Careerist in Qin Dynasty

Chapter 377 The white bird is stained with blood

Chapter 377 The white bird is stained with blood
There were two most notable owners of Huangshi Tianshu before Chu Nan Gong, one was Emperor Xuanyuan, and the other was Jiang Ziya.

There is no need to say more about the story of these two people. Now that Lu Wei has obtained it, he can't help but become curious about the content of this volume.

Speaking of which, Lu Wei actually still has an ancient bamboo slip. Although it cannot reach the level of the Huangshi Heavenly Book, it is still very cherished, and that is Le Yi's Yongba War Book.

Just by hearing the name of Yongba's Book of War, you can tell that the content must be related to the art of war, while the Huangshi Book of Heaven focuses on the word "Heaven".

Chu Nangong taught countless talents during his decades of career. In recent years, he taught Han Xin and gave him a gift Zhong Lijuan. He helped the Yin and Yang family find the whereabouts of Tianming in advance and gave guidance to the young master of the Xiang family. Although Chu had three households, he died. Qin Bichu and other matters are all based on the grasp of heaven's secrets.

Now, the reason why this little old man did not hand over the Huangshi Heavenly Book to Lu Wei until now was probably because of the request of the 'Heaven's Secret' he saw.

So according to my own speculation, if I unfold this bamboo slip, I can get the secret?

In the farmer's Songhai stronghold, Lu Wei's eyes flickered, and he closed all the doors and windows in the room alone, lighting only a candle for lighting. There was a sense of ritual, but he didn't know what the result would be.

Press the Yellow Stone Heavenly Book with your palm, and then gently move it to the side.
Closing the bamboo slips with both hands, Ying Zheng asked in a deep voice outside the carriage: "Where is the front?"

"Your Majesty, you will enter the suburbs of Mount Tai in another hour. You will rest in the palace at the foot of the mountain tonight and worship again tomorrow."

The old eunuch's voice reached his ears through the carriage. The crown on Ying Zheng's head swayed slightly as the carriage moved, but the whole thing was still stable.

The carriage was not suitable for wearing such a trivial instrument, but after receiving the report from Luowang, His Majesty the Emperor suddenly ordered someone to fetch it for unknown reasons.

Your Majesty’s Sacred Heart, how dare ordinary people ask more questions and guess more.

"Let the front team drive slower and send more scouts to increase the warning area."

"As ordered."

"Oh, are they going to assassinate the Holy Frame in the outskirts of Mount Tai? It would be smarter than placing the assassination location in Mount Tai."

Zhao Gao stood proudly alone at the foot of the main hall stairs of the palace at the foot of the mountain, staring directly at the only seat above. The longing in his eyes was obvious, but he did not sit on it after all.

Outside the palace, there were the Six Sword Slaves guarding both sides and the Luowang spy members who were kneeling to report.

"Lord Zhanri believes that the key to the assassination plan organized by the Mo family lies in whether Qinglong can play a key role. Therefore, if you want to acquiesce, you cannot attack Qinglong. If you want to stop it, you must interrupt Qinglong's activation in advance."

"He sees things very clearly~" Zhao Gao believed that he had a very accurate grasp of Xiaoyaozi's mind: "I just don't know if he can see through his own life and death."

"You go ahead, stick to the original plan, and let me watch a good show~"

Hey, as his words fell, the Six Sword Slaves outside the door disappeared without a trace together with the spy member, leaving only Zhao Gao in the empty hall.

His blood-red pupils were filled with a strange light, and he couldn't help but take a few steps forward, but the moment he was about to step onto the stairs, his face struggled.

After hesitating for a long time, the mentality of 'dare not' still has the upper hand.
The Mohist Qinglong is huge, even if it is a later-made smaller version.

Before the emperor's car arrived, the area around Mount Tai had been subject to strict inspections. Any suspicion would be eliminated. The only way to hide such a big guy was to bury it underground.

In the dense forest, Xiaoyaozi was holding the Xueji Sword at this time, and Zhanri was handed over to Tian Guang in the dark.

Although another Chisongzi has also arrived near Mount Tai, he doesn't like the heavy-killing weapon of Hiding the Sun. When given a choice, Chisongzi would rather take an ordinary long sword, which will not affect his strength. influential.

As for the problem of Tian Guangxi not being used to hiding the sun, this former peasant warrior has been in the world for many years and is not limited to the characteristics of weapons.

But this also shows one thing: Tian Guang does not reject killing. It seems that his heart is more ruthless than what he sees.

Xiaoyaozi closed his eyes and blinked away those distracting thoughts. He ignored Gai Nie, Wei Zhuang, Gao Jianli and others around him. Instead, he turned around and looked at the unlucky guys who followed him this time: Tao Zhi, Kuang Xiu, Mo Family Among the commanders still alive, there were only a few who could fight.

Chi Lian and Wu Shuang are two functional masters who are useless on the other side of the quicksand.

Xiang Liang, Long Qie, Ji Bu, the Xiang clan of Chu State had no one left.

In addition, there are Yanzhao rangers like Han Guang, Li Liang, Kuai Tong and others. It cannot be said that these people have no ability, but Xiaoyaozi cannot confirm whether these people are really just rangers. As long as one of them is not trustworthy, then None of it is believable.

As for the remaining ordinary disciples of the Mo family, Xiang family, and Liusha, they can only make up the numbers and will not play any important role in this plan.

With this kind of power, relying only on their words, without the main force of Luo Wang and Shadow Guards, the Six Sword Slaves alone could nip the Blue Dragon Assassin Qin plan in the bud.

The overall situation still relies on those 'leader-level' characters to be heroes.
With so many thoughts in his mind, Gao Jianli looked at the sun and said, "The Tyrant's frame will arrive in two hours. Everyone, be prepared, Qinglong will appear soon."

Everyone present was very excited about the mass assassination operation, but if you observe carefully, you can find that the leaders such as commanders, kings, and generals are slightly sad.

After all, these people are not professional actors, and the city government is far from adequate to face such a scene.

Xiaoyaozi sighed in his heart. Fortunately, he still had Chisongzi and Tian Guang hidden.

Boom, suddenly, a scream almost pierced the sky, which immediately attracted everyone's attention:
They saw a huge white bird flapping its wings and taking off in the distant forest. During this period, the white bird's pure feathers were gradually dyed red. It seemed that it was attacked and had to fly away far away.

In the last scene, its whole body was already half red
This scene made everyone in the anti-Qin alliance look embarrassed: it was Liusha Baifeng's mount, and as expected, it was ambushed far away in advance and ready to support at any time.

Now, before the assassination begins, Bai Feng has already withdrawn from the battle, which means that the assassination of Qin has actually been exposed.
"Everyone, we have no way out now. Even if we retreat immediately, Tyrannical Qin may have already deployed a dragnet around the perimeter. Only with a successful assassination can we hope to plunge the Qin army into chaos. It is also our hope to escape after completing our great mission. .”

After Xiaoyaozi completely disappeared the half-red and half-white bird, he used his inner energy to spread his voice into everyone's ears: "We are here for the sake of the common people in the world!"

Bai Feng is indeed a backup retreat force, but it is completely predictable how many people a white bird can take away. Most of the people present are not qualified to leave on the white bird.

So after thinking about this, nothing else has changed except the bad news that has been exposed.

Now, the most important thing they need to do is to hide these critical two hours to avoid being discovered by the Qin army. Ying Zheng's chariot will arrive in two hours.

With Ying Zheng's character, he would not run away in despair just because he knew someone was going to assassinate him. This was the only chance for the anti-Qin alliance.

The song and figure of the huge white bird were really eye-catching, and the news of its injury and death was conveyed to Ying Zheng half an hour later.

The mob lost their trump card to escape from the very beginning, but His Majesty the Emperor showed no change in his expression: this seemed to him to be a matter of course.

How could the huge empire he had built by himself not be able to cope with even an assassination operation that detected clues in advance?
'The Qinglong Project was established by you, right? '

Ying Zheng sat upright and fixed his eyes on an inconspicuous city on the Daqin territory posted on the side of the carriage: Chen Ying.

'You are dead, but they are still restless. This time I witnessed the demise of your plan that you had planned for 20 years. From then on, all your existence is meaningless. '

'By then, you will be completely dead! '

Just when Ying Zheng was reminiscing about his old friend, a roar suddenly occurred not far from his carriage. The sound was so loud that the horses in the entire convoy were thrown into chaos, and the carriage carriage suddenly began to tremble violently.

Outside the carriage, the Qin troops guarding along the way were shocked to find a giant machine beast standing up from the side forest.

The assassination took place under unexpected circumstances.
(End of this chapter)

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