders of the Tian Sect with swordsmanship soon after he entered Taoism at the age of eight, Xiaomeng's experience has limited limitations: the Hebo Mountain Ghost's single strength after aging is only that of the five elders of the Yin Yang Sect. It's just a level. The two of them together can only be as good as one of the Sun, Moon and Stars.

The total amount of internal strength combined was not as good as that of their opponents. After being suppressed, the two elders of the Yin and Yang family suddenly regretted in their hearts: The enemy had fled, so why should they want to make meritorious deeds just because they saw a young girl?
If this delay continues, the old man and the old lady will sooner or later run out of energy.

This idea is really unnecessary, because the two of them can't wait until their inner energy is exhausted. The strong murderous intention behind them makes their backs shine like rays and sweat breaks out on their foreheads. Under the double lock of the sky and the earth turning pale and the new murderous intention, Hebo Mountain Ghost Xiaomeng immediately found an opportunity to be careless, and was stabbed to death by Qiu Li one after another.

Xiaomeng killed people very neatly and did not give the old people of the Yin and Yang family a chance to say their last words, so that the death was not protracted.

She was naturally capable of defeating her opponent, but this time it was Lu Wei who used air pressure to help her.

The battle was disturbed, and Xiaomeng knew that this was not the time to argue about this matter. She neatly sheathed her sword and asked decisively: "Did Donghuang take action?"

Lu Wei nodded: "He sent a mechanism puppet to lure me into a trap. He should still be in the Toad Palace."

"Let's kill them." Xiao Meng said coldly: "Without the Sun Moon Star, the Yin Yang family is no longer as powerful as the Tian Sect and has nothing to worry about. Now launching a surprise attack can catch him off guard."

"I asked Shao Siming to take those two tokens to Yunxiao Pavilion. Judging from the current situation, it is inferred that Donghuang is probably mobilizing a large formation. Now is indeed an opportunity for a surprise attack."

Lu Wei agreed with Xiao Meng's point of view, then turned around and looked around: "There is a lot of commotion here, aren't there any other Yin Yang family disciples and the Qin army coming to support?"

"There was at first, but then they found that they couldn't help, so they retreated." Xiao Meng and Lu Wei stood side by side, and the two gradually approached the upper level: "The retreat was very orderly. It seems that they will have another mission. "

"The number of people on the battlefield will be very useful, but in a complex internal environment like a mirage, they will not be of much use."

Lu Wei thought back to the patrolling disciples of the Yin and Yang family he had killed along the way, and they were not many in number.

And it stands to reason that the Mirage was suddenly activated by Donghuang tonight and sailed towards the sea. The interior of the ship should not have been so orderly.

Such a result can only occur if Donghuang has prepared an emergency plan in advance to quickly control the disciples and soldiers after the ship is in action. This plan must also be able to hide from Shao Si Ming. Normally, the Yin and Yang family should not have such a plan. management talents, but if you think about it from the opposite direction, there is indeed another way to do it.
Lu Wei was mentally prepared for what to expect, and lightly reminded Xiaomeng beside him: "Of the five elders of the Yin-Yang family, only Shao Siming is under our control. The other four elders still haven't shown up."

"Together, they will be stronger than the abandoned Hebo Mountain Ghost."

"I know, but didn't you say that the ghosts of Hebo Mountain are Donghuang's most trusted confidants of the Ji family, and they will be treated as abandoned children?" Xiaomeng was a little confused.

"They are indeed confidants, but now in the mirage, they can only be regarded as abandoned children." Lu Wei stared straight ahead and explained lightly.

'Is it because of lack of ability after all?' Xiao Meng heard the reason from Lord Xia Kui's tone.

The two of them had just walked out for about sixty breaths, when they suddenly stopped at the same time, their eyes focused, and they immediately became alert to the surrounding environment.

There was nothing unusual in the ordinary corridors on both sides, and there was no strange smell approaching, but the two corpses that fell in front of them were clearly the murdered He Bo and Shan Gui.
Illusion?Or did the two of them enter the maze and return to where they were?
If you look closely, you will see that every corridor on this floor of the Mirage is indeed exactly the same. It is easy to go wrong if you are not careful. But that is for ordinary people. Lu Wei and Xiaomeng are both masters of the world with keen observation!

They didn't notice anything unusual until they saw the two bodies.

Xiaomeng raised her eyebrows slightly and carefully stepped forward to inspect the body. When she found out that it was indeed the enemy she had killed with her own hands, she immediately frowned.

"It's not an illusion or a maze." Lu Wei defined the matter and first eliminated the two most likely scenarios: "I think there is only the last truth left."

"What is it?" Xiaomeng temporarily restrained her pride and patiently asked for advice.

"This passage is a 'living' machine beast." Lu Wei lowered his voice, held Xiaomeng's hand and suddenly galloped forward. The speed was far faster than the normal rush of the two just now. Xiaomeng was even uncomfortable with him at first. The rhythm slowed down after receiving the inner energy from Lu Weidu to help adjust the breath.

While rushing forward in a straight line with a powerful explosion of internal energy, the operation of the 'self-adjustment' exchange area of ​​this passage began to fail to cope, and some flaws began to appear.

Finally, the sudden appearance of golden machine eyes on the walls and ceiling completely exposed its intentions.

Countless slender silver needles poured out from the eyes of these organs called 'Yin Yang Vision', and began to attack all moving objects in the passage without blind spots.These silver needles are smeared with the secret medicine of the Yin and Yang family, 'Zinnia Ma', and the area struck by it will lose consciousness for a hundred days. Lu Wei and Xiao Meng cannot make any mistakes at the moment.

At the same time, because these silver needles are extremely fine, the general internal air release protection is relatively shallow and cannot be effectively deflected. The two of them can only increase the internal air output to provide a thicker protective layer.

This is not bad for Lu Wei. His rejuvenation skill recovers quickly, and Xiaomeng can support it now, but it will be hard to say if there is any further consumption in the future.

If it weren't for the large amount and quick recovery effect of the Rejuvenation Kung Fu, the two of them might have collapsed before even seeing Donghuang due to the continuous consumption.

At this time, Lu Wei saw clearly part of Donghuang's thoughts: he wanted to use this entire mirage as a weapon to slowly consume them to death.

It stands to reason that this journey is just Donghuang's means to deal with Xiaomeng. On the other side, Shao Siming is carrying the identity of 'Lu Wei', so he doesn't know what difficulties he will encounter.
In the control room of the mirage, Gong Shuqiu looked at the Yin and Yang Vision being breached by the enemy, and scratched his head in amazement: "The enemy who broke in this time is of extraordinary strength, and it is more difficult to deal with than what Lord Moon God ordered."

"There are not many restrictions on what I can do with my machine skills, unless I use the one in Yunxiao Pavilion. But judging from the situation, enemies have also broken into Yunxiao Pavilion, but that has nothing to do with me~"

The densely packed mechanisms in the mirage are the product of the Empire, the Yin Yang Family, and the Public Losers at all costs. The control rooms here are divided into three floors, corresponding to different areas on the mirage. They are several times more complicated than the mechanism city.

Tonight, the movement of the mirage is basically operated by Gongshu Qiu and the Gongshu family craftsmen under him, with some Qin troops as assistants. They were told early in the morning not to leave the control room. Under the orders of the Black Dragon Scroll that Lord Moon God took out, everyone obeyed. comply.

"Continue to accelerate. According to Lord Moon God's order, you can only stop until the 'Wonderland' opens."

After Gong Shuqiu opened all the warning procedures, he turned around and came to the power room and announced loudly to everyone.

Under his encouragement, the mirage moved faster towards the deep sea.

"Did Lord Moon God also tell you to come to Yunxiao Pavilion to stop the enemy?"

Outside Yunxiao Pavilion, Da Siming was leaning on the wall with his arms folded and was looking bored. He looked puzzled at Young Siming who walked over calmly.

Shao Siming looked at this colleague who often went on missions with him, remembered Lord Moon God's instructions a long time ago, and nodded slowly.

Da Siming and Shao Siming are the pair who travel the most out of the five elders of the Yin Yang family. Because they are directly under the command of the protector, their boss who has been with them the longest is naturally the model worker Moon God among the Sun, Moon and Stars.

In addition, there is Concubine Dongjun Yan.

The sun, moon and stars have rebelled against Donghuang, so the position of Young Master Siming is naturally unreliable.

Even if only Shao Siming actually knew what Yueshen was doing, Da Siming was really unjust.

Shao Siming knew that his partner neither knew the current situation in Mirage nor knew that she was no longer one of them no matter where she was, so the 'innocent and pure' Shao Siming planned to use her again.

'Master Yunzhongjun's elixir store is very important, and the enemy this time is very strong. '

With an expressionless face, he skillfully communicated with his partner by writing in the void. Shao Siming's lavender pupils were clean and penetrating.

"No matter how strong the enemy is, they are all fragile in front of Yin Yang Technique~" Da Siming smiled evilly, and the importance in his heart showed his confidence in his appearance.

'Advanced to Yunxiao Pavilion to meet Lord Yun Zhongjun. Young Siming didn't take it seriously. After writing down his opinions, he walked to Yunxiao Pavilion first. Da Siming didn't think there was anything wrong with this proposal, so he followed him together.

Among the five branches of the Yin Yang family, Yun Zhongjun is probably the weakest, but his status is the highest. Even though they are both elders, the eldest and young master are roughly half a grade weaker than the other, so he needs to be called 'Sir' .

In Yunxiao Pavilion, Yun Zhongjun, who had been notified by Donghuang long ago, still had some memory loss. The effect of Lu Wei's hint was still there, but it did not affect the overall situation.

He knew that the eldest son, Siming, was a traitor to the Yin Yang family, so even though there were many things for him to do on the mirage deck, he had to deal with these two former colleagues first.

Yun Zhongjun may not be able to do this in terms of individual strength, but Yunxiao Pavilion also has a separate guard: the nine-headed magatama mechanism beast!

Standing at the door of the secret room, Yun Zhongjun saw two women coming hand in hand from a distance. He smiled cruelly and pulled the 'start' mechanism.
(End of this chapter)

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