Careerist in Qin Dynasty

Chapter 372 Beheading

Chapter 372 Beheading
'The five tones are numerous and complex, and you are happy and happy. '

The Magic Sound Box once stayed in Lu Wei's hands for a period of time. The almost endless music brought by each rotation of its cornices can last through a person's life. If not deliberately, it is impossible for anyone to listen to it repeatedly from its automatic operation. to a piece of music.

But no matter how different the music is, the dreamy feeling of "both fantasy and reality" that belongs to Phantom Sound Box will never change.

The scene in front of them suddenly changed. Lu Wei and Dong Huang looked at each other across a stream from the sky in the endless clouds and mist. The ethereal music could not find its source, as if it came from their minds. Naturally produced and generally smooth.

Focusing his attention on Donghuang, all the wounds that had just been scratched or punctured by Lu Wei disappeared, which directly showed the reality that the two of them were in an illusion at the moment.

Normal illusions should eliminate the factors that would expose oneself as illusions or induce the enemy to ignore them and completely forget about them.

Donghuang is so confident, which proves that he is not worried about Lu Wei being able to see through the flaws and escape from here.
And the fact is also true: no matter how hard Lu Wei tells himself that everything in front of him is false, he will not be wary of this world, but strangely thinks that it is particularly friendly.
At this time, ripples appeared in the stream between the two of them, and a small wooden boat swayed down from the upstream. This unstable 'toy' splashed a string of crystal clear water splashes in the stream, but the water droplets But the stirring sound also sounded in Lu Wei's mind, and the crisp ticking made people couldn't help but look at the stream itself.

With just one glance, Lu Wei recognized that the toy boat was a mirage.

He even saw the scene of Xiao Meng fighting with Chu Nan Gong on the roof of the Toad Palace on the boat. Is this reality happening or...
"How do you feel?" Donghuang stretched out his intact left hand as an invitation to Lu Wei: "We are immortals now!"

His tone was no longer cold, but filled with extra excitement and a hint of condescending contempt: "Don't you think their behavior is ridiculous?"

What Dong Huang was referring to was Xiao Meng and Chu Nan Gong fighting on the small mirage.

"Is this the immortal you imagined?" Lu Wei faced Donghuang's arrogant question, but he sneered and asked indifferently.

"Oh?" Donghuang's enthusiasm was repeatedly poured with the same basin of cold water, and his tone was calm: "There is no chess player who doesn't want to be a chess player."

"Why do you think you are qualified to be an immortal's chess piece?" Lu Wei raised his hand and pointed the tip of the sword back at the leader of the Yin-Yang family. He raised his head and said, "If you become an immortal, you also need to see the chaos of the mortal world for your own entertainment. This cannot bear the word 'immortal'."

Having said that, Master Xia Kui flew across the stream, and the internal energy in his body caused huge waves on the stream, which easily overturned and sank the small mirage. Xiaomeng and Chu Nangong on the small mirage suddenly panicked: However, his behavior was obviously It is impossible to really bring about reality, this is an illusion after all!

This small mirage is a product of Donghuang's imagination based on reality.


Facing the Sea-Swallowing Sword that was stabbing him again, some fear inevitably emerged in Donghuang's heart, but these fears were not revealed at all: "Since you don't want to be a companion, then let's see the power of the immortal!"

Dong Huang casually flicked his outstretched hand, and a sea-swallowing sword energy that should have belonged to Lu Wei appeared out of thin air. The latter was shocked and also used sea-swallowing sword energy to fight, but Lu Wei's own genuine power was not as good as this one. Imitation: After Donghuang's sword energy easily crushed his sword energy, he continued to move forward with unstoppable force.
Blocking with the horizontal sword, this was the first time Lu Wei went to catch his sword energy since he obtained the Sea-Swallowing Sword: Hearing a clang, he flew out faster than when he came in, rolled all the way, and finally half-knelt down with the sword. Only when he stood on the ground could he stop, a stream of blood immediately poured out of his throat, and blood flowed from the corner of Lu Wei's mouth.
It had been a long time since he had experienced real pain. At that moment, he actually felt scared.

"Feel it! This is the power of the immortal." Donghuang lifted off the ground, and the voice under the black gold cloak was deliberately suppressed and calm: "You have one more chance to choose."

As he spoke, Donghuang raised his hand, and the sky suddenly turned black. A blue dragon rushed out from behind the billowing black clouds and let out a deafening roar. Lightning flashed and hovered over his body.The radiance of divinity makes people want to bow down and surrender.
The music of the Void Phantom Sound Treasure Box also turned into a vast and majestic song.

"Really?" Lu Wei lowered his head and looked at the unscathed Sea Swallowing Sword. He slowly stood up and looked up at Donghuang Taiyi who was fused with Qinglong. His fiercely beating heart suddenly calmed down: "Here, it's you. My consciousness is connected to Earth, right?"

The movement of the green dragon around Donghuang froze for an instant. He did not answer the question, but waved his hand again, and slashed towards Lu Wei with a stronger sea-swallowing sword energy with an electric arc.

The connection of consciousness is probably the result of the concrete combination of Taoist sound transmission and illusion methods.

Facing the sword energy that could directly kill him, Lu Wei still had time to think about the composition of Donghuang's methods.

But if you want to complete it, you still need the Phantom Sound Box and the Mirage as the contract. As for the six copper boxes of Canglong Qisu, they must be the origin of the green dragon aura on Donghuang's body at the moment!
After all, one thing is the unchanging truth in the world: illusions are fake after all, and people will not really become stronger or weaker just because they enter the illusion, just like Yun Zhongjun's giant spirit illusion.

However, the point where Dong Huang’s methods are superior to Yun Zhongjun’s is that there are no flaws in his disguise, and since this is the space of consciousness, the strength here is essentially equal to the strength of the subject of consciousness, so it can be carried out based on the subject’s cognition. Adjustment.

The reason why Donghuang Taiyi used the Sea-Swallowing Sword Qi in both attacks was because doubling the amount of inner Qi into this move was the strongest move he knew!
So, it is not difficult to deal with such a Donghuang consciousness, even if it prepares a Canglong copper box for itself as a boost~
The terrifying sword energy stopped instantly when it was only an inch away from Lu Wei, and then, like glass, it collapsed into fragments and fell into the stream.

Under Donghuang's surprised gaze, Lu Wei smiled slightly.

"Little girl, don't be nervous. Old man, I am just a guest who has been raised idle. My legs and feet are not good, so I am not good at fighting and killing."

Facing the murderous Xiao Meng, Chu Nan Gong took a step back politely with a smile: "Besides, I also have some fate with that boy Lu, so naturally I won't be his enemy."

Xiaomeng's gray eyes did not let down her guard because of Chu Nan Gong's show of weakness: she was on the same level as Xunzi, but in front of this sage from Chu, being called a little girl was not looked down upon.

As for what Chu Nan Gong said about not being good at fighting and killing, even if the name of the sage of Chu had not been circulated for decades, he could approach him quietly, even if he was weak, the opponent would not be easy!
Seeing that Xiao Meng did not reply and that the sword energy was still aimed at him, Chu Nan Gong did not care and continued to chat: "Speaking of which, when I first got acquainted with Mr. Lu, he was just an ordinary two-star bead grass from the farmer's family. The disciples will come, that time."

Nangong was caught up in his memories and kept a safe distance from Xiaomeng. He was talking about topics that interested her, so the battle did not start.

In Yunxiao Pavilion, after several attempts to break through the door failed, Shao Siming suddenly pointed to the deeper parts of the palace with leaves formed from his inner energy.

Da Siming looked around and saw that although most parts of Yunxiao Pavilion were in dilapidated condition, there was one wall that had not been damaged in any way, and the murals on the wall were even intact.

Kutama Magatama was ordered not to attack there?Is that the secret room where Yun Zhongjun hides?
Da Siming immediately nodded to Shao Siming clearly, and the two of them had some tacit understanding of cooperation: Shao Siming would shoot the blade first as an alley-oop point, and Da Siming would decisively use his force in her direction. As for the skull-blood handprint without the curse seal, with the help of this impact, Shao Siming successfully evaded the attack of the nine-headed magatama, and rushed towards the location of the mural with his superb lightness skills.

After stepping on the first leaf to gain leverage, Shao Siming thought for a moment before choosing to throw out a leaf vine for Da Siming to trap around her waist, saving her and leading her with them into what was suspected to be Yun Zhongjun's secret room. place
In the Toad Palace, Lu Wei's consciousness returned to his body after defeating Donghuang.

When he opened his eyes again, the Toad Palace still looked damaged after the war. The Donghuang standing there also had a torn cloak and a pierced palm that was bleeding profusely.
The cold feeling of the Sea Swallowing Sword in his hand made him come back to his senses very quickly. After his consciousness and body reconnected, he decisively flew forward and slashed at the neck of the leader of the Yin Yang Family.
(End of this chapter)

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