Careerist in Qin Dynasty

Chapter 370 Killing Xiangjun

Chapter 370 Killing Xiangjun
Da Siming walked on the flat bridge shrouded in clouds and mist with a relaxed expression. Taking advantage of the fact that the imaginary enemy had not yet arrived, he naturally admired the majestic elixir storage palace in front of him.

Behind this seemingly magnificent fairyland-like palace is actually a terrifying elixir experimental factory. Almost all of Yunzhongjun's new elixirs come from here. Due to the chill that oozes from the exquisiteness, even the Yin and Yang family usually The disciples are not willing to get too close to this place.

Yun Zhongjun's medicine experiment was extremely cruel, but Da Siming was also a ruthless messenger of death. She was very interested in the methods of drugs to control the living dead, so she felt that this place was even more friendly because she knew the secret of Yunxiao Pavilion.

Shao Siming's alertness was at its highest level along the way, and his eyes were particularly focused on the nine-headed magatama that was coiled on the ceiling of Yunxiao Pavilion.

This big mechanism snake with nine heads is an enhanced version of the mechanism red chain snake used by the public losers when they attacked the mechanism city.

The metallic luster material of the snake body reflects the cold light from the lighting fire of Yunxiao Pavilion. The eyes decorated with rubies on the nine snake heads are slightly dim, but when they light up, it is the time to kill.

If you have to face such a metal monster, it will be difficult for Da Siming and Shao Siming to work together: whether it is the skull blood handprint or the flying flower flow of thousands of leaves, it has miraculous effects on the fragile human body, but it can cut and burn metal. In fact, there are some professional mismatches.

However, if nothing unexpected happens, this giant Hydra machine beast will definitely become the enemy of the two of them: The reason why Donghuang sent Da Siming here is that regardless of whether she is loyal or rebellious, she will die in Lu Wei's hands. Some of his inner energy was either attacked by the Nine-Headed Magatama together with Lu Wei
Thinking of this, Shao Siming stopped and looked back at the gate of Yunxiao Pavilion.

Although there was no sound of gears turning, the only escape entrance was most likely sealed.

"What's wrong?" The clueless Da Siming stopped when he heard his companion stop. His red high-heeled shoes also stopped.

Shao Siming turned around and shook his head. Just as he was about to pretend that nothing happened and continue moving forward, he suddenly saw the nine-head magatama ruby ​​​​diagonally above him and his eyes lit up.
Lu Wei and Xiao Meng had just escaped from the Yin and Yang Vision. Before they had time to breathe, the two of them immediately noticed the approach of a large amount of aura.

The war of attrition has just begun.

The disappeared black-armored Qin army and the Yin-Yang family disciples reappeared, forming a military formation and approaching them in solemn coordination with the Yin-Yang formation.

This alone is far from being said to pose a threat to Lu Wei and Xiao Meng, but the state of these Qin soldiers and disciples made them more concerned.
Except for the Wuling Xuantong who is still learning the art, most of the other ordinary disciples of the Yin Yang family are pale and gloomy figures wearing uniform robes. After practicing Yin Yang, their self-awareness has obviously changed, but it is not I completely lost my sense of self.

Lu Wei's former friend Xu Wang is a good example. After leaving the Yin Yang family, he could happily marry a wife and have children, and return to a normal life.

However, there was obviously something wrong with the dull eyes of the Yin Yang family disciples in front of them, as well as the black-armored Qin soldiers covered by masks.

From them, Master Xia Kui, who has dealt with Yun Zhongjun, can smell a faint smell of medicine people, as well as the breath of Donghuang Taiyi!
Not complete medicine people, but semi-medicine people who were vaguely controlled by Dong Huang's Yin and Yang technique under the influence of trace amounts of ghost-control pills through Yun Zhongjun's use of food or water!

Compared with medicine people, the power of their actions is still themselves.Compared with ordinary people, they are more likely to accept inductive orders that do not violate their character and keep quiet.

Using this method, Donghuang can avoid the chaos caused by the sudden activation of the mirage tonight among the disciples on the ship and the Qin army because they did not know the situation.

At the same time, since the core of driving these disciples and the Qin army's actions is no longer the power of medicine, Lu Wei cannot quickly deal with them like he did with Yunzhong Jun's complete medicine people in Sanghai a few days ago.

It was a rather cumbersome battle, but Lu Wei also discovered from this that Dong Huang was not completely willing to consume them at all costs: at least those boys and girls were not pulled out by him as sacrifices.

Donghuang still wants to continue his journey to find immortals after tonight, and the mission of the mirage is still within Donghuang's concerns!
Looking at Xiao Meng, the latter's sky and earth suddenly expanded to cover all nearby enemies. These cannon fodder did not play the expected role of the Yin Yang family. Lu Wei took the opportunity to rush out of the deck alone and headed straight towards the highest point of the mirage. rushed to the Toad Palace.In the Toad Palace, sensing the strong aura approaching, Donghuang opened his eyes. The unexpected turn of events shocked him: Lu Wei was not in the Yunxiao Pavilion that he had roughly perceived!
'Now, the time has not yet come. '

Shaking his head, the leader of the Yin Yang family had no choice but to speed up the output of his inner energy at all costs. On the table in front of him, the Phantom Sound Treasure Box automatically opened and played an ethereal piece of music.
Lu Wei stared at the Toad Palace with sharp eyes. When he heard the music of the Phantom Treasure Box, he drew his sword before anyone arrived. He slashed out with the strong sea-swallowing sword energy, but when he was about to hit the target in mid-air, he was struck by two arrows, one black and one yellow. Air chain block.

Emperor Tian Hou Tu and Shan Ruo Shui are another pair of yin-yang magic that can be integrated with each other. After earth magic is combined with water magic, the defensive power is greatly enhanced, and can even offset Lu Wei's sword energy.

Even if it's just a sword.

"Xia Kui is a guest of our Yin Yang family, but he cannot destroy the mirage."

The local minister, Lao Xiangjun, sprang out from behind the Toad Palace, wearing a purple robe. His eyes were straight under his sword-shaped brows, and the mustache on his lips added a bit of complicated melancholy to him.

Another beautiful and charming young woman, Mrs. Xiang, appeared. Her eyebrows were shaped like peaks and lightly curved like the moon. Her face showed a hint of sadness. She stood beside Mr. Xiang without saying a word.

It is said that there are two Mrs. Xiang in the Yin and Yang family, but now only one appears. I don’t know whether it is Ehuang or Nvying.

Xiang Jun 'Shun' was very interested in stalling for time. Lu Wei did not respond verbally and directly drew his sword to close the distance with the new enemies.

"We are all of noble status." Mr. Xiang wanted to say a few more words when he saw this, but Lu Wei's figure suddenly disappeared in a flash, which made his expression change drastically. He hurriedly wanted to retreat without caring about his dignity. Mrs. Xiang did not dare to delay. The water ring spread out with her as the center, but before any abnormality could be detected, someone Lu's sword had already stabbed her throat.
At the critical moment of life and death, there was no time to think too much. Mrs. Xiang's eyes went dark and she subconsciously used the Supreme Good as Water. At the same time, a layer of frost formed on her other hand.

In the water part of the Yin and Yang family, one of the two supreme mental dharma is that the supreme good is like water, and the other is that white dew bullies the frost.But just like Xinruo Zhishui and Wanchuan Qiushui in Taoist Tianzong, they are two completely opposite ways of luck.

Xiaomeng is extremely talented, and at a young age she can master both Xinruo Zhishui and Wanchuan Qiushui. Mrs. Xiang is not as talented as her, but she has also mastered the two water techniques of the Yin Yang family.

With the help of the combined ice shield, even though Mrs. Xiang barely blocked the sharpness of the Sea Swallowing Sword, the sword energy still invaded her body.

"Nv Ying!" When Xiangjun saw the blood on the corner of Mrs. Xiang's mouth when she backed away, he suddenly felt more pain than his own injury. With his hands formed in seals, he no longer retreated and rushed forward to stop Lu Wei's pursuit. .

"Seek your own way!"

Lu Wei laughed ferociously, but ignored Xiang Jun's madness: the Yin and Yang family elders who were supposed to join forces to fight against the enemy were forced to separate directly by him at will. He could not let go of this great opportunity, so he decisively swung his sword and struck again.

After the sword energy passed through the injured Mrs. Xiang's body, the end of the colorless sword energy gained a bit of blood.

Seeing this, Master Xia Kui then responded to the approaching Xiangjun: The earth road has the characteristic of bearing. Man is made of earth. It is born in the earth, stands on the earth, is controlled by the earth, and returns to the earth. The mirage is originally facing Xiangjun. The battle place is unfavorable for Jun, especially after losing Mrs. Xiang's assistance. His strength here is only at the level of Yun Zhongjun.

He slit his throat with his sword and solved the obstacle. Lu Wei had no time to wipe the blood on his sword. He stood on the eaves and swung his sword to cut a gap in the Toad Palace not far away. He used the force of his feet to get into it.
(End of this chapter)

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