Careerist in Qin Dynasty

Chapter 38 Confrontation

Chapter 38 Confrontation
Lu Wei had the idea of ​​'Tian Yan'...oh no, of 'Yan' a long time ago.

Lord Xinling's name has ardent followers in all countries. If you can raise this banner, it will be like a candle in the darkness, attracting countless 'moths' to burn their lives for Lu Wei.

However, before that, he was not sure that he could convince Jing Salamander to defect to him, and he couldn't even find any trace of the mother and daughter.

Therefore, even if he knew that Jing Salamander would eventually choose to commit himself to Tian Meng, he could not always follow the leader of Lieshan Hall.

Originally, Lu Wei thought that the descendant of Lord Xinling would always enter the farmhouse anyway, and he would have many opportunities to interact with her in the future to gain a good impression of her.

But there are two completely different situations when a hostage is in your own hands or in the hands of others. If you have the chance to fight for it, you must take it back!
Today, he learned that Tian Meng's newly deceased wife, combined with the holding of the Autumn Harvest Conference, Lu Wei never wanted to miss the opportunity!

He began to focus all his energy on Lieshantang's sphere of influence, hoping to find the traces of the Frightening Salamander first.

It's a pity that Yamasame Konoha didn't bring Osawayama, otherwise it would be much faster for the four of them to join the search process than for him alone.

A week passed with no results.

Things in Gonggongtang have become busier recently, and he has been assigned some tedious tasks, leaving much less time for personal matters every day.

While Lu Wei was distracted, Tian Zhong worked hard to invite the guests from the headquarters, and they arrived:

Nian Duan, the head of the medical family, and a group of young disciples were invited by Gonggong Hall to treat the peasant disciples.

This can be regarded as a cooperation and exchange between two schools of thought. Most of the farmers' disciples are rough men who don't care about their bodies at all. Coupled with overwork, they have many hidden diseases, big and small.

Doctors themselves have the mission of treating diseases and treating people. There are only two roles for any person in front of them: sick and not sick.

It is not against the purpose of their sect to make a special trip to treat farmers' disciples, not to mention that doctors have to purchase a large amount of basic medicinal materials every year, and the only ones in the world who can meet their needs are farmers.

Both sides benefit from each other.

Despite this, Tian Zhong can actually promote this cooperation, which shows that he does have outstanding abilities.

Even Lu Wei, who was dedicated to searching for the Jing Salamander, learned about this major gang matter. As the manager of the Four-Star Pearl Grass, he was personally checked by the head of Nianduan, and found no disease.

As for the group of young medical disciples, Lu Wei also found out that Duan Murong was not among them.

It is a rough estimate that Duan Murong is several years younger than herself, so it is normal not to bring children to this formal exchange between the two factions.

So Lu Wei no longer paid attention to these doctors and returned to the search for the mother and daughter.

Originally, if this matter hadn't happened, he would have definitely immersed himself in that group of young medical disciples and tried to coax a few of them back to Jicheng.

Although it was a pity that the Amazing Salamander mother and daughter would not definitely appear in Daze Mountain, but as long as there was a possibility, he needed to give 100% for this possibility.

Another two days passed, still to no avail.

On the Gonggong Hall side, Xia Kuai Tian Guang and the other five hall masters also rushed over.

Nianduan's identity and seniority are equal to Tian Guang. Since she personally led the team to Daze Mountain, Tian Guang cannot despise her.

However, as a result, the workload of the young disciples of the medical family increased fivefold.
Naturally, Tian Guang couldn't ignore this. He ordered that only disciples who were clearly injured could come to Gonggong Hall for treatment. Other disciples just wanted to check their bodies and had to wait for all the injured to be treated before they could take their turn.

The doctors planned to stay in Daze Mountain for only one month this time. After all, only a few farmers could receive treatment.

Of course, these have nothing to do with Lu Lai, at least that's what it seems.

But by the time Lu Wei realized that this was related to him, it was already too late.
On this day, Lu Wei spent a whole day searching in an inn in a small town under the jurisdiction of Lieshan Hall in Daze Mountain. Just when he was about to sit down and rest, he saw one of the ten subordinates he had selected before, with an expression on his face. Waiting anxiously in the lobby.

The subordinates saw Lu Wei arriving and hurriedly approached him.Every time before Lu Wei goes out, he will inform his subordinates about the time and place where he will rest and stay, so as to avoid being unable to contact him when something important happens.

Today, this plan actually worked, which means there must be trouble at the headquarters!

"Steward Lu, it's not good! Steward Xu stole the precious medicinal materials from the doctors, and everyone got the stolen goods!" his subordinate whispered into his ear.

"What?" Lu Wei was shocked: "What's going on?"

"I don't know the specific details, but Manager Xu and Manager Tian had a big quarrel this morning."

"I don't know what happened in the afternoon. Hall Master Zhou was very angry and personally led his disciples to arrest Manager Xu, saying that he stole medical materials from doctors and caused the death of a seriously injured disciple who could not get timely medication."

This must be Tian Zhong's conspiracy!
Silently placing a blame on Tian Zhong's head, Lu Wei hurriedly left to return to the Gonggongtang headquarters.

But, right at the door of the inn, a beautiful woman wearing a light yellow dress with light blue silk decoration on her chest walked into the inn holding a little girl.

Lu Wei stopped for an instant and allowed the woman to walk past him.

The incident at Gonggongtang was urgent, but the Jing Salamander who had been looking for it for a long time finally appeared. He turned around immediately without thinking, "You go back first, I have something important to do!"

"Ah yes." Although the subordinates were not as familiar with Sansame Konoha, they had never violated his orders.

The woman in light yellow clothes attracted everyone's attention as soon as she entered the inn: in Daze Mountain, the probability of a young and beautiful woman appearing is smaller than the chance of gold nuggets falling from the sky.

But in the face of the woman's cold and cold attitude, everyone could only be prepared to make a move but did not dare to make a real move.

But Lu Wei was not that discerning. He sat down opposite the woman without ceremony and looked at her eagerly.

In an instant, the peasant disciples around him had the delusion that they could save the beauty heroically, but when they saw the four-star pearl grass on Lu Wei's chest, their thoughts immediately dimmed.

Four-star stewards, and then five-star general managers.

These disciples in the inn, who have participated in the Autumn Harvest Conference for a while, are certainly elites among the first and second stars, but they don't have the courage to confront the stewards, even if they are not from their own ranks.

The woman in light yellow clothes saw the changes in the attitudes of the people around her, and also clearly saw the four-star bead grass on Lu Wei's chest.

Facing the constant gaze, she placed her daughter in her arms on the bench beside her and sat down obediently. She smiled with a cold expression and made a clear voice:

"I don't know, sir, but you want to see the little girl if you have something to do?"

Just hearing this gentle tone, no one could have guessed that the person in front of him was actually a murderer who killed without batting an eye.

Lu Wei looked at the other party's disguise and smiled the same way:
"I'm not looking for a girl, I'm looking for a lost spider~"

Hey, Lu Wei felt that the air around him suddenly became colder.

The smile of Frightened Salamander, who was only two steps away, froze, and the corners of his eyes changed from round to narrow.

The little girl next to her seemed to feel this change and twitched restlessly.

He was surrounded by top-notch murderous intentions from all directions. This was the first time Lu Wei encountered such a fierce aura.

Feixue was ready to activate at any time. Lu Wei raised his hand to take off the four-star pearl grass from his chest, put it on the table, and said calmly:
"My daughter is so cute, but for such a lovely girl, her clothes are a bit thin."

“The temperature drops very quickly in Daze Mountain at night, so don’t get sick~”

(End of this chapter)

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