Careerist in Qin Dynasty

Chapter 374 Beheading

Chapter 374 Beheading
The method of sitting and forgetting is invincible, and the Lingxu sword is exquisite and elegant.

Although Yan Lu and Zhang Liang are not weak in strength, they are actually about the same as Ji Yan. They can only serve as assistants when dealing with the Nine-Headed Magatama: the original intention when forging the sword was not to fight against the machine beast. within consideration.

As a majestic sword, the Tai'a Sword has huge power, and only Fu Nian has the strength to confront the Nine-Headed Magatama head-on for a short period of time.

Eldest and Youngest Siming waited for an unexpected helper, but the two of them couldn't take care of that much. The key was to deal with the metal giant beast first. Although they were weak, they could each entangle a small snake head.

The method to solve this mechanical beast is obviously not something that humans can do directly. However, with the help of the terrain of Yunxiao Pavilion, if they can push the nine-headed magatama out of the secret room and let it fall to the bottomless platform after it is destroyed, it will be exposed. The abyss, with the help of height will definitely paralyze it.

This requires some tricks.

Fu Nian, Yan Lu and Zhang Liang exchanged glances as they exchanged bodies, and gradually lured the Nine-Headed Magatama to the edge of falling. As for the eldest son Siming on the other side, the two women were attracted by the main force of the Nine-Headed Magatama when someone broke in. After the offensive, the pressure was greatly reduced and they had more time to think. They also understood the intentions of the three heroes of Qi and Lu, and cooperated willingly.

With the joint efforts of many people, the shortcomings of the Nine-Headed Magatama are gradually exposed: This giant machine beast has nine heads but only one body. Once multiple snake heads have targets to attack, competition will occur, resulting in a huge The body moves more slowly.

Even if the largest snakehead in the middle has the highest control, after each snake body stalemate, the snakehead in the middle will still execute the final order. However, the stalemate time caused by the competition gave Fu Nian and others a critical opportunity to make adjustments.

As the battle lasted, Zhang Liang observed and even discovered at the end how to use different snake heads to compete for the body to achieve his own goals, and loudly gave orders to his senior brother and eldest son.

After a lot of hard work, they finally pushed themselves back to the edge of the fall, while the Nine-Headed Magatama was curling up and preparing to eject its body.

The eyes of this giant machine beast were too red, and the color gradually turned to pitch black.

"Be prepared." Fu Nian stood in the middle and reminded seriously.

His words lasted only three breaths, and the nine-headed magatama huddled in the 'narrow' space burst out at lightning speed, like an arrow that was shot tightly, making it difficult to react.

Fu Nian accurately took a step forward at the moment before the Nine-Headed Magatama was about to explode, and performed the "Yao Yao Ru Ye" in the Holy King's Sword Technique. The sword was spread out with all its strength, gaining the key to activate Qing Gong for his junior brother and the young master Siming who was meeting him for the first time. Dodging the opportunity, he himself spit out a large mouthful of blood due to the terrifying force of the shock the moment the Nine-Headed Magatama hit him. He was then knocked out of the secret room by the machine beast and slammed against the iron wall in the opposite direction.
If this blow was carried out, he would definitely be crushed into a pile of minced meat by the Nine-Headed Magatama. However, since Fu Nian dared to do this, in addition to being responsible, he was also confident that he could escape at a small cost.

The Holy King's sword technique changed from horizontal to vertical. Fu Nian's dazzling clothes were washed away by the air waves and stopped. Then his firm eyes took all the eighteen eyes of the dead Hydra into the pupil reflection, and then resolutely put the sword Pointed at this impossible enemy.

Tai'a's majestic sword power was like Mount Tai descending. Fu Nian's mighty and unyielding power to protect the weak perfectly fit the attributes of this sword. He used this sword power to adjust his direction, actively approached the terrifying snake head, avoided the snake letter's binding and stepped on it lightly. , and successfully escaped from the Nine-Headed Magatama offensive.

With this trend, Kutama Magatama couldn't hold back his strength and hit the iron wall, then fell into the abyss!
At the entrance of the secret room, Yan Lu and Zhang Liang, who were hiding, let out a sigh of relief when they saw their senior brother out of danger. However, the result did not develop as they imagined.
It is true that the ejection of the Nine-Headed Magatama cannot change the direction, but the intensity of this force is beyond their imagination: just hearing a bang, everyone in Yunxiao Pavilion felt their brains go blank for a while, tinnitus continued, and the intensity of the noise was almost shocking their eardrums. After jumping up and inserting the sword into the ceiling, Fu Nian was already suffering from internal injuries after receiving the blow. This time it stimulated him even more and he vomited blood again, his face turned pale.Even the entire mirage trembled slightly because of this action.
Looking at the Nine-Headed Magatama, its largest head actually opened a big hole in the wall with a metal plate in it. Half of the largest snake head passed through its neck, and the entire snake body was violently violent. Struggling, the eight snake heads still in Yunxiao Pavilion bit hard at the cracks in the wall: it wanted to squeeze itself out of Yunxiao Pavilion!

not good!

Both Fu Nian and Zhang Liang were shocked. Once the Nine-headed Magatama escapes from here, it will be like a dragon entering the sea, and it will be difficult to restrain it!
Thinking of this, Fu Nian endured the pain, drew his sword and jumped down to cut off the neck of the largest snake head, but this jumping slash only left a cut of less than two inches on the neck of the nine-headed magatama.
Each snake joint on the main body of the Nine-Headed Magatama is ten feet thick.
If this continues, I don't know how many swords it will take to cut off the snake's neck. What's more terrible is that the nine-headed magatama has two snake heads that are distracted and aim their attacks at Fu Nian, who is falling on him.
"Senior brother!" Yan Lu and Zhang Liang reacted and hurriedly tried to rescue them, but someone was faster than them.

At the gap in the front door that was originally opened by the three heroes of Qi and Lu, a figure in green robe quickly got in. He jumped several times out of thin air and reached a higher position than the nine-headed magatama stuck and struggling. The sword drawn in his right hand flashed with white light, which made Tai'a They were all helpless and turned the snake's neck roughly, and it was immediately cut in two!
With a click, the entire body of the machine beast froze, and the remaining eight snake heads twisted and fell straight into the abyss that could not be seen at the bottom. Fu Nian was about to fall down together with the snake body, but was pulled in time by the man in green robes. live.

"Brother Lu." Fu Nian recognized the identity of the person from the light of the sword. Lu Wei nodded slightly. The strength he had accumulated could no longer support him back to the secret room platform. Fortunately, at this time, Shao Siming took action and threw out a few pieces. The onmyoji leaves reached his feet, and with the help of his strength and the support of his strong inner energy, the hero quickly brought the head of the Little Sage Village back to the crowd.

"Looks like I'm here just in time."

After handing Fu Nian back to Yan Lu and Zhang Liang, Lu Wei sheathed his sword and looked at the elder Siming. After being out of danger from the nine-headed magatama, the elder Siming slowed down and recognized that this was the enemy this time. Just as he was about to subconsciously warn her, she Shao Siming behind him was the first to tap his acupuncture points.

"Hmm" Da Siming groaned, and then Shao Siming planted the Corpse God Curse Gu, blocking all the Yin and Yang techniques.

Don't worry about Da Siming's complicated mood now. After the enemy's hidden danger was subdued, Lu Wei withdrew his gaze with satisfaction and said to the three heroes of Qilu: "The matter on the mirage has been generally resolved. The deck is safe now. Let's leave here first." Bar."

"But it's up to Lu Xiakui to make the decision." Zhang Liang answered with a hint of respect in his tone, no longer claiming to be a friend.


Yan Lu, Zhang Liang and Fu Nian, and Shao Siming and Da Siming returned to the deck first. Master Xia Kui, who was left behind, looked at the abyss where the nine-headed and eight-headed magatama fell, and then at the abyss left above. But the biggest snakehead whose eyes dimmed again knew that Yunxiao Pavilion was completely destroyed, but fortunately it couldn't be seen from the outside.

After returning to Hong Kong, you only need to repair the small gap in the Toad Palace. This mirage is still [-]% new~
Now, I am going to release Luna and the others.

Following the floor plan in my memory, I came to Zibei Water Pavilion. The onmyoji traps here have not yet been lifted, but without human control, the threat of these traps is greatly reduced.

After breaking the trap and taking out the Moon God forehead ornament obtained in the Crescent Moon Palace, abnormal onmyoji aura fluctuations immediately appeared on the glass of the water tank in the Zibei Water Pavilion.

In the Sakura Prison, the standing Moon God sensed the abnormality outside, and the corners of his mouth subconsciously raised slightly.
(End of this chapter)

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