Careerist in Qin Dynasty

Chapter 373 Crazy 9-Headed Magatama

Chapter 373 The Crazy Nine-Headed Magatama

Driven by Amu, the mechanical water snake successfully caught up with the parked mirage. It was not very far from Songhai City, but they could no longer see each other.

Quietly approaching the edge of the mirage, a circular opening opened in the core egg cabin of the water snake. Four figures emerged one after another and climbed up along the ship wall. They used the Fuso sacred tree as a marking point. After arriving at their destination, they slid down the trunk of the sacred tree. Then he entered the interior of the mirage.

"This is the vestibule. After we pass through the Five Elements Maze in this direction and leave here to reach the deck, we can see the Toad Palace."

Ji Yan raised her hand and pointed in a direction. Although her reputation in the world was much smaller than that of the Qilu Three Heroes, she was the only one who knew the layout of the mirage during tonight's operation, so she was the commander-in-chief of this team of backup.

"Master Ji, please lead the way. Tonight is a big drama between the farmers and the Yin Yang family. As a facilitator, Confucian will obey the arrangements."

Fu Nian nodded and calmly emphasized Xiaoshengxianzhuang's position again.

"Master, you're welcome, then let's..." Ji Yan smiled and was about to announce the start of the operation when a muffled sound and vibration suddenly came from the soles of his feet, followed by a slightly chaotic crackling noise that lasted for a while.

Judging from the sound, the location of the abnormal movement was several layers of space away from them.
"Is this?" This movement made the four of them solemn. Zhang Liang looked at Ji Yan, guessing that she knew the reason for such a shock on the mirage.

The mirage is no smaller than the vastness of Songhai City, and the scale of such a sensation is definitely not something ordinary human beings can produce.

"It should be that the Nine-Headed Magatama of the Gongshu Family was attracted. It is a giant mechanism beast that is not inferior to the Mohist Blue Dragon in size. It is probably located in the Yunxiao Pavilion under the alchemy room of the Mirage Tower!" Ji Yan had no reason to hide it from the three of them. What's more important now is who Kuzu Magatama is attacking.
According to the agreement, Brother Lu once said that he would try his best to choose the battlefield in Toad Palace, but this choice actually depends more on Donghuang's behavior.

Realizing that everyone's eyes were focused on him, Ji Yan knew that he had to make a decision: whether to continue going to the Toad Palace as promised or to make a temporary change and go to Yunxiao Pavilion.

"The plan may have changed. No matter whether Yunxiao Pavilion has now become a decisive battle site, the target who will be attacked by the Nine-Headed Magatama will be ours even if it is not the hero!"

This decision is not difficult to make. The most taboo situation for them now is indecisiveness and hesitation, but this shortcoming does not exist in Ji Yan: "Let's go to Yunxiao Pavilion, and I will lead the way!"

In Yunxiao Pavilion, Young Master Siming made the correct judgment and successfully broke into the gloomy Yunzhongjun Pill Experimental Factory, finally finding a solid place to stay.

The smell and atmosphere here were very bad, but the two of them could no longer care about it. They looked expectantly at the nine-headed magatama outside, hoping that the machine beast would stop because it lost its target.

But the overbearing machine technique emphasizes leaving no escape route: not only leaving no escape route for the enemy, but also leaving no escape route for yourself!

Kutama Magatama was instructed to kill all enemies and protect the dark room.

It is not known whether the task of destroying the enemy has been achieved, but the failure of the darkroom protection is an established fact.

After the failure of the program, Gongshu Qiu did not install it at all. The machine beast simply followed the most basic plan: since it cannot be protected, then completely destroy it by yourself without leaving any evidence!
So under the gaze of Young Master Siming, the eighteen red eyes of the Nine-Headed Magatama became brighter, and Snake Xin also speeded up his swallowing speed.

It no longer had any scruples and unleashed its full power, hitting the mural with only a small gap with its whip tail. As a result, it not only destroyed the mural, but the aftermath also spread unstoppably into the secret room.
The eldest and young Siming had to jump up again to avoid it. However, the eldest and young Siming's lightness skills were not as good as the young's. Siming was almost cut in half by the snake's sharp blade. Fortunately, the leaves and vines wrapped around her waist had not been untied yet. Saved again.

The force of the attack by the Nine-Headed Magatama was astonishing. Except for the two Simings who dodged, all Yun Zhongjun's medicinal products and potion jars in the secret room were all shattered into mud.
The scene in the entire secret room was not only dusty and messy, but also even more disgusting.

But compared with these, what Young Master Siming is more concerned about is: how long he can persist.

Because after this blow, the nine-headed magatama also poked in the nine snake heads.

In a small space, Kutama Magatama is indeed not flexible enough, but accordingly they cannot make any mistakes.
Outside Yunxiao Pavilion, Ji Yan and Qi Lu arrived at their destination smoothly without encountering any obstacles.

I don't know where the Yin Yang family disciples and the Qin army went. There were only some boys and girls guarding the alchemy room. They were subdued by their acupoints and then thrown aside.

Standing in this position, they could hear the horrific sound of the Nine-Headed Magatama wreaking havoc in Yunxiao Pavilion. Through a huge bronze door, the four of them could imagine what kind of giant Nine-Headed Magatama would be. beast.

"It can't be opened by ordinary means, but if it's Brother Lu, he will definitely not let himself fall into this situation where there is no way out."

Zhang Liang stepped forward, endured the trembling of Yunxiao Pavilion, knocked on the sealed bronze door, and said in a positive tone. "But we still can't ignore this place." Fu Nian straightened his face and had his own judgment on the situation in Yunxiao Pavilion: "There is too much movement inside. The walls of this Yunxiao Pavilion are inlaid with metal to ensure absolute safety. , but they won’t be able to hold on for long if this continues.”

Looking at the continuous cracks in the wall of Yunxiao Pavilion, Fu Nian said firmly: "Once the Nine-Headed Magatama breaks out, this ship will be completely destroyed by it. We can't let this happen when the Emperor's Eastern Patrol is about to arrive! "

"Yes, Xia Kui's plan will be ruined." Ji Yan agreed with this point of view.

"Are we going to go in and subdue the Nine-headed Magatama?" Yan Lu was a little worried: "I'm afraid it won't be easy to do."

"At least let it be quiet." After saying that, Fu Nian pulled out the Tai'a sword.

The head brother moved, and Yan Lu and Zhang Liang stopped talking and silently took out their own Hanguang and Lingxu.

Tai'a Sword ranks third in the Fenghu Sword Book, Hanguang is one of Kong Zhou's three swords, ranking No. 16, and Ling Xu is tenth. The three masters of Qi and Lu all hold the three swords of the famous sword in one strike, even if it is The solid metal door will also be opened for personnel to enter and exit.

"Since we guess that Brother Lu is not here, Hall Master Ji might as well continue to go to the Toad Palace to provide support. Just leave this place to our senior brothers!"

During the charging stage, Fu Nian solemnly spoke to Ji Yan.

Ji Yan did not shirk. She nodded silently and turned around to go back the way she came: her Jing Salamander Sword was not able to cope with the situation in Yunxiao Pavilion, so she might as well do more important things.


Blood spewed out.

Even the supreme Donghuang of the Yin Yang family will die if he is killed.

After Lu Wei performed the last hit as usual to confirm that Donghuang Taiyi was dead, he did not give priority to being curious about his true body. Instead, he first picked up the Phantom Sound Treasure Box and the six Canglong Copper Boxes.

Lu Wei had no doubts about the fact that the Magic Sound Treasure Box was obtained from the Mo family's forbidden area. As for why there were six Canglong copper boxes, he could also imagine it.

The Yin and Yang family could only get four boxes at most. The one from Wei was in Daze Mountain, and the ones from Qin and Qi were supposed to be in the hands of Ying Zheng. Donghuang probably asked for them on the grounds of seeking immortals. come over.

With the gathering of six copper boxes and the assistance of the Phantom Sound Box, Donghuang forcibly unlocked some of the secrets of Canglong Qisu and applied the results to the consciousness war that just ended.

Based on this, Donghuang will not lose to anyone in such a situation. This is how it should be. After everyone reaches a certain level, there will not be much difference in vision, and with the blessing of Qinglong, Donghuang is invincible.

But his enemy is Lu Wei.

The knowledge in another world allowed Lu Wei to imagine that the scene was so grand that it would take Donghuang another 2000 years to catch up, so he would lose and be killed in reality.

As soon as Donghuang died, all other backup plans he prepared failed. Lu Wei acted decisively and ended everything before Donghuang's consciousness could recover.

The Yin Yang family is his now~
Carrying the Phantom Sound Box alone with him frightened Donghuang to some extent, and he had to keep it personally.

As for the copper boxes of Canglong Qisu, they might be a hidden danger for farmers who are preparing for an uprising. Just wait until the mirage returns and throw them all into the sea at a distance!

Now he has to go to Sakura Prison to release Yueshen, Dongjun, Xinghun and the others. The aftermath work in the mirage still needs one of them to pretend to be Donghuang.

After leaving the Toad Palace in a relaxed manner, Master Xia Kui saw Xiao Meng and Chu Nan Gong under the Toad Palace at a glance. The two people were indeed in this position, but they did not fight.

It seems that the scene in his consciousness is the follow-up of Donghuang's simulation after sensing the aura on the mirage.

As soon as Lu Wei landed while thinking about it, Ji Yan also came from a distance.
(End of this chapter)

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