Careerist in Qin Dynasty

Chapter 378 Decoy

Chapter 378 Decoy
According to etiquette, the emperor drives six cars and the ministers drive four.Therefore, the Qinglong Ben controlled by Master Ban only needs to launch an attack on the most luxurious carriage in the emperor's fleet, which is pulled by six horses to definitely kill Ying Zheng.

However, perhaps because this common sense was too conspicuous, the emperor's fleet was actually equipped with multiple auxiliary vehicles and six drivers this time, so Qinglong had to make a choice.

Choose the right one and the tyrant will be killed in one blow.

Wrong choice. I wonder if there is a second chance to attack.
Before launching the attack, Gai Nieweizhuang used his knowledge of Qimen Bagua to try to analyze which six-carriage was most likely. However, this time the layout of the convoy was based on King Wen Houtian Bagua and added a separate change of Yin and Yang, making each The positions of six cars are equally likely.

The origin of Onmyoji and King Wen’s Bagua are closely related, but they are not completely equal after all.The disciples of Guigu are well-informed, but their understanding of the core knowledge of other schools of thought is not deep enough.

In the end, it was Gai Nie who pointed Qinglong to a goal based on his understanding of Ying Zheng.

The green dragon hiding in the ground suddenly burst out of the ground, opened its mouth and fired out an explosive bomb. The six-carriage carriage, horses, grooms, and serving eunuchs were all broken into tiny pieces by the trajectory of the projectile.
The anti-Qin alliance did not know whether the killing was completed, so Qinglong immediately adjusted its direction and aimed at other suspected six-horse carriages.

After a panic in the early stage of the guarding Qin army, they immediately rushed towards Qinglong in an organized and fearless manner. The crossbows and various guard mechanism beasts prepared in the convoy were also assembled intensively. The red dragon signal bomb was launched into the air, and the entire army The legions act in an orderly manner according to their respective responsibilities.

Does such a performance mean that their Emperor is still safe?
Secretly, Gai Nie Weizhuang and others' hearts sank, and they all came out of hiding and rushed forward.

However, due to the small number of people, they did not charge into the formation and kill the generals, but only guarded Qinglong, the mechanism, to ensure that Qinglong could deal with it safely.

Qinglong has ten explosive bombs. If you fire them all, you can destroy ten six-horse carriages. This is the only chance to assassinate Qin!

In the control room of Qinglong Chest, Master Ban tensed his nerves, and the second explosive bomb was not fired for a long time: he was observing.

Observe which carriage has the most guards around it in the face of danger!

However, Qin's guards were prepared to do everything possible. Shadow secret guards and snare killers in uniform appeared around each six-carriage.

I'm afraid even the Qin troops who were guarding them didn't know which carriage Ying Zheng was in.
No more hesitation!Looking at the Qin army pressing closer and closer, Qinglong fired a second explosive bomb, destroying a carriage again.

Ying Zheng's face turned completely dark as he listened to the fierce explosions outside. He stretched out his hand to hold the hilt of the Tianwen Sword, which ranked first in the sword manual at his waist:

There's something wrong with Luo Wang's intelligence!
The power of this so-called mechanism Qinglong is actually so great!

As the first emperor of the world, his life is really threatened today!

Six Sword Slaves led the main force of the snare and rushed to the ambush point reported by Zhen Ri based on the information from the intelligence members.

Asking the subordinates at the killing level and the earth level to stop at a distance, the six of them concealed their presence and approached the gathering place of the anti-Qin alliance and the organization Qinglong.

Gai Nie, Wei Zhuang, Gao Jianli, Xiaoyaozi.
Great, the main goals are all in place.

Zhen Gang's sharp eyes carefully scanned the tense atmosphere of the targets, and he hesitated slightly.

Everyone is here, but it's a little too crowded.

If Zongheng just adds a Mohist giant and Six Swordsmen who dare not guarantee victory, but are barely afraid, but if Xiaoyaozi is added to the mix, the result will be different.

Although Xiaoyaozi is hiding the sun, this hiding sun is also the target they want to kill this time.
What Zhen Gang was worried about was that Xiaoyaozi rebelled first before they took action against Xiaoyaozi. In this case, the plan to assassinate Qin might be a trap for Luowang instead of actually assassinating Qin.

This should have been an issue that Zhao Gao should consider, but now it is up to Zhen Gang to make his own judgment.

'CRRC Fu ordered the results of the mission'

However, too much thinking is too much in the face of the iron law of this trap.

Thinking of this, Zhen Gang gave Zhuan Po Mie Hun a look, and the two women nodded and quietly closed the distance to Gao Jianli, who was in the anti-Qin alliance.

As the diversionary role in the team, they can be the initiators of an assassination.Zhen Gang planned to kill the Mohist giant instantly, and then send a gathering signal to the surrounding killers, and asked Xiaoyaozi to besiege Zongheng together, thus wiping out this rebellious group.

As for why the primary target is Gao Jianli, this is of course because compared to anyone in Zongheng, they have the highest probability of success in attacking Gao Jianli!
Xiaoyaozi's control over his back in the forest was much higher than Liu Jian Slave imagined: the moment Liu Jian Slave arrived, he already knew the result through the sound transmission with Chi Songzi.

'The hiding here can't last any longer. As long as Six Sword Slave takes action, he will find that this place is just a false ambush site.'

'The key is to drag down the snare and create opportunities for assassination operations. '

Xiaoyaozi calmly glanced at the "Zongheng" and "Gao Jianli" not far away, then looked at the neat Qin army on both sides of the main road and the no trace of the convoy at the end of the road. He suddenly turned around and said: "Send Qinglong in advance." Open up and get ready.”

Chi Lian, Kuang Xiu and others were moved when they heard this, but they didn't show it on their faces. They only made gestures to their subordinates to let them follow orders.

In the dark, Zhen Gang saw that the anti-Qin alliance in the forest pulled down the mechanism lever under a certain tree, and the originally normal surface began to slightly open to both sides. The moment the powerful head of the mechanism Qinglong appeared, he decisively waved his sword energy to control the machine. The disciples of the organization were killed.

We can't let Qinglong come out!
This anomaly shocked the Anti-Qin Alliance. Everyone saw the direction of the sword energy alerting them. At the same time, Zhuan Po Miehun, who had already arrived at Gao Jianli's position, immediately threw out the thin chain pulled out of the sword hilt to lock Gao Jianli. Gao Jianli suddenly looked flustered, and the strength in his hand was released, causing the 'Shuihan Sword' to be taken away.

It's a little bit smooth to go so smoothly.
Without any time to think, Zhen Gang drew out his broad sword and flew up from the tree to swing at Gao Jianli, who had lost his weapon.

Among the other sword slaves at this time, Luan Shen jumped down from the treetops before him and killed several ordinary disciples to attract the attention of the rebels. Duan Shui drew his sword from the side to seal Gao Jianli's dodge position, and the sprite released a small signal flare to summon him. The Qin army on the main road and the snare killers in the forest were vigilant in the direction of Guigu, ready to interfere with their rescue at any time.

Hey, before the Zhengang Sword had even arrived, Duanshui, who was acting as a blockade, easily cut off the bewildered 'Mo giant' in two with one strike.
'This is not the real Gao Jianli! '

Zhen Gang's eyes widened and he made an accurate judgment in his heart, but he had no time to sheath his sword: Xiaoyaozi was already stabbing him with Xue Ji in his hand.

'Is it still a trap?'

The vertical sword blocked, bang, he felt a deep internal force coming towards him through the Zhengang Sword.

Zhengang and Xiaoyaozi are both heaven-level killers in the net, but the difference in individual strength is not small.
Fortunately, the support from the other Six Sword Slaves was very fast. The tip of Duanshui's sword that had finished killing the enemy pointed at Xiaoyaozi's vest again, while Zhuanhunjuepo threw out chains on both sides again in an attempt to lock Xue Ji.

Xiaoyaozi knew that he could not withstand the pressure and kill Zhengang, so he sheathed his sword rationally, made a sword finger shape with his left hand, silently recited the Tao Sutra, and turned his inner energy into golden "Xiaoyaoyou" writing floating on the surface of his body.

This move, 'Snow Queen's First Clear', can prevent the attacks of Shuishui and Soul-Destroying Soul.

Hey, after the exchange of moves, in the sky far away from the main road, a red dragon signal flare was launched into the sky, which made the Six Sword Slaves who had re-arranged themselves confused. Looking at the dull "Zongheng", no matter how bad they were at thinking, they immediately understood. The truth: His Majesty the Emperor was attacked, and this is the bait to hold back the main force of the trap!
'Even if Qinglong's assassination fails, the fact that Luo Wang's main force cannot rush to rescue him in time will definitely make Ying Zheng dissatisfied with Zhao Gao! '

'And as long as this seed of dissatisfaction is planted, how long can the uncleanness of the net be hidden from Qin~'

Xiaoyaozi put his sword behind his back, laughed, and said to the Six Swordsmen: "You have been a yellow bird for a long time, and today it's time for you to be a cicada who was plotted against."

"Hiding the Sun! How dare you betray Luo Sheng!" Zhen Gang looked at Chi Lian, Wu Shuang, Kuang Xiu, Daozhi and others who were surrounding him, and shouted out Xiaoyao Zi's identity in a deep voice.

This cry still had some effect. After all, only a few people in the anti-Qin alliance knew Xiaoyaozi's true identity. Surprised looks appeared on some people's faces.

Especially those Jianghu rangers and ordinary disciples, they didn't even know that this place was just a bait, and always thought that they were the main force in assassinating the tyrant.

They are also confused about what is happening now.

Xiaoyaozi stroked his beard and straightened his back: "Oh, sowing discord, the real Qinglong has already launched an attack on the Tyrant's convoy, does Luo Sheng still have time to defeat us and rush over~"

The abnormal movement in the forest attracted the alert Qin troops on both sides of the main road. They were about to surround them, but as soon as the red dragon signal appeared, the black-armored Qin army, gathered by the commanding generals, decisively gave up tracking down the abnormality in the forest and rushed towards the signal location.

The killers of Luo Wang are coming from the forest. Their combined strength can far exceed that of the anti-Qin alliance present, but how much time can they waste here~
When the masked Chisongzi and Tian Guang appeared, the deep auras on their bodies made Liu Sword Slave's heart sink even more.

They had no chance to rescue His Majesty the Emperor who was under attack.
(End of this chapter)

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