Careerist in Qin Dynasty

Chapter 39 Questions and Answers

Chapter 39 Questions and Answers
This is Daze Mountain, and the young man in front of me has been the manager of the Four Star Pearl Grass Farm at a young age. His background must be extraordinary!
Yan'er is still young. If I take action against this young man,
Jingyu coldly calculated the gains and losses in her heart, but when she felt her daughter beside her gently tugging on a corner of her clothes, she understood that she could no longer take such easy risks.

"Girl, would you like to be alone with me?"

Lu Wei showed a frivolous smile and walked straight to the door of the inn after saying this. Although his tone was inquiring, he did not give the other party any time to choose.

Jing Salamander had already made a decision while thinking about it. She was also a decisive person. She picked up her daughter again and silently followed the young man.

When the disciples in the inn saw the two leaving, they all sighed with regret. Now they were not even happy~
If we can be promoted to stewards in the future, we will be able to bully men and dominate women as we please!
The town is very small. Not long after leaving the inn, the gate to the town you left is right in front of you.

Seeing that the other party seemed to be taking him out of the town, Jing Salamander became active again: There was no one in the wild, so he could kill this person and escape quickly!

Although this would probably make it impossible for him to join the farm, but this is far more acceptable than the consequences of his identity being exposed!

There is a small forest next to the town. The sun is already setting on the horizon. After entering the forest, the surrounding light is much dimmer.

A trace of murderous intent once again appeared around the woman holding the child.

As a swordsman, Jing salamander took the initiative to abandon his identity before entering Daze Mountain.Without a sword in her hand, she couldn't fully display her strength.

But with the boy in uniform facing away from her, she still had great confidence in being able to quickly deal with her opponent.

Lu Wei had never dared to let down his guard against a top-notch killer. Of course he understood the other party's intention to make a move. The environment in which the two, oh no, three of them were getting along now was something he chose on his own initiative.

"Don't you want to know how I discovered you?"

Lu Wei shrugged his shoulders and said a relaxed voice with his back to Jing Salamander.

The woman's response to his question was a flying attack!
The distance between the two parties was too close. Lu Wei didn't offer any resistance, but Jingli used her legs to restrain her. Then she rolled and fell to the ground.

Pressing against the enemy's back from behind, Frightened Salamander twisted the boy's head with both hands.
Bah, the flying snowflakes exploded in her arms~

not good!Jingli was shocked. As a killer, she had no intention of admiring the beauty of the snow. Instead, she immediately used her inner strength to sense that the direction of Lu Wei's aura was towards Yan'er!
She jumped up, bit her lip, and kicked into a corner of the air.

Bump, it was a collision sound, but the Frightened Salamander could not make the next move and could only stand blankly because:

Lu Wei, who was gasping and swinging her arms, had already held her daughter hostage.

"It is indeed a murder weapon." His arm hurt. Lu Wei estimated that there were bruises under his sleeves. Should he be glad that this woman was not wearing high heels?
Feixue, who is not yet fully accomplished, will still have flaws in front of an enemy of the level of Jing Salamander. If the opponent just had a sword in his hand, it would be very bad.
"It's not easy to hold your scabbard."

Holding the back of the little girl's neck, Lu Wei raised the corner of his mouth: "Now, can we talk properly?"

"What do you want?"

Jingyu was silent, looking at his daughter who was crying and struggling, and said expressionlessly.

"You have lost your sword. Go find your identity and come to Gonggong Hall to find me again."

Lu Wei tucked Yan under his arm, ignored his crying and fussing with his fists, threw his four-star pearl grass to the stopped Jing Salamander, and turned around to leave.

"There are countless farm masters in Gonggongtang, how should I find you!"

"That's your business."

Lu Wei's steps were light, neither fast nor slow, but Jing Salamander did not dare to make the slightest move under his feet. He could only grit his teeth and ask, "What's your name?"

"Lu Wei."

Lu Wei raised his other free hand and waved casually without turning around.

Jing Salamander clenched his fists tightly, his nails turning his palms white until he saw that the other party and his daughter had completely disappeared into the woods, then he turned around as fast as possible and ran away from Daze Mountain.

Sure enough, I can't escape my destined fate?
——————I originally wanted to have a good talk with the other party. After all, words are of great use to me.

If her mother can get along as a 'friend', it will naturally be more stable than coercion.

But the Frightened Salamander obviously hasn't changed its ferocious nature, so it has to temper the opponent's temper.

There is also a big problem with Xu Qiu in Gonggong Hall. His original plan to seize power and defeat Tian Zhong has been scrapped. He must quickly go to Zhou He to check the situation and then re-plan the next move!
As for the crying and fussy little girl in my arms now, it's a pity that I didn't learn acupuncture, so I can only let it bite my clothes.

When I returned to Gonggongtang in the middle of the night, 'Yan' had already fallen asleep due to physical overwork. What can a child understand?
He locked her in his room, then ran to the disciples' rest area and slapped two subordinates awake, and ordered them to watch the door.

Lu Wei himself came to Zhou He's residence and applied for an audience with him.

The request for a meeting was quickly granted. The other party was still awake at this time. It seemed that Xu Qiu's matter was really serious.
After receiving a private interview, Lu Wei was shocked as soon as Zhou He opened his mouth:
"Xu Qiu has been expelled from the farmhouse, and so has Xu Sheng."

"." Things were handled so quickly, which shows.
Lu Wei bent down slightly, clasped his fists and said, "Wei learned from his disciples that Xu Qiu's crime was stealing medicinal materials from a doctor. This must be a conspiracy by Tian Zhong!"

He openly pointed out Tian Zhong's problem, but did not intercede for Xu Qiu, and even changed his title from Pavilion Master Xu to his name.

"Don't talk nonsense if there is no evidence."

Zhou He stared high at the young man's face and said calmly.

"The Xu family is a wealthy businessman who has a monopoly on the wine industry in Yan State, and has a lot of wealth. No matter what medicinal materials you want to buy, you can always buy them, so why bother to steal them!"

"I'm afraid the doctors won't bring the precious things that he can't buy here."

"Besides, if Xu Qiu really stole the medicine, his purpose must be for Xu Sheng."

"However, Xu Sheng's injury happened last year. No matter how anxious he is, it will only take a day or two. Why would Xu Qiu do such a risky thing?"

"And he did things so uncleanly that everyone got the stolen goods!"

Lu Wei explained his doubts one by one, but Zhou He still shook his head:

"Conjecture cannot be the decisive factor in sentencing. It is a fact that everyone gains the stolen goods."

"What the Hall Master said is true." Lu Wei's eyes flashed with a deep look: "For the sake of being the Hall Master, Tian Zhong first framed Manager Zhou Zhang, then cut off Xu Sheng's right hand, and now he went a step further and framed Manager Xu Qiu."

"Shut up!" Zhou He scolded, but Lu Wei remained unmoved and continued:

"His character is such that if he really becomes the hall master, I don't know what kind of unkind and unjust things he can do!"

"If the Tian family whose surname he changed takes charge of three halls, will the other three halls be spared?"

"Presumptuous!" Zhou He said coldly: "How can you, a little steward, be allowed to stir up trouble among the six halls of the farmhouse!"

"On this charge, I can let you follow Xu Qiu back to Yan Kingdom!"

"Everything I say below is for the sake of Gonggongtang and the farmers, and they are not lies!"

Lu Wei was neither humble nor arrogant, and his attitude even became bold.

"Zhou Zhang and Xu Qiu have been deposed successively. Who else can compete with Tian Zhong in Gonggongtang today?" Zhou He suddenly smiled: "You?"

Facing the hall master's questions and answers, Lu Wei held up his chest and looked upright:
"I am indeed at odds with evil!"

(End of this chapter)

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